Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome, welcome! I'm very excited about Rabbit & Bear Studios and their upcoming Eiyuden title. This spin-off is not what we need to expect from the main game, but it does add some lore to the table. The road to platinum is not hard, but it is a bit grindy.
Step 1 - Finish the game while doing all sidequests and strenghten your equipment regularly
Main story questline consists of 31 missions. On mission 29 you will be prompted to continue with the story as a point of no return, but fear not - when you finish the last 3 chapters, the game will auto-save clear game data. Loading the clear game data brings you back onto story mission 29 just before heading out to beat the final boss and finish the story (Plaza point). I had 133 stamps and I was level 33 with all 3 characters when I finished the game for the first time. It took me 12 hours for this part.
While going for the point above, keep doing the sidequest after chapters. Usually they unlock after few story events, and they are really easy. Each quest gets marked on the map, plus you can check the board in Plaza to see if some quest is available. You can also see the location of each quest-giver there, making this part of the game easy to track. By doing quests you get the stamps. You need all 160 stamps to get all you need to, so it's good to progress as soon as you can - it will also be a good guideline for upgrades across town.
Doing sidequest unlocks & upgrades many shops in the town. Shops are used to buff your temporary stats, and of course to upgrade your armors, weapons, tools etc. This is what you need to aim for - upgrade your Armors (it grants new terrain abilities like double jump, rush etc.), strenghten your weapons (to raise the damage), smithen your weapons (well, similar) and always develop tools like traps, fishing rod & pickaxe. By having higher-tier pickaxe you can mine for better ore in dungeons, and you need ores and the rest of the stuff to upgrade basically everything.
Step 2 - Load your clear game save data, choose Hard difficulty and work on the post-game content
At this point you can try to beat the 5 trophy bosses on Hard, or you can lower the difficulty to any you like in your Base (Residental District). Finish the remaining sidequest that unlocks at this point.
Beat 5 bosses on Hard difficulty. You might want to grind a bit, there is a good method in Great Forest to get money and Exp fast (check below under No One Better trophy for details)
Reach level 50 with all 3 characters (check below under No One Better trophy for details).
Upgrade weapons/armors from all 3 characters to MAX level. This means max out Smithy, Armor and Weapon Shop upgrades after doing all sidequest to fill the last stampcard.
Mop up the remanining trophies if any. It took me 17h to get the platinum trophy.
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Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising - All Resident and Shop Quests Guide
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Complete YT Playlist for Eiyuden Chronicle Rising (all videos):
Unlock all other trophies to unlock platinum.
Automatic story-related trophy.
You will get it when you finish the first Main Story quest for Priya.
Automatic story-related trophy.
You will get it when you finish the 5th Main Story quest for blacksmith.
Automatic story-related trophy.
You will unlock it after defeating the first story boss.
Automatic story-related trophy.
Automatic story-related trophy.
Automatic story-related trophy.
Automatic story-related trophy.
You will unlock sidequests when you finish Main Story quest 4. Check the bulletin board and you can start with the sidequests. The locations of the quest-givers are mentioned under your menu, quests.
There are many sidequests in this game, but they are quick and easy. They unlock after story missions, and the final batch unlocks in the post-game (loading the clear game save data after beating the game for the first time). Do them all to get the trophy (doing so will unlock many other trophies).
Each quest gets marked on the map, plus you can check the board in Plaza to see if some quest is available. You can also see the location of each quest-giver there, making this part of the game easy to track. By doing quests you get the stamps.
Stamp card trophies are related to collecting certain number of stamp cards. You need to get all 160 stamps (sidequests and main story quests) to unlock all stamp-related trophies:
- Silver Stamp Card: 30 stamps
- Gold Stamp Card: 50 stamps (80)
- Platinum Stamp Card: 50 stamps (130)
- Black Stamp Card: 30 stamps (160)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising - All Resident and Shop Quests Guide
Stamp card trophies are related to collecting certain number of stamp cards. You need to get all 160 stamps (sidequests and main story quests) to unlock all stamp-related trophies:
- Silver Stamp Card: 30 stamps
- Gold Stamp Card: 50 stamps (80)
- Platinum Stamp Card: 50 stamps (130)
- Black Stamp Card: 30 stamps (160)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising - All Resident and Shop Quests Guide
Stamp card trophies are related to collecting certain number of stamp cards. You need to get all 160 stamps (sidequests and main story quests) to unlock all stamp-related trophies:
- Silver Stamp Card: 30 stamps
- Gold Stamp Card: 50 stamps (80)
- Platinum Stamp Card: 50 stamps (130)
- Black Stamp Card: 30 stamps (160)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising - All Resident and Shop Quests Guide
Stamp card trophies are related to collecting certain number of stamp cards. You need to get all 160 stamps (sidequests and main story quests) to unlock all stamp-related trophies:
- Silver Stamp Card: 30 stamps
- Gold Stamp Card: 50 stamps (80)
- Platinum Stamp Card: 50 stamps (130)
- Black Stamp Card: 30 stamps (160)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising - All Resident and Shop Quests Guide
If you do all of the sidequest before finishing the game for the first time, and finish the game - you should hit level 33 or so. It shouldn't be an issue to get all your 3 character above level 30.
