Soul Hackers 2 - Aion Directives Guide

To unlock Aion Directives you need to finish the Arrow's Soul 1F dungeon in Axis first; then you will be able to take on Aion Directives in the room with the teleport from which you enter Soul dungeons inside Axis. These serve as different kind of requests, and they count up to some trophies.

Example when your ally demons have quest item to give you:

You can also learn Summoner Skills here. New ones gets unlocked as you progress the Sectors of your allies. There are some neat, must-have skills you should unlock asap, such as "Demon Skill Unlock 1" which will expand skill slot of your demons by 1. This is very useful when you level up and you need that 1 extra space.

Other good skills are the ones that raise your Stack when attacking enemies with weakness using certain skill type:

  • Gunfire Stack from Arrow - it gets unlocked as you restore memories in his 2F sector
  • Ice Stack from Arrow - it gets unlocked as you restore memories in his 3F sector

You will unlock first 9 Aion Directives after clearing Arrow's Sector 1F during the story

Soul Matrix 1F

  • Arrow's Sector Cleanup 1
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 1F
    Defeat 9 Gremlins inside the 1F of the dungeon. These are the blue slim ghost type of demons that encounter you after the second teleport on 1F. You can notice them on the map by the icon above the enemy's head.
    Reward: Grimoire x1
  • Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Alpha
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 1F
    You need to find 6 Demons (your Demons) on the 1F and talk to them to get the Chain Crystaloid Alpha items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 6 to be found on 1F
    Reward: Fortuna Demon Fusion unlock
  • Target: Mokoi
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 1F
    Find Mokoi enemy on the 1F and initiate a fight. These are special battles that will prohibit Item usage and some other combat stuff, so be sure to prepare. I was around level 12 when I tried this and it wasn't so hard
    Reward: HP Incense Shard
  • Milady's Sector Cleanup 1
    Location: Milady's soul sector 1F
    Defeat 9 Jack Frost inside the 1F of the dungeon. These are the frost small ones with the blue hat type of demons that encounter you after the second teleport on 1F. You can notice them on the map by the icon above the enemy's head.
    Reward: Frost Epitaph x3
  • Retrieve Needle Crystaloid Alpha
    Location: Milady's soul sector 1F
    You need to find 6 Demons (your Demons) on the 1F and talk to them to get the Needle Crystaloid Alpha items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 6 to be found on 1F
    Reward: Sharpened Heel equipment
  • Target: Nozuchi
    Location: Milady's soul sector 1F
    Find Nozuchi enemy on the 1F and initiate a fight, he can be found near the last teleport on this floor. These are special battles that will prohibit Item usage and some other combat stuff, so be sure to prepare. I was around level 13 when I tried this. This one is weak agains Wind and Fire attacks, so use that as your advantage, it's a pretty tough fight at this point
    Reward: Lu Incense Shard
  • Seizo's Sector Cleanup 1
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 1F
    Kill 9 Mad Gasser
    Reward: Ancient Scripture
  • Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Alpha
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 1F
    You need to find 6 Demons (your Demons) on the 1F and talk to them to get the Orb Crystaloid Alpha items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 6 to be found on 1F
    Reward: Sphere Bangle equipment
  • Target: Halphas
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 1F
    Find Halphas enemy on the 1F and initiate a fight. You can find him northwest from the Gate 1 teleport, kind of in the corner of the small island on the map
    Reward: Ag Incense Shard

Soul Matrix 2F

0:00 - Arrow 2F Target: Inugami. Demon Allies Used: Melchizedek (Ringo), Muu Shuwuu (Arrow), Kodama (Milady); Weak against Wind
2:22 - Seizo 2F Target: Muu Shuwuu. Demon Allies Used: Setanta (Ringo), Muu Shuwuu (Arrow), Mothman (Seizo); Weak againt Gunshot
4:28 - Milady 2F Target: R.S. Demon Allies Used: Setanta (Ringo), Mothman (Milady); Weak against Thunder, Ruin (Posion works good)

