Monster Hunter Rise Trophy Guide & Roadmap

It's here! Finally it's here! I was waiting for this MH entry for all consoles, and it's here. Of course, if you know what the trophies in MH games are, you then know that this will be no different - fishing, collecting, photographing, gold crowns... The good thing is that you don't have to collect investigation tracks and tackle crowns in these - you can play Hub Quests for that. Nice! Also, wirebug mechanics and riding your animal pal are the new perks that will shorted your exploration for sure!
Let's start!
Steps to have in mind while playing to minimize the time spent later
Sturdy Padlock trophy - One of the trophies require you to collect all decorations in the game. While some of them can be bought after you fulfil some terms, there are some that can be won as a Lottery reward from certain shop during the sale. In between missions you can get a notification about a sale in the shop, which also let's you play the lottery and get rewards. Make sure you do this often until you get all 12 decoration items (full list can be found under the corresponding topic).
Rampage Nemesis Certificate trophy - Complete 50 Rampage Quests. You can hunt for any monster you'd like, just make sure that you kill it. Only defending the village doesn't work towards this trophy. Only one note here - defeat at least one of the next monsters to unlock their related Hub Quest (Rathian, Arzuros, Rathalos, Zinogre, Diablos, Mizutsune).
Wreath of Honor trophy - Complete 100 villager requests (that also includes Optional Subqests). Always choose 5 Optional Subquests from the Quest Counter (from one of the Twins). When someone asks for a help, help them!
Kamura Pinwheel trophy - Perform 1000 Wiredashes as you play (L2 + R2, or L2 + Circle button, L2 + Triangle button).
Shabby Canyne Saddle trophy - Ride your mount for 10 hours in total! It should come naturally, but if not, climb on your mount and leave it overnight.
Hunting Helpers Plate trophy - Gather 500 Hunting Helpers. It's a lot, but there is a quest called "Learning to Ride" training quest from Hinoa where you can find a helper, gather it, release and repeat until you unlock the trophy.
Gathering Spiritbug Plate trophy - Spiritbugs are the small gold insects that you can collect when on a mission. They reward you with Kamura points when picked up. You need 1000 (which is a lot).
Thank-mew Letter, Good Luck Charm trophies - Hire 50 buddies in Buddy Plaza from Buddy Handler Iori. Make sure that you hire at least one Palico of each type. And make sure to send your Meowscenaries on quests 20 times (with 5 of them every time) to reach 100 (20x5) and unlock the trophy. 5 missions/quests needs to pass before you can send them again.
Seasoned Jockey Plaque trophy - Ride monsters for 100 times. Simply, mount the monsters in fights for a total of 100 times.
From Palicoes, with Love trophy - Reach level 50 will Palico of each type (Healer, Gathering, Fight, Bombardier, Assist). Make sure to switch when you reach level 50 of one type.
Step 1 - Finish the story first (Village Quests)
This is considered to be a story in this MH game. It's good that you do this first to unlock everything you'll need for other trophies. You can of course hunt for better gear and whatever you see fit for this step. Have in mind that the final story quests unlock only when you progress the Hub quests.
Step 2 - Finish Hub Quests
Hub Quests are where you'll spend most of your time, especially in the post-game. They are here to improve your Hunter Rank, which is sometimes needed to progress the main story. You can also hunt for golden crowns here, and repeat them as many times as you like.
Step 3 - Collecting, crowns and whatever you miss at this point
Here is where the real grind starts. You need all decorations, all photos, all fishes, all gold crowns (both small and large), etc. The topics below will help you towards this mission. It's a long one, but you can shorten the time needed for crowns for example - with a party of 4 you can all try the same Hub Quest, but spearately. If a player is sure about the size of the monster, the others can join. This will speed up things nicely!
I wish you all a good luck and happy hunting!
