Final Fantasy XVI - Sidequests
Sidequests are unlocked after some story events in The Hideaway. They are all marked green on the map, and their solutions are also marked green. It's really easy to get them done, but I will do the guide anyway.
Point of no return
Technically, there is only 1. It's when you change from your twenties to your thirties - the game will warn you about it. It's after "The Dame" story quest, there will be an objective at the churs east of Moore. When you try to enter the next story dungeon, you will get the message. Basically you can only miss sidequests if you don't finish them, but they block nothing later on, and the rest of your crew just move to a new hideaway. If you want to finish all quests, make sure you do them before moving on.
The Hideaway Sidequests
Food for Thought
Talk to Keneth, Kitched Head inside The Fat Chocobo (kitchen area). Deliver food to 3 tables (2 on the ground, 1 upstairs) and get back to Keneth.
Reward: Wyrrite x10, Badge of Mettle
Make Do and Mend
Talk to Geoffroy, Head Carpenter in the northwestern town corner. Go to the southeastern part of the town and talk to the people next to the table, then get Planks next from them and take that back.
Reward: Meteorite x1, Gil Bug x1
Moving Heaven and Earth
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, before going to The Imperial Province of Rosaria. Talk to Bohumil in the northern part of the village. Open your map and travel to Orabelle Downs waypoint (Southern Sanbreque). There, go towards the quest pointer your right from you from where you enter (near some house in the vineyards hill). Defeat some enemies, talk to Martelle, gather 4 Samples near here and return back to Bohumil to finish the quest.
Reward: Valley Madder x10, Sharp Fang x20, Bloody Hide x30
A Place for Everyone
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, before going to The Imperial Province of Rosaria. Talk to Keneth, Kitched Head inside The Fat Chocobo (kitchen area), and then carry the food to 3 people marked on the map (all inside this settlement).
Reward: Gil Bug x1
Red Letter Day
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, after returning from The Imperial Province of Rosaria (after exploring some ruins and events with Cid). Talk to Glenn in The Bunks area to start it. Teleport to Orabelle Downs on the World Map. Collect 3 items in front of you on the road, then talk to the woman just next to the last pickup. The last marker and the Letter is southeast from the Lostwing teleport in the same area.
Reward: Wyritte x20, Sharp Fang x10
Needs of the Many
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, after returning from The Imperial Province of Rosaria (after exploring some ruins and events with Cid). Talk to Alban near the Entrance area. Travel to Lostwing on the World Map, talk to Quinten norteast of The Hanged Man area. You have to travel a bit to the southeast from here - south from Laubert's pass on the map. Slay some goblins and the big one, check Randa's body just next to you, then return to Quinten to finish the quest.
Reward: Wyritte x30, Sharp Fang x30, Meteorite x1
Caulk & Baul
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, after 5 years pass and you get the new Hideaway area. Talk to Obolus in The Pier area. Travel to Three Reeds obelisk in Rosaria on the World Map. Jump down the cliff and defeat some spiders in the corner in front of you. Return back to Obolus.
Reward: Badge of Might +1 accessory
Fruits of Her Labors
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, after 5 years pass and you get the new Hideaway area, plus when you finish Rosaria story parts and return back. Talk to Cormac near the apple tree to get some apples. Deliver them to clients inside the base, and return to Cormac to finish the quest. As this is a continuation of "Moving Heaven and Earth" quest, it's possible that you have to finish that one first to unlock this one.
Reward: Martelle Apples Curiosity
A Culinary Pilgrimage
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, when you finish Rosaria and you go back to Hideaway to talk to Vivian to progress during "Here Be Monster" story chapter. Talk to Yvan, teleport to Martha's Rest in Rosaria, talk to next quest npc, then travel east from here into the swamps to find some scorpions for the quest ingredients. Return to Yvan.
Reward: Badge of Mettle +1 Accessory
Blacksmith's Blues
This quest gets unlocked a bit further in the story, when you finish Rosaria and you go back to Hideaway to talk to Vivian to progress during "Here Be Monster" story chapter. Talk to August, Blackthorne, Charon, and moogle and the hunter board to learn about the new hunt for this quest. You can find Dozmare just south from the Caer Norvent River Gate in Sanbreque. After the fight speak with injured man just in front, and return back to Blackthorne in your base. Completing this unlocks new crafting recipe.
