Dead Space Remake Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome! I'm sorry it took some time, but I'm overwhelmed with games these days, so it takes a bit more time to cover everything properly. Let's dig in and explain the road towards the platinum trophy in new Dead Space Remake.
Step 1 - Beat the game on any difficulty while collecting all collectibles and using only the Plasma Cutter weapon
It's a matter of choice, but enjoying on your first run while getting out of the way some tricky trophies is a good way to start your playthrough. I made my first run the one where I've used only Plasma Cutter (One Gun trophy), and I've played on the Medium difficulty. I collected everything (you need 150 out of 180+ Logs) on the way, so I don't have to worry about anything on the next runs.
You need 30 kills with each weapon, which I left for the second run since I decided to unlock Plasma Cutter-only trophy. You will need all schematics, 150 Logs, all weapons (and weapon upgrades), upgrade all weapon nodes... Most likely upgrading everything will prolongue over 2 runs, but that is fine, it's impossible otherwise.
By following my collectibles guide you will collect everything you need on your first playthrough:
Dead Space Remake - All Collectibles
Step 2 - NG+, Fully upgrade your gear, Unlock All Markers and witness the alternate ending
Dead Space Remake features a new, alternate ending. You will unlock 12 markers only related to NG+, so you must beat the game and continue towards NG+ where you also unlock the last upgrade nodes for you armor, and the 12 Markers that are not a part of the first playthrough.
Dead Space Remake - All Marker Fragments
During this run you can defeat 30 enemies using each weapon, and get rid of some miscelaneous trophies you may miss at this point. Everything will carry over to New Game Plus (Logs and collectibles), so if you missed anything, you can collect it during this playthrough.
Step 3 - Impossible Difficulty playthrough
There is a glitch that makes this run much easier. It's present in the version 1.04, but it will for sure be patched, so have that in mind. If you die on Impossible, the game difficulty reverts to Hard, but on this and prior patch versions it will still count as Impossible and you will unlock the trophy when you finish the game using this method.
If you decide to tackle it the regular way, there are few things to have in mind:
Enemy difficulty and damage multipliers are like on Hard difficulty, but there is no auto-saves and there is only 1 save slot. If you die, that save slot reverts the difficulty to Hard, so when they patch the exploit, you will NOT unlock the trophy for Impossible difficulty if you die during this playthrough. You can quit the game after each save and upload the save to your Ps Plus Cloud to make this much easier, otherwise it's not easy and it can go up to 6/10 or even more.
Good luck!
List of topics
Dead Space Remake - All Collectibles
Dead Space Remake - All Marker Fragments
Dead Space Remake YouTube Playlist
Collect all other trophies to unlock the platinum one.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
Automatic, story-related trophy.
To unlock this trophy you must complete the side-mission "Premeditated Malpractice". You can start it in chapter Chapter 6, and completed in Chapter 7. Point of no return for most of side-missions is Chapter 11, and all of the details and steps can be easily found in my complete collectibles topic:
To unlock this trophy you must complete the side-mission "Scientific Methods". You can start it in Chapter 2, and complete in Chapter 10. Point of no return for most of side-missions is Chapter 11, and all of the details and steps can be easily found in my complete collectibles topic:
Medium is the recommended difficulty for playing the game, in my opinion. Your first run can be on this difficulty, and while using only the Plasma Cutter weapon, but you can combine as you like and see fit. Beating the game on Medium difficulty is not hard at all.
Impossible difficulty run is the toughest trophy in Dead Space Remake. It's still a lot easier than it was in the original game though. You can start it only in New Game, NOT in NG+ unless you beat the game on Impossible - then you can. So, it's a pure, clean run from the start.
Completing the game on Impossible will unlock the Burnished Suit and the Hand Cannon for New Game Plus.
There is a glitch that makes this run much easier. It's present in the version 1.04, but it will for sure be patched, so have that in mind. If you die on Impossible, the game difficulty reverts to Hard, but on this and prior patch versions it will still count as Impossible and you will unlock the trophy when you finish the game using this method.
If you decide to tackle it the regular way, there are few things to have in mind:
Enemy difficulty and damage multipliers are like on Hard difficulty, but there is no auto-saves and there is only 1 save slot. If you die, that save slot reverts the difficulty to Hard, so when they patch the exploit, you will NOT unlock the trophy for Impossible difficulty if you die during this playthrough. You can quit the game after each save and upload the save to your Ps Plus Cloud to make this much easier, otherwise it's not easy and it can go up to 6/10 or even more.
