Demon's Souls Remake - Game Progression Guide
This can serve as a game progress guide, not by any means a full guide that will guide you on your way towards the end (more like a checklist not to miss things). I want to put down all the points through the game so you can easily follow those and work towards your platinum. There are a lot of guides out there and I will try to cover only the tricky parts. Also, note that I'm playing knight/lightweight build so I will give advices based on how I've played. Let's begin!
Character creation
Do yourself a favor and select Providential Ring as you starting item. So far there is no known method to get this ring, so better start with this one here.
Play until you die, most likely it will be when you reach the big demon boss. Don't worry, you will be transfered to the Nexus, the in-game hub area from which you enter other worlds.
The Nexus
Talk to people to get familiar with what the game offers to you. You have the blacksmith, storage manager etc. If you are in human form, make sure you die here in Nexus to transfer to soul form. Nothing will change when you die in the Nexus, so do so. When you are ready, interact with the first pillar and enter the world 1-1 or "Gates of Boletaria".
World 1-1 (Gates of Boletaria)
Path to the west (down the stairs next to the starting point) is blocked and can be accessed only when you have Pure White tendency in this world. I will mention when to to tackle that. Just make sure you enter this world in your soul form.
You will need to open the big door in front of you. Make sure to enter the west tower. You will eventually reach the top (at the top of the stairs with the rolling builder - enter tower at the end straight in front of you) and cut 2 chains a bit later when you reach the balcony. That will lower 2 corpses. At the bottom of this tower you can pull the lever to open a shortcut. Find Cling Ring in between the opened doors and search the corpses. One of the corpses holds Jade Hair Ornament, which you need for Ring of Herculean Strength.
Make your way back to the top and enter the door on the right (if you came back through the tower, the one with the balcony). If you came through the stairs where the rolling builder was, it's on the left. You can now reach Ostrava, of Boletaria. He is on the platform left of the stairs, you will need to roll from the stairs to reach him. Pick up Thief Ring from the corpse, talk to him, kill the enemies and talk to him again. This is first part of his questline. He will reward you with the Brass Telescope.
0:01 - World 1-1 - Help Ostrava and kill enemies (you can kill him now to avoid his full questline and get the Mausoleum key). This is also a path to Thief's Ring.
There is not much else to mention, beware of the path where you see 2 dragons (blue and red one). Avoid that until the late in the game. You will also need to go through the east tower and eventually the middle door will open. Beat Phalanx - first in-game boss. He will reward you with Lead Demon Soul when you touch the bonefire. The only trophy here is to beat the boss, nothing else. After this teleport back to Nexus and make sure to die there to reset to soul form. World 1 is now at +1 white tendency.
NOTE: At the oposite side of the tower with balcony where you cut the corpses is the Mausoleum entrance. You can't enter without the Mausoleum key. We will come back here much, much later in the game.
The Nexus (after Phalanx)
You will now have to reach higher grounds of Nexus and talk with the Monumental. MAKE SURE to answer with Yes. Default option is No, i accidentaly answer with no. That will void the Friend's Ring you can get when you raise Character tendendy to pure white. For that you will need to kill some Black Phantoms across the worlds in the game. I will note those points. For now, just make sure that you answer with "Yes". After this talk to the Maiden down bellow and you can now visit all 5 worlds. Time for some equipment hunting.
Early game weapons (2 strong light swords)
You can skip this step if you want the challenge. If you want to collect some good early game equipment, follow this step and collect as you see fit. For the second weapon you will first need to beat the Armoured Spider boss. Check out the video and at least collect Crescent Falchion +1, it's a strong weapon that can guide you towards the end of the game (you need Moonshadestone Shard, Moonshadestone Chunk, and Pure Moonshadestone's to upgrade this part of weapon's tree).
0:01 - World 4-1 (Island's Edge) - Crescent Falchion +1
0:52 - World 2-2 (The Tunnel City) - Dragon Long Sword +1
Upgrading Crescent Falchion +1
You need some Moonshadestone Shards (can be bought from the Graverobber Blige for 3000 souls each in The Ritual Path, world 4-2, just in the next tunnel after the teleport. Or you can farm Reapers in 4-2, when you fall from above just after the travel point and the merchant, there is a Reaper next to the big tomb on top.
