God of War: Ragnarok - All Relics and Sword Hilts

This topic will cover the location of all relics and sword hilts. I will also mention attachments, although they are not needed for the trophy. The only thing you need for a trophy is gathering all 14 Relics. They are considered Sword Hilts (which is pretty weird if you ask me).

Leviathan Axe Attachments (12)

  • Wooden Knob
  • Haur's Lucky Knob
  • Fortified Frost Knob
    Svartalfheim, The Applecore. Open Legendary chest #1, same room where Draugr Hole #1 is, on the upper platform.
  • The Furios Maul
  • Grip of Weighted Recovery
  • Stonecutter's Knob
  • Grip of Healing Harmony
    Helheim, The Gleaming Bale. Complete Hel Tears collectible. You will find it on your way, it's the green portal you have to close. Let Atreus do it, and you defend by killing enemies around. This is part of Hell to Pay Favour.
  • Grip of the Fallen Alchemist
    Vanaheim, Pilgrim's Landing. Open Legendary Chests. After lowering the last bridge on this island, it will be in front of you.
  • Grip of the Nine Realms
    Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands. Complete Berserker Gravestone #1.
  • Grip of the Radiant Reflection
  • Banahog Knob
    Svartalfheim, The Applecore, after getting the spear weapon. Very missleading chest as ti shows on the map of another area. Go further from the Nornir Chest #2, squize through a hole, climb some ledges and you will see a mirror on your way. Use it to reveal the chest.
  • Runic Hailstone Knob
    Drop yellow crystals in the Wishing Well pond at the bottom in the middle to get it.

Blades of Chaos Attachments (12)

  • Steel Handles
  • Radiant Warden Handles
  • Cursed Empress Handless
    Svartalfheim, The Watchtower. Beat Draugr Challenge on the island.
  • Deadly Obsidian Handles
    Svartalfheim, Aurvangar Wetlands. Open Legendary Chest #1. The same area where you found the Nornir Chest #2, on the upper part of the area (after swiming under the platform for the first time, stick to the left side to find another one which you can swim under. It's in this area).
  • Pommels of the Undying Spark
  • Pommels of Agile Deceit
  • Pommels of Brutal Might
  • Hardened War Handles
    Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands. Open Legendary Chests #2. South part of the map, inside the cave. Enter the cave, defeat the enemies, turn the right hanging mirror left twice, combine purple arrows (boost them up 3 times to grow) to get rid of the vines on the left mirror, turn it so it face the other one, then shoot the left one to bound in the second one, and the second one should bounce to hit the vines and reveal a path towards the chest.
  • Pommels of Nine Realms
  • Pommels of the True Flame
  • Luminous Recovery Handles
    Svartalfheim, Niđavellir. Open Legendary Chests #1. Eastern part of the village, shoot your spear to climb up the ledge. There is a Lore and a Legendary chest here. At the southeastern part of the village where are some bridges you can use your spear weapon to form a path and jump across.
  • Pommels of Burning Unity
    Drop yellow crystals in the Wishing Well pond at the bottom in the middle to get it.

Draupnir Spear Attachments (12)

  • Soldier's Sauroter
  • Mighty Olympic Sauroter
  • Charging Assault Sauroter
  • Hind of Attuned Elements
    Svartalfheim, The Forge. Close Yggdrasil Rift #2. Northwest side when you have to exit and Brok is besides you. After you climb the first wall using your new spear weapon, turn around and stick another spear to jump across where the rift is. This happens much later in the game when you have to visit The Forge again for story purposes.
  • Lion's Roar Sauroter
    Midgard, Lake of Nine. Open Legendary Chests #1. You will need your spear weapon for this one. Directly west from the main temple in the middle is a wall you can destroy with your spear. Do so, defeat Frost Phantom to get Jotunheim's Endurance Amulet Enchantment. Open the chect afterwards.
  • Hind of the Four Winds
    Svartalfheim, The Applecore. When you get the spear you can return to the mines and along the way inside you can battle Miklimunnr, which drops it.
  • Hind of the Nine Realms
    Svartalfheim, Jarnsmida Pitmines. Complete Berserker Gravestone in this area; after getting the spear you can return all the way here from the entrance of Svartalfheim by taking the water elevator on the left.
  • Warrior's Echo Sauroter
  • Hind of Weightless Recovery
  • Battle-Scarred Sauroter
  • Hind of Deadly Vitality
    Vanaheim, The Plains. Start from the west Mystic Gateway, switch to night time. Open north doors in the open area just few meters east from here, and when you go through turn left. Defeat Vali the Oath Guard to get Hind of Deadly Vitality Spear Handles.
  • Hind of Volatile Might
    Drop yellow crystals in the Wishing Well pond at the bottom in the middle to get it.

