God of War: Ragnarok - Midgard Collectibles

Midgar is one of the 9 realms and your first realms where you start the game. There is not much you can pick up during your first visit considering it servers as a tutorial for the game, so you will get the collectibles a bit later. On your second visit you will play as Atreus and you can only get 1 Legendary chest. When you return later only then it makes sense to start exploring.

Upper Wildwoods

  • Nothing to collect

Lower Wildwoods

  • Lore 1/2: Winter-Man (doesn't add to collectibles)
    Location: You will see it on your way on the right side of the wall before climbing the tall wall. Some enemies will attack you, so defeat them and inspect the blue letters. It's directly below the letter "w" in the "Lower" word when you look at the map.
  • Lore 2/2: The Ashen God (doesn't add to collectibles)
    Location: After defeatin The Huntress you will have to climb a wall. When you reach the top go left, drop down a ledge and pick it up in front of you on the floor.

Shores of Nine

This is north part of Lake of Nine. Directly to the north of "Lake of Nine" letters on the map and the middle. On your first visit here you will be with Atreus, but I don't think that counts towards any trophy.

  • Legendary Chest 1/1: Sonic Aftershock (Accessory) (doesn't add to collectibles)
    After the scenes with the god you want to meet with Atreus, climb the chains and look left (hard to miss)
  • Artefact 1/1: Fert
    Left building structure, left of the main entrace to the area, climb the ledge and jump across.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 1/2: Dust of Realms and other Resources
    Enter the main area, jump across the plank, go left first and follow the path all the way to the rift. This one is a bit tough, you will have to dodge a bit.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 2/2: Dust of Realms and other Resources
    After the Rift #1 proceed further and burn some vines. Go up and find the rift and Mystic Gateway on the top. When going down you can shoot the Lizzard enemy from behind.
  • Guiding Light 1/1: Waist Guard of Guiding Light (Waist Armour)
    Enter the main area, jump across the plank and go straight. Burn the vines, go under the structure and on the other side burn more vines to find the burried treasure which is actually the Guiding Light, nothing else. Read the lore on the wall, which is also part of the Guiding Light collectible and Favour, not the Lore entry itself.

Lake of Nine

This is the hugest open area in the upper right of Midgard. You will spend most of your visits here in this area.

You can find Lizzard enemy when you start ascending the northeast path, it's on the left as you start, you will need to use sonic arrows to destroy a wall behind the Lizzard, and then shoot from that hole.

There is a Visi Haglkorn mini-boss south from the frozen lightning on the map, but he doesn't give any good rewards.

Doing the story events you will battle Frozen Phantom in the Well of Urđ, and the reward is Jewel of Yggdrasil (Amulet Fragment), and Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrades).

When you finish the game you will unlock The Last Remnant of Asgard favour.

  • Guiding Light 1/3, Lore 1/4: Breastplate of Guiding Light (Chest Armour)
    Check below the last "n" letter in "Lake of Nine" letters on the map.
  • Guiding Light 2/3, Lore 2/4: Gaunglets of Guiding Light (Chest Armour)
    Check under the letter "a" letter in "Lake of Nine" letters on the map.
  • Draugr Holes 1/1: Chaos Spark (Weapon Upgrades)
    You can find this area when you start ascending the northeast path, it's on the left as you start, stick to the wall and you will find it.
  • Artefact 1/3: Kila
    You can find this on top of the start when ascending the northeast path on the map. Actually, before ascending the path, on the right side are the stairs at the bottom.
  • Artefact 2/3: Janbiya
    Southwest from the helmet on the map, behing some ice spikes that you can destroy.
  • Burried Treasure 1/2: Treasure map location Viking's Gift - Midgard's Justice Amulet Enchantment
    You can find this at the end of the lower lake part on the northeast path on the map. It's the right path with the huge doors at the end.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/2
    You can find it at the end of the lower lake part on the northeast path on the map. It's the right path with the huge doors at the end, and if you look around the middle height of the right doors you can see it.
  • Artefact 3/3: Maya
    North from the frozen lightning is the area below the big structure of this map. It's under the bridge. There is a ledge you can climb on the side, and up there is the artefact.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 1/1: Dust of Realms and other Resources
    You need to get on top of the central structure on the map. The entrance is the elevator a bit south from the northeastern path on the map. Basically it's at the right end of the bridge, entered from the north side. When you go up, go straight ahead until you reach the doors, but to left and down the stairs, follow the path to reach the frozen lake where you can find the rift.
  • Guiding Light 3/3, Lore 3/4: Jotunheim's Essence (Amulet Enchantment)
    On the eastern wall east from the frozen lightning on the map.
  • Odin's Ravens 2/2
    Southwest from the frozen lightning on the map. Check towards the temple side and you will see a cave. Inside the cave is the raven sitting on some crystals.
  • Berserkers Gravestones 1/1: Berserker Waist Guard (Waist Armour), Tempered Remnants (Resources)
    North from the "Lake of Nine" letters on the map. Inspect the gravestone and defeat Fraekni The Zealous
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Lion's Roar Sauroter (Spear Handles)
    You will need your spear weapon for this one. Directly west from the main temple in the middle is a wall you can destroy with your spear. Do so, defeat Frost Phantom to get Jotunheim's Endurance Amulet Enchantment. Open the chect afterwards.
  • Lore 4/4: Scholarly
    Southwest lower edge of the middle temple, start from there when you have your spear. There is a destroyable wall here, destroy it. You can find Mystical Heirloom Relic and the lore here.
  • Remnants of Asgard 1/1
    Climb the temple in the middle of the map, and around the middle of the bridge is where you need to defeat enemies.
  • Burried Treasure 2/2: Treasure map location Demise of Dagestr - Helheim's Force Amulet Enchantment
    Northwest from the temple in the middle, exactly above the "Raider Fort" letters on the map; follow the path behind the rock you destroyed, it's at the end.

