Spirit of the North Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to Spirit of the North trophy guide! This title will take you on a journey with a fox, while doing all kinds of puzzles and collecting stuff on the way. It's a short melancholic game, easy and the platinum is really not hard.
Step 1 - Play and beat the game while collecting all collectibles
Chapters 1-6 will require you to collect all Shamans and to activate all Ancient Murals. In Chapter 7 you need to collect 28 Spirits and that is it. Nothing else is there to collect apart from those, so aim to get them along the way, our you can simply select chapters and parts inside that you've missed and replay them to collect.
If you follow my video guide, you can get all collectibles and some misc trophies, but if you do miss some miscelaneous trophy, it takes like 2 minutes to unlock via chapter select (as you can also select parts of the chapter, which will bring you close to trophy you miss).
Spirit of the North - All Collectibles (All Chapters)
Step 2 - Unlock the rest of the miscelaneous trophies via chapter select
If you miss something, just select via chapter select from the main menu and collect the rest
As usual, collect them all for the platinum to unlock.
Automatic Story Unlock in Chapter 2.
Automatic Story Unlock in Chapter 1.
Automatic Story Unlock in Chapter 7.
Automatic Story Unlock in Chapter 8.
There are 28 Shamans in the game througout the chapters 1-6. For each one you need to find its staff first, then you need to bring that staff next to the Shaman. That will awoke the spirit. Locations for them all can be found under None Forgotten trophy.
There are 28 Shamans in the game througout the chapters 1-6. For each one you need to find its staff first, then you need to bring that staff next to the Shaman. That will awoke the spirit. Locations for them all can be found under None Forgotten trophy.
There are 28 Shamans in the game througout the chapters 1-6. For each one you need to find its staff first, then you need to bring that staff next to the Shaman. That will awoke the spirit.
**Chapter 1**
0:01 - Shaman 01
0:56 - Shaman 02
1:43 - Shaman 03
**Chapter 2**
2:10 - Shaman 04
4:34 - Shaman 05
**Chapter 3**
5:55 - Ancient Mural 01
7:12 - Shaman 06
7:55 - Shaman 07
12:39 - Shaman 08
**Chapter 4** I
13:56 - Shaman 09
14:40 - Shaman 10
15:23 - Ancient Mural 02
16:06 - Shaman 11 (first you will need to get new spirit power, which is just in the cave on the opposite side of the previous mural)
17:21 - Shaman 13 (this counts as 13th in the list)
18:08 - Ancient Mural 03
18:32 - Shaman 14
19:30 - Shaman 12
20:41 - Ancient Mural 04 & Ancient Mural 05 (I think both count as 1 acutally)
21:21 - Shaman 15
**Chapter 5**
22:06 - Shaman 16
23:21 - Ancient Mural 06
23:55 - Shaman 17
25:18 - Shaman 18
26:42 - Ancient Mural 07
27:23 - Ancient Mural 08
27:44 - Shaman 19
28:29 - Ancient Mural 09 (Last needed Mural, this will unlock Ancient History trophy if you have all the murals so far)
29:09 - Shaman 20
30:11 - Shaman 21 & Fetch trophy (hold stuff for 3 minutes) & Fox, Or Flying Squirrel trophy (keep the fox in the air for some time)
31:43 - Shaman 22
32:31 - Ancient Mural 10 (not needed)
32:47 - Shaman 23
34:27 - Ancient Mural 11 (not needed)
34:56 - Shaman 24
**Chapter 6**
35:43 - Shaman 25
37:45 - Shaman 26
39:32 - Shaman 27
40:35 - Shaman 28 (None Forgotten trophy - this should be your last Shaman)
In Chapter 7 you will come across spirits wondering around the huge area. There are 28 Spirits that you need to interract with (come close or even go through them until they put there hands together as a sign of greeting). Finding them all will unlock this trophy.
**Chapter 7** Y
42:21 - Spirit 01
43:58 - Spirit 02,03
45:21 - 04
46:55 - 05
47:45 - 06
48:38 - 07
49:17 - 08
49:58 - 09
51:13 - 10
52:06 - 11
52:47 - 12
52:59 - 13
53:19 - 14
53:31 - 15, 16
54:18 - 17, 18, 19, 20
55:34 - 21
55:52 - 22
56:10 - 23
56:42 - 24
56:55 - 25
57:41 - 26, 27, 28 (Kindred Spirits trophy)
Spirit Blooms are those blue flowers on which you need to bark so they form that spirit flower. You will need to do that alot since many puzzles requires from you to use some special skill that need you to be imbued with spirit power that comes from those flowers. You can always repeat chapters if you miss some for the trophy, but I higly doubt it.
