Monster Hunter Rise - All Relics
You can find 60 Relis in Monster Hunter Rise. Finding all Relics unlocks the Antique Bookmark trophy. None of them are missable, so no worries about missing any of them. Each map has 10 Relics, which is 50 - the rest is a reward from Kagero the Merchant. Deliver all 50 to him, and you will unlock additional 2 per map. That will be all 60.
To find a Relic, you will need to explore maps. They look like swords stuck in the ground. When you inspect one, you will see a notification with a "Old Message" label.
Shrine Ruins Relics
- Relic #1 - At the top of Area 5 (north from number "5" on the map) you can find a wooden shrine and the Relic right in front of it.
- Relic #2 - Check the cliffs to the west of Area 8. It's on the lower edges.
- Relic #3 - Directly south from number "12" on the map, on top of the cliff, in front of the altar
- Relic #4 - East edge of Area 11, check underneath a wooden gate that is on a cliff.
- Relic #5 - Climb the cliffs south from Area 12, and follow the cliffs all the way west. Cross the bridge and you will find the relic all the way on the west.
- Relic #6 - Between numbers 7 and 8, on the southern side of the plains climb the cliffs on the side of the passage
- Relic #7 - Directly on the number "2" on the map - but high above on the tree branch. Climb up, and you will find it there.
- Relic #8 - Start climbing cliffs of area 5 from the ground, from the north side and you will see a cave on your way with the relic inside
- Relic #9 - Northwest from the number "7" on the map, just behing the wall and check it near the flowers on the ledge there.
- Relic #10 - Southwest from the number "5" on the map, reach the northwestern edge of the mountains you see on the map, and drop down on a ledge behing the shrine.
- Relic #11 (Additional Relic) - Climb the wooden structure just northeast from the number "4" on the map.
- Relic #12 (Additional Relic) - If you go east from the previous relic, you will find it there (it's directly a bit north from the number "3" on the map, on upper ledge with a tree branch).
Frost Island Relics
- Relic #1 - Climb the middle cliffs above number "7" on the map and find it in front of the altar
- Relic #2 - North from the number "1" on the map, around the middle of the gray cliffs on the map, you can follow the tree branch west and find it there.
- Relic #3 - East from the number "4" on the map are the gray cliffs. In the middle, on the south of them is a wall, on top of that wall is a cave. Go there and follow the path to find the relic.
- Relic #4 - Above number "4" on the map, in the southeastern corner of the water part of that area is a cave entrance. Inside you can find the relic.
- Relic #5 - Climb the cliffs directly north from the number "5" on the map, and place a bomb in front of the snowman. Attack to blow him up and pick up the relic.
- Relic #6 - Area 8, climb the mast of the ship, it sits at the top.
- Relic #7 - In between areas 11 and 12 is a small gray path on the map. Go to the east side of that path where you can find a cave, and a relic inside.
- Relic #8 - Directly east from the number "5" on the map, climb the cliffs and go to the eastern edge, still east from the number "5". There is a cave here, and relic inside.
- Relic #9 - Top of the snowy cliffs northwest from the number "9" on the map.
- Relic #10 - Check below the previous relic to get to a Great Wirebug point, use it to reach an opening with a north passage down below.
- Relic #11 (Additional Relic) - Northwest from the western sub-camp is a gap with a tree. Wirebug across.
- Relic #12 (Additional Relic) - Southwest from number "6", behing the iceberg here is the Great Wirebug. Use it to reach the relic.
Sandy Plains Relics
- Relic #1 - Southwest corner of the map, on an edge (directly west from number "2" on the map).
- Relic #2 - If you look on the map when you start from the main camp, you will see a blue water part just to the north. Left side of that water icon on the map is a small cave at the bottom. Go there.
- Relic #3 - Climb the cliffs south from the number "5" on the map. It's not close cliffs south from there, but a bit more to the southwest and then up.
- Relic #4 - Southeast from number "11" on the map, northwest from the number "6", above on the cliffs next to a big tree lump.