Topics and YouTube Playlist:
All Monster Hunter Rise PS5 Videos Playlist
Monster Hunter Rise - All Camps
Monster Hunter Rise - All Decorations & Hanging Scrolls
Monster Hunter Rise - All Endemic Creatures
Monster Hunter Rise - All Fish and Fishing Locations
Monster Hunter Rise - All Great Wirebug launch points
Monster Hunter Rise - All Hunting Helpers
Monster Hunter Rise - All Relics
Monster Hunter Rise - Large Crown Monsters
Monster Hunter Rise - Miniature Crown Monsters
Unlock all other trophies. Good luck!
Automatic story-related trophy.
Automatic story-related trophy.
Finish the first 4-Star Hub Quest: The Blue Apex. You will need to finish that one for sure, as that quest unlocks all other 4-Start Hub Quests. Hunt you first Apex to unlock the trophy.
Finish the Urgent 6-Star Hub Quest: Serpent God of Wind. It gets unlocked by completing 3 out of 5 required 6-Star Hub quests. Survive 3 waves of monster, with Wind Serpent Ibushi being the last one. When the timer goes off, you won and unlocked the trophy.
Finish the Urgent 7-Star Hub Quest: Serpent Goddess of Thunder. It gets unlocked by completing 5 required 7-Star Hub quests. Beat the monster in the arena (you can use field gadgets as your advantage) to unlock this trophy.
Finish 38 Low Rank Hub Quests:
- 1-Star Quests (9 of them)
- 2-Star Quests (13 of them)
- 3-Star Quests (16 of them)
Complete 50 Rampage Quests. You can hunt for any monster you'd like, just make sure that you kill it. Only defending the village doesn't work towards this trophy. Only one note here - defeat at least one of the next monsters to unlock their related Hub Quest:
- Rathian
- Arzuros
- Rathalos
- Zinogre
- Diablos
- Mizutsune
Complete 50 quests of any kind on the "Shrine Ruins" map. Since you must gather golden crowns for all monsters in the game, I'm sure that this category of 50 trophies on each map will unlock naturally.
Complete 50 quests of any kind on the "Frost Islands" map. Since you must gather golden crowns for all monsters in the game, I'm sure that this category of 50 trophies on each map will unlock naturally.
Complete 50 quests of any kind on the "Flooded Forest" map. Since you must gather golden crowns for all monsters in the game, I'm sure that this category of 50 trophies on each map will unlock naturally.
Complete 50 quests of any kind on the "Sandy Plains" map. Since you must gather golden crowns for all monsters in the game, I'm sure that this category of 50 trophies on each map will unlock naturally.
Complete 50 quests of any kind on the "Lava Caverns" map. Since you must gather golden crowns for all monsters in the game, I'm sure that this category of 50 trophies on each map will unlock naturally.
Complete 100 requests from villagers. Occasionally, they will ask you for a favour, but Optional Subquests (quest counter from one of the Twins) also count. Keep doing the requests as you play and progress to eventually unlock the trophy.
This is a bit grindy, but it's not that hard. Wiredash can be perfomred by combinations L2 + R2, L2 + Circle button, L2 + Triangle button. Either of these is a Wiredash move, which you need to perform for 1000 times to unlock the trophy.
To unlock this trophy you will need to ride your mount (Palamute) for a total of 10 hours! Wow! Yeah, it seems a lot, but it's something you'll be doing throughout the whole game. If you're running out of patience, you can just mount and leave your game overnight to speed up the process.
Each map has 1 or 2 camps you can discover and build. First, you need to discover a camp on a map, then you have to finish a short request for Kagero the Merhcant in your hub area. That will build and make the camp available for the future usage. Do this for all maps:
- Shrine Ruins
- Frost Island
- Sandy Plains
- Flooded Forest
- Lava Caverns
Each map has a Great Wirebug location/s which you need to activate. For that you will need to activate the Jewel Lillies with Great Wirebugs that are a reward from Senior Hunter Hanegana in the Village. You can find the hunter outside your room, just next to the bridge. He will provide you the first one for free, but for the rest you will have to finish a request first.
