Sea Of Solitude Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Sea of Solitude is a short and easy game to platinum. After finishing certain parts of chapter/s, you can select that part and replay it. The best way is to focus on collectibles (bottles and seagulls) while collecting other trophies as you play. I will leave few hints for most efficient trophy hunting.
When you obtain Flare Gun, use it with L2 30 times. You can't miss out of ammo. This shows your way towards objectives, so you will probably get it naturally.
When you encounter whale for the first time, you can jump 20 times in water and let him swallow you.
In Chapter 1, when you get rid of darkness in middle of the water, swim for few minutes to unlock Mermaid Trophy.
Chapter 2 - "Follow the Monster" section - There is area where whale cannot reach (through closed gates right at start of this section, after you see the bird) while you swim. There you can swim while he tries to reach until you unlock Danger swimmer trophy.
Chapter 3 - at beginning, go towards the bird north, and somwhere in the middle of the road on the left there will be bottle to collect. In water next to it there are hands. Jump in there 10 times to unlock trophy.
Chapter 6 - While climbing the tower, you will go through room with couch where Kay will comment about it. Falling right next to couch from tower will unlock Comfy Trophy. After that jump of the tower but after climbing the first rubble to get a bit above the couch level. This will unlock Deep Dive Trophy.
Everything else will come naturally, if not, refer to missing trophies and farm them. Very easy platinum.
Go and collect all other trophies :)
Bottles and Seagulls are only thing you can collect in the game. If you miss something, you can mop using Load Section from main menu. There are plenty of videos showing all collectibles, so let me share one great for both bottles and seagulls:
Bottles and Seagulls are only thing you can collect in the game. If you miss something, you can mop using Load Section from main menu. There are plenty of videos showing all collectibles, so let me share one great for both bottles and seagulls:
Bottles and Seagulls are only thing you can collect in the game. If you miss something, you can mop using Load Section from main menu. There are plenty of videos showing all collectibles, so let me share one great for both bottles and seagulls:
Bottles and Seagulls are only thing you can collect in the game. If you miss something, you can mop using Load Section from main menu. There are plenty of videos showing all collectibles, so let me share one great for both bottles and seagulls:
You will learn to use Flare shortly in the game. After you get it, use L2 to shoot. Combine with Seeker trophy and use it 30 times for both trophies to pop.
Automatic trophy unlocked during the story.
Chapter 6 - While climbing the tower, you will go through room with couch where Kay will comment about it. Falling right next to couch from tower will unlock Comfy Trophy. After that jump of the tower but after climbing the first rubble to get a bit above the couch level. This will unlock Deep Dive Trophy.
Chapter 3 - At beginning, go towards the bird which you will see north, and somwhere in the middle of the road on the left there will be bottle to collect. In water next to it there are hands. Jump in there 10 times to unlock trophy.
Chapter 6 - While climbing the tower, you will go through room with couch where Kay will comment about it. Falling right next to couch from tower will unlock Comfy Trophy. After that jump of the tower but after climbing the first rubble to get a bit above the couch level. This will unlock Deep Dive Trophy.
I think there are more places where this can be unlocked, but I did it here. If you miss this one, you can load section on top of tower in chapter 6 and go a bit down to reach couch.
You will learn to use Flare shortly in the game. After you get it, use L2 to shoot. Combine with Seeker trophy and use it 30 times for both trophies to pop.
Whale will follow you through the whole game. Simply jump in water and let him eat you. Do it 20 times.
In Chapter 1, when you get rid of darkness in middle of the water, swim for few minutes to unlock Mermaid Trophy. You can do this anywhere before chapter 12.
I unlocked this naturally. If by any chance you don't, select some chapter before Chapter 12 and run until you unlock it.
I unlocked this naturally. If you don't, select some chapter where you ride a boat and drive until trophy pops. Do it before Chapter 12.
Chapter 2 - "Follow the Monster" section - There is area where whale cannot reach (through closed gates right at start of this section, after you see the bird) while you swim. There you can swim while he tries to reach until you unlock Danger swimmer trophy.
You can farm this anywhere, but this method is the fastest one.
Automatic trophy unlocked during the story.
Automatic trophy unlocked during the story.
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