Spirit Blooms are those blue flowers on which you need to bark so they form that spirit flower. You will need to do that alot since many puzzles requires from you to use some special skill that need you to be imbued with spirit power that comes from those flowers. You can always repeat chapters if you miss some for the trophy, but I higly doubt it.
Plague Tethers are those red infected flowers which you need to destroy with your Spirit Bark ability (obtained at the end of the Chapter 2) to progress at certain points. Collecting all collectibles along the way will guide you towards all of them, so you should easily get all Tethers-related trophies by the end of Chapter 6.
Plague Tethers are those red infected flowers which you need to destroy with your Spirit Bark ability (obtained at the end of the Chapter 2) to progress at certain points. Collecting all collectibles along the way will guide you towards all of them, so you should easily get all Tethers-related trophies by the end of Chapter 6.
Plague Tethers are those red infected flowers which you need to destroy with your Spirit Bark ability (obtained at the end of the Chapter 2) to progress at certain points. Collecting all collectibles along the way will guide you towards all of them, so you should easily get all Tethers-related trophies by the end of Chapter 6.
This one can be easily missable if you're not thinking about it. In Chapter 5 there will be a black river which you need to climb to progress; along the way you will use your spirit blooms to activate rush portals. Have another spirit blood when you go through the wind circle and position your camera back towards the circle and hit R2 (sprint skill) to jump back into the circle. Repeat until you unlock the trophy.
You will infuse many stones with your spirit blooms to progress. They often opens a way further, so you need to infuse them (triangle button) to progress. Follow my collectibles guide and you should be done over with that by the end.
Glyphs are those stones made out of 2 pieces, the upper one rotates when you bark close to it. You should get this naturaly during chapter 6.
There are 8 different murals in the game, in chapters 2-5. You can even miss some and still unlock the trophy. If you follow my guide, you will be done in chapter 5 with all of those. To activate them you need 1 spirit blosom and you need to use it next to the mural (triangle button).
**Chapter 3**
5:55 - Ancient Mural 01
7:12 - Shaman 06
7:55 - Shaman 07
12:39 - Shaman 08
**Chapter 4** I
13:56 - Shaman 09
14:40 - Shaman 10
15:23 - Ancient Mural 02
16:06 - Shaman 11 (first you will need to get new spirit power, which is just in the cave on the opposite side of the previous mural)
17:21 - Shaman 13 (this counts as 13th in the list)
18:08 - Ancient Mural 03
18:32 - Shaman 14
19:30 - Shaman 12
20:41 - Ancient Mural 04 & Ancient Mural 05 (I think both count as 1 acutally)
21:21 - Shaman 15
**Chapter 5**
22:06 - Shaman 16
23:21 - Ancient Mural 06
23:55 - Shaman 17
25:18 - Shaman 18
26:42 - Ancient Mural 07
27:23 - Ancient Mural 08
27:44 - Shaman 19
28:29 - Ancient Mural 09 (Last needed Mural, this will unlock Ancient History trophy if you have all the murals so far)
29:09 - Shaman 20
30:11 - Shaman 21 & Fetch trophy (hold stuff for 3 minutes) & Fox, Or Flying Squirrel trophy (keep the fox in the air for some time)
31:43 - Shaman 22
32:31 - Ancient Mural 10 (not needed)
32:47 - Shaman 23
34:27 - Ancient Mural 11 (not needed)
34:56 - Shaman 24
During your play-time just leave the controller still and after 3 minutes this one will pop.
During chapter 2 the spirit fox will enter your body. After that little light will follow you. Bark (cirlce) and it will respond. Do this for 100 times to unlock the trophy.
You need Shaman Staff's for getting Shaman collectibles. You carry one with pressing the circle button just as you are close to the staff. When you do so, leave the controller for 3 minutes and that will unlock the trophy.
You enter the spirit form by pressing square button once you obtain it in chapter 4. You will have to work over water during that chapter, later on there are unstable platforms which crumbles when you walk onto them, so make sure to transform and do so. Lastly, there are those pressure plates that you stand onto and use spirit form to reach the other side of doors etc. Don't stand on it, instead transform into spirit form and walk above. When you do all of this, trophy will unlock (you can do it all in chapter 4).
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