Basically, it's up to you how you want to tackle this run, but let me give you some weapon pointers:
- Plasma Cutter is the best weapon to sever limbs, and it's like the best all-arounder
- Line Gun is a good spread weapon, meaning you can sever multiple limbs at once, and it can hit multiple enemies if you aim properly. Its alt-fire can lay traps, which can prepare you for some nasty, group fights.
- Pulse Rifle is a fast-shotting weapon, with grenade launcher alt-fire mode. Strong weapon.
- Force Gun knocks back enemies, strips the armor and layers from enemies, making them easier to be severed
It makes no sense to upgrade the rest of the arsenal, so focus your upgrades to above weapons and combine for the best outcomes. Also, make sure you don't have fully loaded weapon before upgrading with Nodes, you can save some bullets as upgrading also fills your ammo for the upgraded weapon. The same goes for your armor health.
Gameplay tips:
- Kinesis (
) does not deplete anything, you can use as much as you want. Throw objects at enemies, you can use spikes to impale then and freeze them. Use your environments. Exploding canisters and bullets are your best friend.
- Stasis is great for slowing down enemies, but it depletes the stasis bar. Always replenish stasis at stasis stations.
- Severing limbs is the fastest way to kill enemies, learn what to sever on different enemy types to minimize the bullets you have spend on each enemy. The ones with fat belly are the worse, if you shoot them in the belly they spawn minions and they deal some serious damage. I always use stasis on them to slow them down, and then I sever both of their hands. Exploders are your friends; sever their exploding hands and throw it at other enemies (teamwork!). Brutes are easy if you slow them down and sever their joints (hands basically). Guardians (the ones on the walls with tentacles) are the worst. I hate them. Wait from afar so they release their tentacles and then shoot them either with some explosives or with Plasma Cutter.
- Stomp everything and everyone, collect resources constantly.
- Sell Oxygen tanks, Stasis modules, ammo you don't plan to use.
- Carry only weapons you plan to use so that you get ammo only for these weapons.
- Save regularly.
Money Exploit glitch (works on 1.04, but it can be patched in the future):
- Wait until you collect 10-12 Nodes.
- Collect Pulse Riffle weapon (Chapter 2 Medical Tram Station).
- Find a good place where you have a workbench and a shop. There's one good place in Medical Tram Station.
- Equip Pulse Riffle, shoot all ammo at the floor with R1 (Grenade weapon mode).
- Unlock the first CAP (capacity) upgrade for Pulse Riffle from workbench.
- Shoot the ammo at the floor again (upgrading CAP refills some ammo).
- Unlock another CAP upgrade for the same weapon.
- Shoot the ammo at the floor again (upgrading CAP refills some ammo).
- Repeat the above steps (CAP upgrade, shooting ammo at the floor) for 5 Node CAP upgrades, or all 9 if you have 12 Nodes on you.
- Now, pick up all ammo from the floor, sell it in the shop, go to the workbench and reset the Pulse Riffe upgrades for 5,000 Credits.
- You have all Nodes back, and you made some profit.
- Repeat as much times you'd like. Spend it at your convenience.
Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock New Game Plus. You can choose this mode from the main game menu. You want to combine this trophy with getting the alternate ending, for which you need 12 Markers related only to New Game Plus:
There are 9 weapons in the game:
- Plasma Cutter (Chapter 1)
- Stasis Module (Chapter 1)
- Kinesis Module (Chapter 2)
- Pulse Rifle (Chapter 2)
- Ripper (Chapter 3)
- Flamethrower (Chapter 3)
- Contact Beam (Chapter 4)
- Line Gun (Chapter 5)
- Force Gun (Chapter 6)
You can easily find them by searching through the next topic (or following it when playing the game):
Every gun has 3 upgrades, which means you can find 21 upgrades throughout the game. When you find them all, inspect the workbench and enter each weapons upgrade screen to install the upgrades and unlock the trophy. Simply finding them will not unlock it without checking them on the workbench.
Each weapon comes with a trophy for 30 kills. Save these trophies for NG+ or any other run which is not Plasma Cutter-only run (minus the Impossible one). It's pretty straightforward.
Each weapon comes with a trophy for 30 kills. Save these trophies for NG+ or any other run which is not Plasma Cutter-only run (minus the Impossible one). It's pretty straightforward.
Each weapon comes with a trophy for 30 kills. Save these trophies for NG+ or any other run which is not Plasma Cutter-only run (minus the Impossible one). It's pretty straightforward.
Each weapon comes with a trophy for 30 kills. Save these trophies for NG+ or any other run which is not Plasma Cutter-only run (minus the Impossible one). It's pretty straightforward.
Each weapon comes with a trophy for 30 kills. Save these trophies for NG+ or any other run which is not Plasma Cutter-only run (minus the Impossible one). It's pretty straightforward.
