Thymesia Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome soulsbornelikeeldenborne fans! I don't know how to say the genre comparison anymore, so let's just say we have another souls-like game in front of us! This time the journey is shorted, but it's still a bit challenging considering the fights are really fast and require focus + patience. Let's start
Step 1 - Collect all collectibles during the tutorial mission!
If you miss out on some note/s during the tutorial mission you can't go back there anymore. That means you will miss out on a few trophies, and that means you'll have to replay the whole game again. You don't want that.
If you miss getting the trophy for depleting the whole HP bar from Varg in the Tutorial, don't worry, it's really easy to start a new game and get there fast. Just don't miss out on collectibles.
Step 2 - Complete all levels and stop before entering Ocean of Memories; the last level
You need to complete 5 dungeons inside Sea of Trees, 4 in Royal Garden, and 3 in Hermes Fortress. Afterwards you will be asked from the Hub area if you want to finish your calling. Say "No" to stay inside the Hub before the final boss. At this moment I advise you to get rid of all trophies except the grinding to level 50. This means all Notes, all Story Lores, all Ingredients, all Recipes, all Plague weapons, and brake 1000 barrels.
Final Step - Unlock all 5 endings and mop up if you miss anything
Beating the final boss inside Ocean of Memories will prompt you with a question about is that the truth. If you say "No" that will bring you before beating the final boss. You want that, and you want to beat the final boss 5 times to unlock 5 different endings aferwards.
After unlocking the 5th ending just say No again at the end, and now you should have only grinding to level 50 left. This should also go easy and fast by beating the Mutated Odur boss in the first level, last dungeon.
List of topics and YouTube Complete Video Playlist
Thymesia - All Ingredients and Recipes
Thymesia - All Plague Weapons
Thymesia - Collectibles Guide
Thymesia - Endings Guide
Thymesia - Complete YT Playlist
Urd is an optional boss of Hermes Fortress Subquest 1 dungeon. She is fast, and she has 2 health bars. You will have to master her patterns and dodge a lot, find your opportunity to attack, and the most efficient strategy is to run towards her to counter her special attacks (if you have that skill). Bow plague weapon works good.
25:15 - Boss: Urd (You can also get Plague Weapon from this boss) Urd Trophy
Mutated Odur is an optional boss of *Sea of Trees Mutated Odur dungeon. He is a bit tought if you come there weak, but very doable after learning his patterns. He has only 1 health bar, so it's not so problematic. Later on he will be the best choice for grinding levels.
42:30 - Mutated Odur Boss (Mutated Odur Trophy)
God of the Fools is an optional boss in Sea of Trees God of the Fools dungeon. It's a big gooie boss, you have to make your way to the top and just press R1 to finish him. It will take some time to get there, just destroy whatever blocks your way. This level is a good way to level up at earlier states of game, you can just run towards the top and make it quick. I also advise you to finish this level without healing to unlock the related trophy for that as well.
41:10 - God of the Fools Trophy
Sound of the Abyss is an optional boss in Royal Garden Undergound Laboratory Sub Quest 1 dungeon. It's a big worm-like boss, you have to attack it when it rushes into you. Aim for pulsing, glowing parts and avoid what he throws into you.
37:55 - Boss: Sound of the Abyss (Sound of the Abyss Trophy)
All ending-related info can be found under the next topic:
All ending-related info can be found under the next topic:
All ending-related info can be found under the next topic:
All ending-related info can be found under the next topic:
All ending-related info can be found under the next topic:
All ending-related info can be found under the next topic:
There are 5 sub-levels in Sea of Trees, and you have to finish them all to unlock this trophy.
There are 4 sub-levels in Royal Garden, and you have to finish them all to unlock this trophy.
There are 3 sub-levels in Hermes Fortress, and you have to finish them all to unlock this trophy.
Finish all sub-levels in Sea of Trees, Royal Garden, Hermes Fortress, and Ocean of Memories.
Reaving plague weapons gets unlocked during the tutorial, so I don't think you can even miss this one. Hold R2 and release it to attack your target and reave its plague weapon for 1 use. When you unlock Plague weapons slot you can collect weapon shards to unlock permanent plague weapons that can be inserted in corresponding slot.
Impossible to miss out on. Beacon is a resting point/checkoint in dungeons. Simply interract with one (you will find some in the tutorial mission).
This is maybe the easiest trophy, unless you don't die once while playing the game. It's a copy of a Dark Souls trophy for dying.
To unlock a Plague weapon you need to hold R2 to suck the power of that weapon from an enemy, and when you defeat that enemy there is a chance that the enemy will drop weapon crystals. When you rest at the beacon point you will be able to Unlock Plague weapons. Simply use 3 crystals for a certain Plague Weapon to unlock one. You will need to unlock them all and max out 1 to unlock all Plague-related trophies.