Reward: Drakeslayer's Belt Design Draft Crafting Recipe
Cut from The Cloth
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Drake's Breath story dungeon. Talk to Hortense to start the quest. Travel to Northreach obelisk in Sanbreque and talk to Draper in the market area. Travel to Caer Norvent Glorieuse Gate obelisk here in the same location and find caravan and traders around the middle of the area north of the obelisk. Win a fight, and after some custscene go back to Hideaway and talk to Hortense to finish the quest (you can choose any color you like when prompted).
Reward: Steelsilk x50
The Root of the Problem
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Drake's Breath story dungeon. Talk to Nigel, travel to Martha's Rest obelisk in Roasaria and make your way west, to the west side of Sorrowise on the map. Kill some goblins, pick 3 flowers nearby, and return to Nigel.
Reward: Morganbeard Extract (Consumable items potency increase), Black Blood x1
The Weight of Command
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Mid's requests for story purposes. Talk to Dorys to start it. Travel to Northreach obelisk in Sanbreque and make your want into the fields to find Cole there. Go near the wagon nearby, win a fight.
Reward: The Breath of Fire (Rising Flames) accessory, Sharp Fang x40, Steelsilk x40
Do No Harm
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Mid's requests for story purposes. Talk to Rodrigue to start it (you might have to proceed with story events to talk to him). Travel to Hawk's Cry Cliff in Rosaria, follow the marker just to the right and straight ahead, defeat some reptiles, pick up some herbs and go back to your client.
Reward: Sharp Fang x40, Steelsilk x40
Weird Science
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Mid's requests for story purposes. Talk to Owain in Mid's Dungeon to start it. Check the hunting board to get the location of Bomb King. It's at the northern part of the The Imperial Chase trail, inside The Crock in Sanbreque. Not a hard fight, just be careful about the explosions and such.
Reward: Treated Potion Satchel (increased consumable inventory capacity)
Payback (Off the Record Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after after completing 3 parts of Mid's story requests for the ship. Go to your chamber and read the Missive name as the quest title and you will start it. Talk to Gaute, Martha (Martha's Rest in Rosaria), Isabelle (Northreach in Sanbreque), Gaute, Charon, and this will trigger the end of the quest after some cool scenes.
Reward: Cid's Goblet curiosity, Wyrrite x25, Sharp Fang x50, Meteorite x1
A Bone to Pick (A Bad Feeling Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after after completing 3 parts of Mid's story requests for the ship. Go to your chamber and read the Missive name as the quest title and you will start it. Talk to Charon, Harpocrates, go to Martha's Rest in Rosaria, move to Cresida area east from the Martha's Rest, defeat enemies, back to Charon and Harpocrates, done.
Reward: Cavall's Fang accessory, Sharp Fang x50
Blacksmith's Blues II (About Blackthorne Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after after completing 3 parts of Mid's story requests for the ship, and previous part of this quest. Go to your chamber and read the Missive name as the quest title and you will start it. Talk to blacksmith Blackthorne, Charon, go to The Dalimill Inn in Dhalmekia, enter Inn and go upstairs and check the last door in the hallway. Visit northeastern part of The Valkroy Desert, defeat enemies, back to clients at the Inn, then back to Blackthorne. This unlocks some new crafting recipes.
Reward: Excalibur Design Draft (crafting recipe), Meteorite x1
Not to be Outdone
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Cloak and Dagger" story quest (after Bahamut events). Talk to Molly in the stores area, Harpocrates, travel to Northreach in Rosaria and go northwest from the town where you see marked quest pointers, defeat enemies and pick up some flowers, then return back to you clients to finish this quest.
Reward: Sharp Fang x25, Bloody Hide x75
An Eye for an Eye
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Cloak and Dagger" story quest (after Bahamut events). Talk to Goetz north from the main store area, then Charon, then Goetz again. Teleport to The Dalimil Inn in Dhalmekia, find and talk to Goetz in the northern part of the settlement, go southeast from The Desert Gate exit, defeat some enemies. After some custscenes talk to Charon back in your camp to finish the quest.
