God of War: Ragnarok - Vanaheim Collectibles

Vanaheim comes after Jotunheim realm and the first time inside you have only Kratos and Freya on your side.

The Southern Wilds

  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Location: From the starting teleport go straight ahead and turn left when you can, and then go below the tree roots. Look on the right in the air to find Raven.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Wrath of the Frost Ancient (Light Runic Attack)
    Location: When you reach the first area with building walls and bridges above you, stick to the left wall and crawl under a hole on the left. This leads to the chest.
  • Artefacts 1/1: Kvasir's Poems 14/14 (this was my last one, so I got The Curator trophy)
    Location: The same area (above "The Southern Wilds" letters on the map). When you climb up, look down and you can destroy the floor, under which you can find the artefact.
  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Horn od Blood Mead
    Location: You will reach a part of the junge a bit north from the area where Legendary Chest #1 is and this chest will be in from of you. Turn back to see first switch behind some vines (burn them with your swords), second one is right from the Nornir chest, and the third one left from it on the high ledge. Shoot them to form letters you see on the chest.
  • Hell Tears 1/1: Frozen Flame (Weapon Upgrade)
    Location: In front of the starting Mystic Gateway. Of course, you can do this after Helheim events where you unlock these portals.

Freyr's Camp

This is like a small settlement just north of The Southern Wilds where you end up with. Defeating Forest Ancient at the end of this area will reward you with Chaos Flame Weapon Upgrade.

  • Lore 1/2: Freyr's Lament
    Location: One of the side rooms (lower-left one when you face the middle campfire)
  • Lore 2/2: Vanaheim Lullaby
    Location: Behind on the back side on one of the walls next to the campfire. Check the path that leads higher from the camp, turn right and you will see it on the wall.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Location: When you exit the camp through the wooden doors and end up in the jungle again, take a first left and see Raven in the distance on a tree branch
  • Artefact 1/1: Skirnir's Crest
    Location: Near the Boat Dock of the camp, just next to the Gateway
  • Legendary Chests 1/2: Divine Ashes +500
    Location: You need to have your spear weapon to get this one. When in camp, try to exit via the west exit, but don't take the road up, take the right instead and follow the path. At the end you will see a spot where you can destroy a wall with your spear, and this is where the chest is.
  • Legendary Chests 2/2: Leviathan's Roar (Heavy Runic Attack)
    Location: You need to have your spear weapon to get this one. As you leave the camp via the eastern exit (through the doors), eventually you will end up in Eastern Barri Woods. Just before you do, at the western shore of that side on the map, you will be in part where you can use your spear to destroy a wall. It's the area where you crawl through a passage. Climb where you destroy the wall and don't zipline across, take a left and follow the wooden wall to get to a chest.
  • Remanants of Asgard 1/1
    Near the boat dock, when you leave the camp via western exit.

Eastern Barri Woods

You will enter this area soon after the Forest Ancient golem fight. It's a small, short area in which you need some upgrades to collect everything. When you return back here after Helheim events with Kratos, that is where you can start collecting stuff.

Later when you return to Vanaheim for story purposes after getting the spear, when you beat Dreki on your way back to the camp you will get Chaos Flame Weapon Upgrade.

  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Location: After you exit the cave passage just a bit from the entrance (when you can go left or right), check behing you, up the wall.
  • Lore 1/2: The Aesir Promise
    Location: Soon after the raven you will see a branching path to the right and left up some stairs. Go left and you will see a lore in front of you.
  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Iđunn Apple
    Location: Just follow the path where you picked up Lore #1. Before the chest area while you're at the top of the stairs, on the left side you can find the first switch - burn it with fire. Move in the small area where the chest is. Take a look to the left of the chest for a switch, then take a left and follow the road until the end of the path - across the road up is another switch.
  • Lore 2/2: Verdant
    Location: Approximately south from the "a" letter in "Eastern" letter on the map is where this one is. You will enter an areas throu the wooden fence. Look on the left wall, there are some blue letters you can inspect.
  • Remnants of Asgard 1/1
    Location: When you cross the shore from the Freyr's Camp, directly at the start of the area, but you can get it after beating the game.

