Blasphemous 2 - Beneath Her Sacred Grounds Collectibles

This is one of my favorite areas, just because you can find and get double jump ability. I really love double jump. To get it, a boss awaits, and he is not a walk in the park; you will have to be fast and really memorise his patters to survive the fight. If you want, you can ask Yerma to help, it really helps having her.
The rest is easy to find, especially now with awesome double jump.


I was missing 1 Marks of Martyrdom, and this area was the one where I've missed it. You need double jump to reach it, and after I got it I never returned. The pickup is just above the checkopoints next to the boss - go up and pick it up. It's not the altar, it's the blue item.


0:00 - Reaching Beneath Her Sacred Grounds boss
- Yerma NPC (ask her to help)
2:35 - Afilaor, Sentinel of the Emery boss (The Sharpest Tool in the Shed trophy)
4:53 - Passage of Ash (Double jump) ability
5:33 - Cherub
5:55 - Ruego Al Alba weapon upgrade
6:38 - Marks of Martyrdom x1 (I was missing this one for 100% of the game, very missable!)

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