Darksiders 3 Trophy Guide & Roadmap

First step is to play game on Apocalyptic difficulty from start. It's still easy with a bit harder beginning. Let me give you few tips:
Upgrade only Strenght and Health. For example i was always 5-8 points behind with Health (Strenght 13, Health 8 as example). Keep going that way and it should be easy. First few bosses will be hard, but as soon as you grow stronger it will become easier. Use R1 (dodge) wiselly and often.
Make sure to pick up lost souls, nothing is missable here which makes grinding easy.
I used only whip through most of the game and i had no issues with difficulty. Pick up as much as you can as some items you can convert to souls making leveling easy. You can always teleport to Crossroads in Haven, kill all enemies there, go to menu, game options and kill yourself option. That will respawn enemies and you can grind a bit. It's very convenient at the start.
During your game, have in memory few grindy things:
You need to level up 50 times so make sure you collect all souls you can (if you get killed, pick up those always). Pick up everything in the game and by the end you will be level 60+.
There is 500 pickup items trophy. It should come naturaly but always destroy all objects and pick up everything that shines.
Killing 666 enemies in Havoc form is the worst trophy IMO - Every time your Havoc form gets full, find a place with many mobs (there is a video bellow where i show how i did it) and kill them while in Havoc form. Do this often and just follow the video i posted to finish -> Havok Kills farming
Beware of 3 missing trophies - first one being when you reach Lust, other 2 you need to do before last boss where game tells you its a no return point. Basicaly after Stasis power up find Abraxis, kill him, return his souls to Lord of Hollow and spare him.
Make sure to level up 1 weapon to max first as there will be shortage of items if you upgrade all.
Make sure to level up 5 enhancements fully without spending items on rest as there is shortage of materials.
Everything else is not missable and it's fairly easy to find/do. Enjoy the game!
Story related and cannot be missed. Beware here, if you defeat Lust without killing the other boss, you unlock missable trophy.
Story related and cannot be missed, you will unlock it after defeating "Wrath" boss.
Story related and cannot be missed, you will unlock it after defeating "Lust" boss.
Story related and cannot be missed, you will unlock it after defeating "Gluttony" boss.
Story related and cannot be missed, you will unlock it after defeating "Avarice" boss.
In Maker's Forge you will meet blacksmith Ulthane. You need to use second option - "Upgrade Enhancement". You will get this option as soon as you collect some enhancement. It doesn't matter which direction you upgrade your enhancement (use either Angelic or Demonic Artifacts).
Darksiders 3 - All Enhancement Locations
Like in previous trophy, just in here you need to Upgrade Enhancement to Balanced. You can do that by upgrading it 4 times with either Angelic or Demonic Artifacts plus Essence of the Chosen for last level.
After each boss you can buy x3 of Angelic and x3 of Demonic Artifacts from the shop, so make sure to do that and refer to next videos for location of artifacts.
Darksiders 3 - All Enhancement Locations
Darksiders 3 - All Demonic Artifacts Locations
Like in previous trophy, just in here you need to Upgrade Enhancement to Balanced 5 times. You can do that by upgrading it single one 4 times with either Angelic or Demonic Artifacts plus Essence of the Chosen for last level.
After each boss you can buy x3 of Angelic and x3 of Demonic Artifacts from the shop, so make sure to do that and refer to next videos for location of artifacts.
Darksiders 3 - All Enhancement Locations
Darksiders 3 - All Demonic Artifacts Locations
Soon after Crossroads warp point you will enter cutscene with first human and rescue him. So this will be automatic and not missable.
There are 20 humans to find. 1 is story related and rest you will need to find.
There are 20 humans to find. 1 is story related and rest you will need to find.
There are 20 humans to find. 1 is story related and rest you will need to find.
There are 20 humans to find. 1 is story related and rest you will need to find.
In Maker's Forge you will meet blacksmith Ulthane. You need to use first option to upgrade weapons. For this trophy, simply upgrade weapon for the first time (materials are scattered through the world as pickups).
