Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion - All Missions List and tips

There are 300 optional missions that you can complete in this game (yes, a lot!). These can be played from any Save Point, and they all follow the same procedures - find the optional marked target boss on the map, and collect chests along the way (if you want). Missions can be unlocked through story progression, from completing previous missions, and by speaking to people around Midgar while doing their requests. Some are highly missable, so I will list all of them under Missable Missions section below. If you follow my chapter topics, you will unlock them all. Completing all 300 missions will also unlock most of the trophies you may miss after clearing the game, so let's start.

Mission optional chests

When completing missions, many will contain chests that you can optionally look for. These can contain various items such as powerful materia, accessories and items, or simply some Gil and SP. Anything that isn’t useful can simply be sold for Gil/SP (you will need a lot of Gil for Genji equipment, so save your money). The trophy for 100% completing missions unlocks when you open the "Missions" from your inventory after getting 100% completion mission rate.

Best Loadout Path, Strategy & General Tips

Missions are rated between 1 and 10 star difficulty. As you play through the game you should be able to do up to 5 stars pretty comfortably, but everything above can prove painfull. My advice is to wait until you beat the game. Then I will show you the optional way of doing these missions without worying much - you will be really powerful.

Materia setup

I always had ATK++, HP++, Goblin Punch, Curaga, Flare/Quake or some other materia on me. For accessories, VIT and ATK+ materias, alonside with some HP increase accessory is also good to have. Jump and High jump can also help, but I prefer Goblin Punch, which can be upgraded to Costly Punch - the best AP materia in the game. Darkness is also a great one - you can combine that one with raising your Buster Sword proficiency, but I've used Jump for that.

Goblin Punch is a reward for completing the Waterfall mini-game at the end of the Chapter 9.

Darkness is a reward from Mission 4-4-2 and 8-4-6.

Flare can be obtained by defeating Behemoth King in Chapter 10 (behing the locked cell), and looting the chest behing him.

ATK++ can be fused by fusing the Octaslash (you can buy one from Research Dept. QMC+ for 10,000 Gil. The shop is unlocked by opening a chest in Gongaga after the scenes with Cissnei at the end of Chapter) and ATK materia (bought from any regular shops).

HP Up++ can be fused by fusing the Octaslash (you can buy one from Research Dept. QMC+ for 10,000 Gil. The shop is unlocked by opening a chest in Gongaga after the scenes with Cissnei at the end of Chapter) and HP Up materia (bought from any regular shops).

By fusing 2 maxed up ATK++ or HP Up++ materias, you will increase their additional bonus (ATK++ gives some points to ATK attribute, HP UP raises % of your max HP). You can also combine this with adding items to increase the final bonus. When you break DMG and HP limits, you will need as much points and bonuses you can get. I went through most of the missions with HP Up++ that gives around 500% to HP, and ATK++ that gives around 40 ATK points as a bonus perk.

See what suits you, but this is what I'm using.

Buster Sword proficiency and removing the damage limit

Let's start working on our damage limit first. By default, the damage ceiling is 9999 damage. It's the same with your HP as well. There are 2 ways to break damage limit:

  • Increase Buster Sword Proficiency to 25% on the PS5 version. It's weird, but the % on the PS4 version is 12.5%. But on the PS5 version when you raise it above 15% it will jump to 25% at that point.
    Buster Sword is obtained during the story in Chapter 6. When you initiate a fight, look on the right, there is a "Proficiency..." label. The only way to raise it is to press X + Square button, and then attack either with regular attack or some skill (yellow) materia.
    The best and the easiest way is the Training mission under 1-1-2 with 50 enemies. I started with Jump materia, with ATK++, HP++, Quake. You can also prepare some other materia you want to level up along the way. Now, the max you can raise the proficiency is 0.57% per battle. That means you will soon hit that mark in the mentioned mission - that is why you also have quake to easily kill the enemies when your proficency stops growing. You can't just spam yellow skills like jump - half of those 0.57% comes from killing enemies with regular attacks while in stance mode + the remaining 0.07% for guarding while in battle stance mode. I combined this step with leveling up Goblin punch materia, as much ATK+, HP+, MAG+, MP+ materias I had - to fuse them later when you cross the 9999 limits. 
  • "Brutal" accessory is another way to break the limit. It's a reward from Mission 7-4-6, 9-5-1, or found in a chest in Mission 9-6-3.

With either of these set, now you need to find some high-damage materia that will make this hit. You can use the Quake, or Darkness Materia (reward from Mission 4-4-2 and 8-4-6), but it requires high stats, so your best bet is Costly Punch materia (yellow materia). To get it, you need Goblin Punch (rewards for the Watefal trophy mini-game during Chapter 9, or found in a chest during mission 9-5-4) + any purple materia from Research Dept. QMC+ Shop (reward from the chest in Chapter 9 Gongaga Outskirts - after talking to Cissnei check before climbing up the hill).

When you have 9999 HP (you can equip some HP++ materias and max them out, plus some accessories that raise HP %), and you hit an enemy's weak spot (critical hit from behind), you should deal 99999 damage. Neat! You will use this for beating all missions probably, it's a great way to be really strong.

Gathering great accessories

Costly Punch will also deal more damage the higher your HP is. The first accessory you should get is the Adaman Bangle (easiest one to obtain is from Mission 7-3-6: P’s Precognition Lv. 6). This will break your HP cap, allowing you to get up to 99999 HP. With these items, you can simply spam your Costly Punch at enemies, healing with Curaga whenever your health gets low. This means 1-hit kills on most of the missions. As you progress to the harder missions, you will eventually get other good accessories, such as Protect Ring and Genji Equipment, which will make progress even easier.

You can always cast MBarrier or raise your VIT to lower the damage from enemies.

Mission order completion

Coming soon...

Completion Progress Rewards

  • 5%: Thunder Blade (Materia)
  • 10%: Titanium Bangle (Accessory)
  • 15%: ATK Mako Stone x30
  • 20%: Dark Blizzara (Materia)
  • 25%: Crystal Bracelet (Accessory)
  • 30%: Rush Assault (Materia)
  • 35%: Magic Stone x30
  • 40%: Firaga (Materia)
  • 45%: Precious Watch (Accessory)
  • 50%: Wall SPR +10 (Materia)
  • 55%: Goblin Punch (Materia)
  • 60%: Graviga HP +100% (Materia)
  • 65%: Fat Chocobo Feather x30
  • 70%: Moogle Power VIT +60 (Materia)
  • 75%: Assault Targe (Accessory)
  • 80%: Full Cure HP +200% (Materia)
  • 90%: Force of Nature (Accessory)
  • 100%: Heike Soul (Accessory)
  • Missable Missions

Mission List

Coming soon...

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