Soul Hackers 2 - All Endings and Last Boss Strategy

0:00 - Good/True Ending Starting Point and Answers
2:35 - Hard difficulty final boss preparations
3:38 - Final Boss Phase 1 on HARD difficulty
11:12 - Final Boss Phase 2 on HARD difficulty
22:45 - Final Boss Final Phase on HARD difficulty
36:25 - Beyond the Infinite Trophy (Bad Ending)
36:49 - A Paradie Lost Trophy (Good, True Ending)

How to unlock all trophy-related endings

There are 2 main endings in Soul Hackers 2, let's call them good and bad endings. Make a save before you answer holograms on top of the 24th Ward; the anwers will decide which options you will get after you beat the final boss.

To unlock a good ending (Paradise Lost Trophy), when you talk to each of the holograms in the last dungeon in the game you need to choose "I do not" options. This will grant you Moonlight Keys. Just stick with that option. After you deal with the final boss you can then answer with "Let her go", which will get you the bad ending, and "Reach out to her", which will give you the good/true ending. 

To unlock a bad ending (Beyond the Infinite Trophy), when you talk to each of the holograms in the last dungeon in the game you need to choose "I do" option. Selecting even 1 with result as bad ending. You can also unlock it by following the good ending answers, but answering with"Let her go" on the last question after the final boss fight.

Beat last boss on Hard difficulty

I recommend grinding your level at least to level 70, or less but then you need good rooster of your demons.

I was level 70 and I fused all demons up to that level that were unlocked. I also beat first 4 floors inside the Axis, all 3 Soul Matrix dungeons on each floors, and I mostly upgraded my COMP skills to maximum, especially the pierce skill with Ringo. What also works good is to buy all limited healing items from stores, and to eat a meal that will replenish MP when you reach low MP with a character. It helps.

In the first part boss is weak agains Wind, but Physical skills combined with Pierce also works good. Buff with support skills and dubuf the boss if you have some good support skill that can lower the defense, just be careful, the boss reverts that when is its turn. It just requires a bit of patience, healing and good usage of Commander skills. Shield commander skill is always good, that way you will earn an extra turn as the damage you receive is minimal so you don't have to heal. I recommend preparing with full heal demon and maybe MP cost decrease Augment on 1 character - for me it was Saizo, he was my main healer almost each turn.

In the second phase you will fight 4 clones. The most irititating ones are blue and purple clones. Blue one is weak against fire, and it can heal all clones. The purple one can reflect magic, making your strong elements worthless. Almighty damage is the best cure here if you have that spell on any demon. Boosting your sabbath meter is also a great strategy if you can land some weakness skills. Combine with Commander skills and heal often. Demons with element resistance comes in handy here, a lot.

Last phase is maybe the easiest one, just be buffed or heal each turn if you miss some HP. Boss often attacks with Almighty skills, so your only way to defend is with Commander skills, or some support buffs. In this phase the boss will change affinities every now and then, so having multiple elements on your demons can help tredemdously, or if you have Almighty skills they are the best. Last part of this phase can be tricky, but the boss has a lot of weakness points so you can just spam your sabbath slots, which will ultimately kill the boss in few turns. Do not forget to heal!

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