Final Fantasy XVI - Combat Trophies
This topic will group by all combat trophies and explain them using video and written form. Nothing is missable, and maybe 1 or 2 are somewhat tricky, but the rest are easy. Most combat trophies are related to eikons, so you must first aquire them during the story. Some are connected with the basic combo moves.
0:00 - Punisher trophy
0:10 - A Fine Hound trophy
0:25 - Sheeeeeeeeeeift trophy
0:40 - Packing Heat trophy
1:02 - Made to Be Broken trophy
1:18 - Fatal Attraction trophy
1:27 - Never Coming Down trophy
2:13 - I Am the Thunder trophy
2:35 - Rod to Redemption trophy
2:55 - Beat Rocking Blocks trophy
3:15 - Untouchable trophy
3:25 - 100 Mfps trophy
4:05 - Such Dodge, So Mega trophy
4:28 - Oh, Snap! trophy
4:40 - Cold-blooded trophy
5:00 - Fistful of Steel trophy
5:30 - Every Damn Sinew trophy
5:50 - It's Over 50,000 trophy
When battling with weaker enemies, after inflicing a combo you will often put them on the ground. Approach them and press square or circle to execute a finisher move, that is a punish move. Do this 10 times. It should come naturally.
Made to Be Broken
Semi-primed means that you pressed L3 + R3 to enter the limit break state. You must unlock it first by progressing the story enough. When you do, you can start killing enemies while in this state. Kill 20. Easy one.
It's Over 50,000
When you deplete an enemy's yellow bar (below the red HP bar), they enter the staggered state. During these couple of seconds the enemy is down and you can deal masive damage that will multiply the damage rate based on the combo you inflict. It should be easy to deal 50,000 when you get a bit further in the game.
Make sure to equip some fast special eikon moves, and keep the strongest ones for the end, when the combo multiplier is the highest. I did almost 60k damage on few occassions by using Ifrit, Ramuh and Titan.
You start with the Shift special ability at the start of the game. When you start playing as older Clive, simply use circle to teleport to any enemy and continue with sword combo (square) or magic combo (triangle). Do this 15 times of each combination. Easy.
Packing Heat
Heatwave is one of the special attacks with Ifrit. Learn it, equip it, and you will need to use it agains some magic type enemy. Well, againts magic attack. When some enemy shots magic at you, before it hits, execute Heatwave to trigger at it for magic counter (Heatwave counter combo). Do this twice in one battle and the trophy is yours.
Fatal Attraction
Deadly Embrace is the special circle button move with Garuda. When you get her powers simly jump, press circle to pull an enemy (only for enemies without the stagger bar), and defeat the enemy while in the air. Pretty easy one. Just deplete the HP of an enemy, jump and do the moveset to easily finish 5 enemies while in the air.
Never Coming Down
Gouge, Wicked Wheel, and Rook's Gambit are all Garuda's special moves. As you can equip only 2, you can equip the 3rd one on any other eikon by maxing it out. Maxing out a move means you can equip it with either of eikons. I maxed Rook's Gambit and equipped it with Ifrit, while I had Gouge and Wicked Wheel on Garuda.
With that in mind, enter a fight, preferably with some stronger enemy with stagger (ogres are great for this). Jump, execute Gouge, Rook's Gambit and Wicked Wheel while in the air. All 3 must hit the enemy for the trophy to unlock. You can do this with regular enemies, but they tend to fly away when you hit them, so it's better with stronger and larger enemies.
I Am the Thunder
As soon as you get your third power (Ramuh's lightning stance from Cid), using circle button you can use Blind Justice move. It will aim up to 6 stacks of lighting balls and the balls will stick to enemies. If you attack the enemy when balls are stuck on them, it will discharge it. Do this for 50 lightining balls to unlock the trophy.
Rod to Redemption
Learn Lightning Rod with Ramuh (when you get his powers), set it up, and use it in a battle where there are multiple enemies. Circle around the thunder crystal so that the enemies strike the crystal. That needs to happen 3 times to unlock the trophy. Easy one.
