Like a Dragon: Ishin! Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Welcome to the Like a Dragon: Ishin! Trophy Guide. I've never played this Yakuza title, so I'm really hyped about it. It's a remake/remaster of Ishin game from 2014, change a little bit for better or worse, and the road to the platinum trophy is mostly the similar as it was before. Don't you just wait to play as Kiryu weilding katana? Yes, gimme!
As usual, you will have to beat the substories, beat the game on the highest difficulty (which is available from the start!), complete the compendium (which is reduced a bit, making this less tedious). Probably the highest difficulty will be Ultimate Challenges, which are similar to Yakuza 0, and some mini-games.
Step 1 - Complete the game up until Chapter 14, while you work on the substories, collecting as you play
The goods news is: you can play the game on any difficulty, make a save on the final chapter, beat the game, load the save, change to Legend difficulty and beat the game again. This unlock all difficulty-related trophies. It's good that you work on the side-content as that can get overwhelming later on, plus I will note down some chores that can give you some grind later, so it's also advisable to do them as you play the game. Nothing is missable, which is great!
Some tips for what to do as you progress through the game:
Grab items from Pots. This is part of Diligence Record requirements, and you are limited by the attempts at the given moment. Also pull items from Wells, and preay at Shrines. I would advise you to buy "Virtue Cultivation Level" upgrades from the Shrine beforehand (Unlocks in Chapter 2) as it increases the experience by up to 50%. Neat!
Grind money in Chapter 3. You can save your money up until the Chicken Race Betting, which is the fastest way to earn money. With this method you can easily breeze through the game, if you want to. I don't want to. But it's good to know there is a way! You can find details in the guide below under the Cocksure trophy.
Step 2 - Complete the game, load the save before the final boss, change to Leged
Like mentioned above, you can do this neat trick without having to replay the whole game again. If you load the save just before the final boss, you can change the diffuculty and finish the game like that to get rid of all difficulty-related trophies.
The point of no return is when you must speak with Otose at Teradays to travel to Tosa. Before doing that, you can freely explore the game and get rid of stuff you might miss or want to grind for. You can't change the difficulty after this point, so have that in mind as well.
Step 3 - Cleanup
Complete Diligence Record and Completion List. This will take most of your time. You can do the step 4 first and then come back to this one, but it's entirely up to you. Probably the Smithing will be the grindiest of them all, but if you grind as you play, it should be shorter at the end.
Step 4 - Ultimate Challenges
Beating an ultimate challenge unlocks an item in the main game. This is why you can do this step before the step 3, but like I said, it's entirely up to you. Ultimate challenges are set of challenges with set skills and items, and you have to make the best out of it. It's really similar like in Yakuza 0, so it will take a bit of time and practice to get them all out of the way.
Step 5 - Enjoy the game
This one is great! Enjoy your time and happy hunting!
Save/Load trick:
To advance the time in between raising bond with NPC's, you can save and load your game. This shortens time and making it easy and fast to max out the bond with someone.
List of topics
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Completion List
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Diligence Records
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Fishing
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Friendships and Bondings
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Masters of Combat Locations
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Memoirs
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Money Farming
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Revelations
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Smithing
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Substories
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Ultimate Challenges
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Wanted Man Missions
Good luck! Unlock all other trophies for this one, as usual.
If you load the save just before the final boss, you can change the diffuculty and finish the game like that to get rid of all difficulty-related trophies.
The point of no return is when you must speak with Okita in the Barracks to travel to Tosa. Before doing that, you can freely explore the game and get rid of stuff you might miss or want to grind for. You can't change the difficulty after this point, so have that in mind as well.
For the equipment I had weapons that I got during the story, I exchanged some Virtue points for healing items in the Virtue shop by the priest, I collected some legendary trooper by playing the Barrack dungeons and beating the opponents in town, plus when you finish some sidestories some NPC's will try to join your squad. I also never grind levels or skills, I just finished almost all Dojo trainin missions. Save yourself some time and simply beat this dungeon on Legend difficulty as soon as you reach this point in story. It's not that hard.
