Tales of Graces F Remastered Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to Tales of Graces F Remastered trophy guide! This is one of the best titles in the series, and this version is the easiest one when it comes to getting all trophies/achievements.
FYI - By following my Chapter guides you will collect everything on the way and get the platinum trophy at the end.
Remastered Version
This is the latest version of the game. If you play this version, know that all Grade shop perks are available when starting a new game. This means that you can turn on all modifiers like EXP up or Gold up etc. - when starting a new game. This will for sure lower the grinding later. If you want to avoid all of this, you can just skip it. Note that some unlocks can be turned on via Inventory -> Items and then the last category on the right. EXP up is not here, so you will need to start with that from the grade shop if you want do everything in a single playthrough.
In the Grade Shop, I advise doubling the item drops, gold, SP Double and triple points (for titles) - I don't like when game is easy, so I've just chosen Normal difficulty and the grade shop unlocks I've mentioned here. You can turn on whatever you see fit.
Step 1 - Play the game while enjoying the story, gathering titles etc
For start, this version can be fully completed in 1 playtrough considering you can unlock all Grade shop perks. There is a ton of missables, so it's advisable to use a walkthrough and collecting everything as you progress the game.
Be careful about main boss fights - you will need to defeat some of them under 60 seconds to unlock a missable boss trophy. The walkthrough will guide you through that.
After the main story, don't forget to start Chapter 9: Lineage & Legacies from the Extras menu to complete the entire story.
Step 2 (not recommended - optional) - New Game +
After finishing Chapter 9: Lineage and Legacies, there is a post-game content that you need to finish for some trophies. Because you already have all grade unlock in this version of the game, there is no point to start a NG+ unless you want to. If you do, let me give some tips what to unlock.
Recommendations for New Game + Grade Shop Selections are:
Inherit Titles (30)
Inherit Eleth Mixer (70)
Inherit Arte Usage (50)
Inherit Books (10)
Double Experience (90)
5x Experience (400)
Chain Capacity +1 (30)
Chain Capacity +2 (250)
Maximum Eleth +500 (100)
Total Grade: 1030
If you have additional Grade, good selections are:
Inherit Stamps
Double SP
Triple SP
Double Item Drops
Upgrade Eleth Mixer
Double Gald
Maximum HP +1000
During this playthrough you should focus on the 60-second battle trophies. The levels for these fights should come much more naturally with all grade shop unlock you have turned on.
Step 3 - Post Game Content
After beating the game, you should work on any of the other trophies you have left to do, minus the Silver Terma-Nated and Silver One with Oblivion.
You can change the difficulty before the final boss and re-challenge it to get the difficulty-realated trophies out of the way.
Make your way through at least the first 9 levels of the Zhonecage to be able to unlock all Inn Requests for Warrior's Peak (2 require beating floors 3 and 9's bosses) and Silver Who Were Those Guys, Again? trophy.
You may also want to grind your Eleth Mixer to 9999 Eleth capacity, to unlock Silver Mixer Maxed.
Step 4 - Finish Zhonecage Dungeon
The last thing you will want to do is finish the final floor of Zhonecage. This will change your final main game battle from Lambda Angelus to Lambda Theos. Complete the final battle one last time now.
You can mop up everything else at this point.
Related Topics
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 01 - Childhood's End
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 02 - Adulthood (Part I)
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 03 - Adulthood (Part II)
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 04 - Adulthood (Part III)
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 05 - Optional Sidequests
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 05 - Adulthood (Part IV)
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 06 - Adulthood (Part V)
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Arts
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Inn Requests
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Sidequests
Tales of Graces F Remastered - Titles
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character. A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character (Richard needs 80 for his last trophy). A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character (Richard needs 80 for his last trophy). A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
There are more than 100 titles for each character (Richard needs 80 for his last trophy). A full list and how to unlock all of them can be found under the next topic:
Automatic story-related trophy.
Automatic story-related trophy.
After you finish Chapter 8, you will be prompted to make a save. Do so to access the Extras menu with content Lineage & Legacies. Play through this chapter and, after completing it, you earn this trophy after returning to the tite screen.
You can try and fight it in Strahta Desert (East), but at that point you will be too weak. This is the end-game boss, so return here and call the beast when you're fully ready to take it head on.
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In order to challenge these three, you must do a few things:
- Complete the first 30 floors of Riot Peak to unlock the Master Class version of Riot Peak.
- Complete floors 3 and 9 of the Zhonecage (Post-game dungeon)
- Turn in the Requiem, Lost Anklet, and Hero Staff Inn Requests at Warrior's Roost.
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To get this trophy, you have to defeat all 10 Floors of the Zhonecage bonus (post-game) dungeon.
It is recommended to save this trophy until after finishing the Game Clear trophies as defeating Zhonecage will replace the final main game with with Lambda Theos, a more powerful version of Lambda Angelus. It should also be noted that because Lambda Angelus has been replaced, you will no longer be able to get Gold Lambda Angelus in 60 Seconds trophy during this playthrough.
