Ys: Memories of Celceta Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to my Ys: Memories of Celceta trophy guide! This is one of the easiest Ys games when it comes to trophies. If you follow my guide, you will not miss a thing and prepare for the Nightmare run easily.
Step 1 - Play the game on Easy, while doing everything you can along the way
I suggest following my missables guide in order not to miss any side quest or monster entries that are missable. Even some quest outcomes can be fail if you don't do them right. You will need 2 playthroughs to get all the weapons (certain side quests rewards you with weapons for 3 out of 6 characters, so you need different choices on the new game plus). Some boss fights spawn mobs, you need to kill at least 1 to get the monster entry in your book.
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Chronological Missables Guide
Save your game before the final boss (Iris Dungeon, Central Area, if you move further north from the teleport momument there, you've gone too far). Keep this save if you need to finish up some unfinished business. Finishing the game creates a Clear save data which you can load and continue while having your equipment, money, items and almost everything.
I suggest grinding till lv.60 and maxing our Adols equipment.
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Nightmare Playthrough Preparation (Gold, Exp, Skill grind/farming)
Since you can "cheat" for some trophies, like controlling each character for 5 hours, there is not much to mention to keep in your head while playing, everything can be farmed easily and fast.
Step 2 - Beat the game on Nightmare difficulty.
Load your Clear game data and run through the game. It should be easy if you prepared correctly.
Step 3 - Finish the Time Trials and Boss Rush modes
Playing the Clear Game data unlocks those trials. Check details on how to cheese this step.
List of topics
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Chronological Missables Guide
s: Memories of Celceta - Items List
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Monsters List
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Side Quests
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Skill List
You need to get 100% of the map progress and report to Griselda (northeast building in Casnan City). The trick with this one is that you need to hug the walls of areas when you explore them. You can miss some % easily if you don't do it like that (I was missing 0,7% when i reached the end). You can press the touch pad to bring the map and try to notice the faint color on the areas you did not uncovered. Some middle parts will stay this way forever and are not reachable, so have that in mind as well.
Dungeons only count for little % when you enter them, their reveal of the map will not add to final %. Map progress will transfer to the new game plus, so you can continue then, or you can re-visit the world and hug the walls. The Temple of the Sun is the last area, when you enter that one you should get the trophy if you have 100%. Happy hugging!
There are 36 memories in the game. 16 of those will be unlocked automatically during the story. For some you need to sleep in the tents as you explore the map, so make sure to sleep on every one of those (those still count as story-related and I dont think you can even miss them). The rest are optional and quite easy to find, which this video covers for you.
0:01 - Story-related memories 1-16 (unlocked during the story)
0:58 - Forest of Dawn: East (Optional Memory 17 - Inquisitiveness)
1:49 - Forest of Dawn: East (Optional Memory 18 - A Peddler’s Tale)
2:40 - Forest of Dawn: Wetlands (Optional Memory 24 - The Forest Labyrinth)
3:07 - Forest of Dawn: West (Optional Memory 19 - A Small Adventure)
3:58 - Forest of Dawn: East after clearing Forest Labyrinth (Optional Memory 30 - The Hidden Room )
4:27 - Gidona Crater (Optional Memory 21 - The Day of Departure)
5:15 - East before entering Selray Village (Optional Memory 25 - The River at Dusk)
5:57 - Forest of Dawn: West (Optional Memory 26 - Night in Selray)
7:37 - Plateau Path: Stargazer Ruins (Optional Memory 20 - My Inspirational Father)
8:21 - Sanctuary Approach (Optional Memory 28 - Apprentice Apostle)
9:11 - Table Mountain (Optional Memory 29 - Mr. Popular)
10:38 - Subterranean Forest (Optional Memory 22 - A Familiar Stranger 1)
11:12 - Ashen Forest: Miasmic Road (Optional Memory 27 - Rite of Summoning)
12:11 - Ashen Forest: Marshland (Optional Memory 34 - The Two Commanders)
13:32 - Ashen Forest: Marshland (Optional Memory 23 - A Familiar Stranger 2)
14:07 - Ashes Forest: Outskirts (Optional Memory 31 - The Naive One)
15:35 - Forest of Spores (Optional Memory 36 - Day in the Life of a Roo)
17:23 - Roos’ Nest while having the Sacred Beast Collar (Optional Memory 35 - Queen Rabbit)
19:08 - Elduke Outskirts: Mt. Pass (Optional Memory 32 - Reminiscence)
19:56 - Elduke Outskirts: Mt. Base (Optional Memory 33 - Woman and Beast)
You need to open ALL in-game chests for this one. There are 222 chests and I did a video with where to find them all.