You need some Moonshadestone Chunks (Reaper enemy that also drops Shards is your best bet).
And you need Pure Moonshadestone. They can be dropped from Crystal Lizard in The Ritual Path (4-2). It's near the location of the White Bow, by the cliffside (to get there, start from teleport, drop down where the Reaper enemy is. Now, if you point yourself to look at the passage (exit) and that is facing north - enter the east side room. After climbing two set of stairs kick the wall on the right and you will reveal a secret passage. You can kill the double blade skeleton here and get the Pure Bladestone, and this is where your Lizard is).
Another location for Pure Moonshadestone is also a Crystal Lizard in the Altar of Storms. One emerges from a grave in the cemetery area and the other is hidden on the grass. These are the places where you can farm them.
World 1-2 (The Lord's Path)
Straight and to the left just before the stairs where the dragon will burn the bridge is where you can speak with Ostrava, of Boletaria again. He is stuck and he needs you to get to him. Climb the stairs and run towards the tower while avoiding fire. You can wait and run after dragon spits fire to make sure you can make it. In the tower look on the right and descend the stairs. At the bottom turn left and you will find Gash Resistance Ring along the way. A bit further is where you will find Ostrava, of Boletaria. Talk to him and this finished his second questline. At the top of the tower (where you descended the stairs, you can also ascend them) is the Wooden Catalyst if you want to be a mage.
You will need to reach the other side of the bridge. You can explore the paths underground, but trophy-wise there is nothing of interest. At the end of the bridge is the fog and another boss. Doors here just on the opposite side of the fog are locked - we will return here much later.
Tower Knight is your next boss. I suggest being lighter than 50% to dodge easily. For additional One Shall Fall Trophy you need to kill the Tower Knight without killing the archers. Make sure to stay down bellow, kick his legs and when he is down kick his head. Not a hard boss. Touch the bonfire for Iron Demon Soul.
Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 2-1 (Smithing Grounds)
When you climb the stairs you need to go right. Be careful for rocks coming from the top.
Note: There are 4 Fat Official's which will give you Official's Gloves and Official's Legging as part of their set. You will need that for a quest later. 3rd one on the broken bridge gives you Gloves and the 4th one before the fog doors will give you Clothes (impossible to miss).
3:52 - Collect Official Gloves and Official's Legging from Officials in 2-1 (kill all 3 and loot them, the last one on the bridge will give you Gloves)
***NOTE*** 4th Fat Official before the fog gates later will drop Clothes (path of story progression)
Now, after some progression you will turn the handle and melt the lava from the pit. In the pit you can find Poison Resistance Ring just through the metal doors at the bottom.
Your next goal is to work toward next boss - Armoured Spider. There is only 1 unmissable throphy for killing this boss. Touch the bonefire to get the Hard Demon Soul. Return to Nexus to die there and you can continue in your soul form onto the next world.
Another note: This area is the habitant of the best in-game blacksmith. You will need to unlock the shortcut with moving bridges that are basically the ones you see when you climb the stairs at the beginning of the area (entrance just next to the merchant). On the bottom there you can find the Blacksmith Ed. Visit him often to upgrade your weapons. Later on we will come back here for one trophy.
World 3-1 (Prison of Hope)
You will need to pick some keys to progress in this dungeon. You can find merchant in this area and buy Ring of Avarice for 50,000 Souls. I suggest waiting for this ring as you can find it later for free. There is also Ring of Magical Sharpness in one room with the 4 spiked sarkophagus's, open them to find it.
When you reach a bit statue that shoots arrows, you can get Time for Rolling Trophy. You need to roll and reach the back of the statue for this trophy. You can miss it if you get there using the other route.
Get the Special Key and Clever Rat’s Ring (at the far end in the tower, which is east when your back is facing big statue with shooting arrows). With this key you can open cell doors to save Freke and unlock A Dash of Sage Trophy. From starting point he is on the right side of the halway which connects from the middle of the stairs when you start descending down. If you reach the hallway that has 2 doors on the right and stairs to go up again you've gone too far.
