Life is Strange 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Yet another easy game to platinum. All you have to do in each episode is to find drawing point and all optional collectables. If you do miss something, you can replay chapter using collector mode which does not kill your progress - it's purpose is to give you option which scene from episode to play. Simply replay and collect - it adds to your progress and you can quit. Easy title to get the platinum.
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 - All Collectibles and Sketch
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 2 - All Collectibles and Sketch
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 3 - All Collectibles and Sketch
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 4 - All collectibles and sketch
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 5 - All collectibles and sketch
Collect all other trophies.
You need to finish all 5 episodes.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find all optional collectibles in Episode 1.
You can draw just at the start of first Episode when you can move inside the house. Enter your room, sit on bean bag, check environment, draw, check, draw.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find all optional collectibles in Episode 2.
After collectible 1, inside cabin, as soon as you can inspect door, you can go to sketch, somewhat after preparing to cook
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
Find all optional collectibles in Episode 3.
When you gain control in the begining, sit on wood log and draw.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
After first scenes when you get out of the bed and gain control, examine and grab the pen on the desk close to your bed.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
When you leave the hospital and when you gain control inside the car, inspect the compartment on the right for the card. Pick it up.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
When you gain control in the desert, simply walk until that big sign in behing you. Just northeast you can find the skull.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
After the desert you will reach some church group and their church. Go inside, inspect the pin on the left desk, donate some money and go back and pick up the pin.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
This one is inside the motel room when Karen goes for groceries. Open the drawer and pick it up from there.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
When you infiltrate the church camp at the end of the episode, enter the camp leader house and in one of the rooms beneath the pillow is your last collectible.
Find all collectibles in Episode 4.
Drawing can be found just at the start of the episode, or later when you walk through the desert (there you can sit in the shade next to the big billboard).
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
When you gain control on the mountain shortly after the beginning, go left at the first intersection and command your brother to get the rock in the distance.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
This involves accepting your brothers mini game after events in the camp where you will need to find hints and finally the secret treasure.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
After the night in the camp, simply wal outside, inspect the object where they grow plants and pick the item up.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
After the night in the camp beneath your neighbourgh trailer, just next to last collectible.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
When you reach the border, run northeast and inspect the rock on some barrels. Pick ip up.
Find optional collectible as stated in description of the trophy.
When you try to escape from the police station - just after dealing with 2 police officers in the hallway, enter the prison room for your stuff, inspect the bottom bad and pick the item afterwards.
Find all collectibles in Episode 5 to unlock this trophy.
When you start the episode, just after the scenes when you gain control - first turn around and select "Draw" as the option when you are looking at your sketchbook.
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