0:00 - Legend difficulty preparation and access
1:25 - Save if you want, speak with Okita and enter the last dungeon
1:35 - Final Dungeon start, First Area
3:45 - Sasaki Tadasaburo boss
8:22 - Final Dungeon, Second Area
12:03 - Ito Kashitaro boss
15:30 - Fingal Dungeon, Third Area
21:27 - Thomas Glover boss
25:15 - Final Dungeon, Last Boss
Ultimate Challenge is unlocked after completing the game. If you remember Yakuza 0, you can enter these from the main menu. Each is a challenge on it's own, but it shouldn't be a big challenge. There are 30 challenges:
Completion List is basicaly a list of everything you do in this game. It's either for completing substories, defeating a certain number of enemies, maxing out bonds with NPC's, running for a certain distance in the town... Trophies related to filling the completion list requires from you to complete it 100%. It's not hard, but it's really time-consuming.
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Completion List
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Diligence Records
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Friendships and Bondings
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Substories
Completion List is basicaly a list of everything you do in this game. It's either for completing substories, defeating a certain number of enemies, maxing out bonds with NPC's, running for a certain distance in the town... Trophies related to filling the completion list requires from you to complete it 100%. It's not hard, but it's really time-consuming.
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Completion List
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Diligence Records
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Friendships and Bondings
Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Substories
Virtue is a reward for basically everything. When you Pray on shrines, when you chop woods, when you finish some substory, when you fight, when you inspect pots, when you scavange the wells.... It's really easy to reach 10,000 points.
Virtue is a reward for basically everything. When you Pray on shrines, when you chop woods, when you finish some substory, when you fight, when you inspect pots, when you scavange the wells.... Earn 50,000 points in total to unlock the trophy.
Virtue is a reward for basically everything. When you Pray on shrines, when you chop woods, when you finish some substory, when you fight, when you inspect pots, when you scavange the wells.... Earn 100,000 points in total to unlock the trophy.
Virtue is a reward for basically everything. When you Pray on shrines, when you chop woods, when you finish some substory, when you fight, when you inspect pots, when you scavange the wells.... Earn 300,000 points in total to unlock the trophy.
Dillingence Records are basically like a Completion List, just a different list (yes, double the trouble). It can consist of obtaining a certain number of items from pots around town, for eating at restourants, drawing water from wells, petting your animals, collecting eggs on your farm, praying at jizo statues... You name it. For all related trophies, you will need to complete the whole Dilligence Records list:
Dillingence Records are basically like a Completion List, just a different list (yes, double the trouble). It can consist of obtaining a certain number of items from pots around town, for eating at restourants, drawing water from wells, petting your animals, collecting eggs on your farm, praying at jizo statues... You name it. For all related trophies, you will need to complete the whole Dilligence Records list:
Dillingence Records are basically like a Completion List, just a different list (yes, double the trouble). It can consist of obtaining a certain number of items from pots around town, for eating at restourants, drawing water from wells, petting your animals, collecting eggs on your farm, praying at jizo statues... You name it. For all related trophies, you will need to complete the whole Dilligence Records list:
Dillingence Records are basically like a Completion List, just a different list (yes, double the trouble). It can consist of obtaining a certain number of items from pots around town, for eating at restourants, drawing water from wells, petting your animals, collecting eggs on your farm, praying at jizo statues... You name it. For all related trophies, you will need to complete the whole Dilligence Records list:
There are numerous bonds you can unlock/establish with NPC's throghout the game. Most of them comes from simply visiting some restaurant, some come from finishing the substories. All details about how to unlock them and which items to bring can be found under the next topic.
There are numerous bonds you can unlock/establish with NPC's throghout the game. Most of them comes from simply visiting some restaurant, some come from finishing the substories. All details about how to unlock them and which items to bring can be found under the next topic.
You can simply get a list of all restaurants by pressing the triangle button when on the map view. Then, visit them, and order at least 1 meal. Also, there are other areas like Mibu and others where you can find more restaurants.
