Yakuza: Like A Dragon Trophy Guide & Roadmap

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Finish 10 substories. Simple. You can start them in Chapter 3 and have 10 of them before ending the Chapter 4.
Finish 20 substories. I had 20 in Chapter 7.
Finish 40 out of 53 substories.
Bond levels will be introduced to you during the story when you visit Survival Bar for the first time. After that you collect Bond points when you win a battle and your active party will get +5 bond points. By listening to random conversations that pops when you travel across the city you can also gain Bond points. Also, you can eat for maybe the easiest way to earn them.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Bond Events Guide
When you reach level 5 with Nanba the trophy will unlock and you will also get Skill Tag Team: Heat Buster.
Bond levels will be introduced to you during the story when you visit Survival Bar for the first time. After that you collect Bond points when you win a battle and your active party will get +5 bond points. By listening to random conversations that pops when you travel across the city you can also gain Bond points. Also, you can eat for maybe the easiest way to earn them.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Bond Events Guide
When you reach level 5 with Adachi the trophy will unlock and you will also get Skill Tag Team: Meteor Strike.
Bond levels will be introduced to you during the story when you visit Survival Bar for the first time. After that you collect Bond points when you win a battle and your active party will get +5 bond points. By listening to random conversations that pops when you travel across the city you can also gain Bond points. Also, you can eat for maybe the easiest way to earn them.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Bond Events Guide
When you reach level 5 with Saeko the trophy will unlock and you will also get Skill Tag Team: Bombardier Bash.
Bond levels will be introduced to you during the story when you visit Survival Bar for the first time. After that you collect Bond points when you win a battle and your active party will get +5 bond points. By listening to random conversations that pops when you travel across the city you can also gain Bond points. Also, you can eat for maybe the easiest way to earn them.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Bond Events Guide
When you reach level 5 with Joon-gi the trophy will unlock and you will also get Skill Tag Team: Terrorizing Trample.
Bond levels will be introduced to you during the story when you visit Survival Bar for the first time. After that you collect Bond points when you win a battle and your active party will get +5 bond points. By listening to random conversations that pops when you travel across the city you can also gain Bond points. Also, you can eat for maybe the easiest way to earn them.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Bond Events Guide
When you reach level 5 with Zhao the trophy will unlock and you will also get Skill Tag Team: ???.
Bond levels will be introduced to you during the story when you visit Survival Bar for the first time. After that you collect Bond points when you win a battle and your active party will get +5 bond points. By listening to random conversations that pops when you travel across the city you can also gain Bond points. Also, you can eat for maybe the easiest way to earn them.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Bond Events Guide
When you reach level 5 with Eri the trophy will unlock and you will also get Skill Tag Team: ???.
Table Talk is an event when you eat. You need to eat correct meal combinations to trigger it.
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Part-time Hero is unlocked in Chapter 5 by following the story and doing Substory 12. Now you can do challenges across the town (beat thugs, collect insects, battle challenges). By doing each you collect certain points and you need to advance to Senior Hero level. There is one good challege "Kappture the Kappa" which grants 2 million Yen, I suggest doing that one. It also give you +30 points which will advance you one level. Do some more to gain another.
You can find many insects by exchanging cans you win in the "Can Quest" which you unlock early in the game. You can buy and turn those for Support challenges. Rescue missions are also noted at the map (blue icon with "!" mark means it's an SOS) - beat enemies at those points to gain more.
Part-time Hero is unlocked in Chapter 5 by following the story and doing Substory 12. Now you can do challenges across the town (beat thugs, collect insects, battle challenges). By doing each you collect certain points and you need to advance to Senior Hero level. There is one good challege "Kappture the Kappa" which grants 2 million Yen, I suggest doing that one. It also give you +30 points which will advance you one level. Do some more to gain another.
You can find many insects by exchanging cans you win in the "Can Quest" which you unlock early in the game. You can buy and turn those for Support challenges. Rescue missions are also noted at the map (blue icon with "!" mark means it's an SOS) - beat enemies at those points to gain more.
I don't think you can miss this one. Unlocked by reaching level 10 with Kasuga - EXP is gained by defeating enemies on the street etc.
Unlocked by reaching level 30 with Kasuga - EXP is gained by defeating enemies on the street, simply playing the game, by doing challenges etc. Shouldn't be a problem to reach level 30.
