Elden Ring - Legendary Sorceries and Incantations

There are 7 legendary sorceries and incantations that can be found in Elden Ring. None of them are missable, and finding all of them unlocks the Legendary Sorceries and Incantations trophy.

0:01 - Liurnia (Malefactor's Evergaol): Adan, Thief of Fire: Flame of the Fell God
1:55 - Mountaintop of the Giants (Heretical Rise): Founding Rain of Stars
6:30 - Deeproot Depths: Elden Stars
8:56 - Liurnia (Moonlight Altar, Chelona's Rise): Ranni’s Dark Moon
12:15 - Mt. Gelmir: Comet Azur
17:15 - Caelid (Sellia Hideaway cave): Stars of Ruin
21:25 - Caelid: Greyoll’s Roar

Flame of the Fell God

Complete the "Malefactor Evergaol" in south part of Liurnia (on the top of the left hand-side path next to the river).

Founding Rain of Stars

You can find this in "Heretical Rise" in the east Mountaintop of the Giants. The starting point to reach it is across the tower to the northwest (across the canyon), where you need to follow an invisible bridge to reach it.

Elden Stars

On you way towards the Age of Starts trophy, which is part of Renni's questline, you will end up in Deeproot Depths, in a cave full of gigantic Ants. Soon after that you will see the item on your way.

16:59 - Smithing Stone (6), Numben's Rune x5, Rune Arc x5, Somber Smithing Stone (6) & Path to Elden Stars Legendary Incantation

Ranni’s Dark Moon

This is a reward in "Chelona’s Rise" tower with blue doors on the Moonlight Altar Plateau. Interract with the book on the entrance and find the 3 blue turtles scattered around the chappel to open the doors and to find the spell inside.

Comet Azur

Found in Mt. Gelmir. Teleport to "Primeval Sorcerer Azur" Site of Grace and get it from the Sorcerer.

Stars of Ruin

This one is part of the Sellen Questline (she is inside the Waypoint Cellar Ruins in Limgrave). When you find corpse of her master on Mt. Gelmir ("Comet Azur" Site of Grace), talk to her and she will give you a key. This key opens a door inside the cave southwest of Fort Faroth in Caelid region. The spell is inside, just beware, there is an an illusory wall on the way!

Greyoll’s Roar

Defeat Greyoll the dragon in central-eastern Caelid region (close to Fort Faroth) to get a Dragon Heart, then exchange that Dragon Heart at the Cathedral of the Dragon Communion. Defeat 5 small dragons first, then finish Greyoll.

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