  • Arrow's Sector Cleanup 2
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 2F
    Defeat 9 Inugami demons the 2F of the dungeon. They are all over the 2F, just initiate fight with monster that have quest icon above their heads. I found most of them after the second teleport on 2F.
    Reward: Shaman's Mark x3
  • Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Beta 
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 2F
    You need to find 7 Demons (your Demons) on the 2F and talk to them to get the Chain Crystaloid Beta items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 7 to be found on 2F.
    Reward: Yoshitsune Demon Fusion unlock
  • Target: Inugami
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 2F
    Find Inugami enemy on the 2F and initiate a fight. You can find it nortwest from the second teleport point - go north from it until you can take a left, then just to until the left end where you will see it floating. You can't use Seizo in this fight. There are 2 enemies, both are level 28, and they are tough if you enter unprepared. Inugami is weak agains Wind, and Avatar Makami against Ice. Physical attacks works good if you have any that targets both enemies.
    Reward: Totem Memory
  • Milady's Sector Cleanup 2
    Location: Milady's soul sector 2F
    Defeat 9 Jack-o-lanterns inside the 2F of the dungeon.
    Reward: Flame Glyph
  • Retrieve Needle Crystaloid Beta
    Location: Milady's soul sector 2F
    You need to find 7 Demons (your Demons) on the 2F and talk to them to get the Needle Crystaloid Beta items.
    Reward: Fusion of Ara Mitama demon unlocked
  • Target: R.S.
    Location: Milady's soul sector 2F
    Find R.S. enemy on the 2F and initiate a fight. I've used Mothman at level 34 and Setanta at level 33 for this fight and it was still really hard. You only have Milady and Ringo, so you have to be fast. If you spend too many turn it will insta-kill you. Just attack R.S. with lightning attack or with poison (he is weak agains lightning). If you poison him, considering he does 2 attacks, you will kill him in no time. The horse demon is weak agains poison.
    Reward: Totem Memory
  • Seizo's Sector Cleanup 2
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 2F
    Kill 6 Archangel demons on the 2F. They attack around second teleport, but I've found many everywhere.
    Reward: Witch's Mark
  • Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Beta 
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 2F
    You need to find 7 Demons (your Demons) on the 2F and talk to them to get the Orb Crystaloid Beta items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 7 to be found on 2F.
    Reward: Fusion of Nigi Mitama unlocked
  • Target: Muu Shuwuu
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 2F
    Find Muu Shuwuu enemy on the 2F and initiate a fight. You can find the demon a bit northeast from the last (Gate 3) teleport. It's on the east dead end when you start going north (when going back from the teleport). Muu Shuwuu is weak agains Gun skills, Turbo Granny afgainst Physical, and the last demon can also be attack with Physical skills. I got here after Subway Line 14 and this was an easy fight.
    Reward: Cheap Chip

Soul Matrix 3F

0:00 - COMP Skills and Summoner Skills
1:04 - Arrow 3F Target: Unicorn - Ringo (Power + Physc Pierce Skill), Arrow (Scathach), Seizo (Baphoment), Milady (Surt). Weak against nothing, Almighty and Pierce Skills works great
3:19 - Milady 3F Target: Quetzalcoatl - Ringo (Power + Physc Pierce Skill), Arrow (Orobas), Seizo (Sudama), Milady (Unicorn). Weak against Wind, deflects Physical
6:29 - Seizo 3F Target: Ippon-Datara (Destroyer & Walpurgisnacht Trophies) - Ringo (Power + Physc Pierce Skill), Arrow (Scathach), Seizo (Baphomet), Milady (Surt).Weak agains Fire, Ice

