Final Fantasy XVI - Final Fantasy difficulty guide
This topic is reserved for tips and tricks during your new game plus run on the Final Fantasy difficulty. The mentioned difficulty gets unlocked when you complete the game, and you can trasfer all your items, weapons, accessories, skills, level, music rolls, and lore. New crafting materials and equipment is also unlocked in the new game plus (you will get a recipe for Ultima Weapon, but you can't craft it at the start) - this means that the drops for enemies change, and rewards for completing quest change, they now give better crafting materials. Even with that in mind - do not work on any sidequest other than Blacksmith's Blues I-IV; only they are needed to craft Ultimate weapon, to be exact you need Gotterdammerung Reforged, and Barbana's (Odin) weapon when you get it.
The idea is to start crafting when new weapon variations start becoming stronger than your equipment from the previous game; you want to maximize your damage output of course. The enemies are much tougher, and there are strongers mobs in earlier places where there weren't any in the lower difficulties. The boss fights are also harder, you will have to be careful and dodge more often, without mashing the attack button often. The best way to win is to plan carefully when to use special eikon skills. You don't need to craft a lot, occassionaly is fine, the difference between your equipment and few stronger ones at some point is not so big.
Note that you also need to max out all abilities, so it's advisable to equip The Wages of Warcraft accessory (that you can buy from Charon's Shop) to get more ability points during this run. Make sure you've bought it during your previous run. Blacksmith's Shop will offer all available items as soon as you unlock the forge, so have that in mind while playing. Charon's Shop adds stuff as you progress.
New Game Plus Setup, Shiva's Dominant and Tiamat boss fight
This is where you start your journey after skipping the prologue. I used the Gotterdammerung and Ouroboros set for start - it's still stronger then the first few crafting options which you unlock after reaching the hideaway.
0:00 - Final Fantasy Difficulty Setup
0:30 - Shiva's Dominant Fight
6:15 - Tiamat fight
9:55 - Blackthorne's Forge unlock overview
The Greatwood
You can still keep the previously used equipment and complete The Greatwood with it. Fafnir is a bit frustrating, but Midnight Raven is not in my opinion.
0:00 - The Greatwood Setup
1:10 - Fight 01
3:05 - Fight 02
5:00 - Mini-boss Fight 01
7:55 - Fight 03, Mini-boss Fight 02
10:10 - Fafnir boss fight
17:15 - Fight 04
18:55 - Fight 05, Mini-boss Fight 03
20:20 - Midnight Raven boss fight
Chirada & Caer Norvent
In the next fight agains Chirada you should have no issues, but beating Benedikta needs a bit of strategy. In Caer Norvent there is not much to add until that fight - there will be 2 phases, the first one is easy, and in the second one avoid her combo claw attacks and attack when you see an opening. It may take a bit of practice.
0:00 - Chirada boss fight (Lostwing)
1:55 - Caer Norvent story dungeon start
3:30 - Fight 01, Mini-boss Fight 01
5:40 - Fight 02
6:50 - Fight 03, Mini-boss Fight 02
9:15 - Fight 04, Mini-boss Fight 03
12:00 - Chirada & Suparna fight
19:00 - Fight 05
20:10 - Fight 06, Mini-boss Fight 04
21:50 - Fight 07
22:25 - Fight 08
23:10 - Fight 09, Mini-boss Fight 05
25:55 - Fight 10
26:55 - Benedikta boss fight Phase 01
29:10 - Benedikta boss fight Phase 02
Garuda & Garuda Eikon (The Eye of the Tempest)
These 2 fights are epic! There were the highlith of the game for me. The first one agains Garuda is easy, it's easy to dodge, but be careful to avoid all of her wind/whirlwind attacks, they can do some serious damage. The Eikon fight is easy, but don't be impatient - dodge and start attacking when you're close to her, that will stagger her, so just keep your combos. Then you're back to dodging and reaching her, and just repeat the pattern. No healing items for the fights.
0:00 - The Eye of The Tempest start
0:05 - Garuda boss fight
7:20 - Garuda Eikon boss fight
The Kingsfall
Make sure to craft Stormcry Reforged weapon before the next dungeon. This is where reforged weapons start becoming stronger than Gotterdammerung. From now on you can also craft accessories - I wanted to new crafting lineup for accessories, but do how you see fit.