If you do all of the sidequest before finishing the game for the first time, and finish the game - you should hit level 33 or so. It shouldn't be an issue to get all your 3 character above level 30.
If you do all of the sidequest before finishing the game for the first time, and finish the game - you should hit level 33 or so. It shouldn't be an issue to get all your 3 character above level 30.
If you do all of the sidequest before finishing the game for the first time, and finish the game - you should hit level 33 or so. Then you need to mop up all post-game quests (and you can do it on Hard difficulty) - this will get you closer to level 50. When you do, you can just re-enter some boss area and keep defeating the boss to get the EXP faster. Bring any character to level 50 to unlock this trophy.
Money/Exp grinding method:
Craft/Equip Growth Pendant Lv. 5 to raise Exp by 20%. Teleport to Great Tree Glade signpost inside Great Forest on Hard difficulty. Move right and face te boss, defeat it for around 5k+ Exp. Move right into the next area and just go right to enter another area, defeat a mini-boss that spawns for good Exp and destroy the vase to get 3000 money. Go back one screen and just do down and then right into another area. On the way there is one big enemy which will give you 9999 Exp. At the end of the right path defeat wolfs for good sum of Exp, and destroy one more vase to get 4000 Money. Exit the area and repeat the process. This will be your best spot for money farming and how to reach level 50 easily.
Smithy can be created during Main Quest 5: The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy. You can upgrade your weapons and armors here. Raise them to the max level.
The Weapon Shop (Weapon Upgrades) is unlocked during Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new movesets for your weapons and to make them stronger.
The Armor Shop (Armor Upgrades) is unlocked Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new field movesets (like double jump or dash with CJ) for your armors and to make them stronger.
All Shops can be found on Outlanders Lane.
For this trophy, enchance CJ's weapon and armor in Smithy to level 30.
Smithy can be created during Main Quest 5: The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy. You can upgrade your weapons and armors here. Raise them to the max level.
The Weapon Shop (Weapon Upgrades) is unlocked during Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new movesets for your weapons and to make them stronger.
The Armor Shop (Armor Upgrades) is unlocked Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new field movesets (like double jump or dash with CJ) for your armors and to make them stronger.
All Shops can be found on Outlanders Lane.
For this trophy, enchance Garoo's weapon and armor in Smithy to level 30.
Smithy can be created during Main Quest 5: The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy. You can upgrade your weapons and armors here. Raise them to the max level.
The Weapon Shop (Weapon Upgrades) is unlocked during Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new movesets for your weapons and to make them stronger.
The Armor Shop (Armor Upgrades) is unlocked Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new field movesets (like double jump or dash with CJ) for your armors and to make them stronger.
All Shops can be found on Outlanders Lane.
For this trophy, enchance Isha's weapon and armor in Smithy to level 30.
Smithy can be created during Main Quest 5: The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy. You can upgrade your weapons and armors here. Raise them to the max level.
The Weapon Shop (Weapon Upgrades) is unlocked during Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new movesets for your weapons and to make them stronger.
The Armor Shop (Armor Upgrades) is unlocked Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new field movesets (like double jump or dash with CJ) for your armors and to make them stronger.
All Shops can be found on Outlanders Lane.
For this trophy, enchance CJ's, Garoo's and Isha's weapon in The Weapon Shop to their max level.
Smithy can be created during Main Quest 5: The Miner, the Merc, and the Smithy. You can upgrade your weapons and armors here. Raise them to the max level.
The Weapon Shop (Weapon Upgrades) is unlocked during Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new movesets for your weapons and to make them stronger.
The Armor Shop (Armor Upgrades) is unlocked Main Quest 6: Trouble in the Quarry. You can use this one to unlock new field movesets (like double jump or dash with CJ) for your armors and to make them stronger.
All Shops can be found on Outlanders Lane.
For this trophy, enchance CJ's, Garoo's and Isha's weapon in The Armor Shop to their max level.
Almost every enemy you defeat in dungeons and from the environment is a resource. It's really easy to gather 100.
You will unlock this one quite soon. It took me like an 30mins to defeat 100 enemies.
Resources comes in few categories. You need to either collect them, buy them or exchange them to unlock the trophy. I was missing Pasturage's shop resources (you need to upgrade it by doing sidequest to the max level to unlock all types) and Farm's Shop resources (also upgrade to max level first). Every boss drops an uninque high-grade resource as well.