Reward: Continental Censer curiosity, Meteorite x1
On Balance
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Cloak and Dagger" story quest (after Bahamut events). Talk to Shirleigh in The Shelves area, visit children in the attrium, inspect Gear, Arm, Pans and that is it, back to Shirleigh. Short and swe...boring.
Reward: Black Blood x1, Gil Bug x2
Smooth Like Butler (A Humble Request Missive)
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Cloak and Dagger" story quest (after Bahamut events). Go to your room, inspect letters (missives) on the table, read A Humble Request and start this one. The client is upstaris in Martha's Rest in Rosaria, and your first destination southeast from the Dalimil Inn obelisk in Dhalmekia. Go there, fight some thugs. For the second guy you need to find, travel to Northreach in Sanbreque and check nerby for the client, and then follow his directions for another fight. Back to Martha's Rest Inn upstairs to finish the quest.
Reward: The Breath of Light (Flare Breath) accessory, Steelsilk x25, Bloody Hide x25
Tears of Mercy
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "A Song of Hope" story quest (before you go hunt Odin). Talk to Rodrigue in The Infirmary, then with Tarja closely by, and then go to Lostwith obelisk in Sanbreque. Northeast from the village, along the path, you will find your quest destination. Kill enemies (this fight was weird, I had to kill 1 by one, they kept resetting in the fight, like they were outside of the battle boundaries every now and then). Return to Rodrigue to finish the quest.
Reward: Sharp Fang x20, Magicked Ash x40
Blacksmith's Blues III
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "A Song of Hope" story quest (before you go hunt Odin), after you completed the previous part. Talk to August in The Mess, then with Blackthorne. Move to Dravozd obelisk in Dhalmekia, and the gate will open after talking with August there. Speak with Zoltan upstairs to progress, then again with Blackthorne downstairs. Go to the middle of The Fields of Corava where you must defeat Desert Salamder to get Salamander Skin. Bring that back to Blackthorne in Dravozd, after which you need to go back to your hideaway and talk to Blackthorne again.
Reward: Dravozd area unlock, Ouroboros Design Draft crafting recipe (Ouroboros, The Sons of Ouroboros accessories), Bloody Hide x100
Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "A Song of Hope" story quest (before you go hunt Odin). Talk to Nigel in The Backyard. Go to moogle near the hunt board, talk about the Morbol sightings and check the board for the location of Carrot, your new hunt. He is at The Whispering Waters area on the map that is northwest from the Tree Reeds obelisk in Rosaria. It's a regular morbol fight, this time against lv. 35 enemy. Be careful to avoid his slime spit on the floor, that is the worst part of the fight.
Reward: Morbol Flower crafting material, Invigorated Morganbeard Extract (increases consumable potency), Goblin Coin x1
Blacksmith's Blues IV
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Across the Narrow" story quest, after you completed the previous part. Talk to August in The Mess, move to Dravozd obelisk and enter the village in Dhalmekia, talk to August there. Slay some enemies (few waves), and then talk to Zoltan in the village. Finish the quest by going back to your hideaway and talking to Blackthorne.
Reward: Cracked Anvil Seal key item, Gotterdammerung Design Draft crafting recipe, Ragnarok weapon
Even Weirder Science
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Across the Narrow" story quest, after you completed the previous part "Weird Science". Talk to Owain in Mid's Dungeon, teleport to Hawk's Cry Cliff in Rosaria and check your map - you need to go north (west from Shallop Rock). Defeat enemies and collect sphere key item from the ground nearby. The second sphere is southwest from The Krozjit Echoes obelisk in Dhalmekia (Silent Sough map pin). Defeat enemies and pick it up. The last part is southwest part of the Claireview area southwest from the Northreach obelisk in Sanbreque (Advent on the map). Back to Owain, give im spheres and you're done. If this is your last inventory-related quest, you will unlock With Two Ds trophy.
