Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 08 - Optional Sidequests
Beach Resort
Go to Shuttle Mode and search the map near X Axis: -367 and Y Akis: -159 to uncover the resort.
Inside, head to the right wall and discover the Sunscreen Rangers and watch the skit The Beaches Brigade. Now, speak to the receptionist and use the pool for a scene and Cheria's Alluring Temptress title. Head for the exit for a scene for a scene and then take the northwest door back to the beach. Thereu is a shiny Inner Tube attachment nearby. Head into the water and examine the dolphin blow in the northeast corner for a Shark Fin. You can now leave the Resort.
Finding Swimsuits
Oul Raye - Examine the jug to the right of the Item Shop to get Asbel's Vest-Dressed title. While in Oul Raye, watch the skit The Troll Still Burns at the Inn save.
Uncharted Sandstretch (Sandshroud Ruins) - On the first floor of the Sandshroud Ruins (go southeast from the fast-travel point where your ship leaves you, to get towards the ruins), defeat the enemy above the save to get Pascal's Deep Sea Diver title. You will also get the Abandoned Cargo and Free Spirit title near the entrance to the ruins (and 2 easy fights). While here, check the save to watch the skit A Show of Gratitude.
Sable Izolle - Behind the Item Vendor, for 100k Gald you can get Cheria's Seaside Angel title. While in Sable Izolle, watch the skit Midnight Ramblers at the save.
Inside the Rockgagong - Check the bottom right corner of the map to get Hubert' Six-Eyes title.
Yu Liberte - Talk to smiley face man at the entrance for Malik's Lifeguard title.
Strahta Desert Ruins - Take the second left and then south to the shadow area for a fight in the southwest for Sophie's Beach Kitty title. While at the Strahta Desert Ruins, visit the valkines cryas and take a right to circle around the back and get the Liquisilk Fabric. Avoid the optional boss fight star event for now. You can also get the skit Evenly Matched at the save.
Sandshroud Ruins
Teleport to Uncharted Sandstretch and go all the way southeast to reach the ruins. Enter the ruins (this part was already done when you gathered the swimsuits). This is a good place to get the title for cooking Curry to revive someone enough times. Set it to your Eleth Mixer slot while you progress the dungeon.
Head to the first door and power up the ruins, similarly to the one in Fendel. Go down the stairs all the way to the save to watch the skit A Show of Gratitude if you haven't, and then head north and fight the single Pooka Helmite for the swimsuit (if you haven't). Head through the door to the north for the Life Bottle x3 and That Old Familiar Feeling skit neat the middle device. Then go back to the east door and head through it.
In the next area, we want to move the pointers to light up the two doors, but there is a bonus items here. Shift the power to the two eastern-most pointers and then instead of pointing them to the door, point them to the path that leads to an orange square on the floor to get a Crystal Seashell and Eleth Bottle EX to appear. Finally, move the pointers to the doors and take either to the next room.
Use the only pointer here to direct the power east and enter a complex room of multiple pointers. There are two things we can move here, the pointers and the connection devices on the floor. Start with the eastern path and move the cursor right and then the other to light the orange square directly south of the door to receive 900 Unit(s) of Eleth. Now, flip the floor connector to move the power connection to allow it to continue east. Flip the pointer and floor device, as needed, until the southern-most pointer is powered and facing south. Now we need to do the same thing for the other side. If you look in the northwest corner of the room, you'll see a floor device that can point north or south. You want to have it pointing south and then power it to get the Grape Gel x3. Now, direct the power south and when both paths lead to the same southern pointer, advance south.
Head east on the upper level and grab the 6900 Gald before going down the steps all the way down and through a door. Another puzzle awaits on the other side. Start with the northern path and direct the pointer westward, but then head south with the second as the western paths is a dead end. Continue to move the power west and when it reaches the last pointer before the four floor device on the upper-left, make it go south. Rotate the floor device to get the power to the orange square and reveal a Clear Core. Now move the power to the northern door, rotating the four floor devices at the end. Time to head to the start and do this again for the southern door. Start by moving the pointer west and the floor device to access the All-Divide hidden in the orange square. When the power reaches the last pointer before the door, face it east and rotate the floor devices to get the orange square lit and receive an Elixir. Now light up the southern door to unlock both doors.
First, take the southern path to a new room with multiple pointer devices and multiple colored stream/floor tiles. The object is to send the correct stream color through each of the floor tiles and then to the door at the end. The easiest way to do this, is to give walk your through each turn step by step:
Red Stream Tile
North, East, North, East
Blue Stream Tile
North, East, South to make a purple stream go east to the purple tile splitter making two new streams of red and blue.