Each weapon comes with a trophy for 30 kills. Save these trophies for NG+ or any other run which is not Plasma Cutter-only run (minus the Impossible one). It's pretty straightforward.
Plasma Cutter is the first weapon you pick up. You CAN'T shoot from any other weapon, it will void this trophy. When you pick up other weapons, place them in the storage via shop asap, as that will reward you with Plasma Cutter ammo from drops. Having other weapons means you will also receive ammo from enemies and lockers for these weapons, so it's much smarter to store all other weapons that are not Plasma Cutter.
Upgrade your Plasma Cutter and your Armor regurarly, it will make the run really easy. I did this run as my first one on Medium difficulty, and I had like 150 ammo extra after beating the game. If you really struggle, you can always play on Story difficulty.
You can place items in Storage via Shop, simply select some item from the middle tab from which also sell items, and choose "Storage" option. You can't place the same item in storage back and forth, you need to do this for 25 items. It's pretty easy to unlock this one.
Dead Space Remake has 188 Logs, and a lot of Logs are story-related. Some are missable, but for all log-related trophies you need only 150, which is really not a problem to collect. You can refer to my collectibles topic to find them all:
Dead Space Remake has 188 Logs, and a lot of Logs are story-related. Some are missable, but for all log-related trophies you need only 150, which is really not a problem to collect. You can refer to my collectibles topic to find them all:
Dead Space Remake has 13 Scematics, but you only need 12 to unlock the trophy. You can refer to my collectibles topic to find them all:
This one should come naturally quite soon. As severing limbs is the best way to kill enemies, and they are all built with limbs sticking out, it's only natural that you'll unlock this one without even worrying about it.
This one should come naturally by the end of your first playthrough. As severing limbs is the best way to kill enemies, and they are all built with limbs sticking out, it's only natural that you'll unlock this one without even worrying about it.
I actually manage to forget about this trophy on my first run. Simply weaken a limb from an enemy by shooting it, then use +
to rip if off.
To pin an enemy, rip off a metal stick from walls with +
, and shoot with
. You need to pin an enemy at the wall. It's quite easy to do so.
4:45 - Pin to the Wall trophy
To use Stasis you first need to collect it early in the game (story-related), and then you can freeze (slow down) enemies with +
. Do this for 50 times.
You stomp enemies with when not aiming with your weapon. Simply weaken an enemy and stomp them. This can easily be unlocked by shooting Guardian in the stomack and then stomping small minions that comes out of it.
You need to upgrade all nodes for your armor (which has to be on level 6 - level 6 is unlocked by beating the game, when having the rest upgrades unlocked during your playthrough/s), and weapons (you also need all weapon upgrades first). This all requires 189 Nodes. You can get 90 per playthrough (10 are awarded for beating the game). You can buy Node for 10,000 Credits in the shop, which means you will have to farm for Credits a bit, but it's really not a big problem.
Always sell any extra ammo you don't need, the Stasis items and Oxygen tanks. Force Gun ammo is a good sellable when you have max number of these stacked in 1 slot.
During Chapter 10 you can enter Zero-G Basketball room from Cafeteria in Crew Deck. Enter it, activate the console and first shoot couple of enemies in the room. Wait for the game to finish, then start it again. Simply hover on the closest platform, use your Kinesis to hold balls and throw then into the holes. The holes retract on later levels.
You need 220 points (6 levels) - shoot the glowing holes for 10 points, and regular for 5. Never wait, just shoot and you should be fast enough through all of the levels, eventually reached the 220 points. You can repeat the mini-game as many times you want.
13:38 - Z-Baller trophy
Peng statue can be found in Cargo Bay, during Chapter 11. As soon as you ride the elevator down, turn around and move some boxes. Check the locker next to the body for the treasue and the trophy will unlock when you pick it up. You can sell this statue for some Credits.
To unlock this trophy you must complete the side-mission "You Are Not Authorized". You can start it in Chapter 4, and complete in Chapter 10. Point of no return for most of side-missions is Chapter 11, and all of the details and steps can be easily found in my complete collectibles topic:
Dead Space Remake features a new, alternate ending. You will unlock 12 markers only related to NG+, so you must beat the game and continue towards NG+ where you also unlock the last upgrade nodes for you armor, and the 12 Markers that are not a part of the first playthrough.
Dead Space Remake features a new, alternate ending. You will unlock 12 markers only related to NG+, so you must beat the game and continue towards NG+ where you also unlock the last upgrade nodes for you armor, and the 12 Markers that are not a part of the first playthrough.
Dead Space Remake - All Marker Fragments
You must pick up all 12 Markers and then place them in one of the room pedastals (check details in the above topic).
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