Resident Evil 8 Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Aaaaand here we are, 8th entry in the main series, wow! New RE is good, and your journey towards platinum will not be the easiest one, but still very doable. I will try to note as much as I can, to point you towards the best approach to get there.
Step 1 - Clear the game on Easy or Standard difficutly while collecting everything and DO NOT spend money on upgrades
I suggest that you do your first playthrough on Easy or Standard difficulty. This way you will have enough bullets and you don't have to upgrade anything, just buy Recipes, Inventory space upgrades, and bullets/healing items if you need to. You will need 2,1 million money to upgrade the strongest weapon in the game, so aim to gather as much as you can. S.T.A.K.E Magnum is available in NG+, so you can combine to gather that sum in your first 2 playthroughs.
There is no chapter select or backtracking, so aim to gather everything as you go, including miscelaneous trophies. You can save at each section and keep the save in different slots so you can load and unlock some trophies you maybe missed, or you can do that in NG+ (check bellow what carries to NG+).
What carries into the NG+
After beating the game you can save your clear game into a separate save slot, load it and you will start your Ng+.
What carries over? Inventory (minus the key items of course), money, weapons + parts, upgrades, collectibles (only windows in Castle Dimitrescu and Outhouses are not carried over, you will have to do this again in NG+ if you didn't on your first run).
I prepared chronological videos for you, and they are all in the next topic, so make sure to follow them if you don't want to miss anything. Also, the boss battles and all key items are covered inside, as well as the puzzles, solutions, photos, treasures etc...
Resident Evil 8 - All Collectibles Guide
Extra Shop
When you make a clear save file after beating the game, you can enter the Extra Shop through the Main Menu -> Bonuses -> Extra Content Shop. You must buy and view all Character Models, Weapon Models & Concept Art to unlock 2 related trophies (Doll Collector & Art Collector).
Step 2 - Easy (Casual) playthrough speedrun, Knife only + bunch of other trophies
Now do you Knife Only playthrough, less than 3 Hours Speedrun, less than 4 Healing Items & Spending less than 10,000 Lei (money). You can do them all in your 2nd run, which will prepare you real good for the 3rd and final run.
I recommend unlocking Karambit Knife from the Extra Content Shop before you start, then buying it from the Duke (merchant) for 200 Lei. This knife is way stronger than the default one, so you might want to invest in it.
You must use Knife in all occassions, except when you need to shoot some object to progress + SOME of the boss battles (be very careful!). I will try and note all of this in the next topic. Also, loot all you can to collect as much money as you can, but be careful not to spend moer than 10,000 Lei during this run.
Resident Evil 8 - Knife-only Speedrun Guide
Infinite Ammo Trick
When you clear the game for the second time and unlock above trophies, make a separate save of that clear game. Load up before the final boss of your 2nd run, buy S.T.A.K.E Magnum from the Duke (now you don't care about spending in your 2nd run as you unlocked all trophies for that run). Fully upgrade it and save into the NEW SAVE SLOT. You can now unlock Infinite Ammo for this weapon through the Extra Shop, and do so. Loading the save slot before buying this weapon will mean that you saved your money and you still get to keep the infite ammo. Nice!
You need to buy all the upgrades for all weapons, so with this trick you don't need to do one extra playthrough, and you will have to as money you gather through will not be enough without the above trick. Additionaly, upgrading S.T.A.K.E damage upgrades is advisable if you have some money left, the other upgrades are not important.
Step 3 - Finish the game on Village of Shadows Difficulty
With S.T.A.K.E in your hands plus the Infinite Ammo, this will be a breeze.
Final Step - Mercenaries Mode
At this points what remains are the Mercenaries Mode trophies. Buy it from the Extra Shop. You need 8 S Ranks from the challenges through this mode. This is not the best Rank, so you have a chance, although prepare for this part, it's not as easy as it sounds.
RE8 Winter's Expansion, Shadows of Rose DLC Trophy Guide
Automatic story-unlock.
Automatic story-unlock.
Difficulty trophies stack, and as your progress carries into NG+, you can aim to unlock all difficulty-related trophies on Village of Shadows difficulty (which is unlocked after beating the game once). I advise to buy S.T.A.K.E magnut and unlock infite ammo, which will meke your playthroughs a breeze. Details can be found in trophy overview at the top.
Resident Evil 8 - All Collectibles Guide
Resident Evil 8 - Knife-only Speedrun Guide
Difficulty trophies stack, and as your progress carries into NG+, you can aim to unlock all difficulty-related trophies on Village of Shadows difficulty (which is unlocked after beating the game once). I advise to buy S.T.A.K.E magnut and unlock infite ammo, which will meke your playthroughs a breeze. Details can be found in trophy overview at the top.
Resident Evil 8 - All Collectibles Guide
Resident Evil 8 - Knife-only Speedrun Guide
Difficulty trophies stack, and as your progress carries into NG+, you can aim to unlock all difficulty-related trophies on Village of Shadows difficulty (which is unlocked after beating the game once). I advise to buy S.T.A.K.E magnut and unlock infite ammo, which will meke your playthroughs a breeze. Details can be found in trophy overview at the top.