Unlocked by reaching level 30 with Kasuga - EXP is gained by defeating enemies on the street, simply playing the game, by doing challenges etc. Battle Arena unlocked in Chapter 15 (Sotenbori) can help you with this - you can advance floors and raise levels fast, reaching level 50 will take some time, but it should not a big problem.
Unlocked by reaching level 30 with Kasuga - EXP is gained by defeating enemies on the street, simply playing the game, by doing challenges etc. Battle Arena unlocked in Chapter 15 (Sotenbori) can help you with this - you can advance floors and raise levels fast, reaching level 70 will take some time.
Details and best grind methods coming soon...
There are 6 categories of Kasuga's personality: Style, Kindness, Passion, Intellect, Charisma and Confidence. Raise 1 of those to max level to unlock the trophy.
There are 6 categories of Kasuga's personality: Style, Kindness, Passion, Intellect, Charisma and Confidence. Raise all of those to max level to unlock the trophy.
Kasuga learns new jobs by raising his personality. You need to change to 3 of those for this trophy.
Kasuga learns new jobs by raising his personality. You need to change to 8 of those for this trophy.
In Chapter 5 you will unlock job changing at Hello Work. Simply change the job class of all 4 party members, initiate a fight, win and you will unlock the trophy.
You need to raise 1 job to its maximum rank.
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You need to raise 1 job to its maximum rank.
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You need to raise 1 job to its maximum rank.
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Romance Workshop is unlocked automaticaly during story (Chapter 5, Substory 13). You can craft new weapons/armors and streghten current ones. By doing 10 of either you will unlock the trophy. Shouldn't be too hard.
Romance Workshop is unlocked automaticaly during story (Chapter 5, Substory 13). You can invest money to raise level of the facility (Fund Support option). You will need to reach max level to unlock the trophy (you need money).
Lv.2 - 200,000 Yen
Lv.3 - 2,000,000 Yen
Lv.4 - 20,000,000 Yen
You can buy gear, craft gear, collect gear by defeating enemies...It shouldn't be a problem collecting 100 of those.
You can buy gear, craft gear, collect gear by defeating enemies, there are really a lot of places where you will get gear. You can find decent number of gear in Sotenbori Battle Arena (Chapter 12) by doing the challenges there. Doing Part-time Hero challenges often reward you with gear. Combine all that and you should reach 200 sometimes around Chapter 13.
You will unlock Sujidex in Chapter 4 during story-related substory. After that, every enemy you beat that is different will be added to Sujidex. Play substories and fight as much as you can to fill 100 entries.
You will unlock Sujidex in Chapter 4 during story-related substory. After that, every enemy you beat that is different will be added to Sujidex. Play substories and fight as much as you can to fill 200 entries. Maybe the best approach is simply by doing the Sotenbori Battle Arena, there are many floors and may types of enemies there. Shouldn't be a big problem to collect them 200. You can also do requests for fighting certain types of enemies for Part-time Hero (they state where the enemy appears).
Poundmates are unlocked during story in Chapter 4 (substory 5). They are something like summons. Kasuga is the only one that can call them, so do so for 30 times. First call is for free, every other call will cost you money. New Poundmates are gathered by doing substories mostly.
Sotenbori Battle Arena is unlocked during Chapter 12, a bit later when you reach Sotenbori. You can now advance floors by beating enemies and you can return to Sotenbori with taxi. Every 5th floor is a checkpoint and you can repeat floors as much as you like. Last floor is 30th, I beat it by being around level 43 with my party, it was not so hard. The rewards for additional goals are really great from level 26-30 in the arena, consider repeating a few times, especially the Dragon Boots.
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Simpy play 10 different minigames across the town.
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You will unlock Dragon Kart by doing the substory 40, which is available from Chapter 3. The story is at the norteastern part of Yokohama. You can now compete in Dragon Kart at the same location.
You will unlock can mini-game early in the game during the story. Visit Can Quest on the map (southwest part of the map) and beat all 3 stages. You only need required number of cans, not S ranks here.
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Simply fight nexto the the traffic and cars and kick someone towards a car. The car will hit him and you will get the trophy.
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You will first encounter creeps in safes during Chapter 9 when you are in the underground dungeon. 2 safes have a person inside.
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