Biomutant Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Biomutant is here! I've keep tracking this game for some time, and finally we can mutate our way into a new platinum trophy! The journey is not long, but there are some missables here and there + random luck-based trophies to note. The rest is quite easy!
You can play on easy, and you can choose whatever side you prefere (light/dark). Just make sure to follow one, max points to gain an maximum towards one direction is 30 points, which you can farm by killing and petting animals (kill = dark +1, pet and keep = light + 1 point). Also, it doesn't matter which story direction you take, nor the tribe answer/directions.
After beating the game you can continue, or load that save prior to ending and just mop up what you miss.
Step/s - Do the story alonside of missable trophies and some collectibles
I will try to point out what you need to note while you play. 4 Worldeaters are your main story bosses, and each one has a missable trophy. Once you defeat it, you can't get it unless you load the save prior to fight and try again. They are quite easy, you can check the details and videos bellow in the trophy section.
There are some fight related trophies you should note down and do as much as you can. Overal, ony one is tedious, so make sure to think about it as you play:
- 50 Super Wunf-fu activations (Wung-fu Master - When you get Old World Klonkfist type-weapon during the story, equip it and attack with Square + Square + Triangle, then R2 + R2 + Triangle and keep repeating these 2 patterns. You can also reverse them, as long as you keep doing one, then the other - that fills the 3 bars required to activate Super Wushu (press L1 + R1 to active it). You need to defeat an enemy when this is activated, only those kills count, so be careful and always aim to finish the enemy while this is active. Repeat for 50 times)
You need to collect certain amount of animals per type, starting with Sqvips soon in the Deadzone, after which they start appering through the lower region (near the Sknapptrutt Outpust for example. Keep catching them and pet and store for light points or kill for dark points. Glittermoths are shiny clouds of bugs, and Pippis, they are the dark birds. Those are easy as they can spawn anywhere! What you should note are Guppos (black fish), and Gumquacks (rubber ducks), which you should find, note down the locations and keep re-visiting every now and then (like every 30 mins or so). They are rare, and you should help yourself as much as you can on the way.
Upgrade points - Don't upgrade!!! Save 16 upgrade points, 16 Psi-Points, and 12 Bio-Points, then make a save and unlock all related trophies. You can load your save aferwards and re-allocate them as you see fit. If you do, don't worry, you can get those quite easy, I ended up upgrading everything (you can get points by doing the outposts - those smaller ones with enemies, they have Psi and Skill point each).
I'm playing on version 2.01 on my PS5 and some parts are bugged, like the trophy Toytinkerer, which requires you to defeat 4 bears with a lantern. They can spawn randomly anywhere, and it seems on this version this is bugged. People say that if you have the disc version you can try with base version (be offline so the update doesn't download). But, if you started the game with 2.01 version Toytinkerer is obtainable, it isn't if you upgraded the version during the game, meaining if you started at lower version and updated, then it can be bugged for you.
The rest is more or less easy, you don't need to collect everything, just some numbers of collectibles. Anyway, I will update this guide soon and note whatever I find about the glitched trophies and solutions. Oh yeah, Old World Gadgets trophy is also bugged on 2.01.
This trophy is related to the side quest that you can get from character Nova. Find her, solve the quest that she gives you and voila! Details and location can be find here:
After completing the main quest objective for Goop (main questline, Gumquacks quest), you will meet another character called Gulp, the drinking dude. He will help you with that quest. After you complete it, return to him and speak with him to trigger a side quest to locate some Radium Fluid for him (The Radium Syrup Truck). Go find it on the map (follow the pointer), then when you return to him he’ll want to have a drinking competition with you. Win the short QTE to complete the side quest and earn the trophy.
Details and location can be find here:
When you get Old World Klonkfist type-weapon during the story, equip it and attack with Square + Square + Triangle, then R2 + R2 + Triangle and keep repeating these 2 patterns. You can also reverse them, as long as you keep doing one, then the other - that fills the 3 bars required to activate Super Wushu (press L1 + R1 to active it). You need to defeat an enemy when this is activated, only those kills count, so be careful and always aim to finish the enemy while this is active. Repeat for 50 times.