0:01 - Casnia Mine (5)
1:07 - Beast Plains (1)
1:18 - Forest of Dawn: East + Nameless Ruin (10 + 3 - Beast King's Claws needed)
5:18 - Forest of Dawn: Wetlands (7 - Water Dragon's Scales needed)
6:44 - Forest of Dawn: West (11 - Water Dragon's Scales needed)
8:41 - Forest of Dawn: Sunlit Ruins (3)
9:11 - Forest of Dawn: Stream (4)
9:50 - Gidona Crater (6)
10:58 - Ancient Burrow (9 - Dwarf Bracelet needed)
14:16 - Algon River Basin (1)
14:26 - Sacred Beasts’ Lair (17)
20:10 - Jade Cave (1)
20:21 - Underground Ruins (10)
23:14 - Plateau Path (1)
23:24 - Plateau Path: Stargazer Ruins (1)
23:32 - Sanctuary Approach (4)
24:09 - Tower of Providence (20 - 1 chest is very well hidden on 31:57)
33:27 - Table Mountain Halfway Point (4)
34:03 - Ashen Forest Miasmic Road (8)
35:21 - Ashen Forest Marshland (3)
35:48 - Frogs’ Inn (5)
36:33 - Ashen Forest Outskirts (1 - Beast King's Claws needed)
36:58 - Forest of Spore (3)
37:25 - Colonia Battlefield (4)
38:02 - Elduke: The Ruined Capital (1)
38:14 - Lake Tolmes (1)
38:26 - Elduke: Mt Base (1)
38:35 - Mt. Vesuvio Snowy Peak (11)
40:54 - Lake Tolmes Ruins (16)
44:20 - Colonia Artefact Lab (11 - Sun Stone on 46:20)
47:24 - Iris: Bronze Area (17)
53:56 - Iris: Silver Area (15 - Hero's Ring on 55:15)
57:59 - Iris: Gold Area (7 - Sun Stone on 59:04)
1:04:41 - Iris: Central Area (1)
There are 282 Resource Points in the game. The ones on the map and inside dungeons count, and those are the green vines and grey stone icons on the map. This is hard to record and do, so for this one you will have to be really thourough through the game. The progress carries over to your new game +, so you can do this as continued effort.
You need to have ALL of the items in your possesion. One Item can be bought from the shop and costs 1 million Gil. I suggest leaving that one for the end, save before it, buy, when trophy pops, load the game so you have the money.
You also need to be careful about missable weapons that will be a reward from weapon testing quests. There are many accessories to be crafted and you can also upgrade your artifacts.
