Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 08 - Adulthood (Part VII)
This is the last main chapter in the game. The last boss under 60 seconds is no joke, I had to grind for 5 hours. Do yourself a favor - spam Diabolic Rage Art with Asbel 720 times to unlock a title and learn Incineration Wave. The rest is all about buffing yourself agains Nova monster types.
Related Guides:
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Arts
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Inn Requests
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Sidequests
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Titles
World's Eye
The save gives the skit A Word in Edgewise. There are two types of rooms here, one that sucks you up a level and one that swallows you down. Follow the path until you reach a split on the southern side, and take the right pod to go down a level. Follow this to another split and go into the pod nearby (to the left), but avoid the airway up. Instead, walk past and leave to the west. Follow the path south, grabbing the Syrup Bottle x2 before going east into the pod for a scene. Continue east and then grab the Arcane Bottle in the upper-right corner before you head south west to a pod. Head to the save and view the Under Observation skit. Check the big black object to get the Heart of Stone discovery, Legendary Metal, and In Its Clutches skit. Leave to the west.
Follow the path south and at the split, go east to get an Eleth Bottle C. Now head west into the pod. Start by activating the pink flower and walk up to the pink pillar to get the Touchy Subject skit. Activate both blue flowers. Cross the area to the northwest and activate the pink flower now to move the platform. Leave through the west and keep going that way until you reach a pod with Grape Gel x3. Hop into the flower to get sucked down and then grab the 780 Unit(s) of Eleth. Go right to get sucked back up.
Head west again and then north to grab the chest with 5200 Gald. Head back into the pod you came from, exit east, and go south at the split to get Life Bottle x3. Enter the nearby pod for a new puzzle. Start by touching the blue flower to open the paths up. Now, go west and activate the pink flower to move the platform, followed by the blue one next to it. Now, use the new platform to reach the northwest pink flower and move the second platform. Once that is done, use the blue flower next to it to lower the obstacles again. Now, activate the last pink flower in the top right corner to push the platform into the next room and then the blue one next to it to wither all flowers.
Head back outside and make your way to the northwest pod in this area and then go west and north to the right-side pod at the far north (but you can also enter the left one and drop). Drop down onto that platform you just moved and you will be at the third puzzle. Start with the nearest blue flower (no the one southwest), and then use the northwest pink one. Use the blue one beside you now and then use the southern-most pink one to push both platforms and then the blue one beside that. Head to the far west of this area and use the pink and blue here to wither the flowers. Finally, exit east first to grab the Book of Smithery and get sucked up. Head east, south, and west to get back to the second puzzle room where you can now reach the save and watch the skits No Matter What! and One for the Road. Save and follow the path to boss fights.
Boss: Richard (Transformed)
Richard is way stronger at this point. Be careful for his freezing arts, try to dodge and try to side-step as much as possible. He is weak against Human, Spirit, Nova, Strike, and Slow - this means a lof of skills works great against him
Boss: Emeraude
Emeraude's warps around anytime you start to get a good combo on her. Ranged fighters like Cheria and Malik really help for this battle. I always use Malik anyway, so just keep up with the Strategy and heal when needed. She can easily kill you with her aerial arts, so don't risk with the low Health.
Select Lhant and travel to the town. Head to Cheria's and plant the seeds you have and you should get the Magic Carta No. 24.
Head for the Lhant Manor and watch the scene. Inside, go to the save to see the skit Mutual Destruction before going to the study. When you have control again, visit the save once again for the skit The Value of Life and then head outside. After the long scene, you will have to head to Lhant Hill, so pack up and get going.
Lhant Hill
Outside Lhant Hill, stop at the crossroads to get the skit In Bloom. Now, continue to Lhant Hill for a scene. When you have control, head to the Friendship Tree and watch the skit What Did I Do Now?!. Now, return to Lhant for a scene.
You'll now need to find and talk to all your allies:
- Hubert: In the study
- Sophie: In the Manor gardens
- Malik: On the bridge
- Pascal: In the square
- Cheria: By the North gate
Now go back to the Manor and sleep in Asbel's room. In the morning you get a new set of titles for you and your allies:
- Asbel: Steadfast Young Man
- Sophie: Wish Maker
- Hubert: Heart of a Lhant
- Cheria: Dream Chaser
- Malik: Watchful Steward
- Pascal: Pride of the Amarcia
Before we go anywhere else, talk to Fourier to gain the Fluffy Muffler for Pascal. Head to the bridge and watch the skit Point of No Return. Make sure to head to Asbel's room for a chest with the Jade Vestments inside.
