Darksiders Genesis Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to the new Darksiders installment! New stuff is finaly out for our consoles and this guide will make your life easier. The game itself is not hard, so let's start.
Step 1 - Beat the game on any difficulty (preferably Normal)
You need to beat the game on any difficulty to unlock Apocalypthic difficulty. While doing so, collect all Epic Chests, Gear and Abilities on every level while doing the challenges (not all need, just the one I will cover). Some skills you will unlock on later levels, so I suggest beating the game and returning to collect what you miss then.
Darksiders Genesis - Dethroned - The Blackstone Keep Collectibles (Chapter 1)
Darksiders Genesis - The Slag Pit Collectibles (Chapter 2)
Darksiders Genesis - Inferno Vault Collectibles (Chapter 3)
Darksiders Genesis - Icebind Cavern Collectibles (Chapter 4)
Darksiders Genesis - The Hoard Collectibles (Chapter 5)
Darksiders Genesis - The Decay Collectibles (Chapter 7)
Darksiders Genesis - The Holdback Collectibles (Chapter 8)
Darksiders Genesis - Bastions Fall Collectibles (Chapter 11)
Darksiders Genesis - The Maelstrom Collectibles (Chapter 12)
Darksiders Genesis - The Dredge Works Collectibles (Chapter 14)
Darksiders Genesis - War Machine Collectibles (Chapter 15)
Step 2 - Complete all Arena levels (including the 70k points if you can)
This will prepare you for Apocalyptic run; I started that at around 1350 power levels with War and Strife. Power levels raise as you collect monster gems and when they gain levels. I suggest collecting them all (check icons on each level, if you don't see one, you can get it by repeating the level and killing certain monster). Also, you will get them in Arena easily, so that's a better choice. When you have them all, you will miss one in The Void (Leviathan gem).
Step 3 - Complete the game on Apocalyptic difficulty
It will get tougher, but it's not so bad. Use Strife and his beam ammos, lightning one is also good. Spam skills when you can and be careful not to get hit a lot. Completing the game on this difficutly will also complete Hard difficulty requirements.
Step 4 - Cleanup if you miss something
As nothing is missable and you can repeat levels whenever you like, at this point just collect what you miss. It's an easy platinum but it will take some time.
The mother of them all! Collect all trophies to unlock platinum.
The Arena unlocks as you progress through the story. Your aim is to beat the game and then finish the arena stages I-XX. You can also play as you unlock stages. Last stage is Unlimited stage (21.) and you need to collect at least 70k points. It will take up to level 74 to get that amount.
My suggestion is to do this when you are stronger. In my case, i finished the game, finished Arena stages I-XX, collected everything, finished the game on Apocalyptic difficulty and then I entered last stage of Arena and had no issues. I was around 1400 power at this point.
First, beat the game on Normal. Now, finish the Arena stages I-XX. Collect as much creature cores as you can (I was around power level 1350 at this point). Play the game on Apocalyptic - this will also count as playing on Hard. As there is 16 levels, you will need to kill the Void Trickster door boss Wicked Killington which will count as 17th (no difficulty selection, just beat it).
First, beat the game on Normal. Now, finish the Arena stages I-XX. Collect as much creature cores as you can (I was around power level 1350 at this point). Play the game on Apocalyptic. As there is 16 levels, you will need to kill the Void Trickster door boss Wicked Killington which will count as 17th (no difficulty selection, just beat it).
Use Strife often! His beam and electricity ammo is a way to go. Use special beam attack (World Ender) often (you are invincible during the use). Leave transformation for some boss or tough parts of level. I had no issues whatsoever, only problematic level was Dagon boss where if you fall down, you die. Good luck and use them bullets! War is also good with his Blade Geyser special which you should spam alonside of Strife.
You need Shadow Clone (you have it by default), World Ender (Epic chest in The Hoard - Chapter 5), and Caltrops (Epic chest in The Inferno Vault - Chapter 3) for Strife.
Darksiders Genesis - Inferno Vault Collectibles (Chapter 3)
Darksiders Genesis - The Hoard Collectibles (Chapter 5)
Those 3 are Blade Geyser (you have it by default), Rampage (Epic chest in The Hoard - Chapter 5) and Stoneskin (Epic chest in The Holdback - Chapter 8).
Darksiders Genesis - The Hoard Collectibles (Chapter 5)
Darksiders Genesis - The Holdback Collectibles (Chapter 8)
You need 5 types of ammo, which means Standard and Charge shots are not needed as they are received by the story itself.
Standard Shot (you have it by default), Charge Shot (Automatic from Epic Chest in first Chapter), Beam Shot (Epic chest in Chapter 2 - Inside Tricker Door), Nature Shot (Epic Chest in Chapter 12 - You will need Strife's Aether Spark Gear to get it), Static Shot (Can be bought from Vulgrim for 3500 Souls and 10 Boatman Coins; after finishing Chapter 1), Gravity Shot (Can be bought from Vulgrim for 3500 Souls and 10 Boatman Coins; after finishing Chapter 4), Lava Shot (Epic Chest in Chapter 5 - Eastern Part where you need to collect Gold plate to proceed in the middle).
Darksiders Genesis - The Slag Pit Collectibles (Chapter 2)
Darksiders Genesis - The Hoard Collectibles (Chapter 5)
Darksiders Genesis - The Maelstrom Collectibles (Chapter 12)
Earthsplitter (Epic Chest in Chapter 1), Vortex (Epic Chest in Chapter 11), Vampiric (Sold by Vulgrim after certain chapter for 3500 Souls and 10 Coins), Flamebrand (Epic Chest in Chapter 4), Thunderclap (Sold by Vulgrim after Chapter 1 for 3500 Souls and 10 Coins), Deathtouch (Epic Chest in Chapter 7).