When you unlock Titan skills (after defeating Kupka), you can block enemy attack with circle button at the exact moment when an attack is about to hit you. Do this 10 times to unlock the trophy.
Beat Rocking Blocks
When you unlock Titan skills (after defeating Kupka), you can block enemy attack with circle button at the exact moment when an attack is about to hit you. Do this and as soon as the animation slows down just keep on pressing square for Titanic Counter. Make sure you land 3 hits. Do this again in the same fight to unlock the trophy (it's the best to do this against some larger enemy with more HP).
100 Mfps
First, you need to get Bahamut's power during the story. When you do, equip it, enter a battle, press the circle button which is his special move, and the charging will begin. By parrying you can speed up the Megaflare bar, up to level 4, which will be enough. When it's filled, press circle again to execute the move. The best is to have couple of enemies on the screen - I did this against hunts that have multiple enemies in it. It should be really easy to land 100 hits, just run while Megaflare is active until it lands 100 hits.
Such Dodge, So Mega
First, you need to get Bahamut's power during the story. When you do, equip it, enter a battle, press the circle button which is his special move, and you have to parry using R1 3 times while charging Megaflare. It's really easy, just tilt R1 to the side when an attack is about to hit you - 3 times and the trophy unlocks.
Oh, Snap!
Permafrost can be executed with Shiva eikon. First, you need to have Shiva, then you need to equip it so you can use her in battle. By pressing circle, her special move, you strife in desired direction, similar like dodge. When an enemy is about to hit you, press circle to execute perfect dodge called Cold Snap, which will inflict Permafrost on close enemies. You need to do this on 10 enemies, it stacks across multiple battles.
Permafrost can be executed with Shiva eikon. First, you need to have Shiva, then you need to equip it so you can use her in battle. By pressing circle, her special move, you strife in desired direction, similar like dodge. When an enemy is about to hit you, press circle to execute perfect dodge called Cold Snap, which will inflict Permafrost on close enemies. While enemies are in that state, you need some AOE move which will finish them off.
I suggest that you use Diamond Dust, it also inclicts Permafrost (I had it on level 2), and soon after I did Ifrit's special strongest AOE move to finish them off while they were in Permafrost state. It will take some time, but it's easy.
Every Damn Sinew
First, you need Odin eikon from the story progress. After you him, equip it, and when you press circle (his special) you will use his sword in the fight. During this, when you attack, the Zantetsuken bar will fill slowly. It also fills by using his special skills. When it fills up to level 2 or higher, hold circle when his sword is active, and release to land Zantetsuken move. Let it hit the enemy. Repeat 5 times.
Fistful of Steel
First, you need Odin eikon from the story progress. After you him, equip it, and when you press circle (his special) you will use his sword in the fight. When you do, you need to attack an enemy when that enemy is about to hit to perform the steel counter move. Initiate a fight againts some enemy with the stagger bar, and simply execute 3 steel counters in the same fight.
A Fine Hound
Tackle an enemy to the ground (try with weaker enemies), and then switch to Torgal commands (left on D-pad). Command with the up D-pad "Sic" command to execute a precision Sic with Torgal. Do this 5 times.
You're Not the Boss of Me
You don't have to worry about missing out on boss fights and this trophy - after the Midnight Raven boss in The Greatwood (where you go with Cid), you will gain access to replaying some stages through the pillar in The Hideaway (through the Arete Stone - Arcade challenges). These stages are predefeined when it comes to level and equipment, but accessories can be set up and customized to your liking. You cannot use Rings that helps in combat, but raising your attack or simply boosting in what you excel the most is possible.
The Midnight Raven is the first boss fight where this trophy can be unlocked - and if you ask me, it's the best fight to unlock it. The problem with playing the Arcade Mode or Stage Replay is that you cannot save before the boss fight. That means if you fail, you need to replay the whole stage. My advice is to do this trophy during the story, just save your game before the Midnight Raven boss in The Greatwood (before him there are some wolfs and Dragon Aevis mini-boss fight, after which you squize through the hole and then it's the boss fight).
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