Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Collectibles Guide

You will need to collect all 100 Rots throughout the game.

You will need to collect all Hats throughout the game. 

You will need to open all Cursed Chests throughout the game. Usually you need to beat certain number of enemies for cursed chest challenge, or kill enemies without getting hit etc.

You will need to free all Flower Shrines throughout the game.

You will need to interact (rest) with each meditation point throughout the game. You can find the full list across all areas in this topic (use CTRL + F to find "Meditation" so you can track them easily).

You will need to collect all Spirit Mails throughout the game, and then return them to the Village area, where you can use them on doors for houses that are blocked by corruption (check the map, when you pick up a Spirit Mail, it will mark the house you can now free from the corruption).

Your first area where you can complete all collectibles is Rusu Mountain. The Village area will be re-visitied few times, so don't worry about it at first. The first in-game area is where you will find first 5 Rots, but that is not missable, so I will not list it here.

Rusu Mountain

In the Rusu Montain you can find:

13 Rot
6 Hats
3 Flower Shrines
1 Spirit Mail
1 Cursed Chest
1 Meditation Spot

This is the location where you get the Bow; which will open many other collectibles for you. Meditation Spot raises your HP.

0:01 - Rot #1
0:17 - Rot #2
0:36 - Flower Shrine #1
1:06 - Rot #3
1:40 - Rot #4
2:09 - Spirit Mail #1
2:45 - Rot #5
3:27 - Cursed Chest #1 and Hat #01
4:30 - Rot #6
5:07 - Flower Shrine #2
5:58 - Hat #02
6:13 - Hat #03 (Do the Bow challenges to get the hat)
9:27 - Meditation Spot #1
10:00 - Rot #7-#9 (Story-related Rots)
10:11 - Rot #10 and Hat #04 (The Rot will give you the Hat)
10:37 - Flower Shrine #3
11:26 - Hat #05
12:34 - Rot #11 and Hat #06
13:25 - Rot #12
14:02 - Rot #13

Taro's Tree

In the Taro's Tree you can find:

7 Rot
4 Hats
2 Flower Shrines
1 Meditation Spot

0:01 - Rot #1
0:17 - Flower Shrine #1
0:47 - Hat #1
1:18 - Rot #2
1:48 - Rot #3 and Rot #4
2:44 - Rot #5
3:12 - Hat #2
3:40 - Rot #6
4:02 - Hat #3 and Meditation Point #1
4:42 - Rot #7
5:41 - Hat #4
6:09 - Flower Shrine #2

Forgotten Forest

In the Forgotten Forest you can find:

14 Rot
6 Hats
3 Flower Shrines
2 Spirit Mails
2 Cursed Chests
2 Meditation Spots

0:01 - Rot #1
0:51 - Hat #1
1:29 - Flower Shrine #1
2:36 - Rot #2
3:13 - Spirit Mail #1
3:42 - Cursed Chest #1
4:50 - Rot #3
5:15 - Hat #2
5:41 - Meditation Point #1
6:24 - Rot #4
6:52 - Hat #3
9:05 - Rot #5
9:29 - Cursed Chest #2 and Hat #4
10:36 - Spirit Mail #2
11:43 - Rot #6
12:19 - Flower Shrine #2
13:21 - Hat #5
13:48 - Rot #7-9 (Story-related)
13:57 - Rot #10
14:23 - Meditation Point #2
15:33 - Rot #11
15:53 - Flower Shrine #3
16:18 - Rot #12-14 (Story-related)
16:30 - Hat #6


In the Storehouse you can find:

3 Rots
1 Hat
1 Spirit Mail

0:01 - Rot #1
0:29 - Rot #2
1:39 - Hat #1
2:46 - Rot #3
3:34 - Spirit Mail #1


In the Fields you can find:

