Tales of Graces F Remastered - Chapter 07 - Adulthood (Part VI)
You next trophy-boss is weak agains Spirit, Nova, and Paralysis. It's also one of the easiest trophy fights, but still, prepare to do some combos to win easily. The chapter is not long, and it's good for grinding your titles if you need to.
Related Guides:
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Arts
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Inn Requests
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Sidequests
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Titles
You start in the cockpit. You can leave into the next room where a machine sells you some items. This is the same store as Telos Astue (the next town), so don't hesitate to buy the stuff now if you have the money. Exit to the south.
Region 13
Right after the scene you get Pascal's Reverent Sister title. Grab the possible sparkling point that can give you a rare Magic Carta No. 21, and the chest of Minced Meat x2. Head back into the shuttles cockpit for the skit A Question of Priorities. Back outside, go south and grab the possible sparkling point. Continue south to find a Magical Scarf, Tofu x2, Secret Fort discovery, 5278 Gald, and another sparkling point before going back to the shuttle.
Head west this time and grab the Secret Seed and head north. Grab the Finest Fur and then back up the path and to the west. Grab the Holy Bottle x3 and head for the save to see the skit No End in Sight and then take the warp.
Telso Astue
After the scene, head to the northeast building (Storerhouse) and check the big bucket for the Giant Tub discovery, Natto or Miso or Tofu, and skit Still Rancid After All These Years. All three ingredients have the possibility to be gotten through this one discovery. I suggest you get a Miso and make Miso Stew as it has an easy to trigger requirement and gives the most EXP to your Eleth Mixer. Do not worry if you don't get it.
Back outside, go to the northwest up the steps for another discovery called Tempus Aeturnum and the skit Ghost in the Machine. The save here offers another skit, Sticking Together. Finally, the machine to the west acts as a shop and Inn. Go ahead and rest for a scene.
Use the machine in the southeast/west to head up to the 2F. Enter the main building here and check the platforms if you want, the middle being the Emerald Hope discovery and giving you the A World Without a Pulse skit. Now take the platform to B1.
Once again, go toward the main building. Grab the Nameless Flower Seeds on your way up, on the side between 2 stairs, go up and warp to the shuttle bay for a Book of Enthusiasm - password is "1000". There's nothing else here, so go back to the elevator and go back to B1. Downstairs, head west for a quick scene and follow the child inside for another scene. When you have control, grab the Magic Carta No. 39 from the chest nearby. Head back to the 1F and get the skit The Knowledge to Save at the save. You can retry trying to get Miso at the Storehouse, I did and I've got one at this point. Go to Region 13.
Region 13
Head for that other warp on the eastern side for a scene, and then check the save to get the skit The "It" Factor. Now warp to the facility.
Humanoid Research Center
Follow the path east to the security door and watch the skit The Control Device in front. Take the warp that you just passed to the north. Examine the panel east, open the doors, and warp back to the previous room to advance north. Ignore the two rooms and head for the lift at the far north to see the skit What Are We Missing?. Now, grab a charged the battery from the right room and place it in the elevators device. Before we go, go back and grab a second battery. Now, take the lift to B1 South.
Head into the first room you come across and check the star for a scene that gets you a Drive Unit and Hubert's Lover of Lhant title. Open the chest for Grape Gel x2 and then leave. When you reach an intersection, go down to reach a Book of Exchanging. Return to the intersection and go right now to another warp. Take a left first to grab the Eleth Bottle C before examining the control panel. Now warp back and continue north to exchange a battery. Head to 1F and grab a new battery from the right room, and then take the lift to B1, place the charged battery and go to B2 South.
In the first room, grab the Rare Scabbard and then continue north. At the save, go down to reach a room with an All-Divide and then return and head right again. Watch the scene and when you have control again, check the right control panel for the Old Toy Blocks discovery. Head to the right of the room for another scene and Asbel's receives the Host to the Light title. Now, check the area for the Cornell's Legacy skit. Now, exit to the right.
Head up at the split to reach a room with an Elegant Feather and then head back and go down. Enter the first room and grab the Golden Bough before continuing north. At the lift, you need to place the charged battery in. Well, take the spent battery, head back to 1F and enter the left room and take the charged batter. Now head to B3 South via B2.
