Vanquish Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome people! Another remaster, this time Platinum games made their way on our current gen of consoles. Let's not kid ourselves - getting platinum in this game is batshit hard. I really mean it. I took me 4 days of intensive training just to finish the last tactical challenge and i barelly made it.
Step 1 - Play on Hard and DO NOT restard any checkpoint when you die. DO NOT use mission select until you finish the whole game. Collect all Pangloss statues.
This step will unlock many trophies. You need to play on Hard difficulty to unlock all difficulty related trophies. Plus, you CANNOT use mission select nor RESTART checkpoint/mission option at all. It is actually easy - when you do die, go to title and continue from there. That will not void the trophy, so make your way through, step by step. You will still die a lot, but it is not hard with this "exploit".
Also, make sure to collect all collectibles as you go - check out the video bellow, you only need 112 Pangloss statues.
Trophies to have in mind while you play
Well, I was only missing some chapter trophies and 100 melee kills. Use melee attacks often to kill as much enemies as you can to ease the grind. Still, it is easy to farm afterwards.
When you finish the game, start new game and choose Casual difficulty. When the game saves, go to title screne and now you can do a mission select to clean up what you miss at this point
Tactical Challenges
This is a living nightmare. Seriously, this is what gives the game 9-9,5/10 difficutly rating. There is no way to cheese it, you need to get good and learn the patterns on each challenge, especially the last one. This will test your patience and ability. Check out the topic for some videos to help you with the hunt.
This can be aquired when you start a new game. Go through all Tutorial missions and finish them to unlock the trophy.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole game without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
You can play the game on Hard difficutly as your first playthrough - it is not hard at all with all checkpoints throughout the game.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
You can play the game on Hard difficutly as your first playthrough - it is not hard at all with all checkpoints throughout the game.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
You can play the game on Hard difficutly as your first playthrough - it is not hard at all with all checkpoints throughout the game.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
You can play the game on Hard difficutly as your first playthrough - it is not hard at all with all checkpoints throughout the game.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole Act without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
You can play the game on Hard difficutly as your first playthrough - it is not hard at all with all checkpoints throughout the game.
I will point out all of these complete missions without chapter select as missable, simply because you need to repeat the whole game without doing the mission select.
Do not use mission select while you play the game. Your first playthrough should be like that and you should have no issues with getting this chain of trophies.
You can play the game on Hard difficutly as your first playthrough - it is not hard at all with all checkpoints throughout the game.
You need to hold every type of weapon while you play. This can be carries through multiple playthroughs, but you should be done with it pretty early.
List of all weapons (guns and grenades):
Assault rifle
Heavy Machine Gun
Lock on laser
Rocket launcher
Disk launcher
Sniper Rifle
EMP grenades
Hand grenades
You will need to upgrade on type of weapon to its maximum capability. You can do so by collecting green upgrades that some enemies leave (hold R1 while having the weapon you want to upgrade equiped). The weapon is maxed out when you get 3 stars as icon in lower right corner.
The other method is to pick up the same type of weapon when your equiped weapon is at its max capacity. You can also trick this by picking up weapon you don't have in your 4 slots and replacing the one you want to upgrade - after that you need to pick up fully loaded type of weapon you dropped and pick up the one you dropped. This can be done pretty soon, around the end of act 2.
This should be your main game mechanic. When you dodge with X, press L2 to activate the AR mode. While in that state, destroy some enemy. Easy.
This should be your main game mechanic. When you dodge with X, press L2 to activate the AR mode. While in that state, destroy 3 enemies. You should aim to kill the red ones, they are the weakest enemies and easy to kill (shoot their heads with Assault Riffle or some other weapon).
To kill enemy with melee, you need to kill them using cirlcle button. You can do this while your "stamina" is full and by doing so it will drain it. Do this as much as you can as you also need 100 for another trophy. This can be grinded easily, simply restart some early checkpoints (Act 1-2, Act 1-3 or so) where multiple red enemies appear. Every kill you do counts and carry over, even if you die or later with chapter select, even on Tactical missions.
