The Last of Us 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to The Last of Us 2 Trophy Guide! 7 years and we have a quite easy platinum in front of ourselves. Let me try to break what is the best approach while tryting to get everything.
Chapter replay mechanics
If you want to replay a chapter to collect what you've missed, you need a manual save point. The best point is Chapter 45. Make a manual save at that point, otherwise you will lock yourself out of chapter replay. When you replay a chapter, autosave gets overwritten and you lose all progress after that chapter. That is why you need a manual save.
Load up the Manual Save from the Chapter 45 (so you have all chapters you need up to that point).
Quit to Main Menu.
Via Chapter Select, select and replay the chapter you need.
Get your missing Collectible/s (no need to finish the chapter).
Load your Manual Save from the Last Chapter (Chapter 45) again and you can repeat the process.
Step 1 - Finish the game on any difficulty while picking up all the collectibles, supplements and weapon parts and some trophies
This sounds a bit harsh. Since you can pick up collectibles with the above "trick", you really need to be carefull to get as much supplements and weapon parts and to upgrade your weapons and perks as much as you can. The trophy requires all to be upgraded for both playable characters and you can't pick up enough during your first playthrough, but you can shorten the time of half of your second you need to do.
I suggest following the guide collectibles and picking up things as you go.
The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
Some Chapters also have some trophy opportunities, so i will let them here, but they are a part of collectibles guide as well:
So Great and Small - Chapter 9
Looks Good On You - Chapter 15
Sharpshooter - Chapter 24
Relic of the Sages - Chapter 28
Put My Name Up - Chapter 29
Lastly, you wanna craft every item. As you learn new perks, try to unlock the ones which lets you craft different type of ammo etc.
Step 2 - Play the New Game + which unlocks after finishing the game
You can again play on any difficulty and just aim to collect weapon parts and supplements to upgrade both Ellie's and Abby's weapons/perks to the max. For that you need to reach up to Chapter 28 if you mostly picked up everything during your first run.
Weapons also carry in your new game plus, but for Ellie you get everything back in Chapter 9. So, don't worry till then about it.
Helpful tricks to easily find collectibles /parts /supplements
This game offers many options to ease your pain of finding things.
Go to Options -> Accessibility -> Navigation and Traversal -> Enhanced Listening Mode = ON, Scan Range = 30M, Scan Time = 1S. Now when you are on foot, you can press R1+Circle button to inspect area around you, which will mark items you can pick up.
Automatic unlock when you finish the story.
You need to collect Training Manuals with both characters to unock player upgrade trees.
There are 5 trees with 5 upgrades each. Each of those requeir certain number of the Supplements (pills and bottles of pills which you pick up during the game). This will probably be last thing on the last when you finish the game, so you will need to new game + run to finish it. Everything carries over, so you max out what you miss. You can find everything in my Collectibles guide, plus you can use the trick mentioned in the trophy guide overview to easily find collectibles.
You need to collect all weapons with both characters and collect weapon parts during the game.
Each of those weapon require certain number of the parts. This will probably be last thing on the last when you finish the game, so you will need to new game + run to finish it. Everything carries over, so you max out what you miss. You can find everything in my Collectibles guide, plus you can use the trick mentioned in the trophy guide overview to easily find collectibles. Weapons carry over as well, just don't panic, in Chapter 9 you get the rest you your arsenal with Ellie.
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
You upgrade your weapons at the workbenches. You also need weapon parts which you collect on every level (almost every level). This trophy requires you to upgrade one weapon fully, which should not be a big problem to do so.
The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
The Last of Us 2 - Weapons and Weapon Upgrades Guide
There are 5 upgrades per branch (you unlock branches by collecting the Training Manuals). You will also need Supplements and then you just need to max out 1 branch. You will need to unlock the all anyway, so this should come as well.
There are 14 safes in this game. You need to open them using the correct code combination.
First, ypu must get the Artifact Collectible "Map of Seattle" in Chapter 8. Then when you start Chapter 9 and you reach the open area, you will use that map to write on it what you need to visit, what you complete etc. You will need to collect everything in this chapter (parts, supplements and consumables not needed). Check my chronological guide to pick up everything in this chapter.
The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
If this one gets glitched, re-doing the chapter helps.
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
There are 5 upgrades per branch (you unlock branches by collecting the Training Manuals). You will also need Supplements and then you just need to max out 1 branch. You will need to unlock the all anyway, so this should come as well (25 are max number per playable character).
There are 12 weapons to find. Mostly they are obtained automatically, but some you also need to find and collect.
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
You need to craft 12 items. Make sure you collect all Training manuals and weapon upgrades. and craft as you play. Should be easy enough.
Health Kit (Alcohol + Rag)
Molotov (Alcohol + Rag)
Stun Bomb / turns into Smoke Bomb when upgraded (Canister + Explosive)
Trap Mine (Canister + Explosive)
Silencer (Rag + Canister)
Melee Upgrade (Binding + Blade + Melee)
Arrows (Binding + Blade)
Explosive Arrows (Explosive + Binding)
Pipe Bombs (Alcohol + Canister + Explosive)
Incendiary Shells (Alcohol + Explosive)
Hunting Pistol Ammo (Explosive + Blade)
Shivs (Binding + Blade)
The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
The Last of Us 2 - Weapons and Weapon Upgrades Guide
You upgrade your weapons at the workbenches. You also need weapon parts which you collect on every level (almost every level). This trophy requires you to upgrade one weapon once, which should not be a big problem to do so.
The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
The Last of Us 2 - Weapons and Weapon Upgrades Guide
There are 5 upgrades per branch (you unlock branches by collecting the Training Manuals). You will also need Supplements and then you just need to max out 1 in some branch. You will need to unlock the all anyway, so this should come as well (25 are max number per playable character).
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
This game contains 12 Weapons, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 14 Safes, 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards and 32 Coins. You can check the progress and counts when you are using the chapter select (check trophy guide at the top for details) and this way you can collect what you've maybe missed during your game.
Checkout the full collectibles guide to help you with this -> The Last of Us 2 - Chronological Collectibles Guide
During Chapter 15 - The Birthday Gift, you need to pick up the hat when you enter the museum. In the next room put hat on 3 dinosaurs and then on Joel.
0:38 - Looks Good On You Trophy
In Chapter 24 - "The Stadium", at the end of the chapter you will pick up some weapons and Manny will stand besides the gun range entrance. Go inside and beat his score, he tends do to up do 84 points, so just aim your shots to the middle for an easy win.
4:28 - Sharpshooter Trophy
You can get this during Chapter 29 - Winter Visit, when you visit Owen with Abby. Eventually you will pick up the toy bow and you will need to beat the score (you need at least 11 points - very easy).
0:17 - Put My Name Up Trophy (get at least 11 poits)
You can get this in Chapter 28 - Hostile Territory. When you exit the building with infecteds (the one to the right of the "May She Guide" mural on the wall), you will eventualy end up on the street with china stores. You need to enter the 3rd one of the left, go upstairs, jump across the balcony, turn left and find the egg artifact on the upper floor before falling down.
5:08 - Relic of the Sages Trophy
You can find the Engraved Ring (Antique Ring) in Chapter 9 - Downtown in the bank building (right building at the soutwest part of the open area). You will need to enter the vault (60-23-06) and find it there.
0:37 - Antique Ring
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