The easiest way to find these points on the map is by changing categories on the map view with R1 until you switch to Great Wirebug view (you can distinguish them by white lines that will turn red once they're activated). Check all layers of all maps:
- Shrine Ruins
- Frost Island
- Sandy Plains
- Flooded Forest
- Lava Caverns
Hunting Helpers are small animals like frogs, snakes, lizzards etc.; that you an pick up on your visits to hunting maps. You need to find one, pick it up, and do this 500 times. There is an easy way during "Learning to Ride" training Quests from Hinoa - Pupper Spider helper is on the left side of the arena. Pick it up (you can do this 5 times here), go to Options, Helper Cage, release and repeat.
Spiribugs are common when you explore a map, or do a quest. They are the small gold insects, which reward you with Kamura points when you pick them up. All of this will be explained in the tutorials at the start of your journey. You can go out on the expedition, collect them (they respawn), return to hub, repeat. For example you can find around 30 Spiritbugs in Shrine Ruins, but you can try any map you like.
You need to find all 60 Relics to unlock this trophy (10 per map, so 50 in sum, but then you will get an extra 2 on each map, which makes a total of 60).
There are a total of 19 different fish you have to catch to unlock this trophy. Fishing doesn't require a bait, which is good, but it's still a bit RNG-related. Some fish appear only on High Rank expeditions, so make sure that you unlock that part first.
Cokking a steak can be done when you go out on a expedition or a quest. In the camp area, take out your roast and start spinning meat - when the 4th rotation of ends, press circle button to take it off. That will leave you will perfectly cooked well-done steak. Repeat this for 30 times.
Hunting Helpers are small animals like frogs, snakes, lizzards etc.; that you an pick up on your visits to hunting maps. You will have to find all 18 and take a picture of them. More details and all helper locations can be found under the next topic:
This time you need to take a photo of Endemic Life across the game. There are a total of 27 regular and 5 Rare creatures you'll have to find for this and the Gold Ecologist’s Award trophies. More details can be found under the next topic:
This time you need to take a photo of Endemic Life across the game. There are a total of 27 regular and 5 Rare creatures you'll have to find for this and the Silver Ecologist’s Award trophies. More details can be found under the next topic:
Zenny is the money (currency) in this game, and you don't have to have this amount on you at the same time. It accumulates, so don't worry much about this trophy, it should come naturally.
Good way to colect Kamura points is by doing Optional Quests from Twin merchants. You can take up do 5 at the time, which is something you should do before every quest if you can. Keep doing that as you play and you should unlock this trophy with time.
You will unlock buddies during the story progress. Talk to Buddy Handler Iori in Buddy Plaza, hire 50 buddies from him. Make sure to hire at least one Palico of each type as you do this trophy.
You actually have to send Meowscenaries (when you unlock them during the story progress) for a total of 20 times, as they get sent on 5 stages each time. To do so, after you unlock Meowscenaries go to the Buddy Plaza and talk to Felyne Chief Korabashi. Send buddies, complete 5 quests or expeditions and you can claim your rewards. Repeat the process until you unlock the trophy.
You don't actually have to craft gear (which is the first thing that crossed my mind by reading this trophy description), you just have to complete all 6 Requests from Canyne Master Inukai (located on the left of Hinoa in the village). All of the requests contain "Palamute" in the quest title (if you need to differenciate them easily).
It's actually not many, it's 5 pieces of armor with a Rarity of 7. Craft any 5 pieces of your choice (just to be sure, craft different pieces, I'm not sure if crafting the same ones count or even possible).
Switch Skills are really cool, it's like an extra weapon skill. First, you need to complete all 4-6 Stars Hub Quests that are related to weapons (they all have weapon words in the title). Then, craft at least 8 different weapons of each class, and talk to Master Utsushi in the Gathering Hub. He rewards you with a Switch Skill for a weapon: 2 of of 3 you get when you finish the weapon-related Hub Quest and having 8 different weapons of the same type, and the last one you get automatically while progressing through the game.