How to find Zhonecage:
After beating the game, you will be prompted to make a new save. Do so and load up the save; you will be at the Ghardia Shaft Depths with a new skit Errand Boys. Watch this and go to the front of Lhant Manor for a scene and a fight. Afterwards, you will be able to reach Zhonecage via the Shuttle menu.
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In order to challenge Lambda Theos, you must clear all floors of the Zhonecage (post-game dungeon).
Lamba Theos replaces Lambda Angelus as the final boss fight during the main arc of the story, and he is considerably more difficult than Lambda Angelus. As such, it is recommended to attempt the difficulty-related trophies prior to defeating the Zhonecage. It is still possible to acquire those trophies, but it will be more difficult. However, you will no longer be able to get Gold Lambda Angelus in 60 Seconds trophy as there is no way to revert back unless you begin a new playthough.
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In order to challenge the Gentleman, you must first complete all Inn Requests in the game. There are a total of 21 Inn Requests in each of the 12 Cities (a lot!). Save your game before turning in your final Inn Request and make sure your party is set up the way you want i, because you will be immediately transported to the Gentleman fight after turning in the final request.
Keep in mind that 2 Inn Requests are missable as you have to do them before entering the Ghardia Shaft in Chapter 8.
Some Inn Request Items (particularly equipment) can also be obtained only once in the game, so it is recommended to not sell items in the game if the Inn Request Guide does not indicate that the item can be bought from a shop or dropped by monsters.
The Gentleman has similar attacks and movements to The Illusionist from Riot Peak and GentleEel from Zhonecage. If you have already made your way through Zhonecage and around level 110 - 120, it shouldn't be that hard.
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Check details under Game Clear: Chaos trophy.
Check details under Game Clear: Chaos trophy.
Check details under Game Clear: Chaos trophy.
To get these difficulty-specific trophies, you will have to defeat eithre Lambda Angelus or Lambda Theos on the specified difficulty (the final boss in the game). These trophies do not stack so you will have to defeat him at least 4 different times. This does not mean that you have to play the game 4 times; simply load your save and change the difficulty in the menu, defeat the boss, repeat. These trophy will pop after all scenes/credits/save prompts on the title menu.
It is recommended that you attempt these trophies before completing Zhonecage as this will change the boss from the easier Lambda Angelus to the much harder Lambda Theos.
Note that there will be a fight right before Lambda but you will have a chance to change the difficulty between the two fights, so you can fight the first battle on Easy and then change your difficulty for the Lambda battle. The Chaos difficulty is doable at approximately level 120.
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The best strategy here is to dodge whe he tries to attack (side L3 tilt + square button on the PS) and keep attacking while you're behing him. Sophia can help with her skills, you can also change her strategy to be more aggresive - but this first boss fight is relatively easy.
Queen Slime is the boss inside Seaside Cavern during chapter 02.
This boss can be difficult because slimes like to divide. Focus your attacks on the Queen and let Sophie and Cheria handle others. It's also not bad to set the strategy to attack whoever you attack. Shockwave Slash works great and it can get rid of the spawns quickly. When you attack, go for combos, especially as its health gets lower. If you can take out the Queen before she split, this will be a quick fight.
Richard preparation tips:
- Imbue Weapon with Paralysis Effect. Hopefully you have some shards - Richard is weak to Paralysis, so it's advisable to have this on your's and Sophie's weapon
- Fight to temper your paralysis shard: You can also Dualize 2 tempered weapons to get the gem out, and then again insert shard again if you have extra. This way you will raise your weapon and get some Gems that you can equip as accessory.
- Richard fight Setup: Set your Strategy for Sophy to use A arts only or Aggresively - she and Hubert will be in this fight
- Richard fight Mixer Setup: Set some food to raise your critical and physical attack during the fight
- Switch to Easy: I really encourage you to do so - it's a hard fight, especially around level 28
With everything prepared as stated above, you will need to remove his barries with some Nova-status Art. Usually that is Lightning Strike. Set Strategy for your allies to use only A arts; to be aggresive and not guard. Keep your CC points and attack when your allies are done with the combo - you want to keep up the combo at all times.
Your aim is to paralyse him, and to keep the combo as much as possible. If he goes into Elec Break, you can stop him using Hourglass to avoid his Mystic Arte. You can still lose couple of seconds on errors, but it's a tight one to be sure. But, it's also very doable.
I've used Asbel, Malik, Sophia and Cheria. The boss is weak against Dragon, Nova, Aerial, and Burn, which means it's the best you set only Burning Strike with Malik (this skill comes from the Bladerang Devotee title that get unlocked when he reaches level 30). Cheria mostly have skills that boss has weakness to, so just level her up a bit.
The absolute winner for this fight is Asbel's Infernal Torrent - Arte that you learn from Handsome Paragon title that comes after you've learned 150 skills (each title has 5). It's a bit of grind, but on Hard difficulty and with DLC SP up item that comes for free, it shouldn't be that hard to unlock it. This is probably his best Art, so it's worht investing in that now.