Head north and enter the first room to get 705 Unit(s) of Eleth and then head to the split, and down. There are two rooms you can enter here for the Misty Anklet, Tarlow-X discovery, and the Merely Old Junk skit. Go back to the intersection and head all the way up now to reach another warp. Use it, examine the control device down there, and then head back and continue north to a lift where you can exchange the last battery in and take it to B4 South (take the spent one, go to 1F again - you can use the last elevator, when it gets you to B2, examine it again and you'll be able to go directly to 1F).
Head for the save and watch the skit The Origin of the Amarcians and save. The next boss is the one that can give you a trophy, so it's good to prepare at this point. Lambda is weak agains Spirit, Nova, and Paralysis. Start preparing your team with weakness skills, level up if needed, and when you're ready head into the room for a scene.
Now head into the room for a scene. When you have control, examine all of the holograms before checking Richard and then get ready for a fight.
Boss: Lambda (Lambda in 60 seconds trophy)
The good news is - the boss i easily staggered. Attack with his weakness Arts and keep the combo. It should be a pretty easy fight by just staggering him, that really works. With your team set to Aggresive, with right skills - it's easy.
Head back to the save now and watch the skit The Reason Why. Head back, and right, follow the hallway and the lift up to B2 now, and follow the path to the lab on the far left. After the scene you get Sophie's Pact Maker title. Now, make your way to the surface.
Region 13
As you leave, check the save for the skit Sophie's Parents and then head to the southeast. Head to the Secret Fort discovery where you can get the skit Traces of Humanity, now that you have Emeraude with you. Go up the hill from there, and then east to reach Region 66.
Region 66
As you approach the save, watch the skit Your Bird Could Not Be Completed. Follow the path and at the split head north to Life Bottle x2 and Ancient Cloth. Return to the intersection now and go east. Follow the path along, grabbing the Elixir, until you reach a new split and go all the way east to a possible sparkling point wielding a rare possibility Magic Carta No. 28, chest with Rice x2, Unsettling Garden discovery, Lump of Clay, and the skit A World Run Dry.
Head all the way west until you get to a corner, and then north a bit. Take the first left to a possible sparkling point, an Amazing Bone, and a Natto x2. Take the north path to grab an Emperor's Claw and possible sparkling point. Go south to the corner, a bit east and take the northern path. This leads to a possible sparkling point, a star event, a Broken Brooch, and Sophie's Stirred from Detachment title. Grab the nearby 4860 Gald, save and enter Bathus Citadel.
Bathus Citadel
Instead of heading deepere into Bathus, go back outside to the save and watch the skit Fodra's Ultimate Weapons. Return and follow the path for a Monocle and then move the upper set of blocks right once and the lower set twice (getting the skit Intruder Defense while you're at it). Continue on the path to reach the 2F.
Follow the path to the next puzzle and continue on through the bottom door to get an Hourglass. You can now take the top path to reach the 3F lift after moving the left blocks front.
Head along the path until you reach an intersection and go south to the 4F and a Decaying Sword. Return to the previous floor/split and head east to a room with a Mastery Tonic C. Move the block here to the left twice and then watch the Simple Enough skit. Head through the door and take the lift up.
More details coming soon...
Related Guides:
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Arts
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Inn Requests
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Sidequests
- Tales of Graces F Remastered - Titles
You start in the cockpit. You can leave into the next room where a machine sells you some items. This is the same store as Telos Astue (the next town), so don't hesitate to buy the stuff now if you have the money. Exit to the south.
Region 13
Right after the scene you get Pascal's Reverent Sister title. Grab the possible sparkling point that can give you a rare Magic Carta No. 21, and the chest of Minced Meat x2. Head back into the shuttles cockpit for the skit A Question of Priorities. Back outside, go south and grab the possible sparkling point. Continue south to find a Magical Scarf, Tofu x2, Secret Fort discovery, 5278 Gald, and another sparkling point before going back to the shuttle.
Head west this time and grab the Secret Seed and head north. Grab the Finest Fur and then back up the path and to the west. Grab the Holy Bottle x3 and head for the save to see the skit No End in Sight and then take the warp.
Telso Astue
After the scene, head to the northeast building (Storerhouse) and check the big bucket for the Giant Tub discovery, Natto or Miso or Tofu, and skit Still Rancid After All These Years. All three ingredients have the possibility to be gotten through this one discovery. I suggest you get a Miso and make Miso Stew as it has an easy to trigger requirement and gives the most EXP to your Eleth Mixer. Do not worry if you don't get it.
