Kena: Bridge of Spirits Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to Kena trophy guide! Another platformer, this time we control young Kena, and we need to guide spirits to release them and clear the corruption from the world. Platinum is not hard, but with latest patches (1.06 and forward) you can't use the Master difficutly glitch anymore, so you will have to finish the game twice.
Step 1 - Finish the game on any difficulty, while doing all combat-related trophies and collectibles
When you finish the game, you can load your latest quick-save and you will be brought back before the final Meditation point. Interracting with it will end the game. This means you can collect whatever you've missed during this playthrough except the combat trophies - they are highly missable because there is a limited number of encounters in the game. You can plan to do them during Master difficulty playthrough if you plan to do it the legit way.
You might want to think about next combat-related trophies while you play (saving before a combat, or loading a quick-save during one can bring you before the actual combat, so you can use this as your trick):
Piercing Blow, Weigh Them Down, Quick Draw, Bow Master, Sharpshooter, Between the Eyes, Return to Sender, Triple Threat, Triple Tap
Kena - All Combat Trophies Video
Not much else to say, if you follow the Collectibles Guide you can get everything you have to for the trophies and the game progress, so check out the collectibles guide with the timestamps and videos for all locations:
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Collectibles Guide
Step 2 - Finish the game on Master difficulty (or use the glitch if you are up to 1.05 version of the game). Mop up any combat trophy if you miss some
When you beat the game for the first time, you can now start a new game and choose Master difficulty. This should be your last trophy if you did everything so far, and I suggest you activate all Meditation points on your way + upgrade whatever you see that can help you. Doing it the legit way is tough, so I made some tips and tricks video and written down some hints:
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Master Difficulty Guide
Master difficulty glitch
If you are on version 1.05 or lower, you are in luck. After you finish the game, load (or continue) your latest save, navigate to the last meditation point on Mountain Shrine (go inside the circle) and create a save there. Use it, skip the scenes, start a new game and choose Master difficulty.
Play until you get the first Rot (although you can even do this sooner), and load the previous save. Interract with the meditation point and you will unlock the trophy. Too bad if your save is already on 1.06 version; that means you can't use this exploit anymore.
Unlock all other trophies to unlock the platinum.
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
Buy "Rot Infused Arrow" upgrade for 200 Upgrade points under the "Rot" column.
Now you can use the piercing arrow blow by holding L2 + square when you fill at least one rot. You need to kill 3 enemies using a single arrow, so aim to do this on small,weak enemies.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
When you get the Bomb ability, the next encounter is conveniently enough with Moths. Throw a bomb, and make sure it kills a Moth (you can shoot the bomb after tossing one to make it explode).
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
This is quite self-explanatory, and quite easy to do on small enemies with red glowing light on their back; that will spawn a bit later in the story. A good point is when you need to clear a corruption on the village heart, while moving on a platform through the water. Tap R2 to shoot fast. Make a save beforehand, so you can retry.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
Buy "Bind Multishot" upgrade for 200 Upgrade points under Bow Section. You need to infect an enemy with Rot (L2 + square when you fill at least 1 yellow Rot bar), and then shoot that enemy with an arrow to make the arrow split. Make sure to do this when there are 3 enemies close to the one you will infect.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
When you get the Bomb ability, the next encounter is conveniently enough with Moths. Throw a bomb, and shoot the bomb while in the air (you can jump and aim with your bow to slow time, making this quite easy).
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
Shield Sticks are small enemies with a shield; simply dodge when they attack and kill one of them without breaking their shield.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
This one is highly missable as you can only fight Mage on few points in the game. One is in the Forgotten Forest, and then some later, 2 being in Village Heart Caves. Create a save before, or keep dying if you don't get the trophy. You need to parry with L at the exact moment when a Mage toss the bomb at you to reflect the orb back into a Mage.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
Use small enemies, weaken them with your bow or staff, and then parry when they're all close and one attacks you. Prologue area is the closest point if you miss this one during the game.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
Rot actions are those special actions you use with Square button when you have at least 1 yelow circle filled (lower left bar). You need to use 5 of those in 1 battle to unlock this trophy. I think this is even not missable as you need to use Rot actions on the last boss a few times. To be sure, you can use it easily on enemies each time you fill it.
As there is a limited number of enemies after beating the game, this makes all of the combat-related trophies missable.
When you get the Dash ability, the next encounter is conveniently enough the best to get this trophy. Dashing is performed with L1 + R1. Weaken the small enemies with your bow or staff, and use the Dash ability when they're really close to each other to kill them all during a single Dash.
0:01 - Between the Eyes Trophy
0:14 - Piercing Blow Trophy
0:31 - Triple Threat Trophy
0:58 - Weigh Them Down & Sharpshooter Trophy
1:28 - Quick Draw Trophy
1:56 - Return to Sender Trophy
2:06 - Triple Tap Trophy
You will need to collect all 100 Rots throughout the game. You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic:
You will need to collect all Hats throughout the game. You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic:
You will need to open all Cursed Chests throughout the game. Usually you need to beat certain number of enemies for cursed chest challenge, or kill enemies without getting hit etc. You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic:
Ability upgrade points can be aquired by defeating enemies, opening wooden chests and boxes (when fruits emerges, that means it will give you ability points), using L1 on bushes to grow fruit that can be eaten by rots etc. Make sure to explore as you play, and you should get enough points to unlock all upgrades from your menu. When I finished the game, I had 1200 points extra, so there is more than enough throughout the game.
You will need to free a single flower shrine throughout the game. You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic:
You will need to free all Flower Shrines throughout the game. You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic:
You will need to interact (rest) with each meditation point throughout the game. You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic (use CTRL + F to find "Meditation" so you can track them easily):
You will need to collect all Spirit Mails throughout the game, and then return them to the Village area, where you can use them on doors for houses that are blocked by corruption (check the map, when you pick up a Spirit Mail, it will mark the house you can now free from the corruption). You can find the full list across all areas in the next topic:
Simply press Up on D-pad to enter the Photo Mode, and take a picture to unlock this trophy.
When you beat the game for the first time, you can now start a new game and choose Master difficulty. This should be your last trophy if you did everything so far, and I suggest you activate all Meditation points on your way + upgrade whatever you see that can help you.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Master Difficulty Guide
Master difficulty glitch
If you are on version 1.05 or lower, you are in luck. After you finish the game, load (or continue) your latest save, navigate to the last meditation point on Mountain Shrine (go inside the circle) and create a save there. Use it, skip the scenes, start a new game and choose Master difficulty.
Play until you get the first Rot (although you can even do this sooner), and load the previous save. Interract with the meditation point and you will unlock the trophy. Too bad if your save is already on 1.06 version; that means you can't use this exploit anymore.
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Unfortunately the Master difficulty glitch was fixed in Patch 1.06 and above.

There’s no save game transfer between PS4/PS5 versions, which means you need to finish both versions separately.