Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Hi Klonoa fans! This guide will be quick and the road to platinum is really easy. Since there are 2 games: Door to Phantomile (1997), originally released on PlayStation, and Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (2001); you need to go through both, and below you can check for what to aim for.
Step 1 - Beat Klonoa: Door to Phantomile while collecting all stars/residents, plus beat the extra stage (6 per stage)
It's really simple! All you have to do on all stages is to collect 6 stamps/stars and beat each stage. Then beat the game, and lastly just beat the Extra stage, which will be unlocked after beating the final boss. When you are done, you will unlock around half of the trophies, so the rest of them will be unlocked in the other Klonoa game.
Step 1 - Beat Klonoa: Door to Phantomile while collecting all momett dolls, plus beat the 2 bonus stages (6 per stage)
Pretty same like in the step above... All you have to do on all stages is to collect 6 momett dolls and beat each stage. Beat the final boss and if you have all of the momett doll collectibles, visit Momett to unlock the first stage, and then beat that bonus stage, return to him to unlock second; yes, then finish the second bonus stage.
That should be it! You can play everything on easy difficulty if you prefer it that way - I was playing on Normal and it's still really easy. For details about mentioned stuff you can refer to collectible topic in this guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Lunatea's Veil Collectibles
Defeat boss on Vision 1-2 (The Diva and the Dark Spirit) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
Defeat boss on Vision 2-2 (Beyond the Backwards Waterfall) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
Defeat boss on Vision 3-2 (The Stopped Gear) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
Defeat boss on Vision 4-2 (A Lull in the Wind) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
Defeat boss on Vision 5-2 (Between Light and Darkness) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
Defeat boss on Vision 6-2 (The Time of Restoration) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
Defeat boss on Vision 7-1 (The Time of Restoration) stage in Door to Phantomile game.
After beating the final boss in Klonoa: Door to Phantomile you will get the notification on the map where you unlock EXTRA VISION stage. Simply select that one and beat it. It doesn't matter if you spend a lot of time here, it's only mandatory to beat the stage.
Video guide can be found under below topic:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Free all residents of Wind Village (meaning, collect 6 stars/residents) in all visions related to Wind Village. You need to collect them all anyway, and you can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Free all residents of Forlock (meaning, collect 6 stars/residents) in all visions related to Forlock. You need to collect them all anyway, and you can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Free all residents of Jugpot (meaning, collect 6 stars/residents) in all visions related to Jugpot. You need to collect them all anyway, and you can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Free all residents of Coronia (meaning, collect 6 stars/residents) in all visions related to Coronia. You need to collect them all anyway, and you can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Free all residents of Cress (meaning, collect 6 stars/residents) in all visions related to Cress. You need to collect them all anyway, and you can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Free all residents in Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (collect 6 stars on each level in the game). You can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Door to Phantomile Collectibles
Defeat boss on Claire Moa Temple stage in Lunatea's Veil game.
Defeat boss on Joilant Plaza stage in Lunatea's Veil game.
Defeat boss on Volk Hall stage in Lunatea's Veil game.
Defeat boss on Indecision Pass stage in Lunatea's Veil game.
Defeat boss on Embryo Compass stage in Lunatea's Veil game.
Defeat boss on Terminus of Tears stage in Lunatea's Veil game.
Chamber o'Fun is unlocked after beating the game and returning to Momett (enter his stage on the map) after collecting a certain number of Momett Dolls. Since you need to collect them all for one other trophy, there is not much else to say - return her at the end. After visiting the stage you will unlock this bonus stage, so exit to the map, enter the bonus stage and simply beat it (no time contraints).
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Lunatea's Veil Collectibles
Chamber o'Horrors is unlocked after beating the game, beating Chamber o'Fun, and returning to Momett (enter his stage on the map). You need to have all Momett Dolls. Since you need to collect them all for one other trophy, there is not much else to say - return here after you did all of the requirements. After visiting the stage you will unlock this bonus stage, so exit to the map, enter the bonus stage and simply beat it (no time contraints).
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Lunatea's Veil Collectibles
All stages except the boss stages have 6 Momett Dolls to collect, each. You need to collect them all for one of the trophies, so this will come naturaly. You can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Lunatea's Veil Collectibles
All stages except the boss stages have 6 Momett Dolls to collect, each. You need to collect them all for this trophy. You can refer to the collectibles guide:
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series - Lunatea's Veil Collectibles
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