Back outside, go to the northwest up the steps for another discovery called Tempus Aeturnum and the skit Ghost in the Machine. The save here offers another skit, Sticking Together. Finally, the machine to the west acts as a shop and Inn. Go ahead and rest for a scene.
Use the machine in the southeast/west to head up to the 2F. Enter the main building here and check the platforms if you want, the middle being the Emerald Hope discovery and giving you the A World Without a Pulse skit. Now take the platform to B1.
Once again, go toward the main building. Grab the Nameless Flower Seeds on your way up, on the side between 2 stairs, go up and warp to the shuttle bay for a Book of Enthusiasm - password is "1000". There's nothing else here, so go back to the elevator and go back to B1. Downstairs, head west for a quick scene and follow the child inside for another scene. When you have control, grab the Magic Carta No. 39 from the chest nearby. Head back to the 1F and get the skit The Knowledge to Save at the save. You can retry trying to get Miso at the Storehouse, I did and I've got one at this point. Go to Region 13.
Region 13
Head for that other warp on the eastern side for a scene, and then check the save to get the skit The "It" Factor. Now warp to the facility.
Humanoid Research Center
Follow the path east to the security door and watch the skit The Control Device in front. Take the warp that you just passed to the north. Examine the panel east, open the doors, and warp back to the previous room to advance north. Ignore the two rooms and head for the lift at the far north to see the skit What Are We Missing?. Now, grab a charged the battery from the right room and place it in the elevators device. Before we go, go back and grab a second battery. Now, take the lift to B1 South.
Head into the first room you come across and check the star for a scene that gets you a Drive Unit and Hubert's Lover of Lhant title. Open the chest for Grape Gel x2 and then leave. When you reach an intersection, go down to reach a Book of Exchanging. Return to the intersection and go right now to another warp. Take a left first to grab the Eleth Bottle C before examining the control panel. Now warp back and continue north to exchange a battery. Head to 1F and grab a new battery from the right room, and then take the lift to B1, place the charged battery and go to B2 South.
In the first room, grab the Rare Scabbard and then continue north. At the save, go down to reach a room with an All-Divide and then return and head right again. Watch the scene and when you have control again, check the right control panel for the Old Toy Blocks discovery. Head to the right of the room for another scene and Asbel's receives the Host to the Light title. Now, check the area for the Cornell's Legacy skit. Now, exit to the right.
Head up at the split to reach a room with an Elegant Feather and then head back and go down. Enter the first room and grab the Golden Bough before continuing north. At the lift, you need to place the charged battery in. Well, take the spent battery, head back to 1F and enter the left room and take the charged batter. Now head to B3 South via B2.
Head north and enter the first room to get 705 Unit(s) of Eleth and then head to the split, and down. There are two rooms you can enter here for the Misty Anklet, Tarlow-X discovery, and the Merely Old Junk skit. Go back to the intersection and head all the way up now to reach another warp. Use it, examine the control device down there, and then head back and continue north to a lift where you can exchange the last battery in and take it to B4 South (take the spent one, go to 1F again - you can use the last elevator, when it gets you to B2, examine it again and you'll be able to go directly to 1F).
Head for the save and watch the skit The Origin of the Amarcians and save. The next boss is the one that can give you a trophy, so it's good to prepare at this point. Lambda is weak agains Spirit, Nova, and Paralysis. Start preparing your team with weakness skills, level up if needed, and when you're ready head into the room for a scene.
Now head into the room for a scene. When you have control, examine all of the holograms before checking Richard and then get ready for a fight.
Boss: Lambda (Lambda in 60 seconds trophy)
The good news is - the boss i easily staggered. Attack with his weakness Arts and keep the combo. It should be a pretty easy fight by just staggering him, that really works. With your team set to Aggresive, with right skills - it's easy.
Head back to the save now and watch the skit The Reason Why. Head back, and right, follow the hallway and the lift up to B2 now, and follow the path to the lab on the far left. After the scene you get Sophie's Pact Maker title. Now, make your way to the surface.
Region 13
As you leave, check the save for the skit Sophie's Parents and then head to the southeast. Head to the Secret Fort discovery where you can get the skit Traces of Humanity, now that you have Emeraude with you. Go up the hill from there, and then east to reach Region 66.
Region 66
As you approach the save, watch the skit Your Bird Could Not Be Completed. Follow the path and at the split head north to Life Bottle x2 and Ancient Cloth. Return to the intersection now and go east. Follow the path along, grabbing the Elixir, until you reach a new split and go all the way east to a possible sparkling point wielding a rare possibility Magic Carta No. 28, chest with Rice x2, Unsettling Garden discovery, Lump of Clay, and the skit A World Run Dry.
