Nioh 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to Nioh 2 trophy guide! Boy oh boy are we in for a treat! Nioh 2 is quite challenging game that is similar to Dark Souls games, but I like to call it Souls on steriods. It's more fast-paced and you gain diablo-type loot every few seconds. Let's start with this guide.
Step 1 - Beat the game while doing as much as you can
Nothing is missable.
Main missions can be tough if you die a lot and don't gain as much levels as you need to. I suggest always killing enemies and collect your grave if you die before you die again. When you gain a level, spend your Amrita on Shrine to level up. All stats are good, I was focusing on Strength, Dexterity and Omnyo Magic - I was a Odachi/Dual Swords build.
I suggest that you beat the main mission and all sub missions that you can - that will strenghten you just enough for beating the whole game.
While doing the missions, focus on collecting Kodama's, hot springs and doing in-level mission trophies:
Nioh 2 - Complete Video Guide Playlist
Nioh 2 - All Missions Overview
Step to have in mind while you play to avoid grind
You will need 120000 proficiency points with all types of your arsenal (it was 180k before 1.05 update). Use different weapons as much as you can while you play to get to that number, as you have 9 weapons plus Ninjitsu and Omnyo Magic which requires even more. When you raise your proficency, you need to beat the final Dojo mission for that weapon and then unlock Mystic Art Skill. Aim to raise Dual Swords first, as you need to clear all missions for one trophy and only that weapon at 120k is a requisite for the mission.
To easily raise Ninjitsu and Omnyo Magic, level them up so you can carry more and often imbue your weapon with for example Poison (Ninjitsu skill) and Water (Omnyo Magic skill). It doesn't depend on which weapon type you imbue this, just do it often to progress with proficiency for those.
Step 2 - Cleanup and hints
You can always repeat what you've missed. Aim to play new game plus, which will raise your proficiency faster. On that playthrough, you need to finish certain number of missions to unlock regions (check bar at lower right when you are at the map overview).
To check status of you in-level collectibles, select mission once and change tabs. This way you can check your hot spring status for that level, as well as the Ninja Locks etc.
If you collect all other trophies, you will unlock this deserved platinum!
Finish all main missions and sub missions. Twilight missions and Dojo missions are NOT required.
You collect Amrita (your in-game EXP) as you kill the enemies, active Shrines throgh levels, consume Spirit Shards...When you do have enough, go to your Shrine and level up. You will reach level 10 very fast. Be sure to collect your grave if you die, before you die again - you lose what your grave carries (both souls and amritas).
You collect Amrita (your in-game EXP) as you kill the enemies, active Shrines throgh levels, consume Spirit Shards...When you do have enough, go to your Shrine and level up. You will reach level 100 probably by the end of the game if you do all the side missions and main missions. Be sure to collect your grave if you die, before you die again - you lose what your grave carries (both souls and amritas).
You can always repeat stronger levels and grind if you need to. But doing everything this game requires for platinum, you will for sure be way over level 100.
Automatic Story unlock after completing the "The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama" mission.
Automatic Story unlock after beating The Sound sets on Mount Tenno mission.
Automatic Story unlock for finishing The Tho Faces of Hospitality mission.
Automatic Story unlock, it will happen after some events that happens after beating the "The High-spirited Demon" story mission.
Automatic Story unlock after completing all main missions in Dream era (6th world).
Automatic Story unlock for beating the game.
Yokai weapons are purple colored weapons that have "Imbue Corruption" as Special effect (you can also notice the Sentience bar under Familiarity). To get the trophy, you must use this kind of weapon (they are a drop from enemies, loot boxes etc.) and reach that Sentience awakening for a couple of times - until you learn all about the weapon. You fill the bar by attacking.
Just stick with one weapon for some time until this pops. You can check progress of your Yokai weapon under Amrite Memories (main menu, middle PS button), Background tab. I got the trophy with Dual Bloodstained Cleavers and when i unlocked 5th thought inside of that weapon.
To unlock Mystic Art for Sword, you need to raise proficiency with your sword up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "Opening of the Mind's Eye", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Dual Sword, you need to raise proficiency with your dual swords up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "Master of the Dual Blades", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Spear, you need to raise proficiency with your Spear up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "Hanzo The Demon", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Axe, you need to raise proficiency with your Axe up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "The Unmoving Montain", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Kusarigama, you need to raise proficiency with your Kusarigama up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "The Chain That Splits The Sky", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Odachi (my favorite weapon in this game), you need to raise proficiency with your odachi up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "The Tengu's Blade", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Tonfa, you need to raise proficiency with your Tonfa up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "Like Lightning", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Hatchets, you need to raise proficiency with your Hatchets up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "The Unstoppable Whirlwind", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Switchglaive, you need to raise proficiency with your Switchglaive up to 180000. After that, beat Dojo mission "Sharp Eyes", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Ninjitsu, you need to raise proficiency with your Ninjitsu up to 20000. After that, beat Dojo mission "The One Who Lives in the Shadows", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
You raise proficiency with Ninjitsu you need to use Ninjitsu skills when you fight - for example, using Shurikens, powders etc. will raise it. Also, adding poison element using Gallnut Broth skill also does the trick (I spam this like crazy). The point is to use those skills often as you trying to raise proficiency with other weapons - this doesn't depend on type of weapon you use.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
To unlock Mystic Art for the Omnyo Magic, you need to raise proficiency with your Omnyo Magic up to 250000. After that, beat Dojo mission "The Nine Symbols", go to Learn Skills in your game menu and unlock Mystic Art field to unlock the trophy.