Reward: Expanded Potion Satchel (increased consumable inventory capacity), Goblin Coin x1
Self-Determination (Captain Dorys Missive)
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Across the Narrow" story quest. Read missive to start it, speak with Dorys in The Mess, approach 2 persons talking behind a corner in Martha's Rest in Rosaria (a bit above the market area). You need to go northeast from The Auldhyl Docks obelisk (The Baum Arches on the map). When you approach your destination you will have to fight, win and after some scenes the quest will be over.
Reward: Wyrrite x100, Sharp Fang x25, Meteorite x1
Phoenix, Heal Thyself
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Across the Narrow" story quest, and progress it a bit. Speak with Jote, teleport to Three Reeds in Sanbreque, go west towards the quest marker, defeat enemies, pick up 3 Stoneworths and return to Jote.
Reward: Magicked Ash x150, Meteorite x1
More than Words (In a Mood Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Go to your room, inspect letters (missives) on the table, read In a Mood and start this one. The client is Torgal! Speak with him pass the blacksmith and upstairs. Follow him after the conversation, talk to him again. Teleport to Port Isolde in Rosaria and go to the docks nearby. When you reach the island, just go in front of you for some scenes, and again for some more.
Reward: Charred Sparring Sword curiosity, Cavall's Fang +1 accessory, Mist island area unlocked
An Inconvenient Truth (In Search of a Lost Tome Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Go to your room, inspect letters (missives) on the table, read In Search of a Lost Tome and start this one. The client is Vivian. After her, speak with Harpocrates. Go to Vidargraes obelisk in Waloed and travel to Garnick village that is just southwest from the starting point from the mentioned obelisk. Enter the house on the top, read all books (the one you need is on the left, when you read from the bookshelves you will get "From a Distance" key item. Try to leave the village and you will enter a fight, win and then return back to Vivian.
Reward: Scholar's Bonnet curiosity, Gizamaluk Hunt unlock
A Tail to Tell (Making Amends Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Go to your room, inspect letters (missives) on the table, read Making Amends and start this one (it gets unlocked after completing "An Inconvenient Truth" quest). The client is Harpocrates. After speaking with him, travel to Eistla obelisk in Waloed, and take the western exit towars The Angry Gap on the map. That is where the quest marker is. Up there, you will face a lv38 Akashic Lindwurm, and afterward pick up Wild Wyvern Tail nearby. Back to Harpocrates, then Dion.
Reward: Stolas Quill curiosity, Bahamuth's Mercy accessory
Three's Company
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Byron to start it. Teleport to Boklad in Dhalmekia, and make your way south towards the southern gates on the other side on the map from the town. When you reach the gates you will have to fight. Now teleport to Lostwing in Sanbreque, go west and find Quinten on the top of the hill. Back to your hideaway, speak with Byron.
Reward: The Triunity Accord curiosity, The Breath of Darkness (Heaven's Cloud) accessory
When There's a Will
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Joshua to start it. Move to Tabor in Dhalmekia, enter the house nerby to talk to Cyril. Go to another house upstairs and talk to Cyril's Guest to progress further. Teleport to The Gilded Path and move west towards the Titan's Wake to fight with lv 40 Simurgh. Back to Cyril's Guest, give her Heartstone, and then go to Hawk's Cry Cliff obelisk in Sanbreque. A bit down the road you can find your father's grave at the end of the sidepath (check the map).
Reward: Rusted Battlehelm curiosity, Joshua joins the party before departing for Origin
Priceless (Concern for Jill Missive)
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Go to your room, inspect letters (missives) on the table, read Concern for Jill and start this one (it gets unlocked after completing "When There's a Will" quest). The client is Joshua. Teleport to Hawk's Cry Cliff obelisk in Sanbreque. There is a path nerby where you need to go to trigger some scenes. Go back to backyards of your hideaway and talk to Frederica. Now go to Northreach in Sanbreque, and go to Royal Meadows fields, get close to the white flowers near the cliff and defeat enemies there. Back to hideaway, speak with Jill in your room.