New Red Stream Pointer
South, West, South, West, South, East to orange tile
New Blue Stream Pointer
North, West, North, East to green tile
Yellow Stream Tile
North, Automatically makes a green stream east to green tile
Green Stream Tile
East, South to splitter that makes a blue and yellow stream
New Yellow Stream
South to connect to red to make an orange stream to the orange tile
Orange Tile
East, North, East to splitter to make a red and yellow stream
Blue Stream from Green Tile and Splitter
North, East
New Red Stream from orange splitter
North to red tile, Move the pointer north of the red tile to the east, then the one on the right to North. This next one needs to go North, and th upper one to the east to hit the purple tile.
Purple Stream
South to splitter to make a red stream to the door and a blue one going south
New Blue Stream
Move the pointer to the east of the orange splitter south and the one to the east of the yellow tile east toward green. West, South, South, East through green tile, North, East to the door.
Yellow Stream
East to automatically make a green stream and open the final door.
Here, you will fight a Gravereaper and obtain two treasure: Mastery Tonic EX and Hero Staff. The warp is a one-way ticket out, so don't take it and instead head back to the previous puzzle room (from which you've entered the one with the above puzzle), and this time head north.
Take the northern path to an Hourglass and the save, where you'll get Cool Composure skit. In this puzzle, you have to make the correct stream color go through each colored tile for the door to open (easy).
The one to the north is easier than the last puzzle, do it like this:
Blue Stream
West for 1 Gald then change it to South, South, Connect with Red.
Purple Stream
Touch the South pointer to go through the purple splitter.
Red Stream (left of the red tile)
North, West for Book of Solitude and then change it to East to connect to Blue stream pointer.
Purple Stream
North, North, West through splitter
Blue Stream
West, West, South, South, West to door
Red Stream on the north from splitter
South, West, West, Automatically goes South and West to door (the last lines from the previus blue stream).
This leads to the Heat Ray Cannon B discovery and Patching the Cracks skit. The warp here is a one-way ticket out, so use it.
Oswell Family Vault
In Shuttle Mode, search for X Axis: 2 and Y Axis: -308 to find the Oswell Family Vault and head there.
Boss: Martial Fury
You will automatically be thrown into a fight, a really easy fight. Upon winning you'll receive Hubert's Scion of Oswell title.
When you have control again, go east and west to grab the Panacea Bottle x2 and Peach Gel x2. Go back and south through the middle to branch off east and west for the Eleth Bottle EX and Life Bottle x3. Now enter the treasure itself through either door.
Inside (from east to west) you'll find Beef x2, Peaches x3, Arcane Bottle, Hourglass, All-Divide, Imperial Crest, White Wine x3, Syrup Bottle x2, Seablue Vestments, Red Wine x3, Elixir, Mastery Tonic EX, Drop Bottle, Bizarre Clump, Toxic Fluid, and a Seablue Statue.
There is also a skit Ill-Gotten Gains by approaching the painting on the east side.
Shuttle Crash Site
Make sure you save before visiting.
In Shuttle Mode, search for X Axis: -381 and Y Axis: 129 for the Shuttle Crash Site.
Touch the north start on the north after you equip titles that give the reduced damage when you get a huge hit, like Asbel's Paragon and Malik's Time Traveler. If you survive the explosion (after a really easy fight), you will get a Proof of Another World. You can switch to Easy if you can't do it, but it should be any problems on Normal.
On the east side of the shuttle, in back, is Sophie's Silvered Vestments. If your approach the front of the shuttle you can watch the Belated Apologies skit.
Turtlez HQ
In Shuttle Mode, search for X Axis: 334 and Y Axis: 180, then enter the Turtlez HQ.
There isn't much here really, but speak to the smiley Turtlez to get the Businezz Application and Sophie's Gothic Lolita title. Afterwards, go all the way north to see the Sup, Peoplez? skit by the waving Turtlez.
If you haven't alread, go to the Knight Academy in Barona and talk to Victoria in her study on the left side behind the doors. Afterwards, the Turtlez with the smiley near the entrance of Turtlez HQ (go there) will sell you Aston's Sword for 120,000 Gald. This is the sword you had at the beginning of the game.
Fendel Glacier Ruins
Head to the valkines all the way inside, getting the Music Makers skit at the save, and check behind the warp for a hidden door that leads to an Arcane Bottle, Elixir, 4546 Gald, and Grape Gel x2. If you check the star, you get Kurt's Pendant and Malik's Unable to Die title. The new chest also contains the Abyssal Vestments. Head back to the warp and leave.
Barona Catacombs
Head to the location where we first saw Lambda and find a shining spot that contains a Ship Model. There is also the It Happens to Everyone! skit just to the south at the save.