You raise proficiency for Omnyo Magic when you use Omnyo skills when you fight - for example, rejuvenation talismans or protection talismans will raise it. Also, adding fire/water/thunder element using talismans also does the trick. The point is to use those skills often as you trying to raise proficiency with other weapons - this doesn't depend on type of weapon you use.
When you beat the game, you can replay the game on next difficulty on which you gain a bit more proficiency. I was replaying the level "A Formal Match" in Shadow region on Dream of the Strong game difficulty. The thing is, you gain proficency when you attack and land that attack on your enemies/bosses. You can repeat that mission while dying when you almost kill the boss - that way you can start again fast and collect proficiency faster.
Nioh 2 - Proficiency and Tea Utensils - Decent grind method Video Guide
Brute, Feral and Phantom are versions of your Guardian Spirit. You can distinguish them by the icon when you change them on the save point (Shrine).
What you need is to counter 5 times per type of Spirit. You counter enemies when they are about to hit you (but only when they use special "red" attack). In that moment, you need to counter by pressing R2 + Circle button. Each type is a bit different, so you will need to practice a bit, but in general this is very easy trophy.
After you find Toyo on one of the game missions in the first world, you will be able to do different actions in the Starting Point (your home base in each world). One of those is Soul Match - you take one weapon and cross it with other to increase its level and get different buffs. Simply do that once and thats it.
After you unlock blacksmith in the first world, you will be able to Forge an item. For that, you will need certain items from different enemy drops or pickups. You only need to forge one weapon, armor or tool. It's really easy and very soon you should be able to do so.
You need to finish "The Roaming Artistan" side mission in "Dream" world. After rescuing Toyo's grandfather, simpy enter Starting Point and Remodell option will now be available. By doing the mission mentioned above, you will also get the weapon you can remodel, so do it to unlock the trophy.
You can ocasionally gain a tea utensil. If you visit Hidden Teahouse (you unlock it a bit later in the story), you can appraise those. You need to get 50. I have 27 after 90h of playing the game. But, there is an easy method to farm them and it's by playing "The Refined Man of the Underworld" mission in Dawn region on Dream of the Strong difficulty.
You can raise the drop rate by going to Starting Point, your Hut and placing ones you have. They can raise some stats; I prefer having all 4 that raise tea utensil drop rate the most. Good luck!
A bit into the game you will unlock Hidden Tea House (you can enter from Starting Point - your base). You can trade your Glory points (you gain them by summoning enemies from RED graves in each level; and defeating them) for scrolls (you can change tabs with R1). Buy any scroll in the Haging Scroll Text tab and exchange 1000 glory points for it.
Then go to your Hut (from Starting Point), Remodel Hut, Hanging Scrolls. Choose the one you bought and that is it.
Shortly into the game you will unlock Kodama Bazzar option in your Shrine (where you level up and equip guardian spirits etc.). Simply go to Shrine -> Make offering option and Kodama Bazaar. You need to buy something (you use Amrita - money and Divine Rice which you get from all over the place). If you need some rice, you can offer some equipment and you will get some. I usually use this to exchange rice for potions.
This trophy requires you to team-up 10 times in 10 missions. During your hunt for all main story missions and side missions (which you need for some trophies anyway), you will team-up with many NPC's, simly speak with them or some of those join automaticaly. After 10th, it should pop.
You can also join Expeditions from your Shine and aid the others, but the first way will for sure cover your ground.
Acolytes are blue grave NPC's that you can summon. You need certain items to summon one - those drop mostly when you summon the red grave and kill the NPC. Usually I called blue ones to help me with the boss or hard parts of the game.
Easy trophy overall, you should be done with this on the beginning of the game.
When you beat main missions and some sub missions, you will unlock corresponding Twilight mission. They are the same missions, just harder. You can enter them from lower left corner of your screen when you are on map. Finish one to unlock the trophy.
You will find first hot spring in the "The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames" level. For this trophy you only need one hot spring.
To check status of you in-level collectibles, select mission once and change tabs. This way you can check your hot spring status for that level, as well as the Ninja Locks etc.
For Spa Lover you only need 27 UNIQUE hot spring discoveries. So, save yourself the time to dip in every one of them - some side missions repeat ones you already found on some other missions and that is not needed.
To check status of you in-level collectibles, select mission once and change tabs. This way you can check your hot spring status for that level, as well as the Ninja Locks etc.