Reward: Snow Daisy Garland curiosity, Shiva's Kiss accessory, Man's Hill area (Rosaria) unlocked, Jill joins the party before departing for Origin
Trial and Error
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Nazaire to start it. Move to Northreach in Sanbreque, just next to the exit path is Nazaire, talk to him again, then go to the top of the hill nearby and defeat lv 40 Tot Aevis. Return back to Nazaire in Northreach. Then go back to Nazaire in your hideaway and choose whatever choice you want, I went with "Yes".
Reward: The Breath of Lightning (Pile Drive) accessory
Nobody's Tool
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Dorys to start it. Go to Raventwit Walls in Waloed, and you can finally go to Balmung Dark that is direcly west from the obelisk on the map. When you reach it, Dorys will be there and she will unlock one of the side doors. First, explore the whole lower floor to find 3 quest items and some chests, then go upstairs and explore there before talking to Dorys to progress. When you do, she will give you the key for the other side door, which you then need to use and find the lost girl on the lower floor. After the scenes, travel a bit back and you can exit through the hole and fight lv 40 Kuza Beast Rank A hunt monster. Defeat the monster. He is not tough, but make sure to jump and dodge when he calls out his meteors from the sky.
Reward: The Breath of Darkness (Gungnir) accessory, Meteorite x3 (2 from Behemoth hunt), Behemoth Shackle x1 (from Behemoth hunt)
Silver Linings
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Guv in the Main Deck area. Go to Martha's Rest in Rosaria and speak with 3 marked people in the outdoor area. One is a bit on the side (near the north exit), 2 on the main street up the road. Your next objective is to the northeast of here - you need to approach some shacks, then enter them and you will find your objective on the floor. Exit, and after chocobos leave return to your hideaway and speak with Guv, and then with Edda in The Infirmary.
Reward: Winter Mead curiosity
Aiming High
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Josselin in Mid's Dungeon area upstairs, then with Mid downstairs. Now go to the hunting board and speak with Ronan next to it. Teleport to Audhyl Docks in Rosaria and find 2 spots to inspect here (one a bit forward and to the left in shack, the other on the opposite side at the entrance of the big building with big opening. Travel to Dravozd in Dhalmekia, and go to north side of The Fields of Corava and defeat a level 40 Desert Tor. Back to Mid in your hideaway, then with the kids upstairs, then again with Mid.
Reward: Model Airship curiosity
Litany of Errors
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest. Talk to Herman on the upper floor of Mid's Dungeon area. Go to Vidagraes in Waloed. In the southeast corner of this area is an abandoned settlement, so go there. When you enter, enter a house on the left, inspect all objects and proceed north to the cemetery. Inspect the tree that looks like a three-fork to find the list of names. Defeat some enemies and return to Herman in your camp.
Reward: The Breath of Ice (Mesmerize) accessory
The Imperial Province of Rosaria
What a Bird Wants
Talk to Rowan near the Trans-Rosaria Aqueduct pin on the map (west from Three Reeds waypoint) and accept the quest (you unlock it the first time you visit this area during the story). You will get Sealed Crate key item, which you need to transfer northwest from here (check the map). Give it to Gerard near the stables there to finish the quest.
Reward: Sharp Fang x10, Bloody Fang x5
False Friends
Talk to Brennan near the exit of the main area of Martha's Rest on the map and accept the quest (you unlock it the first time you visit this area during the story, after some events with Martha). Go southeast through The Fallen Gate to find Off-duty Sellsword on the bridge. Talk to him and make your way towards the next quest point, find a lantern on the ground and proceed further to find Norreis. Go back to Brennan to finish the quest.
Reward: Magicked Ash x10, Meteorite x1
Crystalline Lifeline
Talk to Clarke near the exit of the main area of Martha's Rest on the map and accept the quest (near The Fallen Gate pin on the map). Make your way down the ladders into the area below (ladders are next to him). Defeat some marked crabs to get his Foul Crystal key item back, then return that back to him.
Reward: Wyrrite x10, Magicked Ash x10
Beast Against Beast
Talk to Fredric near the Greensheaves on the map and accept the quest (this area is the first one you enter by going north from Martha's Rest). Slay the beasts just on the path next to Fredric, and then report to Brice that is on the way to The Broken Hilt (northeast from the battle).