Darksiders Genesis - Dethroned - The Blackstone Keep Collectibles (Chapter 1)
Darksiders Genesis - Icebind Cavern Collectibles (Chapter 4)
Darksiders Genesis - The Decay Collectibles (Chapter 7)
Darksiders Genesis - Bastions Fall Collectibles (Chapter 11)
When you beat a creature, they tend to drop a core. You need 67 different creature cores.
Play the game on Normal and collect as you play. Finish the game. Now, beat the Arena stages I-XX. You should have almost all cores now. To check what you are missing, you can check bellow every level (when you are on level select) - if you see blurry picture of the core, you need to play that level again and get what you are missing. The best way is to do the same in Arena as you will encounter everything there and it's faster.
When you have them all, you will just miss one. That one is in The Void (hub area). You can get it by tricking the game, or doing some platforming the regular way.
I just had 0 nerves to collect all 3 shards, so let me share a video from googamez how and where to collect those:
Darksiders Genesis - Leviathan's Maze (Complete Speedrun)
You can collect Boatman's Coins in each level, by redeeming finished missions from main menu, by redeeming AP from Arena for prizes and so. There is more than doouble of what you need for final 350 Boatman Coins trophy.
You can collect Boatman's Coins in each level, by redeeming finished missions from main menu, by redeeming AP from Arena for prizes and so. There is more than doouble of what you need for final 350 Boatman Coins trophy.
You can collect Boatman's Coins in each level, by redeeming finished missions from main menu, by redeeming AP from Arena for prizes and so. There is more than doouble of what you need for final 350 Boatman Coins trophy.
I honestly don't know if it's 4 or 5 - as there are 5 Soul Caches in this level. Anyway, check the video, destroy them all and the trophy is yours.
There are 4 Gold Ingots in Chapter 3 - The Inferno Vault. After gathering all 4 of them, bring tem and throw them in the furnace inside of the Trickster Door.
You need Strife's Void Bomb Gear to enter the small area in the northwestern part of the area where you start in Chapter 4. Just left across the ledge in that small area is a rift you need to close.
This can be a bit tricky. I suggest leaving this one for when you are stronger and then try on Casual mode. When entering the Houndmaster's area, you need to reach him and kill him before you kill more than 5 hounds. The trick is that you can enter some cage or find some spot when he will get stuck while dogs are away. He tends to get stuck which is an easy kill for you. Check our details in the video.
You will need to beat 2 Dread Lords in Decay before finishing the level. Those are 2 skeleton mini-bosses in this level.
You will need to kill 7 snakes in Decay before finishing the level. This is very frustrating and requires you to be calm. Shooting anywhere in the snakes direction will chase it away, so you need to aim and get closer and shot when you are somewhat close (when you see the snake and you can reach her with bullets, do that).
For this one you need to save the angels that will give you aid soon after some beginning events on this level. When you jump from high platform to lower one near the beginning, few angels will come in your aid. You need to save them from enemies. The best advice is that you start the level on Casual and do this trophy while it's easy.
You need to defeat 3 nests in The Maelstorm (Chapter 12), which will trigger queen to appear from the last nest. Killing her will unlock this trophy.
War Machine is chapter 15, the last level before the final boss. Across this level, you will find explosive barrels. Some are required for Demolition Derby trophy, the others for this one. Usually when you destroy a structure for Demolition Derby trophy, it also destroys the whole platform, while for Ready to Blow trophy ones just explode.
War Machine is chapter 15, the last level before the final boss. Across this level, you will find explosive barrels. Some are required for Demolition Derby trophy, the others for Ready to Blow. Usually when you destroy a structure for Demolition Derby trophy, it also destroys the whole platform, while for Ready to Blow trophy structure of barrels just explode.
This was my last trophy, after beating the game twice plus after clearing Arena. You want to use Strife and his best bullets and dodge carefully. You can play on Casual difficulty and spam World Ender (Beam special from Strife) to avoid damage. Transforming also blocks damage, so make sure to use those 2.
To unlock this trophy, you need to collect 11 Specific Boatman Coins in The Void (the hub area). Basically, you need to follow paths northeast from the level select portal and solve a mini puzzle at the end of each path. To even get the coins to spawn, you need to solve some side missions across some levels (10 of them, 1 coins doesn't have pre-requisite):
Destroy both balistas in Chapter 1.
Destroy all Soul Caches in Chapter 2.
Collect all 4 Gold Ingots in Chapter 3 and toss them into the furnace.
Close the Rift in Chapter 4.
Defeat The Houndmaster in Chapter 5.
Turn all the valves in Chapter 8 and return to the starting valve and kill the boss in the drained pool.
Save the angels in the Chapter 11 level, soon after the start when you jump from high platform.
Destroy the grub queen in Chapter 12.
Destroy 3 drills in Chapter 14.
Destroy 10 structures or 12 Supply Caches in Chapter 15.
Each level has a Trickster Door. You will need Trickster Keys to unlock them. Find the link for complete guide playlist bellow. Also, check the list of keys, they are covered in that playlist except Vulgrim and Arena keys, which are self-explanatory. The only problematic door is the one in the Void - Darksiders Genesis - The Void Trickster Door and Wicked Killington boss
Trickster Keys 01-21 - Chapters 1-15 (Darksiders Genesis - Complete Guide Playlist)
Trickster Key 22-26 - Vulgrim Shop (Beat the game so you can unlock all 5)
Trickster Key 27 - Arena reward for 3500 AP
This is your final test. Wicked Killington is tough, but with Strife's long distance attacks, it just requires time and patience. First things first, to unlock him, you need to open all Trickster doors and then the final door in The Void (hub area, left of Vulgrim) will open. Enter the door and kill the bastard.
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