The Derelic Outpost

Southwest branch of Lake of Nine; just go soutwest and follow the road until you can climb some chains. When you do, you are here. Sigrun's Curse Favour starts as you start entering the outpost.

  • Odin's Ravens 1/2
    Before you climb the first chain to enter The Derelic Outpost, look behind and back under the wooden structure. It's easy to spot, but make sure to check on the ground floor.
  • Lore 1/2: Blođugr Stein
    After swinging twice you will reach an area with spirit enemies. Stick to the right side and you will see a stone tablet on the way.
  • Odin's Ravens 2/2
    In the room with Lore #1 rotate the platform to jump across, go a bit and check on top of the pillar few meters after the jump.
  • Artefact 1/1: Lyre
    When you reach a hook on the platform that you can lower and raise via some chains, raise twice, jump across, go down from the opposite side and check on the floor.
  • Lore 2/2: An Accursed Name
    After you jump across the next rotating platform with a hook you will have to climb. On top you can find Lore and Legendary chest.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Ivaldi's Anvil (Heavy Runic Attack)
    After you jump across the next rotating platform with a hook you will have to climb. On top you can find Lore and Legendary chest.

Raider Fort #1

Left of the "Lake of Nine" letters on the map. Climb the ledge, kill the raiders to start Animal Instincts Favour. You will need to raid 4 camps.

  • Kol Raider Camps 1/1
    Defeat all enemies upon entering the camp
  • Lore 1/1: Treasure Map - Viking's Gift
    On the floor inside the camp.

The Oarsmen

This is other part of Shores of Nine. When you enter it from the main path, you need to burn the vines on the right and jump across. This is a new area, The Oarsmen. You start by descending the stairs on the left. Defeat enemies, climb the ledge and check the right wall, ascend it. Defeat some enemies and climb the chain. Before you fall down straigh ahead, check left and up to see a raven. Fall down, move the chains on the floor to open some doors. You can open the shortcut from here as well. If you go down now you will be in the other part of the basement room, where you can find other Fjoturlund Vault Key Part for Sigrun's Curse favour.

  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    When you defeat some enemies and climb the chains (just before you jump down where a big chain is, and a shortcut doors), before you jump down check left and up.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Jewel of Yggdrasil (Amulet Fragment)
    After you move the chains at the end of the area, go down inside the basement where you can find the chest.
  • Artefact 1/2: Ankh
    Across the Legendary chest #1 is a ledge you can leap across, and the artefact is on the floor.
  • Lore 1/1: The Death of Helgi
    Next to the Legendary chest #1.
  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Iđunn Apple
    You need to open basement doors from the other side first, then you can shoot all 3 bell switches. One is right of the chest, one left, one across.
  • Artefact 2/2: Kvasir's Poems 10/14 (missing name!)
    When you finish the area and move the chains, back inside the first basement room where the Mystic Gateway is - climb the wall next to the chest on the ledge. This time you will climb a new area where you can find the artefact.

Raider Stronghold #1

Direclty south of the "Lake of Nine" letter "n" on the map, enter the middle building through the cave entrance. This is the second camp for Animal Instincts Favour. 

  • Kol Raider Camps 1/1
    Defeat all enemies upon entering the camp
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Cyclone of Chaos (Light Runic Attack)
    Sideroom in the camp.