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Items List
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Side Quests
You need to defeat at least 1 enemy to make it count in your Journal. There are some missable entries, and the full list can be found here:
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Monsters List
0:01 - Duran: Beat Duran in the "Sword Training" side quest in Comodo Village (Better Man Trophy)
2:07 - Zandabal: During the first boss fight against Krell-Emencia in the Tower of Providence 4th Floor
2:18 - Polestol: During boss fight with Mustrum in Forest of Spores
2:30 - Mesarabadi: During boss fight with Bami in Mt. Vesuvio: Snowy Peak
2:57 - Dagbanther: During boss fight with Gadis in Lake Tolmes Ruins
3:26 - Golden Pikkard Location - Defeat it for the Gold Hunter Trophy (not missable, but harder to find)
For this trophy you need to have all Beast, Plant, and Mineral materials. Some Plant Materials can only be acquired by exchanging common materials at merchants. Also, some Mineral materials (ingots, gems) can only be acquired by refining minerals. The Gold Pedestal Replica (found in the Nameless Ruin near the Sun Stone) and the Gold Pedestal will probably be missing, both are sold at the blacksmith in Casnan for 100,000 and 1,000,000 Gil.
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Items List
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Side Quests
There are 38 quest in the game. Some will have URGENT label next to them and those you need to finish asap. If you wait, you will fail them and thus miss this trophy. The complete list can be found in the side quest section of this guide, and you can also check chronological progress guide.
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Side Quests
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Chronological Missables Guide
There are 24 animals you need to befriend. As soon as you enter some town and finish the story/memory events there, you can find the animals and feeds them with their favorite food until they give you an item.
**Casnan City - 4 animals**
0:01 - Well-Built Horse
0:29 - Drooling Dog
0:57 - Beer-Raised Pikkard
1:18 - Affectionate Cat
**Comodo Village - 8 animals**
1:40 - Effeminate Pikkard & Masculine Pikkard
2:34 - Valiant Buck
2:58 - Docile Doe
3:32 - Sasami & Teva & Tsukune
4:44 - Affectionate Deer
**Selray Village - 5 animals**
5:10 - Energetic Duckling & Kindly Parent Duck
5:55 - Fluffy Pikkard & Rough Pikkard
6:34 - Lusty-Eyed Frog (you need to finish Seeking Moisturizer quest first)
**Highland Town - 5 animals**
7:31 - Watchdog Galm
8:02 - Mr. Tiddles
8:27 - Plain Ulpaca & Gentle Camebull & Shining Pikkard
**Danan Village - 2 animals**
9:40 - Bianco & Verde (Wordless Affinity trophy)
You can start this quest-line after clearing the Tower of Providence, and you can finish after you get the Sacred Beast Collar artefact, as that is required for the last step. You need to find Mishy at certain locations.
0:01 - Highland Town
0:36 - Selray Village
1:04 - Casnan City
1:40 - Comodo Village
2:11 - Danas Village
2:36 - Roos' Nest (After the story events at Roos' Nest, loot a chest to find the Sacred Beast Collar, equip and talk to the guy)
First, you need to learn ALL the skills from ALL the characters. Then you need to master them (to lv.3). If you follow the next video, you can grind this quite fast, and for the full list of skills and how to get them you can visit the following link:
Ys: Memories of Celceta - Skill List
5:32 - Farm and Grind in Lake Tolmes Ruins: Equip Silver Axe, use only Adol (or Slash-oriented members) and farm Titanic Bones (can be sold for 1000G per piece)
6:49 - Combine previous step to farm Skills: Equip Courage Scarf which will replenish your Skill gauge and spam like crazy
The max limit is 72. You need a lot of money for that. Check out my video guide on how to get this fast.
5:32 - Farm and Grind in Lake Tolmes Ruins: Equip Silver Axe, use only Adol (or Slash-oriented members) and farm Titanic Bones (can be sold for 1000G per piece)
6:49 - Combine previous step to farm Skills: Equip Courage Scarf which will replenish your Skill gauge and spam like crazy
7:20 - Sell Titanic Bones: If you gather 1 million Gil, you will unlock the Money For Something Trophy
7:55 - Max out at least Adols ultimate equipment: You can raise each up to level 72, which also unlocks Only the Best Will Do Trophy
This one can be obtained in few ways. You can save your progress and sell everything you own and reach 1 million (if you have so many items), or you can grind. Doing the first option means you can load your game after trophy popped so you don't actually lose the items. Grinding is a normal method.