Relics (14)

To craft some of the relic you will need to collect 4 Lost Pages prior to being able to do so (1 - Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands, Lore #3, 2 - Alfheim, The Barrens, Lore #2, 3 - Midgard, The Lost Treasury, Lore #2, 4 - Vanaheim, The Plains, Lore #3).

0:00 #1-#3 - Talisman of Meign, Glaive of Dodher, Hilf of Hofuđ (Automatic story rewards)
0:30 #4 - Hilt of Angrvađall
1:30 #5 - Hilt of Gram
2:25 #6 - Hilt of Skofnung
3:15 #7 - Hilt of Ridil
4:18 #8 - Mystical Heirloom
4:50 #9 - Hilt of Hrotti
6:18 #10 - Hilt of Tyrfing
7:00 #11 - Hilt of Dainsleif
7:35 #12 - Huldra Project #9
7:45 #13 - Motsognir's Call
8:35 #14 - Hilt of Forsbrandr


  • Hilt of Skofnung
    Midgard, King's Gave. Complete the last Berserker Gravestone challenge to get it.
  • Talisman of Meign
    Automatic story reward, the first relic you will get in the game during the story.
  • Hilt of Gram
    Alfheim, Temple of Light. Open Legendary Chests #2. After the Artefact #1 you will reach another fog doors by walking the metal spiral stairs. You will have to go left and down where the circle mechanism is. Do not use it, instead open doors on the right and go through them. Raise the purple crystal to the top, shot it with your axe so the axe gets stuck at the middle, let go of the chain and then retrack your axe.
  • Glaive of Dodher
    Automatic story reward.
  • Hilt of Angrvađall
    Craft in the blacksmith shop using Skirnir’s Gambanteinn Resource. Defeat Gravel Belly boss during The Desert Door favour in Alfheim, The Forbidden Sands area. You also need to find 4 Lost Pages before you can craft it.
  • Hilt of Ridill
    Craftable from blacksmith's shop. You will need Crackle of Bilskirnir that is a drop from the Olaf Nautson miniboss during Animal Instincts Favor. It's inside Midgard, Raider Keep. You also need to find 4 Lost Pages before you can craft it.
  • Hilf of Hofuđ
    Automatic story reward in Vanaheim, The Abandoned Village. When you beat Heimdall you will get Embled of the Nine Realms Amulet Enchantment, and Hilt of Hofuđ Relic (you cannot miss it).
  • Hilt of Hrotti
    Vanaheim, The Plains. When you switch to night time, start from the entrance wall and go left. Do not fall down the ledge, go left from there and you can now pass through the path that is blocked during day. Defeat Jorgen the Oath Guard. By recent info I learned that you need to defeat at least 2 Oath Guards in the Crater area to get it. The second one can be found if you start from the west Mystic Gateway in The Crater - switch to night time. Open north doors in the open area just few meters east from here, and when you go through turn left. Defeat Vali the Oath Guard and you should get the Hilt of Hrotti if that is your second Oath Guard mini-boss.
  • Mystical Heirloom
    Midgard, Lake of Nine. Southwest lower edge of the middle temple, start from there when you have your spear. There is a destroyable wall here, destroy it. You can find Mystical Heirloom Relic and the lore here
  • Hilt of Dainsleif
    Craftable from blacksmith's shop.You will need Svefnthorn that is a drop form the Ormstunga miniboss at the end of Alberich Hollow in Svartalfheim. You also need to find 4 Lost Pages before you can craft it.
  • Huldra Project #9
    Craft for 10,000 Hacksilver in blacksmith shop. You can find it under Special Items -> Relic category.
  • Hilt of Forsbrandr
    Niflheim, The Raven Tree. Complete The Eyes of Odin favour (collect all 48 ravens, beat the The Raven Keeper + The Pale One that appears to finish The Eyes of Odin favour)
  • Hilt of Tyrfing
    Craft in the blacksmith shop using Nar’s Cup. You can get it by defeating the Blatonn miniboss in Vanaheim, The Abandoned Village area. You also need to find 4 Lost Pages before you can craft it.
  • Motsognir's Call
    Niflheim, Aesir Prison Wreckage. When you climb down the ice stone, basically at the entrance of the area - go right and follow the path to find this relic on the floor. Probably you need to open all doors first, I did this as my last collectible and my last missing piece for a trophy.
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