The Abandoned Village

You will enter this area soon after the Eastern Barri Woods area. By killing Fiske during the story you will get Glave of Dodher Relic. After Nidhogg boss you will earn Frozen Flame Weapon Upgrade.

Later on when you end up on the western side of the area you will have to follow Freya inside the next part (after you exit the Western Barri Woods). Take a right instead and battle Blatonn, which gives you Boon of Valour Amulet Enchantment, and Nar's Cup Resources.

When you beat Heimdall you will get Embled of the Nine Realms Amulet Enchantment, and Hilt of Hofuđ Relic.

After you complete A Stag for All Seasons favour you will have Pouch of Yggdrasil Seeds Key Item, use it to activate a Mystic Gateway in this area.

  • Lore 1/2: Prayer to Freya
    Location: After swinging through some houses there will be a palace across the bridge and in front of you. Inside is the stone tablet with letters.
  • Legendary Chests 1/3: Shattered Star Shield (Shield)
    Location: After learning about the first flower that you need to freeze to proceed, climb some chains and look on the right soon after. Shoot the flower with your axe to freeze it and then jump down without retracting your axe.
  • Nornir Chest 1/1: Idunn Apple
    Location: When you reach the area with rotating platform in the middle and a bucket hanging down from it, turn it left and the bucket will be in front of you. Use your swords to swing it to put fire to first Nornir chest switch. Then move left, jump left, move platform left one more time and swing it to turn on the second switch. The last one is after you jump across the bridge. Go right and down afterwards - the last candle is just across the Nornir chest.
  • Legendary Chests 2/3: Helios Flare (Light Runic Attack)
    Location: You will end up in another bigger area with a platform in the middle (after Friske mini-boss). Jump down and go through a lit hole in front of you, go left all the way and shoot the pillar with your weapon to make way for rotating the middle platform. Climb up where you started, jump across the bridge (rotate the platform if you must), circle around, move the platform again and you can now reach the chest.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Location: This one you can get after getting the spear weapon and you return back to Vanaheim for story purposes. Eventually you will go through Eastern Barri Woods and end up here. This location is the arena area (circular icon on the right side of the map). When you defeat enemies you will have to proceed further, start going forward but take a left and check the inside of the tree on the right
  • Lore 2/2: Chores
    Location: Activate the inactive Mystic Gateway after you complete A Stag for All Seasons favour and you get Pouch of Yggdrasil Seeds Key Item. Follow the path north, then east, go down, when you land check the floor on the right.
  • Draugh Hole 1/1: Chaos Flames Weapon Upgrade
    Location: Go left and right from the Lore #2 to enter a cave.
  • Legendary Chests 3/3: Rond of Restoration Shield Attachment
    Location: From Draugr Hole #1 enter a small passage and you will end up inside the hut.

Western Barri Woods

You will enter this area soon after The Abandoned Village. You can also enter it from the camp later on. 

  • Lore 1/1: Harmony
    Location: When you reach the cliffside area with a view to the distance (the clearing), the stone tablet will be simply on your way on the right side.
  • Scent of Survival 1/1
    Complete Scent of Survival Favour which starts after you defeat Heimdall, return to Freyr's Camp and try to exit via west exit. This happens much later in the game.

River Delta

The river that is southwest from Freyr's Camp, you can reach it after getting a boat, which happens after some story events in Vanaheim.