You need to unlock all Dango Recipes by helping Yomogi. She is the chef, and she will ask of you to go on quests to gather some ingredients for her. Whenever you see a bubble over her head, talk to her to get a quest.
List of Village Quests:
- 3-Star Quest – "Supply Run"
- 4-Star Quest – "Getting Back the Groceries"
- 5-Star Quest – "The Secret Ingredient"
- 5-Star Quest – "Comeuppance"
List of Gathering Hub Quests:
- 4-Star Quest – "Dango Duty"
- 4-Star Quest – "Totally Not Cool, Kulu!"
- 6-Star Quest – "Do It for the Dango!"
- 7-Star Quest – "A Quartet of Horns"
- 7-Star Quest – "Can’t Kill it with Fire"
- 7-Star Quest – "Seared Situation"
List of Requests you have to finish:
- "Thick, Gooey Dango" – Unlock 5-Star Gathering Hub Quests
- "Bunny Dango – with Eggs!" - Unlock 5-Star Village Quests.
- "Only the Good Eggs" – Unlock 6-Star Gathering Hub Quests
- "A Dango a Day" – Unlock 6-Star Gathering Hub Quests.
The Cohoot is your Hunter's new pet owl in Monster Hunter Rise. You start with Kamura Gorge, which is the Default Outfit for Cahoot. You need additional 3 Outfits for your Cohoot to unlock the trophy:
- Garb of Glad Tidings: Obtained from Komitsu the Sweettooth after finishing the first Rampage
- Ruggen Fullsuit: Obtained from Mihaba the Apprentice after finishing the 5* Village Quest: Comeuppance
- The Stealth Woof: Finish the Request "Flying Billboards" from Canyne Master Inukai. During the reuquest take a photo of a Cohoot; find one sitting on the wall next to Fugen the Elder at the main stairs of the Village
Talk with 48 citizens in your hub area across all screens. Palicos and Palamutes also count.
Full list coming soon (I need to unlock and find them all first!).
Well, capturing or killing 1000 Large Monsters is not an easy task. It's very time-consuming, but it is what it is. Good luck with the grind!
This can easily be done by going out on an expedition, and just slaying the monsters. After you defeat or capture one, another one appears. It also counts if you defeat the same one during 1 expedition.
You have to ride monsters for a total of 100 times. Riding them is something new to MH series, and in Rise you can climb the monster and control it. It can easily be done when one monster hits another (press circle to put it into the mountable state, and ride it afterwards). When you climb on a monster, press square and dash into another monster to make the other one mountable as well. Combine this until you unlock this trophy. It should come naturally, no need to farm it.
Unlocked by defeating Rajang, a Bazelgeuse and a Magnamalo in the arena during a 6-Star Village Quest "Advanced: The Veterans’ Gala". This one gets unlocked after completing the Thunder Serpent Narwa Hub quest.
As usual, the arena is back. Arena challenges provide their own set of weapons, which makes them a bit tough if you play with only 1 weapon. First you must complete the introduction for the monster that will have its arena challenge later. Here is a list of Arena challenges you have to beat and how to unlock them:
- Kulu-Ya-Ku: Initially unlocked
- Barroth: Complete 3-Star Village Quest "Fightin' Dirty", or 2-Star Hub Quest "So Muddy Hardheaded!"
- Royal Ludroth and a Nargacuga: Complete 5-Star Village Quest "Wind Speed Wyvern", or 3-Star Hub Quest "Twilit Twin Stars"
- Barioth: Complete 6-Star Hub Quest "Sharpening Amber Fangs"
- Rajang: Complete 7-Star Hub Quest "Evil Afoot"
- Volvidon, a Basarios and a Bazelgeuse: Hunt Bazelgeuse (Available After Unlocking High Rank Cap)
HR 8 unlock - Defeat Narwa
HR 20 unlock - Defeat Narwa and reach HR 8.