0:01 - Path to the Special Key from teleport 3-1
3:14 - Path to Freke from the teleport 3-1
Lasty, beat Fool's Idol boss without hardming its clones. The easy way is to aim when you are close - if it is the clone, you will see the health bar, if it's not, you will just see the aim icon. Attack the one with only aim icon, not the one with the health bar diplaying when you aim. That will grant you Not Fooled Trophy. Inspect the altar to navigate further and touch the next bonefire to get the Doll Demon Soul. Move to Nexus, die and you can continue.
World 4-1 (Island's Edge)
If you already followed my guide above, chances are you have Crescent Falchion +1 already. If you don't, find that weapon and use it - it's very powerful (you need Moonshadestone Shard, Moonshadestone Chunk, and Pure Moonshadestone's to upgrade this part of weapon's tree). Before the courtyard, you will see 2 shooting skelletons from above. Right behind the tree in this area is Talisman of God - weapon that can use Miracles. When you reach the courtyard, you will see a Demon mini-boss. His name is Vanguard and by defeating him you can get Kiji weapon and Grey Demons Soul. Left (before courtyard) is a door you can follow and climb the stairs. Continue foward, kill the archers and rolling skeleton. Go down the stairs and pick up the Copper Key. Up the stairs you can actually roll towards the edge of this tower. Down there is the Regenerator's Ring.
Continue down the path from here and you will reach a room with stairs. If you climb up, around the room and across the woodden plank - you can find Graverobber's Ring. There is Uchigatana weapon behind the courtyard demon and Compoung Long Bow if you take the left path where you continued forward towards Regenerator's Ring. You can help yourself with next video bellow. Adjudicator boss holds hidden One Shall Stand Trophy - You need to kill him without hill falling down; so using spells or bow and hitting him only in head. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
Note: There is also Sparky the Crow in this area (follow bellow video - it is through the other door at point where you go straight to get Compound Long Bow), which will give you rings or items in exchange for other items/weapons etc. I will cover that a bit later.
0:01 - Compound Long Bow Location (right door before the bow is Sparky the Crow location)
1:26 - Path to upper Adjudicator boss area (Path to Regenerator's Ring as well)
3:50 - Adjudicator boss fight
World 5-1 (Depraved Chasm)
Up the stairs and fall down on the left lower ledge when you reach the top. Keep falling down and loot all the corpses (do not cross the bridge when you fall down 2 times), when you reach one level above the big bridge, there is a Ring of Magical Dullness.
Not much else to say here, you can explore the area for some items, but nothing here is at this point important for future trophies. Leechmonger boss is quite easy and he will give you automatic trophy, no additional trophies on this one. He will reward you with the Writhing Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 2-2 (The Tunnel City)
Go straight from the teleport and left in the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel kill the Fat Official for the Official's Clothes. Continue through another tunnel and when you exit go east. There is a wodden brige. At the start of the bridge look left and fall on a platform. Continue straigh and fall again (run to make it). Now go a bit north and down the stairs, there is a big flame bug here, Patches one floor lower and Ring of Flame Resistance just after the bug (you need to kill the bug to pick it up). Just bellow the ring you can pick up the Club weapon and talk to Patches to finish his part 1 of his questline if you want.
There is a great weapon here which you can pick up, that is the Dragon Long Sword +1 (check the video above how to get it).
Back to teleport 2-2, go straight and enter the east tunnel. At the end circle to the east and drop to the platform. immediately look down and drop onto another. Drop 2 more times on only platforms you can and look behind you, there is a corpse with a Ring of Plague Resistance on it. At the bottom of this pit through the only room and to the left is one weapon you will need for a trophy - 2x Hands of God. Be sure to pick that up.
Next step is to collect as much as you would like here, but your destination is Flamelurker - your next boss. You just need to kill him, no additional trophies here. He will reward you with Searing Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 2-3 (Underground Temple)
Not much here expect the final boss of world 2 - Dragon God. There is additional missable Fists of Legend Trophy - you need to finish the boss with Hands of God weapon. Make sure to get that one and make sure to grab Master's Ring from the corpse after shooting the boss with second arrow. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
0:01 - Hands of God Location
1:33 - Fight with the Dragon God
5:05 - Master's Ring
World 3-2 (Upper Latria)
Start by going forward and looting on sides as you see fit. You will soon reach the tower with the massive hearth inside. To the right is the side-path which you can take for some items, but you can't enter the tower from the bottom until you get rid of the hearth. Back upstairs and to the west (when you are facing the hearth in front) are the stairs leading up and if you look down before crossing the bridge, you can see a ledge with corpse (Rune Sword, Rune Shield). Back up, across the bridge and up the tower you will reach some minions and a chain, kill them to release first of two chains to get the hearth down.