In the square in the northeast corner is a new cat that you can feed fish to. If this is your last cat, you can select "Meow?" to reach a new town called Katz Zorner. Let's go there!
All cat locations if you miss some of them:
- Lhant - In the square, northeast corner on the lower level
- Barona - Near the entrance to the Royal Sanctuary
- Gralesyde - At the port hiding in the Turtlez Transport alcove
- Oul Raye - Inside the cottage
- Sable Izolle - Outside the Research Tower
- Yu Liberte - Inside the White Wine Estate, Residential District
- Warrior's Roost - To the right of the Annals of Victory Discovery
- Velanik - Inside the house next to the Inn
- Zavhert - Inside of Fermat's house
- Amarcian Enclave - Outside of Pascal's place
Katz Korner
On the left side of this area is a Hourglass behind password that is "5", and Cat Pine Seeds just above. On the right side is the Magic Carta No. 40. In front of the merry-go-round, check the sign for the Catnip discovery and Rating Cats and Dogs skit. Talk to the only human near the pond who hints at a secret location. Now, return to Lhant and hit R3 to enter shuttle mode. Using the right analog, find the approx. location X Axis: 332 and Y Axis: -392 and hit L1. This will uncover Cat-Crazy Coot's House. Go ahead and visit and receive the Katz Dekoder and Katz Klothez. There is also a chest with Milk x3 here.
Go back to the Katz Korner, and check the shop in the northeast corner of the map (enter through the doors). They have their own Shop and Stamps. You can also view any scene or skits you have come across. There is also an Inn here for requests, and a skit Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
Go back to Lhant, press R3, choose Dungeons and head to Ghardia Shaft.
Ghardia Shaft
Head to the nearby save on the right and view the skit All the Way Down and then grab the Red Sage nearby. Warp down and grab the 7267 Gald from the northeast and then take the east lift down. There are two lifts here, take the southern-most one first to reach an Arithmos Core and return to take the other lift to a warp. Follow the path to another lift a descend.
Start by crossing the red, yellow and blue tiles to grab the All-Divide. Then go through the red, yellow and blue to reach Grape Gel x3. Go north through the red, and then to the northwest chest for another Arithmos Core. You will now need to step back on the blue tile to go back to the beginning. Follow the same path as before, but this time go to the save. Instead of warping, take the lift up for a fight and then take the lift again to get Life Bottle x2 and an Hourglass. If you take the southern lift, you get to fight the tough Abysseon. You can switch to easy if you struggle. Insert the Arithmos Core inside of him, defeat him, and you get the Argo Iris for the win. Go back up now, and take the western lift to a scene.
After the flashback, grab the 825 Unit(s) of Eleth and take the nearby warp. On the next floor, go south and grab the Holy Bottle x3 and then make your way to the lift and descend. Head northwest for a Book of Fortitude and then head to the save on the right to watch the All Smiles skit. The lift to the east leads to a Destinion fight, it's totally doable and it gives you a Omniweapon Fists for Sophie,a pretty decent weapon. Head back to the save and go south for 7830 Gald and a lift.
Another colored puzzle has you going through more colored tiles. For this one go:
North, West, North, North, North
East, North, Eleth Bottle C - walk back to teleport to entrance
North, West, North, North, West, North, North, Hourglass
West, South, South, Arithmos Core
South, South, Red Lavender
West, Elixir, Life Bottle x2
North, North, West, North, Red Rosemary
You can now take the lift to another scene. After the messed up flashback, watch the skit Glimpses of the Past, Part I and grab the Mastery Tonic C. Continue north to get the Gigantic Drill discovery and A Piece of History skit before heading southeast. At the save, watch the Emeraude's Mistake skit before you head to the warp. You can now take this as a shortcut to the surface, because we are going to do some sidequests.
Ghardia Shaft - Center & Depths
When you're done, we're going to proceed in Ghardia Sharf.
Take the warp back to the Center. Head north for a scene and then watch the skit Glimpses of the Past, Part II. Now, head for the save to see Hypothetically Speaking... skit. Head west from your location to find a Red Verbena and then continue west to a green device and use it. Go to the northeast and take the left warp to reach another Arithmos Core and grab the Green Crystal.
Head back to the green device and watch the skit Give it a Spin before using it twice. Now, take the northeastern warp to a pedestal and swap the Green Crystal for the Orange Crystal. Continue west until you reach the Panacea Bottle x2. Head south to a Peach Crystal and swap it for the Orange Crystal. Now, head back to the green device and use it once. You can now take the western warp and place the Peach Crystal in its pedestal. Take the nearby warp to reach a Red Saffron and Vespereon (defeat it).