Resident Evil 8 - All Collectibles Guide
Resident Evil 8 - Knife-only Speedrun Guide
Difficulty trophies stack, and as your progress carries into NG+, you can aim to unlock all difficulty-related trophies on Village of Shadows difficulty (which is unlocked after beating the game once). I advise to buy S.T.A.K.E magnut and unlock infite ammo, which will meke your playthroughs a breeze. Details can be found in trophy overview at the top.
Resident Evil 8 - All Collectibles Guide
Resident Evil 8 - Knife-only Speedrun Guide
As soon as you buy your first Recipe from the Duke (in-game merchant), you can craft when you enter the menu for crafting. You will need scrap and other items, which are common as you progress through the game. Make sure to explore and destroy yellow-taped boxes, plus look for scrap as you play. For all trophies related to crafting you will need to craft all recipe items. Location and how to get all of them are covered in next topic:
Duke is the merchant in this game. By killing enemies and breaking boxes + finding the loot (which you can also sell), you get Lei (money). Buy 1 item from the Duke to unlock this trophy.
Lockpicks are found all over the place, but locked drawers are mostly found in the Village area. The first house on the entrance when you start the game has the locked drawer, return there or open any other locked one with Lockpick. Also, you can buy lockpicks from Duke (merchant).
You need to combine treasure items to get the whole item. This item can then be sold for higher price. First opportunity is in Castle Dimitrescu, but you can also find pieces later on (Goat pieces in Angie's mansion and well in Garden).
12:37 - Treasure Map 01 - RF, Attic, middle table in the room. Solution covered a bit later in this section
14:35 - Silver Ring - 2F, Hall of Pleasure
16:07 - Repairer Trophy (Treasure 01 Location) - Reach Hall of Pleasure 2F, solve the puzzle, combine Azure Eye with Silver Ring, before using all 4 masks
Really hard to miss: you can kill fishs, chickens, goats... You can check the map where those are mapped if you traveled close. The first good location is after Castle Dimitrescu, but there are many locations to do so.
**Village 2nd Visit**
0:57 - Hunter Trophy
You can find 4 Labyrinth Key items and 4 Labyrinth Puzzles in the game - they are in 4 main sections of the game. You only need to solve one for the trophy, but I covered them all. Check the collectibles guide to find them all:
Resident Evil 8 - All Collectibles Guide
9:23 - Labyrinth Item 01 (Flower Swords Ball) - 2F, Opera Hall, left end of the hallway. We will use this a bit later in this section
14:49 - Labyrinth Puzzle 01 - Merchant Room, before using all 4 masks
This is done in prologue after you place the baby in the crib. Simply walk into the ball on the ground and navigate it into the next room.
0:47 - Trophy - Goooaaalll! - Kick the ball into the next room when you leave the baby in the bed
Crows are usually present in the Village section. You need to shot down 5 of them when they are flying! You can shoot some, restart checkpoint, shoot some again etc.
**Village 2nd Visit**
1:49 - Squawk Shot Trophy - Kill 5 Flying Crows, you can kill one, restart and keep doing until the trophy pops, so you get it out of the way
You need to opet 10 Outhouses during the game. These are only collectibles along with the breakable windows that doesn't carry in your NG+. To find them all check into my chronological collectibles guide:
You can't get this one if you finished Lady Dimitrescu as you can't go back to this section afterwards. There are 19 windows inside the Castle, and the best opportunity to break them is before placing all 4 Mask key Items at the 1F next to the Duke room.
19:44 - Hooligan Trophy (Destroy 19 windows in Castle) - Do this before placing the 4 masks to exit the Castle
After you enter the Factory you will follow series of events and eventually you will reach ladders that will lead you to B4 and near the Duke elevator. Before the evelator in the distance you can see hanging corpses riding in line. You need to shoot the rope of one to unlock the trophy.
**Heisenberg’s Factory**
6:13 - Quit Hanging Around Trophy - Factory B4, when you enter the factory and reach B4 where the merchant is, shoot the rope of a corpse in the distance
You block with L1, and you push by tilting L1 after the block. This will probably be one of the first trophies you will unlock during the game.
Sniper rifle is picked up in the Attic of the Castle Dimitrescu. You can shoot the next flying enemies afterwards, or you can do this a bit later.
**Village 2nd Visit**
2:22 - Trick Shot Trophy - This is a good opportunity to get this trophy
There is also a decent number of opportunities during the game to unlock this one. I used the Pipe Bomb to destroy 3 enemies, you can do the same. Stronhold is maybe the best place to do so, you will be attack with horder of enemies there.
**Village 2nd Visit**
9:19 - Strategist Trophy (Kill 3 enemies with 1 attack) - Cornfield house. I wanted to get this out of the way, this moment and place is not bad to do so, since you have a save nearby and needed weapon from the well
You can do this after getting the Crank key item. Lower the bridge at the Lone Road, traverse north, enter the eastern doors into basement, light the torches, wait for this enemy to appear, shot brazzier into the enemy and that is it.