  • Odin's Ravens 1/2
    Location: You can reach it from the Legendary Chest #1 on Pilgrim's Landing. Look left from the chest and you will see Raven in the distance on the ledge. This one falls under this area, not Pilgrim's Landing, even though you shoot it from there
  • Artefacts 1/2: Odin's Crest
    Location: Small island left of the Noatun's Garden shore (with the red tree on the map). Enter from the south, and immediately turn left before climbing the stairs to find the artefact on the floor.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 1/1: Resources
    Location: Small island left of the Noatun's Garden shore (with the red tree on the map). Enter from the south, climb the stairs and find the rift on the top.
  • Lore 1/2: Nonviolence
    Location: Small island left of the Noatun's Garden shore (with the red tree on the map). Enter from the south, climb the stairs and go to the end of the bridge in front of the Yggdrasil Rift.
  • Artefacts 2/2: Freya's Crest
    Location: Shore south from the one with Yggdrasil Rift. It's the one with the Gateway doors. Check left from the doors to find the artefact on the floor. 
  • Lore 2/2: Living Masterpiece
    Location: Same shore where Artefact #2 is, just on the right side.
  • Odin's Ravens 2/2
    Location: Cliffside Ruins shore, but the back of that island which you reach by doing Favour - Consience for the Dead. When you do reach it, Raven is left of the stone tablet (Lore #1 in Cliffside Ruins), sitting on a tree above the water in the distance.
  • Burried Treasure 1/1: The Giant's Toes Treasure Map - Vanaheim's Power Amulet Enchantment
    Location: Just near the River Delta Mystic Gateway in the middle of the area after you find The Giant's Toes Treasure Map.
  • River Delta Favours 1/1
    Complete The Mysterious Orb and Freya's Missing Peace Favours

Pilgrim's Landing

One of the first northwest shores when you enter River Delta and start your way towards south.

  • Lore 1/1: Dead on Arrival
    Location: After lowering the first bridge you will see a stone tablet in the next area.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Grip of the Fallen Alchemist (Axe Attachment)
    Location: After lowering the last bridge on this island, it will be in front of you.
  • Berserkers Challenge 1/1: Hvitserkr The Bold - Pommels of the Nine Realms (Blades Attachments)
    Location: When you dock on the island it will be in the middle.
  • River Delta Favour 1/1: Favour Cure for the Dead
    Location: Talk to the spirit on the island in front of you when you dock on it to start this favour. You will have to find 3 ingredients across the spirit in the middle area of this island.

Noatun's Garden

One of the first southest shores when you enter River Delta and start your way towards southeast. It's almost directly east from the red tree you see on the middle of River Delta map.

  • Lore 1/3: Golrab of the Ashes and Frost
    Location: After you land on the shore just straight and to the right is the stone tablet.
  • Lore 2/3: Treasure Map: Under the Rainbow
    Location: Directly across the Lore #1 all the way on the other side on the floor.
  • River Delta Favour 1/1: Favour Garden for the Dead
    Location: Talk to the spirit on the island around the middle. You need to destroy 3 exploding potions to get rid of the fog on the lower floor of the island.
  • Lore 3/3: Garden's Progress
    Location: Face the mirror on the island. Right of that is yellow fog building, and right of that is a building you can climb. Climb up and inspect the stone tablet.
  • Artefacts 1/1: Hoenir's Crest
    Location: Left of the climbing building part where Lore #3 was, look on the floor on the left before climbing up.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Jewel of Yggdrasil (Amulet Fragment)
    Location: You will need to start from the different shore to get to this one. Check your map, and check the red tree left of the Noatun's Garden shore. Around middle, on the south side of that island where the red tree is, is the shore. Land there, climb the stairs and go through the rift to the end of the bridge. Connect 3 purple arrows and light them on fire with your swords, and then shoot the chain in the right building with your axe. Use the nearby robe to return to the island, enter the newly opened doors and open the chest.

Cliffside Ruins

Shore across the one with the River Delta Gateway (Artefact and Lore #2 River Delta collectibles). If you climb the left wall on the island and go through the passage in front, you can find Lunda's Broken Bracers Key Item in the left room.

  • Nornir Chest 1/1: Horns of Blood Mead
    Location: Start from the shore wher River Delta Gateway is. Look at the Cliffside Ruins shore and you will see the first Nornir switch. Shoot it to form "P". Swim across, the chest is northeast on the island. A bit back and to the right is another switch. Form a line with 3 purple arrows, light it on fire. The last switch is when you climb the wall left of the chest (not the middle chain, but the left wall on this island). When you do, turn around and jump on the platforms and reach the one the closest to the chain in the middle. Look down to see the last switch.
  • River Delta Favour 1/1: Favour Consience for the Dead
    Location: Talk with the spirit around the middle-north part of the island.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Mists of Helheim (Heavy Runic Attack)
    Location: This can be reached by doing Favour - Consience for the Dead. Reach The Veiled Passage and you will return to Cliffside Ruins from there, behind the last bridge. You have to line 3 purple arrows so you can light them on fire, so the explosion destroys the potion. The first part before Legendary Chest can be destroyed from the shores of Cliffside Ruins.
  • Lore 1/1: Historian
    Location: Before you climb down to get Legendary Chest #1, look right and there is a stone tablet