Back at the green device again, use it twice and then take the eastern warp once again and follow it to an orange device in the south. Use this once and then warp back up one level where you can go east to fight Rebirtheon. Head west all the way, warp down and continue northwest to reach a Fatal Attraction, Syrup Bottle x2, and 840 Unit(s) of Eleth before taking the warp.
Start by heading east to grab the Mastery Tonic EX and then west for the Red Chamomile. To the south is a save where you can view the Getting Closer skit and then save.
This whole area is a set of 12 different branches, just like a clock. Let me tell you where you need to go (the directions are towards the clock orientation):
- 10 - Get The Forgotten Ones discovery and the Used Tools skit.
- 8 - Use the yellow device once.
- 7 - Pick up the Red Crystal.
- 11 - Put the Red Crystal in the pedestal and swap it for the White Crystal.
- 8 - Use the yellow device once.
- 4 - Get an Arithmos Core.
- 5 - Grab the Red Savory and use the blue device once.
- 1 - Put the White Crystal in the pedestal and swap it for the Purple Crystal.
- 2 - Grab the Eleth Bottle EX and put the Purple Crystal in the pedestal and swap it for the Blue Crystal
- 7 - Put the Blue Crystal in the pedestal.
- 6 - Pick up the Black Crystal.
- 1 - Put the Black Crystal in the pedestal and swap it for the White Crystal.
- 6 - Put the White Crystal in the pedestal.
Head to 12 for a fight and then a scene and the skit Glimpses of the Past, Part III. Now, grab the nearby Life Bottle x3 and warp to the Depths.
This is another checkpoint warp that can take you all the way to the surface. Follow the path and when you hit the split go north to the warp and grab the Arithmos Core. Backtrack to the clock area and take the 3/9 o'clock paths for the Symphonion/Phantasion. Return to the depths and follow the path south a bunch of times, ignoring the north warp that is a dead end, and grab the 870 Unit(s) of Eleth from a northern alcove, before continuing south to an eventual fight.
Boss: Proserpina
Not a hard one, but make sure to destroy the Nova Barrier when needed.
Keep following the path until you reach the final save and watch the skit What We Fight For. This is where we can try the last battle for the last battle trophy, so make sure you're prepared.
Preparation for Lambda Angelus trophy
This is a very important step. I was around level 77 after grinding a bit. You want to learn Incineration Wave with Asbel - use Diabolic Rage 720 times to unlock a title through which you can learn it. It's probably Asbel's best move.
To grind levels and titles, put on Hard difficulty. Set Miso Stew to cook after each fight, and start from the Bottom of Ghardia Shaft and make your way up through teleports. Just kill everyone and when you reach the big teleport, go out, fast-travel to some town, refil your Mixer and repeat.
You can also temper your weapons with shards and Dualize tempered weapons to extract some good Gems that can boost your attack against Nova type of monsters. Everything counts.
You can also use titles to raise your CC capacity, it helps. The more the grind, the easier it gets.
NOTE - During the epilogue chapter you will not be able to go to arena, nor turn the Inn requests. After beating the chapter you will gain access to all of that again.
Boss: Richard (Final)
Richard is the same as in the last fight. He is still weak against human, so Asbel's Infernal Torrent is the best move against him. It's also mandatory to have a Nova Art to break his barrier. My team was Asbel, Malik on Aggresive B Only arts strategy, Pascal the same, and Sophia Aggresive A arts only. I've managed to beat him under 1 min usually.
Boss: Lambda Angelus (Lambda Angelus in 60 seconds trophy)
This is probably the hardest boss to beat under 60 seconds at this point. My whole strategy evolved around using Hourglass and Arcane Bottles as much as possible to raise the combo and use Mystic Art moves whenever possible. Start by running towards the boss and using Arcane Bottle with Pascal. This should trigger Eleth Burst, so mash your best skills and use Hourglass during the burst to keep up the combo easier. Incineration Wave is great, but as long as you keep the combo it doesn't really matter. It's all about spaming Arcane Bottles and helping with Hourglass to raise the combo without Lambla blocking your attacks.
Save your game on a separate slot after the scenes. We can now begin our post-game journey.
Load your game-clear save, and you can get the following by simply changing the difficulty and beating the final bosses again.
Game Clear: Moderate
Game Clear: Hard
Game Clear: Evil
Game Clear: Chaos
Unlock Evil by fighting 200 battles on Hard. Unlock Chaos by fighting 300 battles on Evil.
There are two major choices at this point:
New Game + or Extras Menu > Lineage and Legacies (to continue the story in Future Arc). Lineage & Legacies let's you continue with your current supplies through a bonus story. I suggest doing this first.
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