From here, follow the new stairs down, go east and you will reach Yurt, the Silent Chief in the cage. Beware, if you free him (and you should) and he goes to Nexus, he will start killing people there. You don't want that. Instead, kill him you will get his Gloom armor set. If he falls down by any chance, save and exit the game and the loot will be in front of his cage. Now, enter the cage to go down to the swamp.
(Lower Latria - Swamp area)
Now climb the only stairs in this part of swamp, follow the woodden bridge west. Walk the path and you will see stairs leading up, climb them, loot the coprse for Plague Resistance Ring.
Go back and now select the east path (where you went west in the first place when you climbed the first stairs), down, and look east and loot that corpse for Fragrant Ring. (at the wall at the far northeast from when you descended the small stairs on the wooden plank).
You will now have to follow some paths and after a while reach the second chain. Kill the minions and this will lower the hearth from the first tower after the initial teleport in this area. From this chain you can follow the bridge and fall down, which will serve as a shortcut.
From here (or if you prefer from teleport 3-2) enter the tower where the hearth is. First, go east and and down the stairs and immediately to the right to enter the bottom part of the tower. Kill all enemies here and loot all corpses - one will hold the Ring of Avarice. I hope you never bought that one from 3-1 vendor, that will save you 50k of souls and now you can equip this ring as this increases souls gained when killing enemies.
Back up and all the way up now will take you to a new boss - Maneater x2. No additional trophies here, you "just" have to kill them. Very frustrating boss, try to kill the first one before the second arrives, their weak points are the tails. The best strategy is to dodge somewhere in the middle not to fall, strike few times, repeat.
Be sure to loot the room after killing the boss for Moon Short Sword +1 and Maneters will reward you with Mixed Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 4-2 (The Ritual Path)
Start by going forward and back inside the tomb. You will be introduced with Reapers; run as close as you can get from above and drop down to kill him. Killing him will kill all of his spawns as well. Remember this.
In the room you can find Patches. Talk to him, move to the edge of the hole and he will push you down. Talk to Urbain, defeat black phantom and talk to Urbain again. Leave this pit and you will unlock Umbasa Trophy. Talk to Patches and he will give you the Gash Resistance Ring.
Now, if you point yourself to look at the passage (exit) and that is facing north - enter the east side room. After climbing two set of stairs kick the wall on the right and you will reveal a secret passage. You can kill the double blade skeleton here and get the Pure Bladestone. This when combined with Pure Black World Tendency is one of the best methods to get the Pure Bladestone. You need it for Ring of Longevity Ring, which you can get by trading that item with Sparky the Crow in 4-1.
If you follow the edge next to the entrance you can find the White Bow - the best bow in the game.
Back to the tomb where the Reaper was. Exit through the path across the reaper and follow the path east. There will be a lot of skeletons and be careful for long distance arrows that can reach you. Equipping Thief's Ring can void them. You wil reach another tomb. Past 2 minions is the Reaper; be careful, attack him once and he will fall down and die. Continue, follow another outer area edge and enter another tomb. Reapter is behind the corner after first and before the second minion. You will now reach a cave with snails and rays, rays will explore, do not stand on the same spot when they are near.
Reach the tomb (the grave) just in front of you. If you fall down just behind that tomb in the middle and follow the eastern passage, you will reach a small room with many snails and corpse. Loot the corpse for Ronin's Ring.
Your next boss in the Old Hero - no additional trophies, just equip the Thief's Ring and he will not be able to see you. Easy one. Your reward is Hero Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 1-3 (Inner Ward)
With all the bosses you've beaten so far, you unlocked the path from 1-3 towards your next destination. Start by going north, kill wolfs. To the east here are locked doors, but we don't have the key yet so we will be back. The other path has stairs and here you will need to go east and around to reach the closed doors.
A bit further you will reach your first Fat Official and some other enemies. Killing him and looting him will grant you Iron Key Ring, which can be used to free Biorr. You will need him for the next boss fight if you want the additional trophy.
