NEO: The World Ends with You - All Pig Noise Locations
Pig Noise is a special pig-like enemy or multiple pigs that you can recognise by pressing R1 and then looking for purple sticker. They are usually hidden in some areas, and you will need to defeat them all if you want the related trophy. Some will require certain element agains them, or certain attacks (simultaneous kills and such), so you can always return later or grind your pins so you can beat them in given time. I had issues only with one, the one later that requires Time type of pin. I will mention where I got mine, so you don't spend your time trying to find one.
0:01 - Pigdar Social Skill unlock - Unlock on Week 2 Day 7 so you can see in which areas you can find Pig Noises
Week 1, Day 2
0:10 - Pig Noise 01. Dogenzaka area (east side).
Week 1, Day 3
0:52 - Pig Noise 02. 104 Building area, up the stairs next to the shop building.
1:33 - Pig Noise 03. Eastern back-alley on Day 3, Center Street Area.
Week 1, Day 4
2:48 - Pig Noise 04. Shibuya Hikarie Area, back alley.
4:35 - Pig Noise 05 - Tower Records Shibuya
Week 1, Day 6
5:06 - Pig Noise 06 - Spain Hill
5:51 - Pig Noise 07 - Udagawa Backstreets
Week 1, Day 7 (Final Day)
6:42 - Pig Noise 08 - Dogenzaka
7:46 - Pig Noise 09 - Spain Hill
Week 2, Day 1
8:19 - Pig Noise 10 - Takeshita Street
8:58 - Pig Noise 11 - Tokyu Plaza
Week 2, Day 2
10:53 - Pig Noise 12 - Tower Records Shibuya
11:33 - Pig Noise 13 - Cat Street
Week 2, Day 3
12:23 - Pig Noise 14 - Tower Records Shibuya, entrance of Tower Records shop. Just kill the 2 pigs.
13:12 - Pig Noise 15 - Scramble Crossing, check the little edge area south from the long eastern road that leads to other area. You need Fire type of pin.
Week 2, Day 4
13:41 - Pig Noise 16 - West Exit Bus Terminal
14:40 - Pig Noise 17 - Tipsy Tose Hall
Week 2, Day 5
15:27 - Pig Noise 18 - Expressway Underpass
16:08 - Pig Noise 19 - Udagawa Backstreets
Week 2, Day 6
17:17 - Pig Noise 20 - Spain Hill
17:52 - Pig Noise 21 - Shibuya Hikarie
Week 2, Day 7 (Final Day)
18:47 - Pig Noise 22 - Cat Street
20:13 - Pig Noise 23 - Shibuya Stream
Week 3, Day 1
21:16 - Pig Noise 24 - Center Street
22:25 - Pig Noise 25 - Cat Street
Week 3, Day 2
23:05 - Pig Noise 26 - West Exit Bus Terminal
24:03 - Pig Noise 27 - Shibuya Hikarie
Week 3, Day 3
25:01 - Pig Noise 28 - Dogenzaka
26:50 - Pig Noise 29 - Center Street
Week 3, Day 4
27:38 - Pig Noise 30 - Miyashita Park
31:13 - Pig Noise 31 - 104 Building
Week 3, Day 5
32:20 - Pig Noise 32 - Expressway Underpass
33:30 - Pig Noise 33 - Tower Records Shibuya
35:34 - Pig Noise 34 - Tokyu Plaza
Week 3, Day 6
36:22 - Pig Noise 35 - Tipsy Tose Hall
37:31 - Pig Noise 36 - Tower Records Shibuya
Week 3, Day 7 (1st Final Day)
38:38 - Pig Noise 37 - Takeshita Street
40:18 - Pig Noise 38 - Shibuya Stream
Another Day
41:06 - Pig Noise 39 - Cat Street
42:40 - Pig Noise 40 - Shibuya Hikarie
43:46 - Pig Noise 41 - Tower Records Shibuya
45:01 - Pig Noise 42 - Center Street (Scarletite rare pin reward!)
45:55 - Pig Noise 43 - 104 Building
Week 1, Day 2
- Pig Noise 01 - Up the stairs in the Dogenzaka area (east side). Press R1 and fight with the purple Noise enemy. You have 40 seconds are mostly everything is good against this pig. Easy one.
Week 1, Day 3
- Pig Noise 02 - 104 Building area, up the stairs next to the shop building. Use fire-based pins to quickly destroy it.
- Pig Noise 03 - Beat it at the eastern back-alley on Day 3, Center Street Area. You have 80 seconds te eradicate the pigs, you can use your strongest pins and try to be fast. Not so hard.
Week 1, Day 4
- Pig Noise 04 - Beat it at the back-alley on Day 4, Shibuya Hikarie Area. You have 80 seconds, and you need to perform a killing move on both at the same time. Try to deplete their HP bar and then using some strong attack do to the job. I used the special attack (circle button) and combined with strong pin attacks when they were close to each other.
- Pig Noise 05 - Find it at Tower Records Shibuya, behind the Tower Records Shop, near the norteaestern exit out of this area. You will need Stone type of pin to kill it.
Week 1, Day 6
- Pig Noise 06 - Spain Hill, at the top of the first stairs just at the east of the restourant in this area (south part of the map). Destroy only red pigs to make them blue and to win.
- Pig Noise 07 - Udagawa Backstreets, you will find it in the small hidden alley screen one set of stairs down from Monocrow shop (the left one on the map), and then left.