The Kingsfall is not hard, but Griffin is pain in the ass (first mini-boss encounter). Do not haste, be patient. Everything later on is easy, even the boss. Just let Cid deal with the Wyvern and you focus on the knight during the boss fight. Avoid his jump special skill - you see where he lands, just dodge a bit away.
0:00 - The Kingsfall start
0:40 - Fight 01, Mini-boss Fight 01
2:40 - Mini-boss Fight 02
6:00 - Fight 02
7:10 - Fight 03, Mini-boss Fight 03
9:35 - Fight 04
10:07 - Knight of the Dying Sun boss fight
Phoenix Gate Ruins
Craft Gaia Blade +4, Goldwork Sash +4, and Battlechains +4 - all of these increase your current build, so it's time to update your equipment. Phoenix Gate Ruins is full of sentinels, but the dungeon is not that hard. Iron Giant takes good amount of damage, do not rush blindly, avoid and attack when there is an opening. Make sure to collect and save healing items, last 2 boss fights give you none, and there is a lot to handle without any healing items.
Ifrit fight is a bit tricky, but just dodge after doing a few hits. He stomps a lot, which is where you can die easily. Not that hard, but just be patient. Your shadow is also tricky. The idea is to dodge when he is about to do some combos, and attack when he is done. Near the end of the fight you will gain your limit break power (which you already have at this point in NG+), so if you miss on potions just run away to heal as the limit break stays full at this point.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Phoenix Gate
0:15 - Phoenix Gate Ruins start
1:05 - Fight 01
1:35 - Fight 02
2:40 - Mini-boss 01
4:35 - Mini-boss 02
7:40 - Fight 03
9:35 - Mini-boss 03
13:40 - Fight 04
16:05 - Iron Giant boss fight
22:40 - Mini-boss 04
25:30 - Fight 05
25:50 - Fight 06
27:20 - Mini-boss 05
29:40 - Infernal Eikon boss fight
34:05 - Infernal Shadow boss fight
Drake's Head
Craft Flametongue Reforged as it's the new strongest weapon at this point. Note that by finishing Drake's Head you will progress into new timeline and all of the sidequests you did not finished will be gone. Nothing important is missable, so if you do miss them, don't even worry about it.
There are couple of challenges here - Imperial Cannonier is nasty, it has 2 phases and it does some punches. Do not rush it, avoid his attacks and be careful. The rest is not that hard, the only issue I had was agains Typhon at the end - when he summons walls in his second phase make sure to hold circle button to rush across the stage so you can dodge the walls. Otherwise you mind have troubles with your HP. You can use heal items so that should help you a lot.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Drake's Head
0:25 - Drake's Head start
1:10 - Fight 01
3:50 - Fight 02, Imperial Canonnier boss phase 1
7:15 - Imperial Canonnier boss phase 2
12:40 - Fight 03
14:24 - FIght 04, Mini-boss 01
16:58 - Fight 05, Mini-boss 02
20:00 - Sword (Coral Sword Reforged) - Equip it
21:45 - Fight 06
22:50 - Fight 07, Mini-boss 03
26:00 - Akashic Dragon boss fight
34:50 - Typhon fight phase 1
39:30 - Typhon Eikon Fight Phase 1
44:20 - Typhon Eikon Fight Phase 2
50:54 - Republican War Panther boss
Drake's Breath
Craft Levinbolt Reforged and equip it. Take care of "Black or White" main quest to unlock Blacksmith's Blues questline - and finish the first part. You will need to finish all 4 if you want to forge the Ultima Weapon. You will also unlock recipe for Drakeslayer's accessory set, but at this point you don't really have to hunt to get the materials, it will take too much time considering all enemies are spongues at this point.