**Moreau Section**
5:02 - Key Item (Crank) - Second Windmill, on top, in the altar
**Village 4th Visit**
18:06 - Medium Rare Trophy & Riverbank Treasure Puzzle - Use the boat to travel north, enter the basement on the right
Best opportunity for this is when you are going towards Stronghold. Along the way you will find some archers, basicaly you need to attack with your knife in the moment when the arrow is marching towards you.
0:01 - Fast Reflexes Trophy - On your way to the Stronghold you will meet some archers. When they shoot arrows at you, pull out your knife and deflect the arrow
After Moreau section when you return back to the Village, you can find this mini-boss in the cornfield behind the church. Prepare ammo, he is tough.
**Village 4th Visit**
23:02 - Leader of the Pack Trophy - Cornfield near the Graveyard and Church, prepare bombs and bullets
Remember that giant lycan with a hammer at the start of the game during your first Village visit? You need to defeat it, and you can do this in NG+ when you have enough ammo and when you are strong enough (since you carry almost everything in NG+, this is the best way to unlock this trophy).
Take out your calculator and let's get this one done!
After you finish the story on any difficulty, you unlock the Extra Content Shop. Buy tge WCX Assault Rifle for 30,000 CP. You can now buy this weapon from Duke merchant during the story (after unlocking this in Exstra Shop you can load any save from the game you already have). Alo buy the "Rifle Ammo" Recipe from the Merchant for 10,000 Lei, which unlocks after unlocking this weapon.
Buy from Duke until you hit 0 Lei. Craft Riffle ammo, you will need 111 ammo to hit your tripple 7 digit amount. After unlocking the trophy you don't need to save to preserve what you had on this save.
Make sure to get all collectibles I noted in my guide. By doing so, you make sure you revelaed the whole map. This trophy unlocks when you control Chris and when you exit the first forest in which you start with him.
Goats are those small statues you can destroy. Some are well hidden, first being in the altar when you reach graveyard in the Village. The list of them all is in my collectibles guide, so make you to check it out if you miss some! They carry in the NG+, so whatever you miss you can get then.
Goats are those small statues you can destroy. Some are well hidden, first being in the altar when you reach graveyard in the Village. The list of them all is in my collectibles guide, so make you to check it out if you miss some! They carry in the NG+, so whatever you miss you can get then. For this trophy you need all 20 of them.
You will need all weapons that count for weapons trophy, and you will need their customizable parts as well. Refer to my list of collectibles where I noted everything you need for related trophies. I advice you not to spend any money on your first 2 runs, and to use the S.T.A.K.E infinito ammo trick in order not to play the game one more time in need for money.
You will need all weapons that count for weapons trophy, and you will need their customizable parts as well. Refer to my list of collectibles where I noted everything you need for related trophies. I advice you not to spend any money on your first 2 runs, and to use the S.T.A.K.E infinito ammo trick in order not to play the game one more time in need for money.
As soon as you buy your first Recipe from the Duke (in-game merchant), you can craft when you enter the menu for crafting. You will need scrap and other items, which are common as you progress through the game. Make sure to explore and destroy yellow-taped boxes, plus look for scrap as you play. For all trophies related to crafting you will need to craft all recipe items. Location and how to get all of them are covered in next topic:
Recipes are bought from Duke (merchant). There are several unlocked after you get the corresponding weapon during the game, and several can be bought from the Extra Shop after you beat the game and in NG+.
There are 47 Files to be found during the game. They are very missable, so make sure to follow the collectibles guide in order not to miss anything.
You can get couple of trophies in reagards to healing, speedrun, knife-only, money in one go. The whole strategy is explained in the next topic:
You can get couple of trophies in reagards to healing, speedrun, knife-only, money in one go. The whole strategy is explained in the next topic:
You can get couple of trophies in reagards to healing, speedrun, knife-only, money in one go. The whole strategy is explained in the next topic:
You can get couple of trophies in reagards to healing, speedrun, knife-only, money in one go. The whole strategy is explained in the next topic:
While playing any stage in the Mercenaries mode, you will have to get to combo 30 if you want to get rank S in stages. This is really hard to miss becouse of this reason. The combo starts when you kill an enemy, and then you have to kill more before the combo dissapears (in short amount of time in between).
You need to finish 8 stages in the Mercenaries Mode with at least rank S to get the trophy, and believe me, this is not so easy on consoles, it’s much easier on PC. The details and the video guide can be find on the next link:
After beating the story for the first time on any difficulty you will unlock the Extra Content Shop. IFind it under Main Menu -> Bonuses -> Extra Content Shop. CP, the currency is gained by unlocking trophies and in-game challenges.
For this trophy, simply buy all character and weapon models (8,900 CP for 76 of those). If you want to keep up your CP after unlocking the trophy, make sure you backup your save before spending CP, and when you unlock the trophy just pull that backup save.
After beating the story for the first time on any difficulty you will unlock the Extra Content Shop. IFind it under Main Menu -> Bonuses -> Extra Content Shop. CP, the currency is gained by unlocking trophies and in-game challenges.
For this trophy, simply buy all character and weapon models (12,000 CP for 120 of those). If you want to keep up your CP after unlocking the trophy, make sure you backup your save before spending CP, and when you unlock the trophy just pull that backup save.
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