25 Rot
10 Hats
7 Flower Shrines
1 Spirit Mail
2 Cursed Chests
3 Meditation Spots

0:01 - Rot #1
0:38 - Hat #1
1:19 - Meditation Point #1
2:02 - Rot #2
2:27 - Flower Shrine #1
3:19 - Rot #3
3:42 - Rot #4
4:05 - Rot #5
5:15 - Rot #6
5:54 - Flower Shrine #2
6:55 - Rot #7
7:36 - Hat #2
8:16 - Flower Shrine #3
9:05 - Rot #8
10:00 - Rot #9
10:30 - Rot #10-12 (Story-related)
10:42 - Hat #3
11:22 - Rot #13
12:02 - Flower Shrine #4
12:39 - Hat #4
15:25 - Hat #5
15:45 - Cursed Chest #1 and Rot #14
16:45 - Cursed Chest #2 and Hat #6
18:42 - Rot #15
19:24 - Flower Shrine #5
20:28 - Rot #16
21:09 - Rot #17
21:34 - Rot #18
21:57 - Rot #19-21 (Story-related)
22:10 - Flower Shrine #6
22:35 - Meditation Point #2
23:13 - Hat #7
23:37 - Spirit Mail #1
25:50 - Hat #8
26:11 - Rot #22
26:35 - Flower Shrine #7
27:23 - Rot #23
27:53 - Rot #24
28:14 - Rot #25 and Hat #9
28:53 - Meditation Point #2 and Hat #10 (You will come back here after Village Heart, so don't worry if you can't get it on your first visit)

Village Heart

In the Village Heart you can find:

6 Rot
3 Hats
1 Flower Shrine
2 Spirit Mail
2 Cursed Chest
1 Meditation Spots

0:01 - Cursed Chest #1
1:42 - Spirit Mail #1
2:00 - Hat #1
2:22 - Meditation Point #1
3:08 - Spirit Mail #2
4:13 - Cursed Chest #2 and Hat #2
5:13 - Rot #1
5:49 - Rot #2
7:11 - Flower Shrine #1
7:36 - Rot #3-6 and Hat #3


In the Village you can find:

34 Rots
21 Hats
8 Flower Shrines
3 Spirit Mails
6 Cursed Chests
4 Meditation Spots (including the final area)

This video includes also a Meditation Point (last one) in Mountain Shrine, which is the area you will reach after beating the final boss.

0:01 - Hat #1-3 (Discovering Hat Shop always rewards you with 1 Hat)
0:30 - Rot #1
0:45 - Cursed Chest #1
2:02 - Rot #2
2:45 - Spirit Mail #1
3:25 - Rot #3 (Collecting Spirit Mails across areas you can use it to remove barries on Village houses)
4:30 - Flower Shrine #1
5:02 - Rot #4 (You can reach other Village parts when you get the Bow ability)
6:14 - Hat #4
6:39 - Hat #5
7:01 - Rot #5 and Hat #6
8:21 - Flower Shrine #2
9:15 - Flower Shrine #3
10:37 - Rot #6
11:01 - Cursed Chest #2-4, Rot #7 and Hat #7
16:45 - Hat #8
19:30 - Flower Shrine #4
19:57 - Cursed Chest #5
20:53 - Rot #8
21:23 - Hat #9
21:50 - Hat #10
22:15 - Rot #9
23:05 - Rot #10 and Hat #11 (Behind Spirit Mail doors)
23:47 - Rot #11 and Hat #12 (Behind Spirit Mail doors)
24:34 - Hat #13
25:02 - Rot #12
25:21 - Flower Shrine #5 and Hat #14
27:44 - Rot #13
28:38 - Cursed Chest #6
29:31 - Spirit Mail #2
30:13 - Flower Shrine #6
30:40 - Hat #15
31:02 - Rot #14-16 and Hat #16 (Story-related)
31:19 - Meditation Point #1
31:39 - Spirit Mail #3 and Hat #17
33:32 - Rot #17-19,Hat #18 and Meditation Point #2 (Story-related)
33:46 - Flower Shrine #7
34:22 - Rot #20 and Hat #19
36:15 - Rot #31 and Hat #20
37:27 - Flower Shrine #8
37:55 - Rot #32-34 and Hat #21 (Story-related)
38:14 - Meditation Point #3
38:37 - Mountain Shrine, Meditation Point #4

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