  • Arrow's Sector Cleanup 3
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 3F
    Defeat 9 Nekomata demons the 3F of the dungeon. I found them after using couple of green teleports, after the second floor teleport on 3F
    Reward: Witch Doctor's Mark x3
  • Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Gamma
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 3F
    You need to find 8 Demons (your Demons) on the 3F and talk to them to get the Chain Crystaloid Gamma items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 8 to be found on 3F.
    Reward: Saki Mitama Demon Fusion unlock
  • Target: Unicorn
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 3F
    Find Unicorn enemy on the 3F and initiate a fight. Start from Gate 2. Go east and use the teleport. Hop into next one to teleport close where 2 teleports are, and use the western one. Now go east and when you can go up and down, go up and to the right. Unicorn is here. I had 3 demons with Almighty skills that can't be deflected and blocked, and I was using "Phys Pierce I" COMP shop skill to pierce through with Phys attacks. That was the winning combination, and I tried this when I was a bit stronger (they are lv. 35, but I was 46).
    Reward: Genuine Chip
  • Milady's Sector Cleanup 3
    Location: Milady's soul sector 3F
    Defeat 9 Apsaras inside the 3F of the dungeon. I found them on the platform south from the first platform on the floor on which you teleport using the first green teleport on this floor. But they are all over the floor, I found some also south from the second main teleport of this floor.
    Reward: Shaman Lord's Mark
  • Retrieve Needle Crystaloid Gamma
    Location: Milady's soul sector 3F
    You need to find 8 Demons (your Demons) on the 3F and talk to them to get the Needle Crystaloid Gamma items.
    Reward: Fusion of Gurulu demon unlocked
  • Target: Quetzalcoatl
    Location: Milady's soul sector 3F
    Find Quetzalcoatl enemy on the 3F and initiate a fight. Teleport to Gate 1 teleport and go south. Turn right at the third interesection where you can go right, and then imediatelly south. Use the teleport and observe monster on the right. He is weak agains Wind, lv. 39, I did it with level 46. Quetzalcoatl reflects physical damage, which means that you can't even pierce through. Just come prepared with Wind skills and this will be really easy.
    Reward: Genuine Chip
  • Seizo's Sector Cleanup 3
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 3F
    Kill 9 Lamia demons on the 3F. They can be found next to the second main teleport on this floor.
    Reward: Witch Doctor's Mark x5
  • Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Gamma
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 3F
    You need to find 8 Demons (your Demons) on the 3F and talk to them to get the Orb Crystaloid Gamma items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon. There are 8 to be found on 3F.
    Reward: Fusion of Kushi Mitama unlocked
  • Target: Ippon-Datara
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 3F
    Find Ippon-Datara enemy on the 3F and initiate a fight. Teleport to Gate 1. Move north and enter  the left teleport. Go north through a teleport, and then right to another one. Now, use the left one (right is a dead end). In this part use the left path and circle around until you can go north towards another dead end. You will find your monster here. Ippon-Datara is weak against Fire and Ice. He is lv. 39, and I was level 46. My demons were mostly Fire and Ice oriented, Fire being heavy damage spells.
    Reward: Genuine Chip

Soul Matrix 4F

0:00 - Arrow 4F Target: Succubus - Ringo (Fafnir + Physc Pierce), Arrow (Scathach), Milady (Surt), Saizo (Sandalphon). Weakness: Thunder, and helper mob against Wind.
7:47 - Milady 4F Target: Hawaii Frost - Ringo (Fafnir + Physc Pierce), Arrow (Scathach), Milady (Surt), Saizo (Sandalphon). Weakness: Use Gunshot and Physical group attacks
12:48 - Seizo 4F Target: Zenon - Ringo (Grimekhala + Physc Pierce), Arrow (Rangda). Weakness: He switch these during fight. Just have phys + Gunshot deflect to make this easy
18:19 - Arrow 4F last Gate boss: Kaburagi - Ringo (Fafnir + Physc Pierce), Arrow (Scathach), Milady (Surt), Saizo (Sandalphon). Weakness: Ice, but you can spam Fire and Physical with pierce.
27:55 - Milady 4F last Gate boss: Iron Mask - Ringo (Fafnir + Physc Pierce), Arrow (Scathach), Milady (Grimekhala), Saizo (Sandalphon). Weakness: Thunder, but you can spam Wind, Gunshot and Physical with pierce.
33:28 - Saizo 4F last Gate boss: Ash - Ringo (Fafnir + Physc Pierce), Arrow (Scathach), Milady (Grimekhala), Saizo (Sandalphon). Weakness: Wind, but you can spam Ice, and Physical with pierce.