- Relic #5 - Check the map and observe a small narrow stone gray bridge between numbers "10" and "9". That bridge leads to a cave where you'll find the relic.
- Relic #6 - Underground section south of Area 9; check the eastern side to find a small tunnel.
- Relic #7 - Check the ruins above the west sub-camp. Climb there.
- Relic #8 - Directly south from the number "4" on the map is a wall tunnel you can go through to find this relic.
- Relic #9 - Northeast part of the underground section you can enter a ruined structure.
- Relic #10 - Northern section of the upper part of the map, behind a wall you see on the ground.
- Relic #11 (Additional Relic) - Go underground, go to Area 11 and go towards Area 7 to find a small cave at the end.
- Relic #12 (Additional Relic) - Check next to the tree above the main camp from where you start.
Flooded Forest Relics
- Relic #1 - Climb above from the map camp point where you start. It's here on the ledges. If you climb more, you can find a tunnel that leads all the way towards Area 13. Somewhere halfway through there is a branching tunnel path to the left - go there to find Relic #9.
- Relic #2 - Tree branches that you can see from the river if you stand on the number "4" on the map. Climb there and find it.
- Relic #3 - Approach the pyramid from the west side. Climb the stairs and use the Great Wirebug. Inside, check the ceiling, grapple through it. Relic is inside the room. If you exit and climb one level above, you can find a destroyable wall here. Use a bomb to destroy it to reveal Relic #8
- Relic #4 - On the cliffs directly between "10" and "11" on the map, hidden in the flower bed. Destroy the grass flowers to reveal it.
- Relic #5 - Underground Area 14, check the western wall for a small tunnel and go through.
- Relic #6 - Climb the cliffs to south of number "12" (really close to it) to find a ledge with a cave. Go through.
- Relic #7 - Head through the right exit for north sub-camp and cross the gap on the left with your Wirebug.
- Relic #8 - Approach the pyramid from the west side. Climb the stairs and use the Great Wirebug. Inside, check the ceiling, grapple through it. If you exit and climb one level above, you can find a destroyable wall here. Use a bomb to destroy it to reveal Relic #8
- Relic #9 - Climb above from the map camp point where you start. If you climb more, you can find a tunnel that leads all the way towards Area 13. Somewhere halfway through there is a branching tunnel path to the left - go there to find Relic #9.
- Relic #10 - North part of the map, directly north from the number "7" on the map, on the edge of the map, sitting on a rock next to a shell.
- Relic #11 (Additional Relic) - Western ledge of the pyramid, northeast from number "2" on the map.
- Relic #12 (Additional Relic) - Southeast from number "7" on the map are the cliffs with a hole in the wall. Go through.
Lava Caverns Relics
- Relic #1 - Before you exit the path from the main camp (before Area 1), climb the left montain cliffs.
- Relic #2 - Check on top of the tree directly on the number "4" on the map.
- Relic #3 - South from number "7" on some ledges
- Relic #4 - Underground area, on top of one of the pillars in between "13" and "14"
- Relic #5 - Check east and above from number "14" (a bit down and to the right of the number letter on the map), grapple above on the ledge.
- Relic #6 - South from number "8", on top of the pillar in the water underground caves.
- Relic #7 - In Area 12, go through the northwest exit that leads to a cave. Swing around the corner.
- Relic #8 - Start from the northwest sub-camp, and to northwest from the number "6" on the map, it's in the corner.
- Relic #9 - Start from the northwest sub-camp, go south and find it under a broken bridge.
- Relic #10 - North from the number "1" , southwest from number "9" (somewhere around the middle of these numbers) in between some stone doors is a cave tunnel.
- Relic #11 (Additional Relic) - South of area 3, on a cliff, climb above.
- Relic #12 (Additional Relic) - Go to the norheastern part of the underground area. There is a tunnel here that you can crawl through. Wallrun to another small tunnel, exit, go left and follow the path.
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