Crafting a recipe means you have to have all 3 slots unlocked on either Potion, and then you need to add certain 3 ingredients in the slots to unlock Recipe, which is really a buff on the Potion. It's really easy to unlock them all, although 2 ingredients are rare, but it's not that hard to get them.
You upgrade plague weapons by spending skill shard for a certain plague weapon. Each has different ones, and holding R2 to drain a weapon seems to help with getting the shard drops after killing that enemy. The best way to fully upgrade 1 type is to simply rest at the beacon, kill enemy you need to farm, rest again, repeat. It will be done in no time, so choose your location, enemy, weapon and farm it.
Upgrading Potions is done by using Alchemy Enhancer Potions, which are a drop from unique harder enemies in each level. There is plenty of these to upgrade 2 Potions at max, but you can still spend them across all 3 and miss out on it, but that is really hard to achieve. Repeating some boss fights like Mutated Odur can drop one, so it's not really missable. Collectibles guide will show them all, so just upgrade 1 potions to max at beacon points and then move to upgrading others.
There are 12 Ingredients, and only 2 are rare. Find at least 1 example of each to unlock this trophy.
Crafting a recipe means you have to have all 3 slots unlocked on either Potion, and then you need to add certain 3 ingredients in the slots to unlock Recipe, which is really a buff on the Potion. It's really easy to unlock them all, although 2 ingredients are rare, but it's not that hard to get them.
You get plague weapons by spending skill shard for a certain plague weapon on the beacon points. Each has different shards, and holding R2 to drain a weapon seems to help with getting the shard drops after killing that enemy. It's really easy to collect all types of plague weapons.
Note - Missable as you can't return to Tutorial mission once you beat it. The tutorial mission has a few notes to collect, making this trophy missable.
You will need all 22 Lores to unlock this trophy.
Note - Missable as you can't return to Tutorial mission once you beat it. The tutorial mission has a few notes to collect, making this trophy missable.
There are 94 story bits in the game to be found, and you need them all for unlocking this trophy.
Note - Missable as you can't return to Tutorial mission once you beat it. The tutorial mission has a few notes to collect, making this trophy missable. Collect all story lores, all notes, all ingredients, all recipes:
Note - Missable as you can't return to Tutorial mission once you beat it. The tutorial mission has a few notes to collect, making this trophy missable.
Once Varg defeats you, you will be out of the tutorial mission. It's not time-consuming to retry the game and return to Varg, so although this is missable, it's still not a big problem to return and re-try. I backed up my save on the rest point just before the boss, and if I lost, I just download the backup save.
The fight is not easy, but after few tries you should get familiar with dodge and 2 types of attacks, making Varg honestly not that hard. Here is a video guide explaining how I did it.
1:50 - Varg Boss (You shall not pass trophy)
Good candidates for this trophy are God of the Fools, or The Hanged Queen boss fights. For God of the Fools you only need to reach the top of the area and press R1 to defeat him, and The Hanged Queen boss has only 1 Health bar. Using Potions will void the trophy, but healing via Scythe plague weapon will NOT, so you can use that one to cheat a little bit.
*Sea of Trees God of the Fools*
35:25 - Sea of Trees God of the Fools Entrance
41:10 - God of the Fools Trophy
Just keep in mind to rush through and attack the barrels in this game. 1000 is a lot, but with the proper farming point it will take few minutes.
*Hermes Fortress*
0:00 - Hermes Fortress Entrance
0:05 - Note: Soldier's Sachet
0:41 - Note: Diary of a Knight's Mother 01
1:10 - Ingredient: Garlic
1:40 - Note: Pure Blood Injection Records & Path to a Rest Point #1
2:25 - Note: Notes on Hermes Life: Fortress 01
3:12 - Alchemy Enhancer Potion Upgrade #1, Key to the Top of the Fortress Wall
4:19 - Note: Tales of Folk Potions 02
5:15 - Note: Diary of an Unknown Knight 01, Path to a Rest Point #2 & Shortcut Unlock
6:50 - Rolling Required Ahead Trophy farming point (No way you're going to break 1000 barrels during normal play, so take some time here to farm for 1000, it's really fast here)
Max level is 50. When you unlock all endings and finish the rest of the game, gather all collectibles and trophies - you will be around level 35-40, depending how many times you lost your experience points during the game.
You can farm the last boss, which gives 1 level every time you defeat him, or you can defeat Mutated Odur which gives around 6400 experience points, and you need 10,400 points after level 30 (each time the same amount!). I combined the two, and ended up grind the Mutated Odur which has only 1 health bar, and is fairly easy when you get stronger. It shouldn't take you more than 1-2 hours to get there.
20:15 - Peak Performance Trophy (Reaching level 50 - Last trophy I had to do. Simply repeat the final boss, or Mutated Odur and level up to level 50. Glitches doesn't work for grinding)
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