Goddess Falls

After you open the doors by interracting with the mirror on top of the chain on the Cliffside Ruins area (part of Favour - Consience for the Dead), travel south through the newly opened path and keep following that path southwest. This area is the southwest area of River Delta.

  • Lore 1/1: Anything I Can Do
    Location: Climb the wall just north from the shore, enter the cave on the right, inspect the stone tablet.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Location: Climb the wall just north from the shore, go left, burn the vines, open the red chest and look above. Raven is flying here. You can climb one more time if you want to hit it easier (back 2 jumps is the climbable wall).
  • Burried Treasure 1/1: Under The Rainbow Treasure map item - Niflheim's Virtue Amulet Enchantment
    Location: After climbing the second time on the island check in front of you.
  • Nornir Chest 1/1: Horn of Blood Mead
    Location: Chest is on the same level where Burried Treasure #1 is. Right of the chest is the first letter, line 3 bubbles with purple arrows using the stone pillars and fire them up. Another letter is left of the chest, all the way on the left. Also line 3 purple arrows to fire it up. The last one is at the top of the waterfall. This one is tricky, but form 3 arrows again, from the last chandalier that is north, towards south. You can't stick the arrow on the water, but you can shoot the last one a few times (you'll have to stick it a bit lower) - when you shoot it a few times it will grow and the explosion will fire the wider area.

Vanir Shrine

Shrine at the top of the Goddess Falls island. It's easy to find it. Defeat Soul Eater here for some resources.

  • Lore 1/7: Treasure Map: The Giant's Toes
    Location: As soon as you enter the ares, go right and check the floor.
  • Lore 2/7: The Feast
    Location: Check the stone tablet just north from Lore #1.
  • Lore 3/7: The Auburn Crown
    Location: From the entrance you will need to go right, lower the bridge and in the next room after the bridge is a stone tablet which you can inspect after defeating the enemies.
  • Artefacts 1/1: Hylli's Crest
    Location: From Lore #3 go through the next doors and destroy the wooden doors in front of you. Look behind them on the floor.
  • Legendary Chests 1/1: Rampage of the Furies (Light Runic Attack)
    Location: Follow the other path before the wooden doors where Artefact #1 was, and open the doors at the top. Immediately to the red are some vines, burn them and shoot the chain through the crack. Go back to open the Legendary chest
  • Lore 4/7: Traitor
    Location: From the entrance follow the left path behing the circular doors. As soon as you enter the first room look on the wall on the right for some letters.
  • Lore 5/7: The Blessing of Two
    Location: From the Lore #4 make your way up to the next area and check the stone tablet on the left.
  • Lore 6/7: Scholarly
    Location: When you active 2 mirrors on left and right sides, cross the newly-formed bridge at the entrance and check the floor on the right.
  • Lore 7/7: Historian
    Location: Last room of the ruins where you find Mardoll Sword for Freya. Before you exit that room check the stone tablet on the right.
  • River Delta Favour 1/1: Favour - Freya's Missing Piece
    Location: Finish the Favour - Freya's Missing Piece

The Veiled Passage

After you open the doors by interracting with the mirror on top of the chain on the Cliffside Ruins area (part of Favour - Consience for the Dead), travel south through the newly opened path and go left as soon as you can, then start returning north and you will end up in this passage. When you land, open the red chest for Lunda's Broken Cuirass Key Item. If you return a bit back and land on the shore before the shore of this cave, on the ground you can find Mysterious Orb Key Item for Lunda (this is the shore where the Nornir chest is).