To kill enemy with melee, you need to kill them using cirlcle button. You can do this while your "stamina" is full and by doing so it will drain it. Do this as much as you can as you also need 100 for another trophy. This can be grinded easily, simply restart some early checkpoints (Act 1-2, Act 1-3 or so) where multiple red enemies appear. Every kill you do counts and carry over, even if you die or later with chapter select, even on Tactical missions.
When your comrades fall in the battle, they will duck down and you will see green icon above them. Approach them and revive them with square button. This stack on all playthrough, it even counts if you die, restart and in tactical missions.
When your comrades fall in the battle, they will duck down and you will see green icon above them. Approach them and revive them with square button. This stack on all playthrough, it even counts if you die, restart and in tactical missions.
If enemies do heavy damange on you in short time, you will automatically enter AR mode. Time will be slowed down, so aim some red robot heads and make sure you kill 3 of them. Should be very easy.
You dash with holding the L1 button. You need to dash for 40 yards (find some good huge or long area). Make sure to stop before your ARS bar (stamina in lower right) is empty. Should be quite easy.
This should happen naturally. If it doesn't, replay mission 1-3. The Argus boss shoots many missions at you, so make sure you destroy them while they are in the air. Easy one. Enter AR mode to slow the time for easier shooting.
This should happen naturally. If it doesn't, replay mission 1-3. The Argus boss shoots many missions at you, so make sure you destroy them while they are in the air. Easy one. Enter AR mode to slow the time for easier shooting.
Romanov's are bigger version of robots. They come with drills, rocket or flame throwers. You can do this in 5-1 where there are 2 and you can play on Casual difficutly to make it easier.
First, shot at its legs and destroy them both (you can use disk launcher for this). Next, blow up one of its arm and afterwards just finish it with melee (circle button).
This will be aquired while doing Brutality Bonus trophy; check description under that one.
Romanov's are bigger version of robots. They come with drills, rocket or flame throwers. You can do this in 5-1 where there are 2 and you can play on Casual difficutly to make it easier.
Just kill them using melee attacks to unlock this trophy.
You need to destroy 3 robots with hand grenade. This should come naturally - if it doesn't, first tactical challenge is the easiest way to get this; it's even imposible to finish challenges without using this method.
Chicane is the robot that creates a wall barricade. One can be found at the top of tower in 3-7, or second wave in tactical challenge 5. Simply throw grenade at him/them so that it kills it/them and the trophy is yours.
In your left slot you have EMP grenades and Hand grenades. Change with left D-pad button. Simply throw one to stun the enemies and kill them in that state. This should come naturally.
You can do this in 2-1 (LFE gun is at the entrance on the right). Simply enter the AR mode and shoot where multiple small enemies are to destroy them.
Good oportunity is 3-5 near the end, when you reach the big battleground area and enemies start appearing from the compartment. Pick up the rocket launcher and shoot at big groups. This will for sure be easy in tactical challenges as well.
Let me link good video from Rooster Teeth for visual show case:
This is the most frustrating easy trophy in the game. Lock-on Laser have mind on its own. To lock-on, aim and hold the R2, then let go. Play mission 1-6 and you can try to find this weapon in the crates (3 of those before the next checkpoint). If you don't find one, restart checkpoint until you do find it.
You can kill big spider enemies so that they reveal more smaller ones; then try to aim at them so that lock-on weapon locks onto different 4 ones and shoot. Keep restarting until you do so.
The first oportunity is 1-3 - your first boss fight. You need to shoot the legs first. After each leg shot down, it will reveal a core. Shoot it and repeat until it gets on its legs (until he stands up). Now, shoot at its arms to dismember it. He will automaticaly pick you up and you will have to shoot its face. When you are done, you need to destroy the red core on its back and afterwards shoot the core in his chests.
After the part where you have to protect the monorail, you will enter a cut-scene and jump on enemy transport. While controling the turrets, shoot all enemies to earn the trophy.