Reward: Wyrrite x10, Meteorite x1
While the Cat's Away
After unlocking Alliant Reports in The Hideaway, you will get this quest. You can just choose it from your base and get teleported next to the client, or travel to Martha's Rest and find Inn Hand there. Enter the Inn, kick some bandits, done.
Reward: Wyrrite x10, Steelsilk x5
The White-Winged Wonder
This one will get unlocked during and after completing story events in Rosaria. Talk to Rowan just south from the Martha's Rest obelisk. Make your way down the path into the fields, and go immediately right to kill some scorpions. Proceed across the bridge towards the chocobos in the distance, win the fight and you will unlock Ambrosia, your chocobo mount! Call Ambrosia by holding down R3, and then X to mount. Riding Amrosia for the first time unlocks When You Ride Alone trophy.
Reward: White Chocobo Ambrosia unlock (travel buddy), Ambrosia's Tack Curiosity, Shard Fang x10
Rekindling the Flame
his quest gets unlocked when you finish Cloak and Dagger story quest, and unlock the next story dungeon. Talk to Martha in Martha's Rest Inn. Go outside and talk to Wade now. Travel to Eastpool, enter town, defeat enemies. Go back and talk to Martha.
Reward: Steelsilk x40, Bloody Hide x80, Meteorite x1
Rekindling the Flame II
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "After the Narrow" story quest, and after completing the previous part. Talk to Martha in Martha's Rest Inn. Go to Eastpool and talk to Wade. Slay some enemies after the scenes and make your way east of the Greensheaves (south from here on the map). Defeat Akashic Bandecoeurl, return to Eastpool and back to Martha's Rest to Martha.
Reward: Martha's Rest Signboard curiosity, Wyrrite x100, Meteorite x1
The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
Welcoming Committee
After unlocking Alliant Reports in The Hideaway, you will get this quest. You can just choose it from your base and get teleported next to the client, or travel to Lostwing and find the client closely by (talk to Alain). Talk to the guy on the bench to progres, just next to Alain. Go inside The Hanged Man inn and talk to a woman marked with the quest marker to get a meal. Pick it up next to her, and carry the meal to the guy on the bench.
Reward: Gil Bug x1
Dying on the Vine
After unlocking Alliant Reports in The Hideaway, you will get this quest. You can just choose it from your base and get teleported next to the client, or travel to Lostwing and find Emile in the cellars in the east side of the town. Travel to Orabelle Down obelisk to get closer to your next object, just to in front of you and kill some Vinger Wasps in the middle of the starting area. Go back to Emil to finish the quest.
Reward: Shard Fang x10, Black Blood x1
The Want beyond the Wall
After story events with "The Dame", you will have to talk to Tatienne to progress the story. That is the moment when this quest gets unlocked. Talk to Etienne in the settlement that is north from the Northreach obelisk. Deliever 3 packages to clients near the Northreach obelisk (market area), then return to Etienne to finish the quest.
Reward: Steelsilk x20, Bloody Hide x20
Pride Comes Before a fall
After story events with "The Dame", you will have to talk to Tatienne to progress the story. That is the moment when this quest gets unlocked. Talk to Leon in the settlement that is north from the Northreach obelisk, in the training grounds area. Beat Leon and Robin, done.
Reward: Meteorite x1
Friend of the People
After story events with "The Dame", you will have to talk to Tatienne to progress the story. That is the moment when this quest gets unlocked. Talk to Mathieu in the settlement that is north from the Northreach obelisk, in the training grounds upper area. Deliever food to clients in the area (all marked on the map), talk to a woman lastly and that will finish the quest.
Reward: Magicked Ash x25
All Bark
After story events with "The Dame", you will have to chase Tatienne to progress the story. That is the moment when this quest gets unlocked. Talk to Benoit in The Royal Meadows area (norteastern part). Find wolf in the fields closely by, win a fight, return back to Benoit, answer with either option, return where the wolf was, inspect the body, done.