  • Nornir Chest 1/1: Iđunn Apple
    Location: Before the shore there is one shore on the right. Land there. You can find the throwing bomb here. Use it to destroy vines across on the top and to get to the chest. Now you need to form 3 purple arrows from the right-left on the wall across, and throw the bomb to hit the left chest switch, but to also explore the arrows so they hit the right 2.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Location: From the shore where you dock turn around and look at the top where the crack is.
  • Lore 1/1: Seiđr Sacrifice
    Location: From the shore go through the wooden board on the left (destroy them), destroy flowers and climb up. There is a side-room on the right with the stone tablet.
  • Artefact 1/1: Kvasir's Crest
    Location: From the Lore #1 continue following the path on the upper floor and the second time you see some wooden planks destroy them. The artefact is behind these planks.

The Plains

You can't get here before you defeat Heimdall and return to Freyr's Camp. Next, you want to finish Scent of Survival favour to unlock this area. It's another huge open area that consist of 2 connected areas where you will spend some time to discover everything.

Some areas gets unlocked when you complete The Jungle favour for releasing water in all regions - have that in mind if you want to reach all places.

The Untamed Fury boss encounter - When you switch to night time and go back to the wall where you entered the open area, this boss will attack. Deplete 25% of his health and he will dissapear. Your next encounter is in The Sinkholes, as you enter using a rope, go left during night and he will attack again.

When you switch to night time, start from the entrance wall and go left. Do not fall down the ledge, go left from there and you can now pass through the path that is blocked during day. Defeat Jorgen the Oath Guard to get Hilt of Hroti Relic, and pick up Crystalline Fragment Resources.

Start from the west Mystic Gateway, switch to night time. Open north doors in the open area just few meters east from here, and when you go through turn left. Defeat Vali the Oath Guard to get Hind of Deadly Vitality Spear Handles.

As part of For Vanaheim favour you will battle The Crimson Dread. Defeat the dragon to get Vanaheim's Fortitude Amulet EnchantmentFrozen Flame Weapon UpgradeDragon Claw x2.