For this trophy you need to find at least 1 out of 24 different types of Gadgets. This means you don't need to collect all samples of each one of those types, just 1 which triggers the questline and that count as one. This trophy is bugged on version 2.01, so you can try doing this on first version if you have the disk version of the game (install and be offline to avoid patch).
You want to find one Bandit Camp on the map (square-like outpost icon on the map, there is one just to the east of the root tree center). After you find one camp, you will unlock the whole questline (Cleaning Up). Simply follow this questline, defeat bandits and you will soon reach 25 kills.
Remember that black oil in which you can drown? Well, you need to drown others in that oil, and by others I mean the enemies. The simplest methos is to use Telekinesis to move them above the oil, let them go, and they will drown. You need to do this 5 times. There are oil areas northeast from the center of the root tree on the map.
To put this simple - you need to level up up to level 25 with your character. Defeating enemies, finishing main or side story quests - these are the methods. It shouldn't be a problem reaching this level, fight as much as you can along your way.
There are more than 30 Psyonic Shrines in the game. They are those tent-shaped shrines which you can inspect and earn 1 Psy Point. For the corresponding trophy you need only 30, so don't worry, this will not be so painful to find. You can find most of them in camps (outposts), make sure you always find one there when you find the camp in which you can enter.
Proficiency Skill Points are those cookie-like points which you can spend to unlock Gun/Melee and other skills. First accumulate 16 of those and save your game. Don't spend before that in order to avoid later grind.
After you saved the game, go to your Menu -> Character -> Wung-Fu ->Ranged Combat and unlock all skills under that. When trophy pops load your game and unlock the other trophy (All Close Combat skills). Now you can load the game again and align your points freely as you prefer to.
Proficiency Skill Points are those cookie-like points which you can spend to unlock Gun/Melee and other skills. First accumulate 16 of those and save your game. Don't spend before that in order to avoid later grind.
After you saved the game, go to your Menu -> Character -> Wung-Fu ->Ranged Combat and unlock all skills under that. When trophy pops load your game and unlock the other trophy (All Close Combat skills). Now you can load the game again and align your points freely as you prefer to.
Note the large reactor towers covered in green on the map. Those are the biopools, and those have biopool at the bottom. One is just southeast from the Sknapptrutt Outpost in the lower part of the map. If you miss the bio resistance equipment, as soon as you enter and exit the contaminated area you will trigger a quest for the suit. Get one (follow the pointer on the map) and enter then. Use the biopool, spend 1 Bio point to re-code yourself in it.
Attributes are Strenght, Agility, Vitality, Luck and Charisma. You get 10 attribute points when you level up (1 point that raise the stat by 10 points). Aim to raise 2 above or to 100, then spend on other as you see fit. If you raise all stats at the same time you might end up grinding more at the end.
You need 30 Light Aura. You get them by answering with good/positive responses, or easily by catching animals and then petting them (that gives you +1 Light point). Go your Menu, Character -> Mutations -> Psi-Powers -> and unlock Ki-Spark Ability for 16 Psy Point. Psy points are obtainable by visiting altars, or by letting go prisoners from cages (small outposts have them).
Put this power on some button slot and kill 20 enemies using it. You can weaken the enemy using any other attacks, then just finish it with this ability.
Go your Menu, Character -> Mutations -> Biogenetics -> and unlock Mucus Bubble Ability for 12 Bio Point. Bio points are obtainable by collecting them from green containers around the map, or the most easily - by defeating ant-type enemies in Bio Nuclear facilities (green facilities with the tower) on the map. You can easily spot them, just be careful, you will need Bio suit, which can be found if you visit location like this - that triggers the quest and you just need to follow it to find one.
Put this power on some button slot and stick 25 enemies using it. You can stick the same enemy to yourself for 25 times, it doesn't matter.