For Strategy, set Sophia to use only B Arts, and Malik and Cheria A arts, Aggresively. It helps if you also level up your weapons a bit, but Infernal Torrent on Easy obliterates the boss.
As soon as the fight starts, move towards one of the boss and keep spamming Infernal Torrent. On Easy this is really Easy if you invested a bit of time to level up and learn proper skills. Nothing hits like Infernal Torrent.
He is weak to Human, Strike, Poison, and Burn. You only really need Infernal Torrent with Asbel to win this fight. It was that one Art that we've used against the last trophy boss. If you've leveled it up via other titles, even better. I've used Hubert, Sophia on A Artes and Malik on B - Aggresively, almost without guarding.
If you bring Malik, when you defeat soldiers there will be scene, and all that counts towards the trophy. Still, I did it even with this setup. It was overall an easy fight - switch to Easy of course, if needed. I did.
Not a hard fight to complete, plus the boss is weak to Machine, Impact, and Paralysis. Bring any 3 members and set only arts you're going to use that have these weakness, plus put everyone to aggresive strategy. Asbel's Ruinous Bloom Art works wonders. This is if you ask me, one of the easiest boss fights so far.
Lambda is weak agains Spirit, Nova, and Paralysis. Start preparing your team with weakness skills, level up if needed, and when you're ready challenge him inside Humanoid Research Center during Chapter 7.
The good news is - the boss i easily staggered. Attack with his weakness Arts and keep the combo. It should be a pretty easy fight by just staggering him, that really works. With your team set to Aggresive, with right skills - it's easy.
Preparation for Lambda Angelus trophy
This is a very important step. I was around level 77 after grinding a bit. You want to learn Incineration Wave with Asbel - use Diabolic Rage 720 times to unlock a title through which you can learn it. It's probably Asbel's best move.
To grind levels and titles, put on Hard difficulty. Set Miso Stew to cook after each fight, and start from the Bottom of Ghardia Shaft and make your way up through teleports. Just kill everyone and when you reach the big teleport, go out, fast-travel to some town, refil your Mixer and repeat.
You can also temper your weapons with shards and Dualize tempered weapons to extract some good Gems that can boost your attack against Nova type of monsters. Everything counts.
You can also use titles to raise your CC capacity, it helps. The more the grind, the easier it gets.
Boss: Lambda Angelus (Lambda Angelus in 60 seconds trophy)
This is probably the hardest boss to beat under 60 seconds at this point. My whole strategy evolved around using Hourglass and Arcane Bottles as much as possible to raise the combo and use Mystic Art moves whenever possible. Start by running towards the boss and using Arcane Bottle with Pascal. This should trigger Eleth Burst, so mash your best skills and use Hourglass during the burst to keep up the combo easier. Incineration Wave is great, but as long as you keep the combo it doesn't really matter. It's all about spaming Arcane Bottles and helping with Hourglass to raise the combo without Lambla blocking your attacks.
Coming Soon…
As soon as you unlock Eleth Mixer (early during Chapter 02 - Adulthood), start setting items inside. Every time it duplicates an item, it will increase in capacity. Do so during the whole game to speed up the process, plus, it's good to duplicate items all the time.
You can re-charge it in town shops or Inns (do so every time you visit a town).
There is a Grade shop unlock that raises the capacity for +500; it's not a bad one to unlock either when staring your playthrough or during one.
Food items are cooked when the conditions listed are met, for example the condition for a Rice Ball to be cooked is for a party member to go below 60% health in battle. Food items with higher required eleth will increase your mixer capacity faster.
Items are duplicated with a certain probability every minute, with the probabilities noted when loading the items into the Eleth Mixer. It is recommended to put lower probability items toward the top slots of the Eleth Mixer as the mixer will try to produce the first item first and then move onto the subsequent items in order.
Good early/mid-game dishes to equip:
- Omelette (triggers post-battle when battle less than 20 seconds for increased EXP)
- Fried Rice (triggers in battle when battle longer than 10 seconds for HP recovery)
Optimal late-game dishes:
- Crab Fried Rice (triggers in battle when battle longer than 10 seconds for HP recovery and increased critical rate)
- Chicken Curry (triggers post-battle when eleth mixer is less than 50% for HP recovery and increased SP)
- Miso Stew (triggers post-battle when eleth mixer is greater than 50% for HP recovery and quickened tempering)
You should also equip the following books to make the process go faster:
- Book of Potential - hastens Mixer Development when Cooking in Battle - Warrior's Roost
- Book of Satiation - Cook 2 Dishes Per Battle - Viscera Parasit Drop (Inside the Rockgagong)
- Book of Growth - Increases Eleth Capacity - Snowshroud Ruins Chest
- Book of Frugality - Halves Cost of Cooking Dishes (but does not halve the eleth mixer gains) - Defeat Rockgagong
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