Blasphemous 2 - Streets of Wakes Collectibles

This area can be reached if you used Procession of the Shadow NPC to travel from the Choir of Thorns as the first time travel option. You will be able to enter this location relatively soon, but due to missing weapons and abilities you will not be able to collect everything. It's not a bad idea to reach checkpoints and NPCs at least.

You can find Sagrario NPC (Rosary Bead Slot expansion), there is also an arena for which you first need to find 5 sleeping childs to unlock all 5 stages, and here is a Fervent Kiss giant hand, which consumes that and expands your mana points. There is no trophy for bringing all Fervent Kiss items, but there is one for beating all arena challenges.

If you don't kneel 4 times in front of the Kissing Hand NPC that takes Fervent Kiss quest items, you will unlock the door behind it. Don't worry, if you do, you can still buy the key from Forlon Patio Shop after you reach the fast travel room in Crimson Rains.

Make sure to pick up Sealed Envelope #1 (start of the quest) - read it from your inventory and you can look for the first clue in Two Moons area to find the next envelope. Without this step you can't find the rest, and there is a trophy tied to this questline.


0:00 - Entrance & Sagrario NPC (Rosary Bead Slot expansion)
1:20 - Battle Challenges start (House of Grief and Hatred trophy)
2:14 - Battle Challenge #1: Thirso altarpiece
4:15 - Battle Challenge #2: The Thirst altarpiece
6:57 - Battle Challenge #3: Empty Receptacle
9:00 - Battle Challenge #4: Ornate Chalice
11:25 - Battle Challenge #5: Lebeche altarpiece
11:35 - Fervent Kiss NPC (mana expansion)
15:15 - Forlorn Patio Shop (Broken Key, Chisel-Engraved Wounds Rosary Bead, Ornate Chalice, Bleeding Crown Prayer, Remembrance of Castula, The Anointed One altarpiece, The Punished One altarpiece)
- Broken Key Doors: Marks of Maryrdom
16:54 - Grilles and Ruin Shorcut: Wax Seed
17:18 - Sealed Envelope #1 location (start of the quest)
18:00 - Fervent Kiss
18:27 - Grilles and Ruin Shortcut #2: Embossed Rat Skull Rosary Bead
18:40 - Cherub

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