Full list coming soon...
Substories are unlocked in Chapter 2. There are usually unlocked by talking to certain NPC's or by walking closely by some of them at or after certain events. You will have to complete them all in order to unlock all substory-related trophies. More details and a complete guide can be found under the next topic:
Substories are unlocked in Chapter 2. There are usually unlocked by talking to certain NPC's or by walking closely by some of them at or after certain events. You will have to complete them all in order to unlock all substory-related trophies. More details and a complete guide can be found under the next topic:
Substories are unlocked in Chapter 2. There are usually unlocked by talking to certain NPC's or by walking closely by some of them at or after certain events. You will have to complete them all in order to unlock all substory-related trophies. More details and a complete guide can be found under the next topic:
There are 3 master of combat dojos to be found. Completing 1 challenge in each (thus learing a new style skill) will unlock this trophy:
Soul Orbs are given to you when you level up your base level or any other fighting style level. Since you need to reach level 99 for Limit Breaker trophy, there is no way that you'll miss out on unlocking 10 abilities with given orbs. To learn new abilities, open the menu and select "Abilities", then just spend your orbs on any tree nodes.
As you need to reach level 99 for Limit Breaker trophy, this will be on your way and thus unmissable.
To unlock this trophy you must reach level 99 first. Your next stop is to learn all there is from all 3 Dojo masters (William Bradley, Komaki, and Ginryu), and challenge them when you reach level 99 at Komaki’s Dojo. Speak with Komaki after all prerequisites to fight them, which will reset your level to level 1, and you'll be able to gain Soul Orbs again, plus that unlocks this trophy.
Arena can be found in Mukurogai, on the second floor in one of the 2 buildings you can enter. To unlock this trophy you just need to beat 10 opponets, which is not a hard task. Repeating the wins agains an already beaten enemies also counts.
Have in mind that the arena-related completion list requires from you to beat all enemies and buy all items from the shop (with enemy points) - so this one will be unlocked along the way.
Revelations are like special skills/abilities that you unlock by repeating that action until you can trigger a heat action, and then you'll learn the revelation from the abilities upgrade screen in your menu. Each requires a book of revelation, and there are 8 (2 for each style).
If you visit Blacksmith, you can craft and enhance equipment with appropriate resources. For completing the Completion List entry for enhancing the equipment, you need 45 unique enhancements, so you need 55 more to unlock this trophy. It's good to leave this one for the end when you start working on your Completion List and smithing in general.
Special moves are tied to R2 button, and each style has it's own. You learn them at dojos (master of combat), and the first one will be for Brawler style, but it's not the best for this trophy as it targets only one enemy. Use special move for Gunslinger and Wild Dancer Style.
You will unlock Battle Dungeons during the story in Chapter 5 (at Shinsengumi Barracks). There are 10 stages per a dungeon, and sum of 40 different challenges that you must beat to unlock all related trophies. As you also have to grind materials a bit, repeating battle dungeons will for sure unlock all related trophies without even trying.
You will unlock Battle Dungeons during the story in Chapter 5 (at Shinsengumi Barracks). There are 10 stages per a dungeon, and sum of 40 different challenges that you must beat to unlock all related trophies. As you also have to grind materials a bit, repeating battle dungeons will for sure unlock all related trophies without even trying.
You will unlock Battle Dungeons during the story in Chapter 5 (at Shinsengumi Barracks). There are 10 stages per a dungeon, and sum of 40 different challenges that you must beat to unlock all related trophies. As you also have to grind materials a bit, repeating battle dungeons will for sure unlock all related trophies without even trying.
You will unlock Battle Dungeons during the story in Chapter 5 (at Shinsengumi Barracks). There are 10 stages per a dungeon, and sum of 40 different challenges that you must beat to unlock all related trophies. As you also have to grind materials a bit, repeating battle dungeons will for sure unlock all related trophies without even trying.
You need to hire 100 unique troopers after unlocking the Battle dungeons and troopers. There are 400 in total, so 100 is not a big deal.