You can head to Lhant now and turn the Ship Model in at the maid in Lhant Manor for Asbel's Honorary Knight title. While here, go upstairs to Asbel's desk to see the Model Siblings skit and check the room to the right of the save downstairs to bump into Joe and his gang to receive the Requiem and Mabo Curry x10. You can talk to them again for another scene.
Now go the Cheria's and plant the Cat Pine Seeds for a scene and the skit The Mystery Seed. You'll have to wait a little while to get the scene at the Item Shop, so we will be back a bit later.
Barona Castle
In the castle lobby, head to the save and watch the Single Entendre skit. Head to the throne room and talk to Dalen and you will receive Asbel's Inheritor of Excalibur title. Back in the castle lobby, go east four screens and then enter the northwest room. Follow the path west until you reach the chest with 5760 Gald. Now, take the northern left and right rooms in the hallway for an Elixir and a Pearl Windthread.
Go back to Inn and on save to trigger the Where Credit is Due skit.
Katz Korner
If you return to Katz Korner, you can now turn in the Liquisilk Fabric, Pearl Windthread, and Shark Fin for Hubert's Modern Youth, Cheria's Innocent Maiden titles and Scarlet Vestments for Pascal.
Telos Astue
Head to the save on the 1F of Telos for the skit Target Practice. Exit south to Region 13.
Bathus Citadel
Go south from Tels Astue entrance, then east, then south, up the hill and east to Region 66 Make your way to far east, and then north to enter the Citadel. Make your way to the final area of Bathus Citdale on the top, grabbing the skit A Desolate World at the save, a star for another Drill and Malik's Model Soldier title.
You can now go to Lhant and head to the star next to the Item Shop to get a scene and a Melon. They will now be added to the Lhant shop.
Seaside Cavern
Fast-travel to Seaside Cavern, follow the path north until you find a new chest with a Tuning Fork and then continue to the save near the Deathglow Algae for the skit ...And Back Again. Head to Barona Inn and turn in the Tuning Fork for a scene, the Amber Vestments, and Cheria's Emotive Pianist title. There is also a skit Where Credit is Due at the save if you've missed it. Now go to the Knight Academy and talk to Victoria if you haven't already.
There is one valkines here in Barona, Castle District, Northwest up the stairs. Go there, save beforehand and try to beat first out of 3 Chroma Dragon bosses.
Boss: Gloandrake
Your first dragon! It's also the weakest of them all. With Sophie and Cheria set at Balanced mode, and Malik on Aggresive B-Arts - you should easy win even on Normal. I did, and it was a bit hard, but totally doable. Healing is a must. Try to avoid his magic, especially during the last half of his HP when he starts getting harder. You will get Dragon's Tooth for winning, although getting weapons is rare. Gloandrake's Cryas is also a drop, which you get.
Before leaving Barona, head to the house that is near the Royal Sanctuary and talk to the man inside. You will receive the Treasured Picture, which can be turned in at the Inn in Sable Izolle.
Strahta Desert Ruins
You can try to beat second out of 3 Chroma Dragon bosses.
Boss: Duplewyrm
This Dragon is mostly the same as the first one, but it has much more health and takes a lot of damage. I was level 63 and it was a struggle onb Normal, but also very doable. You may try on Easy if you struggle. Like the one before, this dragon starts using magic after you deplete half of his hp, so avoid his freeze attacks, they are easily dodgable. You may win a rare weapon such as Dragonbone Darts for Cheria, and you get Duplewyrm's Cryas for winning.
Fendel Glacier Ruins
Make your way all the way where you've fought Kurt. Inspect the valkines to get the Forbrannir discovery. Exit either south or northwest and return to see a start. This is the last out of 3 Chroma Dragon bosses.
Boss: Forbrawyvern
Boy, this one is hard. I had to try on Easy, although I was close even on Normal. His second phase is over the top, make sure to heal to dodge constantly. His spinning tail attacks are the worst. For winning, you get Forbrawyvern's Cryas.
North Yu Liberte Port
Head to North Yu Liberte Port and talk to the sailor on the port for a scene and get Hubert's Hot-Blooded title. You can now follow him to Sable Izolle, near the Inn, and talk to him to gain a Carbon Rod.
At the Velanik Inn, watch the Fire in the Hole skit at the save. Now, go in the backstage area and talk to the man for a scene. You can now turn in the 5 Best Princess Stories to the Inn for a play and Malik's Best Supporting Actor title. Afterward, head to the backstage area again for the They're So Method skit.
Head to the Inn for another skit at the save, The Smell Test. Assuming you've been keeping up with Dualizing, you should be able to turn in the final three dolls to the little girl to get Lara's Medal, and Sophie's Lara's Bestie title.