0:01 - Finding the Iron Key Ring
1:35 - Free Biorr from the cell using the Iron Key Ring
You will also find Bloody Iron Key when you kill Fat Offial in Biorr's cell area. We still need Fat Official's hat to free Yuria.
Continue where you picked up the Iron Key Ring and you will reach the top. Follow the west set of stairs to reach another Fat Official, which will give you the Official's Hat. You now have the full set and you can now free Yuria.
Before that, open the shortcut door here and you can save Ostrava again. This is his part 3 of his questline if you did parts before. Otherwise you will miss this part, but don't worry, you can still get the next one.
Before fighting the boss I suggest you return to starting teleport and open that locked door and free Yuria. Do so, enter west hallway where the wolfs are, reach the top of the tower, loot corpses for Ring of Magical Nature and Ring of the Accursed. Equip full Official Set and the guard will lower the door. Kill him, change to your regular clothes and talk to Yuria to recruit her and get the Witch in the Tower Trophy.
0:01 - Find Iron Key Ring starting from 1-3
1:35 - From Iron Key Ring, continue and kill another Fat Official for Official's Hat
3:03 - Use Iron Key Ring to enter Biorr cell area (from 1-3 again) and kill another Fat Official for Bloody Iron Key
3:52 - Collect Official Gloves and Official's Legging from Officials in 2-1 (kill all 3 and loot them, the last one on the bridge will give you Gloves)
***NOTE*** 4th Fat Official before the fog gates later will drop Clothes (path of story progression)
5:42 - Official's Clothes - From 2-2 just go straigh and left. Kill Fat Official behind the corner
6:23 - Equip full Official Set
6:30 - Make your way towards Yuria from 1-3 again. You can use Bloody Iron Key to open the doors on your way there
7:57 - Make sure you remove Official Set and talk to Yuria so she can move to Nexus
Now you need to kill the boss. Make sure you rescued Biorr before that so that you can get the Brother-in-Arms Trophy when killing Penetrator boss with Biorr's help (refer to the video above, first under this section). You will get the Silver Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 5-2 (Swamp of Sorrow)
Keep following the path until you see the bridge on the opposite side. Drop down, loot the corpse for a hammer weapon and continue following the northwest wall where you will find another corpse with Regenerator's Ring.
Turn to opposite side and look north. There is an big ogre there, you need to go there. A bit further to the north are the fog doors. Just on the opposite side of the fog doors is the Black Phantom and 2 corpses - the one further away holds the Cat's Ring. You can also kill the Metal Cleaver black phantom here and you can loot all you want before going through the fog doors.
Cross the fog doors and fall down to the right to get the Thief's Ring. Continue following the west wall until the far end. You will reach the second fog door. Instead going through that door, move to the opposite where you can start climbing the west wall from before, but from other side. You will reach the top where you can find multiple slugs handing from the wall. Strike them and they will fall down where you can now loot the sparkling item for Large Sword of Moonlight. Drop that to Sparky the Crow, Save and Exit, Load, pick up the Ring of Devout Prayer from the floor.
A bit further (through the second fog door and beyond) you will face the Dirty Colossus boss. No additional trophies for this one. He will reward you with Eroded Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 3-3 (The Ivory Tower)
Kill some phantoms while climbing to the top. Your next boss is Old Monk - no additional trophies. I've used Dragon Sword +4 at this point and had no issues with beating the boss. You will get the Golden Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 4-3 (Altar of Storms)
Here you will need to defeat the Storm King boss - no additional trophies. You need to pick up the Storm Ruler weapon and use it to kill all of flying enemies + the boss. You will get the Storm Demon Soul. Once again, immediately return to the Nexus, die there to reset to soul form.
World 5-3 (Rotting Haven)
Your next boss is Madam Astraea - you need to kill her without klling Garl for May you be unharmed Trophy. The key is to stand of the right edge and shoot her with arrows.
You will get the Ring of Sincere Prayer and Pureblood Demon Soul.
World 1-4 (The King's Tower) (Do everything but don't kill the boss yet)
Just north from the teleport you will face some archers and 3 black phantoms: Metas, Knight of the Lance, Alfred, Knight of the Tower and Long Bow Oolan. Try to take them one by one. You can obtain Penetrating Sword from Metas, Tower Shield from Alfred, and White Bow from Oolan.