  • Casualty of War 1/3: The Brooch
    Complete this favour. You can start it if you find the spirit, which is at the start of this area, when you fall down the wall and enter it for real. Keep going left, but don't go down, follow the left edge of this level and you will find the spirit.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/5
    Location: Start from the entrance wall, take a right, don't go right into the purple mist, go straight and under some circular passageways that you see. Climb the wall to the left and follow this road until you see a blacksmith. The raven is across on the other side.
  • Lore 1/5: Seiđr
    Location: After Raven #1 climb up where you can change the day/night, and just next to that is a stone tablet.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 1/3: Lindwyrm 4/6, Gale Spark (Weapon Upgrades)
    Location: Go north from the Lore #1 to reach the edge of the cliff where the rift is.
  • Nornir Chest 1/2: Horn of Blood Mead
    Location: Start from Yggdrasil Rift #1 location, where you need to burn some vines to use the first switch. Now, fall down towards the open area where the chest is, and you will see 2 switches besides the chest, while you can find the third one left behing the rock. Be fast with your axe and shoot them.
  • Epic Hunts 1/2
    Switch to night time. If you enter the main open area you will see some purple stones. You need to find 3 goats and inspect them to activate the main device, out of which then Flame Phantom emerges. Kill him to get Gale Flame Weapon UpgradeHunter's Brand Resources, and to finish the Nocturnal Predator favour.
  • Epic Hunts 2/2
    From the starting wall of this area go left, down the ledge, follow the path to the other side, climb up and stick to the left edge. Just behing the first rock is a corpse of some deer. Inspect it to start the In Plain Sight favour. Second corpse is in the lake in the middle, and soul eater is close, shoot it next to the second corpse to activate Soul Eater fight. Defeat it to get Eir's Armament Amulet Enchantment, and Hunter's Brand Resources.
  • Odin's Ravens 2/5
    Location: Area where Soul Eater was, check the opening where you've found second deer corpse. If you face the soul eater, it's on the left from that.
  • Casualty of War 2/3: The Scroll
    Northwest corner of the area. There you can find a door that have some yellow fog behind it. If you turn around and jump across the ledge, you can go straigh and right inside the cave. This is where you cut the flowers, and this is where the spirit that gives this favour is. Complete the favour.
  • Legendary Chest 1/1: Honour The Fallen (Heavy Runic Attack)
    Location: Start from the Mystic Gateway on the west side of the area. Look besides it, you can see a rock with a yellow glow where you can stick your spear. Do so, and then go towards the front of that rock for 2 more points. When you have spear in all 3, detonate.
  • Odin's Ravens 3/5
    Location: Start from northwest corner where the fog doors are. Turn around, before jumping over the gap look down to see the raven.
  • Odin's Ravens 4/5
    Location: Start from the western Mystic Gateway and walk towards the east wall where the main open area of this west part is. Check the ledge below where the raven is.
  • Nornir Chest 2/2: Horn of Blood Mead
    Location: Start from the west Mystic Gateway, switch to night time. Open north doors in the open area just few meters east from here, and when you go through turn left. Defeat Vali the Oath Guard and check in the distance to see back of the doors that are covered with yellow fog. Shoot with your axe and you can now open the doors. Defeat enemies and shoot 3 switches with your spear, they are all here and easy to find.
  • Lore 2/5: Apology
    Location: The same area where Nornir Chest #2 is, read the stone tablet.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 2/3: Lindwyrm 5/6, Gale Spark (Weapon Upgrades)
    Location: The same area where you fight The Crimson Dread dragon boss
  • Odin's Ravens 5/5
    Location: The same area where you fight The Crimson Dread dragon boss. Check the area, there is a pit on the side, inside the pit is the raven.
  • Seasonal Stag 1/2
    Location: Just after the boss you will go up to climb and finish the favour. Beyond that is Mystic Gateway, and stag is close to it
  • Seasonal Stag 2/2
    Location: This is inside Whishing Well area which you can enter from The Jungle. After you fill the water to all areas from there, and after you get rid of the ogre on the other side, return with your boat to the entrance. Use the chains to raise the doors and follow this path to reach Wishing Well. At the entrance on the right is Stag.
  • Lore 3/5: The Lost Pages 4/4
    Location: Inside the Whishing Well, like Stag #2. In one of the side rooms that you can enter.
  • Lore 4/5: Treasure Map - A Scar is Born
    Location: After you fill the areas with water (which you do from The Jungle area), land on the southwestern island where you see the rift. This is on it, on the floor.
  • Yggdrasil Rift 3/3: Resources
    Location: Same island as Lore #4
  • Lore 5/5: Stupidity
    Location: After you fill the areas with water (which you do from The Jungle area), start from the soutwhest boat dock and move northwest along the west coast. Come at night to proceeded after you land. Before going forward look to the left for a grappling point, follow it to end up in the area above where you can find some enemies and a stone tablet.
  • Casualty of War 3/3: The Stein
    Complete Casualty of War: The Stein favour.
  • Dragon Hunts 1/2
    Complete For Vanaheim favour.
  • Dragon Hunts 2/2
    Complete In The Dead of Night favour.
  • Draugr Holes 1/1: Chaos Spark (Weapon Upgrades)
    After you fill the areas with water (which you do from The Jungle area), start from the northwhest boat dock (northwest from the freezed lightning on the map) and navigate east and a bit north. Land here as you couldn't before, and complete the challenge.
  • Burried Treasure 1/1: Treasure Map location A Scar is Born; Asgard's Justice Amulet Enchantment.
    Southeast part of the map, below the circular passageway you go through to reach blacksmith. You can spot this stone icon on the map.

The Jungle

You can enter this area from the southwest corner of The Plains. Start from the west Mystic Gateway of The Plains area, switch to night time, go south and follow the ledge until you enter a cave. When going through, after traversing some ledges, there will be an artefact on the floor, after which you enter The Jungle.