Go your Menu, Character -> Mutations -> Biogenetics -> and unlock Fungus Ability for 4 Bio Point. Bio points are obtainable by collecting them from green containers around the map, or the most easily - by defeating ant-type enemies in Bio Nuclear facilities (green facilities with the tower) on the map. You can easily spot them, just be careful, you will need Bio suit, which can be found if you visit location like this - that triggers the quest and you just need to follow it to find one.
Put this power on some button slot and use it to spawn a fungus. Jump on it, pop another one, jump on it... After bouncing for 50 times, the trophy is yours.
The Googlide is a type of vehicle you get when you reach the water part of the map on th eastern side. You will get it by following the main quest for Goop. Keep collecting Googlide Wreckboxes until you get engine level 3, then you can traverse blue, green and red type of water. As soon as you go through them all, you will unlock the trophy. I think this one is really hard to miss.
The Mekton is your first vehicle that you will unlock in the Deadzone, and before the first Worldeater boss. It comes as a part of Moog main quests there. The area there is filled with unlivable air and you need to ride the Mekton. Simply stay in Mekton for 5 minutes. This is also easy to unlock and really hard to miss.
Gnauts are your animal rides. You unlock first one by following the main story. When you do, simply ride it for 500 meters. You can also call the ones you tamed using your D-pad shortcut. Easy one.
This trophy is bugged on versions earlier than 2.01. I played on 2.01 from the start and this one works.
This one requires you to finish 4 "The Mirage" sidequests, which are unlocked by talking to the bear carrying a lantern. He spawns randomly on the map, so when you see one, run towards him. For me, he spawned 4 times in 2 hours period, so I can say that this one was easy. Do not worry much, just do the quest when you see this bear. Also, you don't need to win when you activate those, you can lose all 4 times and still get the trophy.
Picture coming soon...
Greenleaf is your in-game currency. You can get it by selling whatever you collect, by jumping through the woodden hoop on the map (circle structure made of branches). To have 1000 on you at some point is actually very easy.
You get crafting resources by destroying Resource Totems (tall structures made of tires and wood and whatnot) across the settlements on the map, or by dissasembling your equipment. There are 5 tipes: Wood, Metal, Plastic, Rubber, and E-Waste. You need 10 of each, which is quite easy to have on you.
There are 5 related trophies related to catching animals in this game. You will need 20 of each, and more or less all species are easy to find, expcet the Glittermoths. Before you go and hunt some, make sure you first finish story-related quest which takes you to hunt these (except Pippis, they are not connected to any main quest). Afterwards, you can free to catch whatever you find on your way. The best way is to hunt what you need every now and then to avoid farming for it later.
You can find 20 Sqvips easily on the map, they spawn every now and then, and they spawn everywhere. You can catch the fox-type of Sqvip or small blue one which also counts for this group.
There are 5 related trophies related to catching animals in this game. You will need 20 of each, and more or less all species are easy to find, expcet the Glittermoths. Before you go and hunt some, make sure you first finish story-related quest which takes you to hunt these (except Pippis, they are not connected to any main quest). Afterwards, you can free to catch whatever you find on your way. The best way is to hunt what you need every now and then to avoid farming for it later.
0:01 - Main quests for animals
0:40 - Gumducks for Quack Trophy - Keep re-visiting Gumquack Hollow after game events (sometimes it took me 1 side quest and loading game for them to respawn)
There are 5 related trophies related to catching animals in this game. You will need 20 of each, and more or less all species are easy to find, expcet the Glittermoths. Before you go and hunt some, make sure you first finish story-related quest which takes you to hunt these (except Pippis, they are not connected to any main quest). Afterwards, you can free to catch whatever you find on your way. The best way is to hunt what you need every now and then to avoid farming for it later.
0:01 - Main quests for animals
1:50 - Glittermoths (fire fireflies DO NOT count!) - Keep running from entrance towards the end of the Glittermoth Cave during day time. You can also find the literally anywhere on the map, but it's very random
There are 5 related trophies related to catching animals in this game. You will need 20 of each, and more or less all species are easy to find, expcet the Glittermoths. Before you go and hunt some, make sure you first finish story-related quest which takes you to hunt these (except Pippis, they are not connected to any main quest). Afterwards, you can free to catch whatever you find on your way. The best way is to hunt what you need every now and then to avoid farming for it later.