Bipedal mode means they are standing on their legs. First, finish the one that already is in this mode, then kill the other one (when you kill the other one that is not standip up, it will initate the QTE sequence - DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING to fail it). After failing the QTE sequence, he will stand up. Kill it and the trophy is yours.
A bit later in this chapter you will get into the area with big statue (after crossing the bridge). Eliminate all enemies and a bit later the big tank will arrive (the one with chainsaw in front). Toss the EMP grenade to stun it and kill it from behing. This should be easy on Casual difficulty. Replay if you fail.
A bit later in this mission the whole road will start falling down. You will soon reach an area with 4 cannons at the top and 2 bellow them. Use the rocket launcher and your guns to destroy only those 2 (the 4 ones will be destroyed automatically). Finish the mission afterwards and trophy will unlock.
You need to use Sniper to destroy all lights before they spot you. There will also be one enemy driving in the flying car - take him down when you see him to avoid being seen a bit later. Should be very easy to do this.
There are 2. This happens after you shoot down the enemy in the flying car and you shoot 3 lights afterwards. Your comrade will comment about some enemies appearing. You can spot them in the distance towards the last Pangloss statue. They move left and go down a bit where they fly still. This combined with AR mode is the best oportunity to destroy them.
Check this video from UneditedGaming for visual guide:
This happens in second part of this mission; when you climb up the first ranp where 2 turrets awaits. You will need to use them and defend your troups (vehicles close to you bellow). In the distance, enemy vehicles (tanks) will arrive. Shoot them using the turrets before they destroy any of your ally vehicles. Play on Casual for an easy win.
This happens at the top (end of 3-7), just before you pull out the big cable. Before doing so, shoot 5 flying cars (just shoot the driver for an easy kill) and the trophy will pop.
This is the end of 4-1, when you need to wait for elevator to get down. Enemies will arrive and attack you. Make sure you have bullets and you play on Casual. Disobey the order to enter the elevator when it arrives; instead keep killing the enemies until the trophy pops - it will pop when they are all destroyed (before entering the elevator!).
Play on casual. Buzzard is the boss and he will be on top of the platform. Check the area and enter the small room (open the door using the panel besides the entrance), kill all enemies and use the turret. Drain a bit less than half of his energy and then throw an EMP to stun it (so it cannot jump down when you drain more than half of his energy). Finish him fast with the turret - this is very easy on casual difficulty.
Good oportunity is 3-5 near the end, when you reach the big battleground area and enemies start appearing from the compartment. Pick up the rocket launcher and shoot at big groups after you toss the cigarette (duck behind the cover and hold L1, let go of L1 and you will throw it). Now you have couple of seconds to kill enemies. You only have 3 per mission, so be smart!
Let me link good video from Rooster Teeth for visual show case:
Play 1-2 mission. As soon as you climb the stairs, get behind the first obstacle with square, hold L1 to light the cigarette, let go of L1. When you throw the cigarette, enter the AR mode and shoot 2 robots for an easy trophy unlock.
You need to find 112 Pangloss statues across all missions. This will be your only collectibles trophy. To "pick up" the collectible, you need to shot it (it will turn red). Just beware, if you die, you need to shoot it again to make it count.
If you do miss some, you can replay missions and pick them up then, just make sure to initiate a checkpoint to save. Some will be possible to collect after you get the mission summary; do not worry, they still count. The best video out there is the one from Maka91Productions, so give a thumbs up and subscribe to this legend:
This is easier than it sounds. When you die, DO NOT restart the checkpoint or the mission. Instead, go to Title and continue from there. This will not void the trophy and this will make it easy; just be focused enough not to tilt the restart option.
Welcome to hell. You need to finish all 5 chapters - that will unlock first 5 tactical challenges. Finishing those will unlock 6h challenge. Challenges 4 and 6 are really, really hard. Believe me. This will be your turning point on weather you will get platinum or not. Check out the topic for video guides and strategies for each challege.
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