  • Artefact 1/1: Kvasir's Poems 11/14 (missing name)
    Location: As explained in how to reach The Jungle, this artefact is just before you exit the cave, which is the entrance of this area.
  • Lore 1/2: Unforgiven
    Location: When you ascent the elevator a bit further into the area, check the stone tablet before squizing behind in this part.
  • Dragon Hunts 1/3: Dragon Tooth x5
    Location: After you open the dam gates to fill the areas with water (during Return of the River favour), defeat Draki opposite of the dam gates while you're up there.
  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Midgard's Bravery Amulet Enchantment
    Location: Start from the boat dock just right of the dam. Land on the first shore to the right and you will see the chest in front of you. The third switch is after climbing the wall behing the altar where you change day/night, climb and turn around.
  • Legendary Chests 1/2: Whisper of the World (Light Runic Attack)
    Location: From the shore where Nornir Chest #1 is go right and keep following the right side to get at the back of that island. After you defeat enemies, check the side and burn the red vines from here. Return to the altar on the island where Nornir Chest #1 is, and climb next to the altar, go on the side and jump across. You can now land on the previously blocked ledge, and up there you can find the chest.
  • Odin's Revens 1/1
    From the shore where Nornir Chest #1 is go with your boat all the way where the ogre is. You can go around and land at the back of that part and finally defeat the ogres. If you aim up at the high building you will find a raven here.
  • Casualties of War 1/1: Fossiled Keepstake Amulet Enchantment.
    The same area where Raven #1 is; this is where Casualty of War: The Toy quest item is. Start the favour and pick up this item.
  • Seasonal Stags 1/1
    The same area where Raven #1, but during daylight. Only then you can cross via vines and in front of you there will be a stag.
  • Lore 2/2: City of Possibility
    Location: From Stag #1 proceed, climp up the wall. Go down the hole here, raise the fence, freeze it, then go out and check the side letters on the wall
  • Legendary Chests 2/2: Jewel of Yggdrasil (Amulet Fragment)
    Location: Same rune where Lore #2 is.
  • Dragon Hunts 2/3: Dragon Tooth x5
    Location: Finish Trail of the Dead favour.
  • Dragon Hunts 3/3: Dragon Tooth x5
    Location: Finish Path of Destruction favour.

The Sinkholes

Some areas gets unlocked when you complete The Jungle favour for releasing water in all regions - have that in mind if you want to reach all places.

You can enter this area from the southeast corner of The Plains. Go through the circular passage and use the rope to descend. 

  • Nornir Chest 1/2: Iđunn Apple
    Location: When you descend into this area, turn around and enter the cave on your left. First letter is just left of the chest, second to the right, and the last one is after you climb the ledge next to the second brazier and turn around. You need to combine flame with purple arrows.
  • Lore 1/1: Everything Ends
    When you reach the first area with water, you will see a gate across the water. On your side on the right there is a stone tablet.
  • Seasonal Stags 1/1
    Same area where Lore #1 is; jump across the river to find stag.
  • Dragon Hunts 1/2
    Complete Quaking Hollow favour.
  • Artefact 1/1: Kvasir's Poems 13/14 (missing name)
    Same area where you battle Crag Jaw during the Quaking Hollow favour - burn the red vines, go through, climb the stairs and find it on the floor.
  • Berserker Gravestones 1/1: Haklangr The Bearded - Chaos Flame Weapon Upgrade
    When you open the right gates in the area where dragon attacked you from the middle, start from the Mystic Gateway by the lake, use your boat to get to area where the dragon was and land there. You can reach the middle and find the gravestone.
  • Nine Realms in Bloom 1/1
    Same area where Berserker Gravestone #1 is. Start from altar and go north, open the gates and you will see it on the floor on the other side.
  • Odin's Ravens 1/1
    Start from the same area where Berserker Gravestone #1 is. When you open the northern gates, use your boat to proceed in that direction, and land on the first shore on the left. Walk to open another gate, and check left to see the raven.
  • Casualties of War 1/1: Attuned Runic Gem Amulet Enchantment.
    After you get Raven #1 turn around and enter a cave. You will have to work your way through and use your spear to block the dragon at the end. This will reveal a spirit, so pick up the item to get this done.
  • Nornir Chests 1/1: Resources
    Before the last dragon fight, after Casualties of War favour end, you will see this chest in front of you. Shoot 3 switches with your spear and detonate. They are all close to the chest.
  • Dragon Hunts 2/2
    Complete The Burning Skies favour.
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