5:32 - Farm and Grind in Lake Tolmes Ruins: Equip Silver Axe, use only Adol (or Slash-oriented members) and farm Titanic Bones (can be sold for 1000G per piece)
There are 7 obstacles, you will probably get this naturally when you aim for 100% of the map.
1. Log: From Comodo, go south until you can use an exit to the east in the Gidona Crater. You'll enter Forest of Dawn: East, from here follow the path and you'll find the log.
2. Log: From the teleport monument near Selray go east and enter the Forest of Dawn: West. Go to the next area in the Forest of Dawn: West (the one with 7 Rangoas) and go all the way north to find the log.
3. Drawbridge: Go west from Comodo in the Gidona Crater and enter Forest of Dawn: Stream.
4. Drawbridge: From the Ancient Burrow teleport go west until you see an entrance to the north. Use it to enter the Forest of Dawn: Stream.
5. Honey Comb: After clearing the events in Highland, the storms will disappear in the Sanctuary of Storms and you can go west from the Tower of Providence to the Table Mountain: Summit. Go to the most southern part to cut it down. Control Karna and use her special skill to cut it down to create a path.
6. Hole emitting a poison cloud: In the eastern part of the Ashen Forest: Miasmic Road. Use Frieda and her special skill to freeze the hole and create a path.
7. Stone Bridge: At the southern part of Elduke (south from it). Stand on the pressure plate and the bridge will extend.
Zara is a little girl in Selray Village. During certain game events you can return to her and let her tickle you. Yep, you heard it right. Almost everything is missable here, as you need to act fast to trigger the tickle events without progressing too far
0:01 - After Ozma joins your party in Selray Village
0:21 - After clearing the Sacred Beasts Lair, before returning to Casnan City.
0:37 - After the events at Casnan City where Karna rejoins, return to Selray
0:56 - After the events at the Tower of Providence
1:17 - After Frieda joins your party after the events at Danan Village.
1:35 - After the events at the Elduke, Roos' Nest area, but before you complete the Colonia Artifact Laboratory dungeon
2:00 - After completing the Colonia Artifact Laboratory dungeon
2:00 - Immediately after the previous tickle session, talk to Zara again and let her tickle you again
Mouse is a guy who is standing behind Bar in Casnan City. During certain game events you can return to him, fork 100G and get the info from him. Almost everything is missable here, as you need to act fast to trigger the conversation without progressing too far.
0:01 - Return to him after clearing Casnia Mine
0:38 - Return to him after clearing the Ancient Burrow (after unlocking quests in Comodo Village)
0:51 - Return to him after clearing the Sacred Beasts' Lair. You will need to return to Casnan City, do so, and trigger this part before finishing the given quests (when Adol is alone)
1:24 - Soon after the previous part (when you finish the given story quests in Casnan), Karna rejoins the party. Go now and buy the new intel
1:49 - Return to him after the events at the Tower of Providence.
2:03 - Return to him after Frieda joins your party, after the events at Danan Village
2:17 - Return to him after the events at the Elduke, Roos' Nest area, but before you complete the Colonia Artifact Laboratory dungeon
2:30 - Return to him after completing the Colonia Artifact Laboratory dungeon to unlock the trophy
This trophy requires you to haggle with 3 merchants. Since you can select the wrong choices and fail the best rewards and thus the trophy, this is missable. Make sure to save before each one and try afterwards.
0:01 - Casnan City Quest - Purchasing Iron Ore - Unlocked after completing Casnia Mine
0:48 - Selray Village Quest - Shopkeeper For A Day - Unlocked after clearing Sacred Beasts’ Lair
1:57 - Selray Village Quest - Listen to what he has the most, for me it were the Chito Nuts
5:38 - Highland Town Quest - Purchasing Silver - Unlocked after clearing the Tower of Providence
This is impossible to miss, as you need 2 playthroughs for platinum and you should walked enough when you reach half of the first run.