HR 30 - Reach HR 20 and clear the Urgent quest to slay Chameleos
HR 40 - Reach HR 30 and clear the Urgent quest to slay Kushala Daora
HR 999 - Reach HR 40 and clear the Urgent quest to slay Teostra (you don't have to reach HR 999, just a note!)
Support type of Pelicoes are Healer (starting Pelico), Gathering, Fight, Bombardier, and Assist. They all needs to be at level 50 to unlock this trophy. Place Palicos of each type in the dojo and let them train there for 10 rounds all the time. It will take a while but it is still faster than leveling each of the individually.
Unlocking all types of Pelicoes:
By using the Buddy Scout will allow players to recruit new Palicoes and Palamutes. It's possible to specify a Palico of the Support Type and even appearance of your taste, and they can be freely renamed when they are recruited. This is a great tool for finding a Palico with your ideal set of Equipped Moves and Skills. Each time you depart on a Quest, the recruited Palicoes at the Buddy Scout will be refreshed. Even if you choose to return from or abandon the Quest without completing it, the Palicoes will refresh.
Crafting layered armor becomes available once you reach Hunter Rank 8. It also requires Outfit Vouchers to craft a layered armor piece. Outfit Vouchers can only be obtained from completing High Rank 7-Star quests, Rampage and Apex quests.
Craft 5 layered armor pieces to unlock the trophy.
Simply complete 7-Star Hub Quests "May Fire Quell Fury", and "A Blaze Amongst Beasts".
Simply complete the 7-Star Hub Quest "The Evil Star from Beyond". This quest will unlock once you reach Hunter Rank 100 (grinding here we come!)
This is unlocked by beating one of the hardest Gathering Hub Quest in the game, a 7-Star Hub Quest "Advanced: Those Crowned Apexes" (stronger versions of Apex Mizutsune, Apex Rathalos and Apex Zinogre). Call for some help, no shame in that.
Complete all High Rank Gathering Hub Quests. There are 16 4-Star, 16 5-Star, 16 6-Star, and 42 7-Star Quests in this category. Final Hub Quests are unlocked by reaching Hunter Rank level 100, and you will also have to slay each Apex Monster in a Rampage to unlock their Hub Quests.
More details coming soon...
There are 73 Decorations & Hanging Scrolls in Monster Hunter Rise. All of them are needed to unlock this trophy. While some of them can be bought after you fulfil some terms, there are some that can be won as a Lottery reward from certain shop during the sale. In between missions you can get a notification about a sale in the shop, which also let's you play the lottery and get rewards. Make sure you do this often until you get all 12 decoration items:
All monsters except the 3 story-related monsters have their own versions of Mini and Large appearance. Usually it takes some measurements (leg sizes, etc.) before you decide whether to defeat the monster or not. It makes no sense to defeat a monster if you're sure that it will not give you any crowns. Thankfully, all Event Quests are unlocked in the new console release, so you can gather a party of 4 people, each trying the related quests and if some of you is certain it's a crown - just call the others. This will shorten a lot of your hunt time.
More details about crowns will be added under the next topics:
Monster Hunter Rise - Miniature Crown Monsters
Monster Hunter Rise - Large Crown Monsters
All monsters except the 3 story-related monsters have their own versions of Mini and Large appearance. Usually it takes some measurements (leg sizes, etc.) before you decide whether to defeat the monster or not. It makes no sense to defeat a monster if you're sure that it will not give you any crowns. Thankfully, all Event Quests are unlocked in the new console release, so you can gather a party of 4 people, each trying the related quests and if some of you is certain it's a crown - just call the others. This will shorten a lot of your hunt time.
More details about crowns will be added under the next topics:
Monster Hunter Rise - Miniature Crown Monsters
Monster Hunter Rise - Large Crown Monsters
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