  • Arrow's Sector Cleanup 4
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 4
    Defeat 7 Unicorn demons in the 4F of the dungeon. I found them around the Gate 1 teleport.
    Reward: Pure Amrita Fluid
  • Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Delta
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 4F
    You need to find 9 Demons (your Demons) on the 4F and talk to them to get the Chain Crystaloid Delta items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon.
    Reward: Chain Gloves Equipment
  • Target: Succubus
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 4F
    Find Succubus enemy on the 4F and initiate a fight. Teleport to Gate 1, make your way north to reach the platform with 4 teleports, and use the left one. Weakness: Thunder, and helper mob against Wind.
    Reward: Lu Incense
  • Milady's Sector Cleanup 4
    Location: Milady's soul sector 4F
    Defeat 6 Vouivre inside the 4F of the dungeon. ???
    Reward: Forbidden Scripture
  • Retrieve Needle Crystaloid Gamma
    Location: Milady's soul sector 4F
    You need to find 9 Demons (your Demons) on the 4F and talk to them to get the Needle Crystaloid Delta items.
    Reward: Shard Pendant Equipment
  • Target: Hawaii Frost
    Location: Milady's soul sector 4F
    Find Hawaii Frost enemy on the 4F and initiate a fight. Teleport to Midde Point and make your way west. As soon as you start going up you will see blue Jack Frost demon. Weakness: Use Gunshot and Physical group attacks
    Reward: HP Incense Shard
  • Seizo's Sector Cleanup 4
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 4F
    Kill 7 Zhuque demons on the 4F. ???
    Reward: Original Flame
  • Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Delta
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 4F
    You need to find 9 Demons (your Demons) on the 4F and talk to them to get the Orb Crystaloid Delta items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon.
    Reward: Quartz Bangle equipment
  • Target: Zenoin
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 4F
    Find Zenoin enemy on the 4F and initiate a fight. Teleport to Gate 1, move north and east and enter the only teleport on this platform. If you continue southwest you will see Zenon standing a bit in the distance. Weakness: He switch these during fight. Just have phys + Gunshot deflect to make this easy
    Reward: Ag Incense Shard

Soul Matrix 5F

2:35 - Arrow Soul Matrix 5F Target (Elite) Demon: Raven
8:44 - Arrow Soul Matrix 5F Final Demon Boss: Herald Sraosha
14:08 - Milady Soul Matrix 5F Target (Elite) Demon: Skadi
15:50 - Milady Soul Matrix 5F Final Demon Boss: Reaper Mot
20:00 - Saizo Soul Matrix 5F Target (Elite) Demon: Jack Frost
22:45 - Saizo Soul Matrix 5F Final Demon Boss: Avian Garuda

  • Arrow's Sector Cleanup 5
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 5
    Defeat 5 Cerberus demons in the 5F of the dungeon. I found them around the second teleport.
    Reward: Enigma Grimoire
  • Retrieve Chain Crystaloid Epsilon
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 5F
    You need to find 10 Demons (your Demons) on the 5F and talk to them to get the Chain Crystaloid Epsilon items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon.
    Reward: Soul Gloves Equipment
  • Target: Raven
    Location: Arrow's soul sector 5F
    Find Raven enemy on the 5F and initiate a fight. ???
    Reward: Bespoke Chip
  • Milady's Sector Cleanup 5
    Location: Milady's soul sector 5F
    Defeat 5 Anubis inside the 5F of the dungeon. They can be found near the second teleport on that floor.
    Reward: Balm of Life
  • Retrieve Needle Crystaloid Epsilon
    Location: Milady's soul sector 5F
    You need to find 10 Demons (your Demons) on the 5F and talk to them to get the Needle Crystaloid Epsilon items.
    Reward: Soul Earrings Equipment
  • Target: Skadi
    Location: Milady's soul sector 5F
    Find Skadi enemy on the 5F and initiate a fight. ???
    Reward: Bespoke Chip
  • Seizo's Sector Cleanup 5
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 5F
    Kill 5 Titania demons on the 5F. They can be found near the second teleport on that floor.
    Reward: Shaman Lord's Mark x3
  • Retrieve Orb Crystaloid Epsilon
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 5F
    You need to find 10 Demons (your Demons) on the 5F and talk to them to get the Orb Crystaloid Epsilon items. You can know with who to talk by the double icon above the demon's head - they usually have only 1 icon.
    Reward: Soul Hat equipment
  • Target: Jack Frost
    Location: Seizo's soul sector 5F
    Find Jack Frost enemy on the 5F and initiate a fight. ???
    Reward: Bespoke Chip
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