Really hard to miss, especially since it carries on the next playthrough (NG+).
Easy. When an enemy attack is about to hit, press triangle button. It needs to say "Flash Guard". You can check the progress in your Journal.
Easy. When an enemy attack is about to hit, press the X button. It needs to say "Flash Move". You can check the progress in your Journal.
Using skills that throws the enemy in the air starts your aerial combos. This is really hard to miss, you should unlock this one before the half of the game.
Skill finish is when you kill the enemy with the skill. This is really hard to miss, keep spaming those skills and you should be good.
Excellent kill is when you kill an enemy using its weakness type of attack. You can check that in your Monster Journal, but this should come naturally. Duran is strong agains armored enemies, Adol agains plants...
Defeat the Golden Pikkard.
3:26 - Golden Pikkard Location - Defeat it for the Gold Hunter Trophy
Defeat Foria-Daros.
9:56 - Beat Foria-Daros optional boss: Doing so will unlock the Lord of the Jungle Trophy and you can loot the chest for Hero's Ring. You can also grind EXP here (he respawns)
To play extensively as Adol, Duren, Karna, Ozma, Calilica, and Frieda you have to play as them for 5 hours. Switch to the character, leave your controller for 5 hours, take a step and the trophy will unlock.
To play extensively as Adol, Duren, Karna, Ozma, Calilica, and Frieda you have to play as them for 5 hours. Switch to the character, leave your controller for 5 hours, take a step and the trophy will unlock.
To play extensively as Adol, Duren, Karna, Ozma, Calilica, and Frieda you have to play as them for 5 hours. Switch to the character, leave your controller for 5 hours, take a step and the trophy will unlock.
To play extensively as Adol, Duren, Karna, Ozma, Calilica, and Frieda you have to play as them for 5 hours. Switch to the character, leave your controller for 5 hours, take a step and the trophy will unlock.
To play extensively as Adol, Duren, Karna, Ozma, Calilica, and Frieda you have to play as them for 5 hours. Switch to the character, leave your controller for 5 hours, take a step and the trophy will unlock.
To play extensively as Adol, Duren, Karna, Ozma, Calilica, and Frieda you have to play as them for 5 hours. Switch to the character, leave your controller for 5 hours, take a step and the trophy will unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Automatic story unlock.
Unlocked after clearing Ancient Burrow. If you talk to the girl at the highest point in this settlement, you will soon initiate a battle with Duran. Losing means you will miss out on Duran monster entry, thus missing the Monster Meister trophy. SAVE before this quest, make sure you are at least up to level 15-16, buy the best equipment and defeat him. Doing so will grant you 2000G x2.
0:01 - Duran: Beat Duran in the "Sword Training" side quest in Comodo Village (Better Man Trophy)
Completing the game on any difficulty prepares you for the Nightmare run. I strongly suggest playing on Easy first, collect everything and grind/prepare for the Nightmare run. This makes it very easy. Mostly everything carries over so you have all the equipment and items.
Time Trials and Boss Rush modes unlocks when you load the clear game data. Then you can choose Memories from your menu and do these challenges. The trick is to lower the difficutly and save your game, thus making it adjustable to your difficulty. I don't think you will have any issues with this.
Time Trials and Boss Rush modes unlocks when you load the clear game data. Then you can choose Memories from your menu and do these challenges. The trick is to lower the difficutly and save your game, thus making it adjustable to your difficulty. I don't think you will have any issues with this.
Time Trials and Boss Rush modes unlocks when you load the clear game data. Then you can choose Memories from your menu and do these challenges. The trick is to lower the difficutly and save your game, thus making it adjustable to your difficulty. I don't think you will have any issues with this.
Time Trials and Boss Rush modes unlocks when you load the clear game data. Then you can choose Memories from your menu and do these challenges. The trick is to lower the difficutly and save your game, thus making it adjustable to your difficulty. I don't think you will have any issues with this.
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