0:01 - Main quests for animals
5:57 - Pippis for Flap-flap Trophy - Re-visit Lobo and check beside her, there are always 2 birds near (sometimes it took me 1 side quest and loading game for them to respawn)
There are 5 related trophies related to catching animals in this game. You will need 20 of each, and more or less all species are easy to find, expcet the Glittermoths. Before you go and hunt some, make sure you first finish story-related quest which takes you to hunt these (except Pippis, they are not connected to any main quest). Afterwards, you can free to catch whatever you find on your way. The best way is to hunt what you need every now and then to avoid farming for it later.
0:01 - Main quests for animals
6:40 - Guppos for Angler Trophy - Re-visit Guppo Grotto and check the bottom as you did during the main quest (sometimes it took me 1 side quest and loading game for them to respawn)
This trophy is related to the side quest that you can get from character Homki. Find him, solve the 2 quests that he gives you and return to him. Choose to buy something, and buy whatever you want to unlock the trophy. Details and location can be find here:
There are 7 Environment Biomes on the map. Those are big large parts of the world in Biomutant, and you will visit all except Kluppy Dunes during your main quests. To find the Dunes, go North on the map (all the way) and you will unlock the trophy as soon as you do. 2 characters (Sol and Lobo) are also here, so if you plan to get them all (which you need for the trophy), this will happen naturally.
If you put on your map, you can see manholes on it. They are marked as holes with light coming out of them. You need to find 3, enter, and that is it. You don't even need to finish them (collect the treasures etc.), just enter and exit. If you can't find one, just check south, southeast, east from the center of the map (the center being the Tree of Life).
Porky Puff is the second Worldeater and your second main story boss in the game. He is located in the southeastern part of the map, and like for the last fight, you will first have to upgrade your ride - The Googlide; by collecting loot from Googlide Wreckboxes. At least level 3 engine is fine.
During the fight, in the first phase, you need to grab a mine, drag it towards the boss and shoot it to explode. Do this 3 times to unlock the trophy. I suggest doing this to get it out of your way, and do not forget to save before the fight, so if you miss the trophy you can re-load. The fight itself isn't hard, you need to shoot bubbles on Porky in the first phase, and in second dodge a bit, and shoot + slash to earn your win.
Jumpo Puff is the first Worldeater and your first main story boss in the game. He is located in the Deadzone, and I advise you to upgrade your Mekton a little before the fight. To do so, you can follow the Mekton Wrekboxes on the map, which you unlock during the story. Equip the best gear you have and save before the boss, there is a missable trophy here.
During the fight, somewhat before the middle you will gain the ability to shoot Sqvips. You have up to 3 and they regenerate. You need to wait for the next inhale moment and shoot 3 of those with L2 into monsters mouth. That is it. Don't kill him until the trophy pops.
Murk Puff is the last Worldeater, and he is located in the northwestern part of the map. This time you will have to construct a underwater vehicle by solving some quest for Whiz.
During the fight, in the first phase, just shoot him, you want to progress into second phase. When you do, you need to feed him 10 times, meaning you have to shoot 10 animals into his mouth. I suggest that you don't shoot him with your rockets, instead just do the trophy requirement and then continue, otherwise you will have to repeat the fight. Have a separate save before the fight, just in case, this is missable.
Hoof Puff is the third Worldeater, and he is located in the northeastern part of the map. This time you don't need a ride, your ride will be the animal.
During the fight, in the first phase, shoot the dots on his front legs, then pull out his teeth while riding the animal. Repeat 4 times to unlock the trophy. Remember, if you miss the trophy and overwrite your save, you missed it. Make sure to keep a save before the fight so you can retry if needed. His second and third phases are not that bad, use the same approach and keep shooting Glitermooths when you get the prompt - that is when you can tackle him down.