List of levels and numbers:
The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames - 1
The Viper's Sanctum - 1
A Hidden Monster of Okehazama - 1
The Mysterous One Night Castle - 2
The Hollow Fortress - 2
A Way Out - 1
Corpses and Ice - 1
Bird In A Cage - 1
Pervading Waters - 1
Song of the Yokai - 7
The Frenzied Blaze - 1
The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno - 1
Ruin Draws Near - 1
The Two Faces Of Hospitality - 1
A Message From the Deceased - 1
The High-spirited Demon - 1
The Mausoleum of Evil - 1
The Golden Castle - 1
Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo - 1
Defeat means kill them. Do that for all types of Yokai's (including the last boss for example).
There are 150 Kodama's to be found. Mostly they are to be found on main missions, but some sub missions also contain them. I have a video guide for all levels that contain some trophy related unlock, so make sure to help yourself you are stuck.
Nioh 2 - Complete Video Guide Playlist
Nioh 2 - All Missions Overview Guide
You need to collect 25 Guardian Spirits. Most of them are unlocked during the story and some you will need to find by beating certain sub mission.
Sudama's are pink Kodama's. When you find one, drop a weapon and they will pick it up and give you same rarity one but different one. Do this once and that is it.
Every Yokai you kill have a chance to drop a Soul Core. This will happen quite fast. Just make sure to go back to shrine to actually obtain it. If you die and don't take your remains before you die again, you will lose the Soul Core and you will have to kill the Yokai again to get it.
Kodama Soul is a rare drop from Sudama's when you drop them a soul core for them to give you items in return. By giving them some soul core, you can expect Kodamas soul core in exchange.
First make sure to receive Yamabushi Blessing from the Shrine to increase Soul Core drop rate.
The Viper's Sanctum mission in Awakening region contains 2 Sudama's quite close, so farm them there. Simply enter the mission, try to get the soul, if no soul dropped use divine branch fragment to return from level and repeat. Just have in mind that using the divine branch fragment makes you lose all Amrita.
When you have the core, do not die and purify it on the shrine.
If you can't drop any soul, speak with Sudama and then you will have the option!
Every Yokai you kill have a chance to drop a Soul Core. If you die and don't take your remains before you die again, you will lose the Soul Core and you will have to kill the Yokai again to get it. You will need to get all 49 Soul Cores.
Go to your Shrine -> Manage Souls Cores -> Soul Fusion. Select some soul and add another to raise the soul level of the first one. Do this until you level up selected soul core to level 9. It should be fairly easy when you record 4th world, it takes like 2-3 upgrades to get there.
When you are on the map overview, try focusing your pointer on areas around missions. Sometimes it will change cursor color to red, which means you can harvest the item underneath. Confirm and you will discover it. This is very easy due to many regions, so just aim to find 10 items and that's it.
Dark Realm is that veil of grey color which is purified by defeating certain Yokai when inside of it. You need to dispel all of them in all main missions to unlock the trophy, nothing else. Some are required to even pass the mission, some are optional.
To check status of you in-level collectibles, select mission once and change tabs. This way you can check your hot spring status for that level, as well as the Ninja Locks etc.
The Village of Cursed Blossoms - 1
The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames - 2
The Viper’s Sanctum - 3
The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama - 2
The Mysterious One Night Castle - 3
The Hollow Fortress - 2
A Way Out - 3
Corpses and Ice - 3
Bird In A Cage - 3
Pervading Waters - 2
The Frenzied Blaze - 3
The Sun Sets on Mount Tenno - 2
Ruin Draws Near - 4
The Two Faces of Hospitality - 2
The High-spirited Demon - 3
The Mausoleum of Evil - 2
The Golden Castle - 3
Cherry Blossom Viewing in Daigo - 1
In the Eye of the Beholder - 3
Gozuki is the big guy with the big weapon just at the start of the level when you enter the first wider area. Kill him and then go kill the boss. Killing both of them unlocks the trophy.
You can find Ryunojo in the "Bird in a Cage" level. He will ask for some dungs, like in the first game; give me either Dung Ball or Noble Dung Balls to get some items and finally a trophy. You need to give him 20 of those, so you can give him 15 dung and 5 noble dung balls etc.
You can farm those by killing rat type enemies on this level, or simply finish the game and collect as much as you can, many item spots holds those items. You can return at any time to give him those.
You need to destroy all 6 big yellow crystals while doing this level. They are easy to find, check out the video:
There are 3 snake statuses in this level at the bottom of the pit. Don't break any of them and beat the boss of this level to unlock this trophy.
You also need to kill Seven Spear warriors, 7 of them. They are tougher versions of regular enemies and you will notice they are different. I have a video guide, so help yourself.
There are 2 of those standing on the tree branch. You will notice them by the yellow light that they use to scan the field. You need to kill both birds (Tatarimokkes) before you kill the boss to unolock the trophy.
Gozuki is the big guy with the big weapon just at the start of the level when you enter the first wider area. He can be tough, especially for your first mission. You can return later and finish him to unlock the trophy.
This is the last boss in "Pervaiding Waters" level. When you jump to fight it, in front and behing you are 2 dam's. Simply stand in front and let him attack to destroy it.
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