Week 1, Day 7 (Final Day)
- Pig Noise 08 - Dogenzaka, just to the right of the northern restourant. Destroy all pigs; big ones explode and make smaller ones, if you leave the small one too long, it will transform back to one size bigger. Be fast. Overal, not hard.
- Pig Noise 09 - Spain Hill, at the northeastern part of the map, which means you need to climb all the stairs and check the eastern corner at the top. You need Electric type of pin for this one.
Week 2, Day 1
- Pig Noise 10 - Takeshita Street, top of the northern stairs just before the northern shop on the map (above Edmond label). Simply kill the pig.
- Pig Noise 11 - Tokyu Plaza, climb the stairs and jumb the fence (you need Yusei's Social Network skill to use Jump, he can be found on Day 5 of the first Week in Spain Hill) just south from the blue marked shops on the map. Again, you need to kill both pigs at the same time.
Week 2, Day 2
- Pig Noise 12 - Tower Records Shibuya, Under the left arch which you use to enter the shop area in the middle of the street. Just kill the pig.
- Pig Noise 13 - Cat Street, Climb the stairs in the middle of the area just northeast from the Jupiter of the Monkey shop. Kill red ones to align them with the blue ones.
Week 2, Day 3
- Pig Noise 14 - Tower Records Shibuya, entrance of Tower Records shop. Just kill the 2 pigs.
- Pig Noise 15 - Scramble Crossing, check the little edge area south from the long eastern road that leads to other area. You need Fire type of pin.
Week 2, Day 4
- Pig Noise 16 - West Exit Bus Terminal, check behind the curtains east of the restouran in this area. Kill pigs at the same time.
- Pig Noise 17 - Tipsy Tose Hall, directly south from the restourant if you look at your map (it's actually west how your camera faces it). Kill red pigs to allign them with blue ones.
Week 2, Day 5
- Pig Noise 18 - Expressway Underpass, check under the construction in the south park, close to the middle circle path (next to the entrance into another area, but not the southern one, the one above). Just kill the pig.
- Pig Noise 19 - Udagawa Backstreets - The northwestern part of the map, at the end of the alley with stickers. Kill the big and all of the small pigs.
Week 2, Day 6
- Pig Noise 20 - Spain Hill, check the small alley (the southern one that branches to the southwest). You need Ice and Electric type of pins.
- Pig Noise 21 - Shibuya Hikarie, behind the pillar just left of the shop in this area. Kill the red pigs to make them blue.
Week 2, Day 7 (Final Day)
- Pig Noise 22 - Cat Street, check the north alley, just left of the northern entrance to another area. Kill pigs at the same time.
- Pig Noise 23 - Shibuya Stream, check the balcony south from the entrance of the restourant which is at the top of the stairs. You need Light and Kineses type of pins.
Week 3, Day 1
- Pig Noise 24 - Center Street, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat the red pigs.
- Pig Noise 25 - Cat Street, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat all big and small pigs.
Week 3, Day 2
- Pig Noise 26 - West Exit Bus Terminal, check north from the shop in the area. Defeat all big and small pigs.
- Pig Noise 27 - Shibuya Hikarie, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. You need Poison, Stone and Electric type of pins.
Week 3, Day 3
- Pig Noise 28 - Dogenzaka, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat both pigs at the same time.
- Pig Noise 29 - Center Street, on top of the truck just left of the northwestern restourant. Defeat red pigs to make them blue.
Week 3, Day 4
- Pig Noise 30 - Miyashita Park, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat all big and small pigs.
- Pig Noise 31 - 104 Building, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Just defeat the pig.
Week 3, Day 5
- Pig Noise 32 - Expressway Underpass, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat red pigs to make them blue.
- Pig Noise 33 - Tower Records Shibuya, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. You need Time, Burst and Ice pins. Time pin is the only problem, I found mine when defeating #87 Phoenix Cantus enemy, last boss on 3rd Final Day (KeiRyu Epoch - Normal drop pin from that enemy). You can "cheat" this by freezing the pig even when time is depleted, I did that since the Time pin I mention is pure garbage.
- Pig Noise 34 - Tokyu Plaza, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Just defeat the pig.
Week 3, Day 6
- Pig Noise 35 - Tipsy Tose Hall, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat both pigs at the same time.
- Pig Noise 36 - Tower Records Shibuya, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it (after first teleport). Defeat all big and small pigs.
Week 3, Day 7 (1st Final Day)
- Pig Noise 37 - Takeshita Street, left of the restourant entrance. Defeat all big and small pigs.
- Pig Noise 38 - Shibuya Stream, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat red pigs to make them blue.
Another Day
- Pig Noise 39 - Cat Street, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat all big and small pigs.
- Pig Noise 40 - Shibuya Hikarie, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat both pigs at the same time.
- Pig Noise 41 - Tower Records Shibuya, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. You need Darkness, Light, Electric, Fire, Stone and Ice type of pins.
- Pig Noise 42 - Center Street, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. Defeat red pigs to make them blue. This one grants Scrarletite - really rare pin used to get pin for the strongest pin set in the game, make sure to leave it for gatto nero pin trade.
- Pig Noise 43 - 104 Building, use the yellow teleport in the area to reach it. This is the final pig, much stronger than other ones. Use your strongest pins and defeat it.
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