This is part of the Tribe Fort main quest. When you choose your side at the beginning of the game, you will have to win over some Tribe Forts. When you defeat 2 tribe leaders, you will get the options to subdue the others - you can save yourself some time and say yes, this will unlock the trophy. Or, you can say no and just do them all like you did the first 2.
This is part of the Tribe Fort main quest. When you choose your side at the beginning of the game, you will have to win over some Tribe Forts. When you defeat 2 tribe leaders, you will go through 6 outposts and that will unlock it for you. I don't think you can even miss it.
You get tribe weapons while following the main story with Tribe Forts. When you defeat the second leader you will have 3 Tribe weapons, which is enough to unlock the trophy. Those are the boomerang, that woodden stick-type of weapon and Netra Tribe Grabbler. The Netra Tribe Grabbler is weird, I had to unlock more moves as the default move doesn't do any damage, but I did this with X+X+R2 Combo move. You can weaken the enemy using any other weapon/spell, then you can just finish using the tribe weapon.
The Conscience Dialogues are those choices for light/dark side during the game conversations with NPCs. They appear during main quests and side quests, especially character-related ones, so if you still miss some after the story (I highly doubt it), you can do the character side quest to get more choices.
If you subdued all tribe leaders after 2nd tribe fort, you will have to visit them. Otherwise you will unlock it automatically by following this questline. Just pun on your map and check for the big circle badge with green icons, you need to enter the fort to make it count. Do this for all 6 of them.
Get the Sparkatron ranged weapon or Pri Murgel Sword to easily get this one. Sparkatron is found as a part of Moog questlines where you have to defat munsters. When you defeat one in Suburbia (just follow the pointers), you will then find the Old World Vault where you can find this weapon. It's a 6.5 star weapon and the most strongest ranges weapon to find early in the game, you can finish the game with it without any problems.
Pri Murgel Sword is located on the small island just east and a bit north from the Porky Puff Place (the place where you beat second Worldeater). It's the insland with the lighthouse. Enter it, reach the top and solve the puzzle - this will reveal the treasure location to the east. Reach it, climb the ledges, inspect the stone doors with light inscriptions, beat mini-boss, inspect all 3 stone doors with light inscriptions inside, and voila - the Sword is yours.
To get the gun to level 7, simply go to Craft tab under your menu, to add some different parts to the weapons (add them in Addons slots; the other slots are taken and they are good as they are). If you lack stars on addons you have (for sword you need to add 2 1-star addons), visit any tribe fort or blacksmith vendor in settlements and buy some (they have 1 yellow star when you look them up under Parts, Scrissors icon).
When you find this transport, you will also have to finish one Wreckbox quest, which unlocks some upgrades for it. After you finish the first one, other will unlock and you can follow the pointer on the map. When you are using this ride, press down on D-pad to equip different parts/upgrades. Equip different 5 ones for the trophy.
When you find this transport, you will also have to finish one Wreckbox quest, which unlocks some upgrades for it. After you finish the first one, other will unlock and you can follow the pointer on the map. When you are using this ride, press down on D-pad to equip different parts/upgrades. Equip different 5 ones for the trophy.
Get the Sparkatron ranged weapon or Pri Murgel Sword to easily get this one. Sparkatron is found as a part of Moog questlines where you have to defat munsters. When you defeat one in Suburbia (just follow the pointers), you will then find the Old World Vault where you can find this weapon. It's a 6.5 star weapon and the most strongest ranges weapon to find early in the game, you can finish the game with it without any problems.
Pri Murgel Sword is located on the small island just east and a bit north from the Porky Puff Place (the place where you beat second Worldeater). It's the insland with the lighthouse. Enter it, reach the top and solve the puzzle - this will reveal the treasure location to the east. Reach it, climb the ledges, inspect the stone doors with light inscriptions, beat mini-boss, inspect all 3 stone doors with light inscriptions inside, and voila - the Sword is yours.
Doing 1000 Damage points with any of these weapons happens naturally, you can boost your Strenght if you want, or you can Craft under your menu, to add some different parts to the weapons.
This trophy is related to the side quest that you can get from character Jumble. Find him, solve the quest that he gives you and voila! Details and location can be find here:
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