Blasphemous 2 - Crimson Rains Collectibles

In Chapel of the Five Doves you can get Incense of the Envoys Quest Item that can unlock alternate ending. You can get it by setting certain altarpieces to open the locked doors on the right side on top of the chapel: Upper left Cierzo, Upper right Gregal, Lower left Lebeche, Lower right Jaloque. Just before the final boss fight you will be asked to use or not to use that item, depending on your pick you either get Ending A or B, and the final boss fight is the same. When you defeat the boss, you will be returned back before the final boss fight, where you can retry different ending to get that out of the way. The final boss fights are not hard, the biggest pain is Eviterno in his second phase, but once you learn the patters he is not a problem.


0:00 - Chapel of the Five Doves: Incense of the Envoys (getting item for alternate ending)
0:45 - Jaloque altapriece (Merchant Shop)
1:00 - Marks of Martyrdom x1
1:25 - Tear of Atonement altar
1:50 - Marks of Martyrdom x1
2:23 - Tear of Atonement altar
2:55 - Eviterno, First of the Penitents boss phase 1
4:27 - Eviterno, Last Desecrator phase 2 (The Wait of Over trophy)
8:20 - Ending A/B start
- Incarnate Devotion boss

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