Continue and reach the top of the tower. Here you will see 2 Fat Official's and blue dragon. Run to reach the other end. Killing the second Fat Official can give you Gold Coin. Giving Gold Coin the Sparky the Crow will give you the Ring of Uneven Scales.
You will reach the wide area where you can find Ostrava again and where you can kill the blue dragon. I suggest buying 500 arrows, upgrading your bow and start killing it. He cannot reach you if you stand bellow him, while Ostrava is alive. When he kills him (and he will), loot Ostrava for Mausoleum Key. If you die, you can still get the key - just reach the building bellow the dragon and find Ostrava on the stairs. Talk to him to get the key. You can now do a bit of side quests and get the Demonbrandt Sword. Just note that if you kill Old King Doran it will lower your world tendency - we don't want that yet.
0:01 - World 1-1 - Help Ostrava and kill enemies (you can kill him now to avoid his full questline and get the Mausoleum key)
2:21 - World 1-2 - Talk to Ostrava and get to him through the tunnel
4:10 - World 1-3 - Rescue Ostrava when you open the gate shortcut (if you miss earlier part he will not be here like it was for me, but he will just move to next step)
4:32 - World 1-4 - Defeat Blue Dragon with Ostrava. He will give you the key afterwards. If he dies (and he will), just enter the palace and find him on the stairs
6:52 - Teleport to 1-1, open doors with the key, talk to Duran, deplete 25% of his health and grab the Demonbrandt Sword
9:55 - OPTIONAL: Kill Old King Duran to get his set (Ancient King set and Eternal Warrior’s Ring) - NOTE: Lowers world tendecy; do not do this yet.
Ok, we now have +3 world tendecy in all 5 worlds; Pure White World Tendency to be exact. We can now tackle white world events in each world. Not all are needed for trophies, but I will mention some useful tips for each world.
Pure White World Tendency - World 1 Events
Teleport 1-1: You can descend the west stairs (just west from the start) and go through the locked doors here. Find the Brushwood Armor Set (heaviest armor set in the game). Follow the path to enter the building where you can find Executioner Miralda and Colorless Demon's Soul. You can talk to her, but don't kill her if you don't want to lower your tendency.
Pure White World Tendency - World 2 Events
Teleport 2-3: When you enter the boss arena, the debris on the left path will be cleared. You can now reach Dragon Bone Smasher.
Teleport 2-2: From the Armor Spider Archstone turn right in the tunnel. You need to drop down, but not all the way down; you need to reach one edge above where you can also find some Crystal Lizards. You can find Scirvir, The Wanderer here. Show him the Dragon Bone Smasher and you will get Pure Greystone from him.
Pure White World Tendency - World 3 Events
Teleport 3-2: Go straight to the tower, west, up the stairs, across the bridge and up the tower here. You will get to the first chain area, keep going up and you now have a bridge that gives access to the very top. Pick up the 2F W Cell Key, that unlocks Rydell's cell.
Teleport 3-1: Go right and up the stairs. Go straight all the way and enter the door on the east. When you exit, follow the west hallway and enter the door at the end. Go down the stais 2 times and you will reach a hallway. Straight ahead is another set of stairs - climb the first set and enter the side door. At the far end of the hallway is the Lord Rydell (blue aura character). Open the doors with the 2F W Cell Key and talk to him to get the Dull Rat's Ring. You can also loot the cells here behind some rubble that were blocked for Three Cornered Hat and Venerable Sage's Armor Set.
Pure White World Tendency - World 4 Events
Teleport 4-1: Talk with Satsuki near the entrance. You need to find him the Makoto sword.
Teleport 4-2: In the room where Pathes kicked you down (bellow the first Reaper enemy after the teleport) you can find Makoto - sword you will need for event in 4-1.
Teleport 4-1: You will end up killing Satsuki and that will lower your tendecy in World 4 by -3.
Pure White World Tendency - World 5 Events
Teleport 5-1: Follow the route down. You will eventually reach a room with multiple small rats. After that room in the middle of the next path wall is a ladder (appears on when you have pure white tendency, so +3). Climb it and you will reach Istarelle. Be careful for some ogre enemies, kill them and you can pick up the weapon. This will also pop up the One of the few Trophy.
