NieR Replicant - Flower Cultivation Guide

0:01 - Unlocking gardening, buying enough seeds in Seafront

**Peach Moonflower Seeds**
0:57 - Save before planting any seeds
1:01 - Change your timezone to UTC -11 in console system settings
1:20 - Plant Red, Gold, Red, Gold, Red in all 3 rows (to get the Peach Moonflower)
1:46 - Save after you are done (while still on UTC-11). SAVE ON DIFFERENT SLOT
1:58 - Change your timezone to UTC +13 in console system settings
2:08 - Load the save made after planting the seeds you made on UTC - 11 (You can’t change the time, just the time zone. Only that works on consoles.)
2:18 - Check results and memorize where you see Peach flowers
2:29 - Set your timezone to -11 and load the last save
2:50 - You can replace Gold seeds that didn't resulted as Peach (Only when you plant the seed is what determines the RNG of its outcome). Save on the same slot
3:06 - Keep on replacing the seeds until you know you will get 3 Peach flowers (Basically load on -11, replace, save, timezone to +13, load, check, repeat)

**Indigo Moonflower Seeds**
3:37 - Back to -11 UTC and load, we will now try to get the Indigo Flower Seeds (We will replace Reds and Golds that don’t result as Peach)
4:03 - Leave Golds and Reds around it where you know you will get Peach. You now plant Blue, gold, blue, gold, blue where you can and SAVE
4:49 - Check on +13 after loading the save for Indigo Flowers. We want 3. You can replace Blue seeds in UTC -11 to change their outcome and keep repeating until you have 3 Indigos and 3 Peach
5:19 - Now revert to any timezone you want. Play that save until 12 hours pass (your console can be turned off as well).
5:29 - When enough hours pass, pick up the seeds (12h for a flower, another 24h for seeds). Don’t forget to save after picking the seeds (and before planting them again!)

**Pink Moonflower Seeds**
6:35 - Back to UTC -11 to plant seeds for Pink
6:49 - Plant Red, Indigo, Red, Indigo, Red in all 3 rows for Pink. SAVE ON DIFFERENT SLOT so you can load the other where you have Indigo seeds!
7:22 - Change to UTC +13 to check if any Pink. If not, load your save before planting seeds, plant them, save on other slot and repeat until you get at least 1 Pink (2 preferable!)
7:55 - Continue with your game as before. Pick up the Pink Seeds when enough hours passed. SAVE BEFORE PLANTING ANYTHING!!!

**White Moonflower Seeds**
8:19 - On UTC -11 plant Peach, pink, peach, pink, peach in all 3 rows. SAVE ON DIFFERENT SLOT!!!
8:49 - Load save on UTC +13 and pick up White Moonflower for trophy! It took me 15 tries to get this. If you don't get it, load your save before plating seeds, plant on -11 and save on DIFFERENT SLOT until you get it.

Detailed Description

Before you can start growing flowers you’ll need to be able to use the garden outside Nier’s house. If you want this in Part One of the story, finish the "Shopping List" and "A Return to Shopping" quest, but if you miss those you can just purchase the "Cultivator’s Handbook" from the florist in the village in Part Two.

You can find Seeds around the game or you can purchase them from vendors. You will need Moonflower seeds, which can be purchased from the Grocer in Seafront. Buy 20+ of each one just to be sure you will have enough to work with (Red Moonflower Seeds, Gold Moonflower Seeds, Blue Moonflower Seeds).

If you prefer doing this the legit way, good luck. Time after plating a seed pass as the real time on your console, so after you plan a seed you need to wait for 24 hours (1 day) to see the results (and that doesn't mean it will succeed!). Changing timezone on your console system works, so you can a bit manipulate the outcom to your favor. Let's explain how (you don't have to exit your game while doing this method).

  • Set your Timezone far back as possible (UTC -11)
  • Plant seeds and save
  • Set your Timezone all the way forward (UTC +13)
  • Reload the save when this Timezone is set
  • Observe what you've grown. 

You can now take a note of your results; meaning note that what didn't resulted as you wanted. Revert your Timezone far back as possible (UTC -11), reload the save and replace those seeds. Save again, repeat above steps (Timezone +13, load to check). This step you can do until you get some desired outcomes. I started with 3 Pink and 3 Indigo Flowers as a result (when you cultivate Pink you can replace just Gold Seeds, they grant Pink, and when you cultivate Indigo, you can replace only Blue Seeds as they transform to Indigo).

When you are ready, revert to your default timezone with seeds you planted for which you now know the outcom, and load the save. After 24 hours have passed, save and you can again move the timezone forward to pick up the seed/s. Save, revert to timezone from where you want to start (probably with -11 to start working on Pink Seeds).

Pink Seeds sucks. I suggest planting the below combination on -11 Timezone, saving on separate slot, Timezone to +13, load that save and check if there are any pinks. If not, you can change Timezone to -11 and load this save, replant the red ones, save on that slot, Timezone to +13, load that save. Check if pink, repeat with replanting only reds. If you mess up you can always load the initial save before planting the seeds, plant them again, save on separate slot and do the process as many times as you like. It took me around 8 cicles of loading and planting to get Pink variation. When you know it's pink, set back your default timezone and load that save where you know results. Keep playing until 24 hours pass (or go to sleep, it counts when the console is off), move Timezone to +13 and pick up Pink Seeds.

You can now do the above process one more time, just with the last combination of seeds for the White variation and a trophy. Good luck!

Red + Gold = Peach
Blue + Gold = Indigo
Red + Indigo = Pink
Peach + Pink = White

When you plan the seeds, plant them in the same patters for all 3 rows:

Peach = Red, gold, red, gold, red (all 3 rows).
Indigo = Blue, gold, blue, gold, blue (all 3 rows)
Pink = Red, Indigo, Red, Indigo, Red (all 3 rows)
White = Peach, pink, peach, pink, peach (all 3 rows)

You need to harvest the White Moonflower, so when you have those seeds, make sure to grow the flower and pick it up.

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