In Maker's Forge you will meet blacksmith Ulthane. You need to use first option to upgrade weapons. For this trophy, you need to upgrade weapon to level 10 (materials are scattered through the world as pickups).
Be carefull not to spend materials on other weapons as there are more weapons than needed materials in single playthrough. What i did is to upgrade my main weapon do level 10 and then i was upgrading the rest with remaining materials. The biggest problem is Chunk of Adamantite - only 3 available per playthrough.
This should come naturally when you play. Simply destroy 666 demons.
Collect items from the ground, by defeating enemies or destroying objects. It should come as you play.
L1 + R2 will transform you to Havoc Form when bar is full. In this form you need to kill 666 enemies. This was the worst trophy for me, but i have a good lazy method.
My suggestion is to play on Apocalyptic from the start. That way you will unlock ALL difficulty trophies in one go.
My suggestion is to play on Apocalyptic from the start. That way you will unlock ALL difficulty trophies in one go.
My suggestion is to play on Apocalyptic from the start. That way you will unlock ALL difficulty trophies in one go.
Some tips for this difficulty:
Upgrade only Strenght and Health. For example i was always 5-8 points behind with Health (Strenght 13, Health 8 as example). Keep going that way and it should be easy. First few bosses will be hard, but as soon as you grow stronger it will become easier. Use R1 (dodge) wiselly and often.
Make sure to pick up lost souls, nothing is missable here which makes grinding easy.
I used only whip through most of the game and i had no issues with difficulty. Pick up as much as you can as some items you can convert to souls making leveling easy. You can always teleport to Crossroads in Haven, kill all enemies there, go to menu, game options and kill yourself option. That will respawn enemies and you can grind a bit. It's very convenient at the start.
Some people reported problems with this trophy when you beat the game, so make sure to do a backup save before killing the last boss.
You can find them as pickups througout the world.
There are great videos showing them all:
You can find them as pickups througout the world.
There are great videos showing them all:
You can get those by defeating certain mini bosses (there are 5) or buying from your shop later in the game.
In your shop (at Vulgrim) you can spend your souls to level up. After that, enter you menu and use aquired skill point to level up some status.
In your shop (at Vulgrim) you can spend your souls to level up. After that, enter you menu and use aquired skill point to level up some status. For this one do it 25 times. If it doesnt pop, just keep spending and it will.
In your shop (at Vulgrim) you can spend your souls to level up. After that, enter you menu and use aquired skill point to level up some status. For this do it 50 times. If it doesn't pop, keep spending points. When i finished the game i was level 65.
You can also acquire Attribute Points by finding “Luminous Visage” items scattered around the world. Some will be on ground after certain boss, some hidden. Make sure to use all items that convert to souls as they will be your main grind method.
This requires you to find "Invigoration Cores".
This requires you to find 4 "Invigoration Cores".
This requires you to find "Rejuvenation Cores".
This requires you to find 4 "Rejuvenation Cores".
Abraxis is a demon found in the Scar where you can get after acquiring the Stasis Hollow. You can finish the game without meeting him, so make sure not to do that.
Beware that when you do meet him, you NEED to select option to KILL him, since its requirement for other missable trophy.
Those are all pickup items scattered around the world. There should be plenty of those for you to collect.
Those are all pickup items scattered around the world. There should be plenty of those for you to collect.
Those are all pickup items scattered around the world. There should be plenty of those for you to collect.
Story related and cannot be missed, you will unlock it after defeating "Angelic Champion" boss.
Like previos one, just 10 times harder.
The easiest way is to collect around 50k souls (it's easy since you can't lose them anyway), kill yourselft, collect souls, repeat. It will take few minutes that way to farm as it will add to your sum until trophy unlocks.
When you encounter Lust and empty 50% of her Health, Usiel will join the fight. DO NOT KILL HIM, instead finish Lust and there you go.
Kill Abraxis and return to Lord of Hollows. Choose to spare him.
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