Raider Hideout #1

You can find it at the end of the lower lake part on the northeast path on the map. It's the right path with the huge doors at the end, and if you look left you can see a cave entrance left of the doors. This is the third raider camp for Animal Instincts Favour.

  • Kol Raider Camps 1/1
    Defeat all enemies upon entering the camp
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Tartarus Rage (Heavy Runic Attack)
    Sideroom in the camp.
  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Horn of Blood Mead
    Climb the highest ledge inside the camp, burn the red vines next to a chest. The first letter is here. Throw a bomb on the yellow pieces to destroy them on the side of the room, where is the second letter. The last one is across the bomb location, where you pick up turn around, go a bit forward and right and see it in the distance. You can throw bombs to light the braziers, and even throw at purple marks that you can leave with the bow.

The Eternal Campfire

You can find it at the top of the hill part on the northeast path on the map. When you get to the top you can to right across the ledge, and left where you end up near the campfire. Inspect the object there to start Across the Realms Favour for which you need to find all ingredients.

  • Across the Realms 1/1
    Finish Across the Realms Favour.

Raider Keep

Directly south from the main building the middle temple on the map. Check the grappling point on the south wall and enter the camp. If this is your last camp, exit and pet your dogs to unlock Besties trophy.

  • Kol Raider Camps 1/1
    Defeat all enemies upon entering the camp. There is Oluf Nautson mini-boss that will reward you with Token of Elemental Evasion Amulet Enchantment and Crackle of Bilskirnir resource item.

The Lost Treasury

This is the area southwest from the middle temple in Lake of Nine. Not the most southwestern path, the one a bit to the right.

  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Iđunn Apple
    Start by moving the big wheel to the right, and climb it to get up the right side. Destroy the potion here so you can enter the middle. When you enter the next room check behing you on the wall for letter R for Nornir chest. When you move the wheel to the left you will revelar letter C on the top. Last letter is inside the vault when you open it, on the right. The chest itself is outside.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Sigil Punishment Accessory
    Inside the vault when you open it.
  • Lore 1/2: Love's End
    Inside the vault, behind the red vine doors, check the stone tablet.
  • Lore 2/2: The Lost Pages 3/4
    The room behing the red vine doors where Lore #1 is - climb to the top from this room and look behing you on the ground. You can destroy the floor.
  • Sigrun's Curse 1/1
    Complete Sigrun's Curse Favour

King's Gave

The most northeastern part of the map, the frozen lake on the map. This is where you go by the main story, and you will get Inert Hilt of Skofnung key item, which is used to start Berserkers Gravestones favours that you activate by inspecting stone tablets on maps.

  • Berserkers Gravestones 1/1: King Hrolf Kraki - Hilt of Skofnung Relic, Helheim's Virtue Amulet Enchantment
    This is the last gravestone, make sure you did the rest first. You will get the Grave Mistake trophy for beating this one.

Well of Urđ

You will follow the main story after completing King's Gave and end up up the northwestern path in Lake of Nine, which is this one.

Doing the story events you will battle Frozen Phantom, and the reward is Jewel of Yggdrasil (Amulet Fragment), and Chaos Flame (Weapon Upgrades).

  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Horn of Blood Mead
    Northwest part, follow the path all the way northwest and you will get to this chest. First light a fire across the chest, chain climb up, climb the ledge, go left and light the second one, go down a ledge and light the last brazier.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Rond of Purification (Shield Attachment)
    You will follow the main story after completing King's Gave and end up up the northwestern path in Lake of Nine. When you go through the previously blocked ice wall that you will destroy with your axe, you will climb some ledges. When you get to the top, look behing before proceeding and jump through a wall to destroy it. This one could be different location on the map
  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    After Legendary Chest #1, before you inspect the wall where Freya is standing look behing you, the raven is behing the wall you were climbing to get here. This one could be different location on the map
  • Remnants of Asgard 1/1
    Location: Before climbing at the entrance, you will see the icon on the map where you can clear Asgard Remnants
  • Hell Tears 1/1: Frozen Spike (Weapon Upgrade)
    Location: Climb up from the entrance and go through a wall, it's in here.

Sanctuary Grove

Finish A Stag for All Seasons favour to get Pouch of Yggdrasil Seeds Key Item, which you need to reach some areas you can't otherwise. This is one of them. Activate it when traveling after touching Mystic Gateway, it's at the far south on the map, and you can access after beating the game.

  • Nine Realms in Bloom 1/1
    Check outside the turtle house, on the side.
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