Full list of all resources can be found here:
I don't think this is even missable; by doing all story/sidequests in your first run you will unlock this trophy. Since you need to finish all the sidequests for the platinum anyway, there is no way to miss this trophy.
During chapter 6 you will be able to unlock more shops in the town. Do the sidequests to unlock more shops and simply use any shop for amount of 10 times to unlock this trophy.
Simply buy/craft at least 1 item from each facility in town.
Outlander Lane: Tavern, Smithy, Weapon Shop, Armor Shop, Inn.
Second Street: Accessory Shop, Apotecary, Pawnshop, Trading Shop.
The Rune Quarter: Bag Shop, Rune Shop, Orb slot shop
Craft a level 5 cuisine (any) in the Tavern when you upgrade it to max level (after finishing all quests for your last stamp card, you should also facilities on their max levels).
Craft a level 5 Accessory (any) in the Accessory Shop when you upgrade it to max level (after finishing all quests for your last stamp card, you should also facilities on their max levels).
Craft a level 5 potion in Apotecary when you upgrade it to max level (after finishing all quests for your last stamp card, you should also facilities on their max levels).
Craft a level 3 rune in Rune Shop when you upgrade it to max level (after finishing all quests for your last stamp card, you should also facilities on their max levels).
By doing quests and by collecting/selling your resources you get the money. The best selling resources are the ones you can get from the vase object in dungeons like Rare Stones, Antique coins etc; you can also sell the ones you have the most to earn some money. Gather 100,000 in sum (you don't have to have it on you at the same time) to unlock the trophy. It happened to me before I finished the game.
During chapter 6 you can accept quest from Felipe on Second Street. Speak with people on Outlander Lane and return to Felipe to unlock Tool Shop. You can exchange 3 Lumber (common in the first screen of the Great Forest) and 1000 Gold for Fishing Rod. Go to The Great Forest, Great Tree Glade travel point, move right, defeat the mini-boss, use Garoo to bring down rocks, go down when you reach a bridge and folow the path until you hit the fishing spot. Use your rod to catch fish; press the sequence of buttons on the screen before the time runs out.
During chapter 6 you can accept quest from Felipe on Second Street. Speak with people on Outlander Lane and return to Felipe to unlock Tool Shop. Exhange 1 Ore (The Querry rocks after you unlock mining), 1 Stone (cavern middle part in The Great Forest) and 1 Lumber (common in the first screen of The Great Forest) for Trap tool. You can lay down the tool in The Query for example, and wait for monsters to get over it.
Automatic story-related trophy.
This will unlock when you destroy orange (Earth Elementum Pillar during the story).
After finishing all quests for your last stamp card, you should also facilities on their max levels. Craft Fishing Rod Lv. 3 from Tool Shop so you can catch max. grade fish. You can now try your luck on any fishing spot (Great Forest, The Quarry, etc.) and fish until you get max grade fish, or you will get it naturally by doing certain sidequests. I suggest you don't worry about this one, just do all sidequests.
After finishing all quests for your last stamp card, you should also facilities on their max levels. Craft Trap Lv. 3 from Tool Shop so you can catch max. grade meat. You can now try your luck on any trap spot (Great Forest, The Quarry, etc.) and keep trying to exit dungeons after putting trap to get what you need, or you will get it naturally by doing certain sidequests. I suggest you don't worry about this one, just do all sidequests.
There are 4 types of Elementum Pillars (giant colored rocks blocking the paths in dungeons): Blue (Ice), Orange (Earth), Green (Lightning), Red (Fire).You will get the Rune equipables during the main story for the blue pillar, and later on for the rest; they can also be crafted in The Rune Quarter area in Ilda's Rune Shop after completing her "A Book on The Barrows" quest. Talk to Isha about the stolen book to get it, then return it to Ilda to unlock the shop.
For example, Blue, Orange and Green Elementum Pillars can be found in The Quarry.
Red Elementum Pillars can be found in Great Forest, Snowpeak, and in The Lava Ruins.
It's really easy to explore all areas in dungeons. First, make sure you reached part of the game where you unlocked all types of Runes (Earth, Water, Lightning, Fire) in Rune Shop. Make sure to craft at least 1 type of each and equip on different characters. Teleport to the dungeon, turn on the map (PS5 - touch on touchpad) and see where you maybe miss some area. When map is complete, the trophy will unlock, you don't even have to pick up all chests and such. Also, after doing all sidequests it's very possible that you will unlock all areas of all dungeons needed for this trophy category.
It's really easy to explore all areas in dungeons. First, make sure you reached part of the game where you unlocked all types of Runes (Earth, Water, Lightning, Fire) in Rune Shop. Make sure to craft at least 1 type of each and equip on different characters. Teleport to the dungeon, turn on the map (PS5 - touch on touchpad) and see where you maybe miss some area. When map is complete, the trophy will unlock, you don't even have to pick up all chests and such. Also, after doing all sidequests it's very possible that you will unlock all areas of all dungeons needed for this trophy category.