Teleport 5-2: You can finish the quest with Selen for Ring of Devout Prayer.
Pure White Recap
If you never killed Old King Doran in World 1, you can do so now to get the Eternal Warrior’s Ring from him and his armor set.
You can also kill both dragons for their souls and you can loot the area in 1-1 (Climb the east tower from 1-1. At the top cross the bridge and turn imidiately east. You will reach an area with 2 dragons). You will find Ring of Great Strength.
Red Dragon - Climb the first tower from 1-2 and use your Bow weapon to kill the dragon. Shoot him when he drops down to spit fire.
Blue Dragon - When you cross the bridge with 2 Fat Officials, climb the stairs and shoot the dragon from the entrance there. He will fly away when you deplete half of his health. Now run bellow him and enter the tower. Press R3 to aim and shoot from here without worrying. Carry at least 300 Arrows.
Pure Black World Tendency (Primeval Demons)
I will post this here, this video shows location of them all. They require Pure Black World Tendency and when you kill them they raise +3 (which means you will be in neutral when you kill one and teleport somewhere). Each grants you one Colorless Demon's Soul. Just be careful to get all pure black events without teleporting not to mess with your tendency!
0:01 - World 1-3
1:25 - World 2-1
2:13 - World 3-2
5:53 - World 4-2
7:24 - World 5-3
Pure Black World Tendency - World 1 Events
Teleport 1-1: Black Phantom Executioner Miralda can be found down the western stairs and inside the tower. She drops the Guillotine Axe. Be careful, this will mess up with the tendency, do not teleport and reach another event in 1-3 by foot.
Teleport 1-3: Primevil Demon can be found up the stairs after the big doors when you climb some stairs. You need to follow the right-side smaller stairs and another on the left (refer to my video).
Pure Black World Tendency - World 2 Events
I suggest farming Fat Official behind the corner of the left tunnel first to get the Gold Coin. (you need it for Ring of Uneven Scales from Sparky the Crow).
Teleport 2-2: From the Armor Spider Archstone turn right in the tunnel. You need to drop down, but not all the way down; you need to reach one edge above where you can also find some Crystal Lizards. You can find Black Phantom Scirvir, The Wanderer here. He drops the Talisman Of Beasts when killed (he will be here even if you've shown him the Dragon Bone Smasher in pure white event. Be careful, this will mess up with the tendency, do not teleport and reach another event in 2-1 by foot.
Teleport 2-1: Down the first elevator in the tower with falling rocks is the Primevil Demon (check the above video).
Pure Black World Tendency - World 3 Events
Teleport 3-1: Go right and up the stairs. Go straight all the way and enter the door on the east. When you exit, follow the west hallway and enter the door at the end. Go down the stais 2 times and you will reach a hallway. Straight ahead is another set of stairs - climb the first set and enter the side door. At the far end of the hallway is the Black Phantom Lord Rydell. Kill him for Phosphorescent Pole. Be careful, this will mess up with the tendency, do not teleport and reach another event in 3-2 by foot.
Teleport 3-2: Go straight to the tower, west, up the stairs, across the bridge and up the tower here. You will get to the first chain area. Do not go up, go across the bridge and east, then enter Yurt's cage to visit the swamp. Just behing you when you move out of the cage, behind some rubble next to the huge ball enemy you can find the Sodden Ring. There is also a Primeval Demon here (refer to the video above).
Pure Black World Tendency - World 4 Events
Teleport 4-2: From the teleport move straight, turn around and enter the tomb, fall down where the reaper enemy is. When you are facing the reaper enemy, to the left is a door. Enter the door and on the second floor kick the wall to reveal a hidden passage. Kill the skeleton here. You want to reapeat this step until you get the Pure Bladestone, which you need to exchange for Ring of Longevity.
Teleport 4-1: Black Phantom Satsuki will appear. Kill him for Hittless weapon. Be careful, this will mess up with the tendency, do not teleport and reach another event in 4-2 by foot.
Teleport 4-2: From the teleport move straight, turn around and enter the tomb, fall down where the reaper enemy is. When you are facing the reaper enemy, to the left is a door. Enter the door and on the second floor kick the wall to reveal a hidden passage. Follow the west edge to reach a demon.