Head all the way west until you get to a corner, and then north a bit. Take the first left to a possible sparkling point, an Amazing Bone, and a Natto x2. Take the north path to grab an Emperor's Claw and possible sparkling point. Go south to the corner, a bit east and take the northern path. This leads to a possible sparkling point, a star event, a Broken Brooch, and Sophie's Stirred from Detachment title. Grab the nearby 4860 Gald, save and enter Bathus Citadel.
Bathus Citadel
Instead of heading deepere into Bathus, go back outside to the save and watch the skit Fodra's Ultimate Weapons. Return and follow the path for a Monocle and then move the upper set of blocks right once and the lower set twice (getting the skit Intruder Defense while you're at it). Continue on the path to reach the 2F.
Follow the path to the next puzzle and continue on through the bottom door to get an Hourglass. You can now take the top path to reach the 3F lift after moving the left blocks front.
Head along the path until you reach an intersection and go south to the 4F and a Decaying Sword. Return to the previous floor/split and head east to a room with a Mastery Tonic C. Move the block here to the left twice and then watch the Simple Enough skit. Head through the door and take the lift up.
In the next room, move the red and yellow block against the northern wall to the right. Then the yellow block against the western wall to the front, allowing you to reach left door. Check the Military Insignia discovery and watch the skit My Responsibility. Now, go back and enter the northern door.
Grab the useful Book of Fortune and then move the yellow blocks left twice and the green ones right three times. Head through the door and grab the Panacea Bottle x3 and then exit to the south and board another lift.
Start by grabbing the Strange Gear and then head right. Follow it up a lift and west to reach the Debonaire Dandy and see what's making all the noise. Head back to the blocks now and move them left three times before exiting to the west. Grab the 4400 Gald and then head through the door to move the green blocks left three times. Take the lift up again.
Clear a path to the two doors by moving the closest set of yellow blocks Back and head through the northern door. Grab the 750 Unit(s) of Eleth and check out the Amarcian Key discovery. You also get an Amarcian Key and the It's Gotta Fit Somewhere skit. Move the lower set of yellow blocks right and the top set left. Ignore the left door, as it is a shortcut back the way you came, and head back to the south. Head through the right doors and north through a door to access the save point and the skit If Anyone Can Do It.... Head through the door for a fight.
Boss: Centurioid
Defeat the additional units when they arrive and keep doing that when it ocurrs. It's a pretty easy fight overal.
After the scene, you get the Derris Rings, Derris Bit and titles for everyone:
- Asbel: Enlightened Swordsman
- Malik: Enlightened Bladeranger
- Sophie: Protos Heis
- Hubert: Enlightened Gunner
- Cheria: Enlightened Healer
- Pascal: Enlightened Shotstaff
Do NOT take the warp. Head back to the save for the Where's My Ring? skit. Now you can warp out.
Region 66
Head for the Region 13 exit on the lower-left and watch the skit A New Kind of Terror at the save. Now head to Region 13.
Region 13
Head for Telos Astue, but stop at the save for the Show Me Your Resolve! skit and fight with Malik this time. There are still three potential outcomes and skits and you don't need to get the first two unless you want to see them, but win to get all 3 entries: Lose: Is That All?, Retry: Nothing But Talk, Win: The Power of Words and get Malik's Inveterate Teacher title.
One good combo from Malik can destroy you. His magic is fast and hits hard and if he stuns you, you're screwed. Even worse, if the Eleth Burst goes off you'll be dead from his Mystic Arte. Infernal Torrent will win this one for you, just dodge his attack by running close, get behing, Infernal Torrent, repeat. Enter Telos Astus.
Telos Astus
Head to the save point on the 1F for the skit Someone Has a Secret. Head to the shuttle bay via B1 northern portal, and view the scene. After the scene do not talk to Emeraude to proceed, go back south and enter the southwest house and talk to Psi. Back outside, check the area to the right of the main building steps for a star event for a fight to receive the Replacement Part. Turn this in at the Inn for a scene, plus you will receive the Epic Neck item.
On the east side of town is another little girl with a smiley, talk to her and then go to the 2F Records Room for a star event. You will receive the Memory Core. If you're ready, head for the shuttle, just note that you will not be able to leave the Cocoon once you're inside. This is a point of no return for a while. It's also the end of the chapter.
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