It's really easy to explore all areas in dungeons. First, make sure you reached part of the game where you unlocked all types of Runes (Earth, Water, Lightning, Fire) in Rune Shop. Make sure to craft at least 1 type of each and equip on different characters. Teleport to the dungeon, turn on the map (PS5 - touch on touchpad) and see where you maybe miss some area. When map is complete, the trophy will unlock, you don't even have to pick up all chests and such. Also, after doing all sidequests it's very possible that you will unlock all areas of all dungeons needed for this trophy category.
It's really easy to explore all areas in dungeons. First, make sure you reached part of the game where you unlocked all types of Runes (Earth, Water, Lightning, Fire) in Rune Shop. Make sure to craft at least 1 type of each and equip on different characters. Teleport to the dungeon, turn on the map (PS5 - touch on touchpad) and see where you maybe miss some area. When map is complete, the trophy will unlock, you don't even have to pick up all chests and such. Also, after doing all sidequests it's very possible that you will unlock all areas of all dungeons needed for this trophy category.
It's really easy to explore all areas in dungeons. First, make sure you reached part of the game where you unlocked all types of Runes (Earth, Water, Lightning, Fire) in Rune Shop. Make sure to craft at least 1 type of each and equip on different characters. Teleport to the dungeon, turn on the map (PS5 - touch on touchpad) and see where you maybe miss some area. When map is complete, the trophy will unlock, you don't even have to pick up all chests and such. Also, after doing all sidequests it's very possible that you will unlock all areas of all dungeons needed for this trophy category.
Hard difficulty is unlocked when you beat all 31 story chapters and then load the clear game autosave slot. Now you can start grinding towards level 50 and you need to defeat all trophy bosses on Hard to unlock this category trophies. I started as level 33, but got to level 50 for last boss alonside with upgrading all weapons and armors to almost max level. Stock up on potions for healing and defeat bosses again.
Hard difficulty is unlocked when you beat all 31 story chapters and then load the clear game autosave slot. Now you can start grinding towards level 50 and you need to defeat all trophy bosses on Hard to unlock this category trophies. I started as level 33, but got to level 50 for last boss alonside with upgrading all weapons and armors to almost max level. Stock up on potions for healing and defeat bosses again.
Hard difficulty is unlocked when you beat all 31 story chapters and then load the clear game autosave slot. Now you can start grinding towards level 50 and you need to defeat all trophy bosses on Hard to unlock this category trophies. I started as level 33, but got to level 50 for last boss alonside with upgrading all weapons and armors to almost max level. Stock up on potions for healing and defeat bosses again.
Hard difficulty is unlocked when you beat all 31 story chapters and then load the clear game autosave slot. Now you can start grinding towards level 50 and you need to defeat all trophy bosses on Hard to unlock this category trophies. I started as level 33, but got to level 50 for last boss alonside with upgrading all weapons and armors to almost max level. Stock up on potions for healing and defeat bosses again.
Hard difficulty is unlocked when you beat all 31 story chapters and then load the clear game autosave slot. Now you can start grinding towards level 50 and you need to defeat all trophy bosses on Hard to unlock this category trophies. I started as level 33, but got to level 50 for last boss alonside with upgrading all weapons and armors to almost max level. Stock up on potions for healing and defeat bosses again.
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Any idea if there are any missable trophies?

Aeramis commented, related to Trophy Guide Article
on May 14, 2022 at 22:59h
Any idea if there are any missable trophies?
No, when you beat the game you can load up on Mission/Chapter 29v before the final events and do whatever you still miss. You can also choose Hard difficulty at that point to beat the bosses on Hard for trophies.
I will update the guide soon, I'm really swamped with life chores at the moment :)

Foggy commented
on May 15, 2022 at 21:24h
No, when you beat the game you can load up on Mission/Chapter 29v before the final events and do whatever you still miss. You can also choose Hard difficulty at that point to beat the bosses on Hard for trophies.
I will update the guide soon, I'm really swamped with life chores at the moment :)
Awesome, thanks for the reply. No worries about the guide, I just wanted to see if there were any missables that way I could wait on the guide.

Aeramis commented
on May 15, 2022 at 21:27h
Awesome, thanks for the reply. No worries about the guide, I just wanted to see if there were any missables that way I could wait on the guide.
It's really easy to 100% the game. The only thing you need to do are the sidequests, but they are marked on your map so it's really easy to finish them. Then there are some grindy trophies, but overal it's not that bad, it's a short game. The only thing i constantly lack is the money, I need to find a good spot to grind it.