Drake's Breath has couple of nasty encounters, be sure to save up on healing items as the boss of this dungeon can be a bit annoying and takes your HP fast while he has a ton. You can also find Reinforced Mythril Wristlets in the chest after the 2 slime mini-boss fight that are stronger than your accessories at this point.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Drake's Breath
0:15 - Black or White questline fight, mini-boss
5:10 - Blacksmith's Blues I quest
6:00 - Drake's Breath start
6:40 - Fight 01
7:40 - Fight 02
8:17 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 01
11:30 - Akashic Morbol boss fight
18:00 - Fight 04
18:54 - Fight 05, Mini-boss 02
22:25 - Fight 06
23:35 - Mini-boss 03 x2
25:10 - Reinforced Mythril Wristlets (Chest)
25:40 - Flame Lizard boss fight
32:35 - Fight 07
34:00 - Fight 08, Mini-boss 04
36:45 - Fight 09
38:05 - Fight 10, Mini-boss 05
41:40 - Liquid Flame boss fight
Craft Platinum Sword +4 and equip it. You don't have to do any side quests as for example The Root of the Problem doesn't uprade your consumables potency further. So, it just doesn't make any sense to do it, nor any of the other quests at this point. Just continue with the story and prepare for some sponge mini-boss fights during Rosalith invasion, and a bit tough fight with Hugo Kupka at the end.
Hugo starts slow, the real issue is his second phase when you both fall down the floor. That is where he starts kicking, especially near the end when you starts with his 5+ combo attacks. There is one AOE attack from him that you can barely dodge, just run towards a wall of the combat area and you should be able to make it. Dodge and counter whenever you can, your goal is to kick him the most when you manage to stagger him.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Rosalith
0:15 - Rosalith start
0:50 - Fight 01, Mini-boss 01
3:00 - Fight 02
3:45 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 02
5:20 - Fight 04, Mini-boss 03
8:50 - Fight 05
10:00 - Fight 06
11:20 - Coeurl boss fight
18:15 - Courtyard fight, Mini-boss 04 x3
24:00 - Hugo Kupka boss fight phase 1
29:04 - Hugo Kupka boss fight phase 2
Drake's Fang
Craft Grindstone Reforged if you want a new weapon at this point. I didn't craft accessories, and I didn't want to grind for materials, makes no sense, and there is no need. Drake's Fang is not that hard, the only fight that is a bit long and anoying is the Titan fight at the end, that one has multiple phases. The Undertaker is quite easy, but as every boss you need to dodge and seek for your opportunity to strike.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Drake's Fang
0:25 - Drake's Fang start
0:35 - Fight 01
1:15 - Fight 02
2:20 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 01
4:40 - Fight 04
6:40 - Fight 05
7:20 - Mini-boss 02
11:30 - Undertaker boss fight
15:55 - Fight 06
17:00 - Fight 07
17:35 - Fight 08, Mini-boss 03
19:55 - Mini-boss 04 x2
23:20 - Fight 09
25:40 - Titan boss fight phase 1
34:45 - Titan boss fight phase 2
48:35 - Titan boss fight phase 3
The Crystalline Dominion
Craft Enchancer +4 if you want the new weapon. It's just a bit stronger from the last one if you've crafted it. Again, no need to bother with anything else at this point. When you finish Letting Off Steam II story quest, you will unlock Blacksmith's Blues II - next in line towards crafting the Ultimate Weapon. Finish that one and then you can enter The Crystalline Dominion. The only real deal is the last fight, but you can retry if you die, and it's not really that hard when you dodge more then you attack. Also, White Dragon can be a pain, keep yourself healed all the time. The eikon fights have separate healing items, so you can spend Potions and High Potions before these fights. Just be careful, eikon healing items will transfer to all of the phases - do not spend all of them in the first phase.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for The Crystalline Dominion
0:15 - Letting Off Steam II quest mini-boss fight
3:10 - Finish Blacksmith Blues II side quest
4:00 - Onward quest fight and mini-boss
6:45 - The Crystalline Dominion story dungeon start
7:30 - Fight 01, Mini-boss 01
11:50 - Fight 02
13:05 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 02
15:05 - Fight 04, Mini-boss 03
19:30 - Fight 05
20:25 - Fight 06, Mini-boss 04