To get these, you will need 3 Stuffed Dolls: Puffpetal Down (Exit south from Barona and pick them up from the discovery point a bit to the south) + Balloon Cloth (Make Caustic by combining Hazardous Liquid and Venomous Needle. Then combine Caustic and Puffpetal Down)
- Estelle Plushie: Dualize a Stuffed Doll with Imperial Crest
- Mizuchan Plushie: Dualize a Stuffed Doll with Toxic Fluid
- Prince Plushie: Dualize a Stuffed Doll with Bizarre Clump
After the event, watch the Comprehensive Care skit and then return to the girls room for Sophie's Therapeutic Slicers.
Port Zavhert
At Port Zavhert, check up on the Carta King and you should have enough cards for the Mastery Tonic G if you haven't got it already. Board the ship here in the port (talk to the captain) and select ????? for the destination. Be ready for a fight and receive the Strahta Ratchet and Malik's Barmaster Candidate title.
You can now go to Barona's Pub and talk to the man inside for an event where Malik tends to the bar.
Fendel Tower
Head inside and get the Two Birds skit at the save. Now, take the elevator under the right stairs to B10. Talk to the man on this floor for a scene, the Evidence of Espionage, and Pascal's Patriot of Fendel title. Now, head into the dark corridor. Start by turning the first and second valve and then head across. Move the platform to the left side and walk across to take the lift down. Turn both valves by using the platform and then ride it back to the right and use the walkway to go left and turn the last valve back on. Ride the new platform left and descend. Grab the 555 Unit(s) of Eleth and leave to the south.
Enter the next corridor and turn the valve before taking the lift down. Ride the right-side lift up and grab the Hazardous Liquid before turning the valve. Walk across and then turn the left valve back on and descend again. Take the left lift down to a new floor and turn the valve. Now, ride the platform to the right and turn the right valve only to cross to the new floor.
Grab the Venomous Needle and Book of Expansion (hidden behind a crate) and then ride the elevator to the 1F.
Fendel Research Lab
Take the lift to Fourier's Lab and leave through the southern door to access the skit Inspiring Ire at the save. Now, go right and there is a star event with a fight. Your reward is the Pondslopper. The room above the star should holds the Gauss's Seal in the boxes in the corner.
Amarcian Enclave
Head to the save near the Inn for the Tall Tales skit. You can now play Shot Cube Levels 10-12 for the Mythril Shotstaff, Rare Shotstaff, and the Puzzle Master skit.
Head to the Overseer's Chamber to talk to Poisson and gain the Excalibur if you beat Aybsseon in the Ghardia Sharf. If you've followed the guide, all you need to repair the sword is ready, so repair it and enjoy in one of the best weapons in the game. Start tempering it, you will need it.
World's Eye
Head to World's Eye and go east, south, and east to a pod with a new chest that contains the Book of Audacity. Jump down the pit and go west twice for a Rare Tunic and a star event that rewards you with the Data Recorder and Sophie's Version 6.1 title. Exit
Humanoid Research Center
Before heading out, make the following items (use the Eleth Mixer to produce if you miss some):
- Soaring Crystal x2
- Overgrown Crystal x2
- Formless Crystal x2
- Hyperdense Crystal x2
- Artificial Crystal x2
- Moist Crystal x2
Move to Telos Astue, exit south, go south, east and north to reach it.
Start by heading to B4 South via B3 and watch the skit Just Between Us Gals at the save. Now, go back to B2 and head west, north, and east to a room with a star event. If you have the above materials, you can go ahead and watch the scene to gain Pascal's Brainiac title.
Warrior's Rest
You can now continue with the arena since you're like 5 times stronger. If you manage to be the Normal 25 stages challenge (you can start where you've died, each 5 floors is a checkpoint), you will fight Veigue at the top. He can be tough considering you only have arena items and Arts, so you might want to try on Easy if you can't beat him. He drops Laevatein.
You will get Hand-Drawn Map, Eleth Bottle EX, Jet-Black Overalls, and Victor's Badge. You can now challenge Master class. You also get a skit for winning.
Skits Hount
Gralesyde Inn - Just Between Us Guys
Wallbridge - Ulterior Motives (save point in Tower D Basement - first west tower, down ladder, and south)
Wallbridge Ruins - The Abridged Version (enter from Gralesyde Highroad and descend via the green to save point)
Orlen Woods - Cheria's Awakening (save near the village)
Border Fortress - Kicking Butt, Taking Names (quickest to come south from Fendel Borderlands. Exit from Velanik and just go southeast)
Lhant Hill - All Class (Friendship Tree)
Snowshroud Ruins - A Mother's Pride (save outside the boss room)
Yu Liberte - If you haven't already, turn in the Hand-Drawn Map at the Inn to get the skit What Goes Thump In the Night at the save point, although I've got the skit without turning in the map.
And with this, we are done with the side content (for now). Let's continue with the walkthrough.
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