0:01 - Speak to Satsuki in 4-1 while having Pure White World Tendency in World 4
0:40 - Teleport to 4-2 and loot the corpse in the room Patches shoved you in (also required Pure White World Tendency for the corpse to appear on the floor)
1:40 - Speak with Satsuki again and be prepared, you will have to kill him
Pure Black World Tendency - World 5 Events
Teleport 5-3: Black Phantom Garl Vinland appears down the path towards the lower boss area. He only appears after you have killed Maiden Astraea and collected her Pureblood Demon's Soul. He drops Bramd and Crest of Vinland. Be careful, this will mess up with the tendency, do not teleport and reach another event in 5-2 by foot.
Teleport 5-2: Black Phantom Selen Vinland appears just before reaching the second fog doors (in the swamp). You can also find Primevil demon just through the second fog doors from here and straight.
Pure White Character Tendency Events
To get to Pure White Character Tendency, you need to kill 5 black phantoms. Even if you killed some of those in a way that they died by falling down - you could still not be at pur white. In that case you can play Online and let someone invade you. Then you kill them and that will raise it. You can ask a friend to help you out (you can both set an online password to make sure not to let anyone else to invade you).
With pure white, climb the upper balcony of the Nexus and talk to the Monumental to collect Ally's Ring.
0:01 - First defeat Phalanx, first in-game boss
0:10 - Story will guide you to Nexus where you will have to talk to the Monumental. Make sure to answer with "Yes"
1:33 - World 1-1: Defeat Black Phantom Executioner Miralda
3:36 - World 2-2: Defeat Black Phantom Scirvir, The Wanderer
5:32 - World 3-1: Defeat Black Lord Rydell
8:06 - World 4-1: Defeat Black Phantom Satsuki
9:17 - World 5-3: Defeat Black Phantom Selen Vinland
12:40 - Talk with Monumental after you have Pure White Character Tendency
The point of no return checklist
Alright, you are almost done with your first playthrough.
Backup your save now (USB or on PS + Cloud). You now have all souls you can have in your playthrough, so go learn all spells first. That will earn you Sage's Trophy. If you want the platinum in your next playthrough, once you popped the Sage trophy simply download your USB backup save (or wherever you put it) and start again from there. You will have the trophy and save boss souls. Now spend all boss souls on learning Miracles, learn all you can learn. For the rest you will need to kill almost all game bosses in new game plus and exchange those for the rest of the miracles for Saint's Trophy.
Exchange items with Sparky the Crow to collect all remaining rings for King of Rings Trophy.
Do the online trophies (you might want to backup your save before Invading other people - that lowers your character tendency).
Pure Black Character Tendency Events
Now you need to earn pure black character tendency. To do that you need to kill NPC's in Nexus. I suggest killing the ones you don't need anymore (once you kill them you can't use their services until new game plus). I killed the ones from which I learned spells and those on the first floor, which doesn't do much apart from talking.
When you reach pure black, teleport again to Nexus and find new NPC Mephistopheles there. She will ask you to kill remaining NPC's. Say Yes, kill NPC, then come back to Mephistopheles. Yuria is the last NPC she will ask you to kill. For that you will get Foe's Ring. Mephistopheles will not attack you, so kill her.
World 1-4 continued (The King's Tower)
What is left is to defeat the False King for False King's Trophy. This will reward you with the Soulbrant Sword and False King’s Soul. Those you need in new game for crafting the Northern Regalia weapon (plus Demonbrandt from King Doran). Return to Nexus, DO NOT GO towards Maiden. BACKUP YOUR SAVE.
Ending choices
Get close to the Maiden in the Nexus and you will fall down the hole. Defeat the last boss (he is a joke) and now you have 2 choices. Killing the Maiden will reward you with the Seekest soul power Trophy. Now download your save backup and do not kill the maiden this time after the last boss. That will reward you with the Maiden In Black Demon’s Soul, which you need for a miracle. With the method you saved yourselft one additional playthrough.
New Game Plus
You start in the Nexus. Basically in this run you need to unlock the Legacy of the Kings Trophy (Northern Regalia) and defeat every boss except False King on 1-4. Use those souls for learning all the remaining miracles and that should be your platinum trophy! Of course, you can also finish whatever you've missed, all world and character tendency transfers, all items/equipment except key items so you should be faster now.
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