23:40 - Fight 07
24:25 - White Dragon boss fight
34:55 - Fight 08, Mini-boss 05
40:05 - Fight 09
43:10 - Mini-boss 06
46:20 - Necrophobe boss fight
56:15 - Bahamut boss fight start
58:18 - Bahamut boss fight Phase 1
1:02:05 - Bahamut boss fight Phase 2
1:08:20 - Bahamut boss fight Phase 3
1:15:40 - Bahamut boss fight Phase 4
The Free Cities of Kanver
Craft Brightburn Reforged - it raises your attack quite solidly at this point. I still didn't craft any accessories at this point. Kanver is a short story dungeon, and it's really easy. Sleipnir at the end feels like some of the older fights, just dodge his forward slash combo and attack in between. Never attack when he is teleporting all around the place.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for The Free Cities of Kanver
0:22 - The Free Cities of Kanver story dungeon start
0:50 - Fight 01, Mini-boss 01
3:25 - Fight 02, Mini-boss 02
6:20 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 03
7:45 - Fight 04
8:30 - Fight 05, Mini-boss 04
13:45 - Fight 06
15:45 - Sleipnir boss fight phase 1
19:40 - Sleipnir boss fight phase 2
The Ironworks & The Naldia Narrow
Craft Rune Blade +4, Rune Belt +4, and Rune Crescents +4 - you should have enough materials. It will raise your current equipment a bit. It's also a good time to finish Blacksmith's Blues III quest at this point, if you want the Ultimate weapon soon. The next dungeon is the ship and some waves of enemies before that. Nothing worth mentioning. The fight againts Barnabas is short, just dodge and attack when you get the chance. When he starts his special, continue attacking when he rests and the fight will be over when you unleash his special (no way to interrupt him).
0:00 - Crafting equipment for The Ironworks
0:21 - Finish Blacksmith's Blues III
1:05 - The Ironworks story dungeon start
1:10 - The Ironworks fights, Mini-boss
4:50 - The Ironworks Sleipnir minions fight
7:05 - The Naldia Narrow story dungeon start
7:10 - Fight 01, Mini-boss 01-02
10:45 - Fight 02, Mini-boss 03
15:00 - Fight 03
16:05 - Barnabas boss fight
You can wait and finish Blacksmith's Blues IV quest to unlock Gotterdammerung Reforged recipe + Ragnarok Reforged sword as a reward. Ragnarok Reforged is stronger than anything you can craft at this moment. You will need to craft Gotterdammerung Reforged if you want the Ultima weapon, but you can't at this point, you will be missing some materials. Proceed to Reverie when you're ready.
This is yet another tower ruins, with 3 boss fights prior to the fight with Barnabos. Try to save healing items, Barnabos fight is a long and can be a hard one, you will need them. Luckly Barnabos comes in 3 phases, so even if you die you can continue, but it's still a tricky fight. You want to avoid his attacks, and attack after them, but do not hit 3 times when he starts defending agains your attacks - he will counter on the third strike. All phases are similar, except the later ones tend to serve more combos agains you. It's still not a hard fight, but you need to be very careful.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Reverie (Icebrand Reforged)
0:14 - Finish Blacksmith's Blues IV (Equip Ragnarok Reforged)
1:20 - Reverie story dungeon start
1:35 - Fight 01
3:10 - Fight 02
3:50 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 01
7:15 - Fight 04
7:30 - Fight 05, Mini-boss 02
10:50 - Fight 06
11:40 - Fight 07, Mini-boss 03 x2
15:20 - Soultaker boss fight
18:20 - Fight 08
19:45 - Control Node boss fight
24:20 - Aurum Giant boss fight
29:20 - Barnabas boss fight phase 01
35:00 - Barnabas boss fight phase 02
42:45 - Barnabas boss fight phase 03
Drake's Spine
Craft Everdark Reforged (Odin's weapon) - that is one of the 3 weapons needed for craftint Ultima weapon (but don't equip, it's weaker than Ragnarok Reforged which you should have at this point). Nothing else needed.
Drake's Spine has a lot of fights, but nothing really hard. Behemoth can be a pain, but learn to avoid and land few hits; that is all you need to know. When meteor hits make sure to jump and dodge. The hardest fight here is Ultima fight - it has 3 phases and a lot of HP. You need to learn the patterns and save up on healing items, it can be over quickly if you just mash buttons and don't dodge. His flame attacks are the worst (later phase), avoid them by running far away.