Reward: Magicked Ash x30
After story events with "The Dame", you will have to chase Tatienne to progress the story. That is the moment when this quest gets unlocked. Talk to Lisette in The Royal Meadows area settlement (norteastern part). Make your way a bit back down the path, talk to a woman with the broom, go towards windmill closely by, inspect the body and the quest will soon finish.
Reward: Magicked Ash x20
For Great Justice
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Drake's Fang story dungeon. Talk to Quinten northeast from Lostwing obelisk, then talk to 2 villagers in the village area (when you talk to the one near the path leading to Cutter's Gate, it will update your destination). Move past the Cutter's Gate, defeat some enemies, and go back to Quinten to finish the quest.
Reward: Wyrrite x50, Sharp Fang x50, Black Blood x1
For Great Justice II
This quest gets unlocked when you finish Cloak and Dagger story quest, and unlock the next story dungeon. Travel to Lostwing, talk to Quinten, teleport to Orabelle Downs, check the northeastern settlement, talk with NPCs. Travel to The Dragon's Aery obelisk, go south and then east to defeat an enemy. Back to Lostwing, defeat all enemies there, check on Quinten on the floor, and after some scenes the quest will be done and they will all move away from Lostwing village.
Reward: Hanged Man Signboard curiosity, The Breath of Wind (Whicked Wheel) accessory, Meteorite x1
Under New Management
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "Across the Narrow" story quest. Talk to Isabelle in Northreach village. Speak with duke in the garrison, and then talk to certain NPCs in the town and outside of it (all marked on the map). Return to Isabelle afterwards to finish the quest.
Reward: Steelsilk x15, Bloody Hide x15, Meteorite x1
Under New Management II
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest, and after the first part of this questline. Speak with Isabelle in Northreach, then with Phillipe outside the south town gates. Travel southeast from here and defeat some enemies. After some conversations, go to Royal Meadows on the map where your next marker is. After scenes speak with Isabelle to finish the quest.
Reward: Veil Signboard, Orichalcum x1, Meteorite x1
The Dhalmekian Republic
Carving Out a Niche
This one gets unlocked after Follow the Crystals main story quest. Talk to Sava near the Dalimil Inn (inside The Briar's Kiss). Move across the settlement, talk to Flesher and Huntar (he is by the south gates, near some carts). Return to Sava again. Go to the middle settlement in The Velkroy Desert and talk to Sava there. Now go a bit southwest from the South Gate of the Dalimil and pick up quest items from the floor. Return to Sava to finish the quest.
Reward: Goblin Coin x1
Hot Water
This one gets unlocked after Follow the Crystals main story quest. Talk to Xaver in the Baths. You need to reach small lake craters southwest from the South Gate, defeat some bombs and return to Xaver.
Reward: The Breath of the Inferno (Ignition) accessory, Scarletite x1
Use Your Loaf
This quest gets unlocked after finishing Drake's Fang story dungeon. Talk to Matej southeast of the Dalimil Inn obelisk. The objective is at the northwesten corner of The Jaw on the map. Talk to Dusan there. Go back to Matej to finish the quest.
Reward: Goblin Coin x1
Get Cart
This quest gets unlocked on your way down the path after Laetny's Cleft obelisk. You will have to play the story to unlock it first. Proceed, defeat some bandings, go throug the wooden doors, check the cart on the left.
Reward: Wyrrite x80
Bearer of Good News
This quest gets unlocked when you get the passes during story events in Boklad. Talk to the client at the southwester part of Boklad. Talk to 3 clients across the town to proceed (all marked on the map), then back to the starting client to finish the quest.
Reward: Wyrrite x40, Black Blood x1
Onward to Discovery
This quest gets unlocked when you get the passes during story events in Boklad. Talk to Jachym next to Boklad obelisk to start, then exit the town via south exit and fight few sets of enemies in the area. You will have to do this couple of times, and each time Jachym will be at the different spot, and enemies will be close. All is marked on the map.
Reward: The Breath of Earch (Upheaval) accessory, Wyrrite x20
Live and Let Live
This quest gets unlocked when you get the passes during story events in Boklad. Talk to Kveta south from the Boklad obelisk, then with another woman to the south. You will have to exit south and find some enemies closely by, then go north from there, up the ledge and enter the small goblin settlement and win the fight. All is marked on the map.
Reward: Wyrrite x20, Meteorite x1
Bad Blood
This quest gets unlocked when you unlock the Krozjit Echoes obelisk during Cloak and Dagger story quest. Talk to wounded soldier southeast from the mentioned obelisk, check encampment near him, beat enemies, find new npc a bit further from there, done.
Reward: Magicked Ash x100, Meteorite x1
Skin Trade
This quest gets unlocked when you reach Tabor during Cloak and Dagger story quest. Talk to Karel in the middle of the town to start it. Go to the middle of The Fields of Corava on the map, defeat an enemy there, go back to Karel.
Reward: Bloody Hide x100, Meteorite x1
Carved in Stone
This quest gets unlocked when you reach Tabor during Cloak and Dagger story quest. Talk to Milos upstairs, inspect to stone tablets there on the higher ground (they are in the middle of the 3 domes you see there, just run in circles on this levels). Answer with "Guardians of the Republic...", "Wanderers of the Golden Plains..." and "Children of the Hunters..." to finish it.
Reward: Goblin Coin x1
Trading Places
This quest gets unlocked when you finish Cloak and Dagger story quest, and unlock the next story dungeon. Talk to Eloise in Boklad. Teleport to Latetny's Cleft obelisk, the new path will be unlocked, so follow it to reach Abandoned Fishing Village. Defeat enemies there. Back to Boklad to finish the quest.
Reward: Wyrrite x50, Meteorite x1, Black Blood x1
Lines in the Sand
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "After the Narrow" story quest. Talk to L'ubor in The Dalimil Inn, then with Viktor by the desert gates. Go to the northeastern part of The Southern Valkroy Desert, defeat some enemies and there will be some scenes. Talk to Konrad, and lastly L'ubor.
Reward: Magicked Ash x120, Meteorite x1
Duty Undying
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "After the Narrow" story quest. Talk to Cyril in Tabor, then move to Kretov obelisk (west path from The Gilded Path obelisk). You will unlock Kretov settlement in this quest. When you arrive and open the gates, defeat some enemies. Afterwards, return to Cyril in Tabor.
Reward: The Breath of Ice (Ice Age) accessory, Kretov settlement area unlocked
Trading Places II
This quest gets unlocked when you reach "After the Narrow" story quest, and the first quest. Talk to Theodore in Boklad, Eloise, and make your way south from the town. Make your way towards Abandoned Fishing Village for a scene, then continue down the rive path for a fight
Reward: Crimson Caravans Signboard curiosity, The Breath of Fire (Scarlet Cyclone) accessory
Lines in the Sand II
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest, and after the first part of this questline. Speak with L'ubor in The Dalimil Inn, then with Konrad and Natalie in the tavern. Next, speak with Ferda at the north town gates. Your objective is north of The Valkroy Desert obelisk, where you need to defeat some enemies.
Reward: Briar's Kiss Signboard curiosity, The Breath of Light (Impulse) accessory, Meteorite x1
Duty Undying II
This quest gets unlocked after speaking with Otto during "Back to Their Origin" main story quest, and after the first part of this questline. Speak with Cyril in Tabor to start it. You need to reach a new settlement, which is southeast from Eistla obelisk in Waloed. It's south of Halfcombe area on the map - just follow the small narrow path there and enter the previously blocked doors. I got Here Be Rosfields trophy here for visiting all areas of the world - this was the last optional quest area in the game. Find the Hooded Man in the house on the far side of the village, defeat some enemies and go back to Cyril to finish the quest
Reward: Mikkelburg area unlock, Clayhearth Signboard curiosity, Orichalcum x1
The Kingdom of Waloed
Laid to Rest
This one gets unlocked during "Brotherhood" story quest. Find the dying soldier in The Mothers' Mines. You need to place his ring on the tombstone that is at the northerwestern upper corner of Kritten Hollow area, area just next after Ravenwit walls obelisk. Place the ring and the tombstone will give you a reward (wow!)
Reward: Clutchmine x20, Meteorite x1
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