0:00 - Crafting equipment for Drake's Spine (Everdark Reforged)
0:16 - Drake's Spine story dungeon start
0:30 - Fight 01
2:05 - Behemoth boss fight
11:10 - Fight 02
12:20 - Fight 03, Mini-boss 01
13:55 - Fight 04
15:00 - Fight 05, Mini-boss 02
17:05 - Fight 06, Mini-boss 03
20:30 - Fight 07
21:30 - Mini-boss 04
24:05 - Fight 08, Mini-boss 05
25:30 - Fight 09, Mini-boss 06
27:50 - Mini-boss 07 x2
32:00 - Mini-boss 08
37:50 - Ultima boss fight phase 01
41:20 - Ultima boss fight phase 02
45:40 - Ultima boss fight phase 03
Preparation for the final dungeon, crafting Ultima weapon, maxing out abilities
This is the point when you can prepare for the final dungen and the final boss. I suggest that you craft Ultima weapon first. Let me point what you need:
- Finish Blacksmith's Blues I-IV questline if you didn't already. It will unlock Gotterdammerung Reforged recipe. You will need to craft it.
- Craft Everdark Reforged (Odin's weapon). That, Gotterdammerung Reforged and one key item that you already have by story purposed is what you need to craft Ultima weapon.
Gotterdammerung Reforged materials:
- Orichalcum x3 (Finish Under New Management I-II questline to get 1, plus it also unlocks one of the hunts you need for the other materials. 1 Orichalcum is a reward for beating Svarog, and one for beating Atlas Hunt - both rank S hunts)
- Hunt Gobermouch for Flawless Battlehorn x1
- Hunt Prince of Death for Flawless Darksteel x1, and hunt Thanatos for one more piece
Ability +40% Accessory & Easy ability farming
Craft The Wages of Warcraft II accessory (buy x2 of The Wages of Warcraft I to get the option). Equip it and now you can go farming for ability points to max out all of your Eikon skills.
Teleport to Ravenwit Walls and make your way southeast from Kritten Hollow on the map. Your aim are Hyiena enemies - kill them fast with special skills. You will get 1120 ability points, which makes your grinding fast. Teleport to Ravenwit Walls again to reset the enemies are repeat until you max out everything.
Crafting other accessories
At this point you can craft some other accessories if you feel like it, but with Ultima weapon you should be good to go. Set your eikon skills that you prefer and we can start with the final dungeon.
0:00 - Finish Blacksmith's Blues I-IV (Gotterdammerung Reforged recipe)
0:19 - Craft Everdark Reforged (Odin's weapon)
0:37 - Finish Under New Management I-II (Orichalcum x1 & New Hunts Unlock)
0:50 - Defeat Svarog (Rank S) for another Orichalcum piece
1:55 - Defeat Atlas (Rank S) for another Orichalcum piece
2:40 - Hunt Prince of Death for Flawless Darksteel x1 (Unlocked after completing Under New Management II)
3:20 - Hunt Thanatos for Flawless Darksteel x1
4:10 - Hunt Gobermouch for Flawless Battlehorn x1
4:43 - Crafting Ultima weapon
5:20 - Ability Farming (Craft The Wages of Warcraft II)
5:35 - Ability Farming Spot
6:25 - Accessories crafting
This is the last dungeon, which consists of multiple final boss phases. With the above preparation you should be good to go - it works even without that and it's not that hard if you ask me.
First fight is the easiest, while the eikon fight takes a bit of patience. Don't just mash buttons, wait for your turn, keep shooting with magic and occassionally get close, dodge and then land a cople of attacks and specials. When you deplete half of the boss HP you will have to deplete his purple bar - it's a bit tight, so don't forget to shoot from the distance when you can't get close.
The last phase is a bit harder than the first one on foot, but still really easy. You can do it, some fights were harder than this one.
0:00 - Final Dungeon setup overview
0:30 - Ultima Prima fight start
5:55 - Ultima boss fight
11:15 - Ultima Risen Eikon boss fight
22:00 - Ultimalius boss fight
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