You can aquire new troopers in a few ways:
- By using the Enlist option in the Battle Dungeon menu
- After clearing Battle Dungeons
- After beating enemies with shiny red, silver, or gold headbands on the street
Complete the second Wanted Men mission in Mukurogai (out of 16). You can start working on wanted mens in Chapter 2 by visiting the second floor in Mukurogai (one of the 2 building you can enter up there). Inspect the flyiers on the wall and then you must find the targets (usually they are in the town).
You can starting farming soon into the story when you unlock Another Life. You start with Daikons, but you can unlock more plants/vegetables from the Virtue shrine where you can spend your Virtue points. Unlock 10 diffent kind of plants, saw them and reap later. Simple.
You can cook in Another Life by entering the house and inspecting the cutting board. You need fish, plants and vegetables to cook, and of course some recipes (there are enough for this trophy by default). Complete sequences of mini-games to cook the meal, and do so for 7 different dishes.
In Another Life, across the cooking cutting board there is a closet. Inspect it and you can trade your farm resources using Haruka. Do so for 10 orders to unlock the trophy (really easy).
To start fishing visit fishing point, there is one southeast of Teradaya, the man by the boat directly south of Teradaya Inn, or the River on the east side of Mukurogai. You don't need a bait to catch 10 fish, but you will need more strategy for catching all types of fish for the Completion List.
Slice of Life is an event with Haruka in Another Life. As you raise her meter, interract with the futon inside the house when you will up the second petal to trigger one. Other 2 can be triggered when you interract with the bath, and the bed at night (the last 2 are only needed for completing Diligence Records).
When you unlock Another Life, you'll meet Haruka and learn about her debt (100 ryo). You need to make payments of 20 ryo at times, then you can meet the landlord at the Shrine in Fushimi. To do so, collect cash from the trade orders first for 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 ryo to unlock the payment options along the way. If you need more money check out the Money farming topic where you can find easy and fast money farming methods.
First, purchase at least one of the Interior options at Shrine with your Virtue. You can find them at the bottom of the "Second Home" list, named "Newly Furnished Interior", "Floral Dream Interior", and "Golden Soiree Interior". It's not enough just to buy them with the points, you need to visit Another Life, enter the house, and examine the walls to change the interior manually.
This trophy is unlocked for playing every minigame, both gambling and non-gambling games. This also unlocks Easy Come, Easy Go trophy along the way, as they are connected and they have similiar requirements. A lof the minigames have their own Completion List requirements, which will require you to either beat all stages, get some scores etc.
- Woodcutting at the southwest corner in Fushimi
- Fishing, southeast corner in Fushimi
- Udon Shop at Umai Udon located in Fushimi
- Mahjong at Mahjong Spot located in Mukurogai (the only one in the game)
- Courtesan Games at Yamabuki located in Gion:
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Sake Showdown
- Sensual Healing
- Buyo Dance (Fan Dancing) at Nichibuza located in Rakunai
- Singing (Karaoke) at Utamarua located in Fushimi
- Shogi at Shogi Parlor located in Rakunai
- Chicken Races at Chicken Racing located in Rakugai
- Gambling Den minigames at Gambling Den located in Rakugai
- Cee-lo
- Cho-han
- Koi-koi
- Oicho-kabu
- Poker of any type
Check details under The Man Who Does It All trophy, which by unlocking also unlocks this one.
Udon Shop is located at Umai Udon in Fushimi. By raising the bond there you will unlock Udon Shop minigame, where you need to memorize sequence of buttons and repeat them after the customers are done with the order. You also need to earn 5 Ryo in one session for the Completion List. The easiest way is to pause the game during the request, write down the buttons, and just read from the paper.
Go to Utamaruya and complete any difficulty for all 7 karaoke songs to unlock this trophy. You will need "Preferred Performer" grade title on all songs for the Completion List, but not for this trophy though.
Visit Nichibuza and beat the 3 dance stages at least once on any difficulty to unlock the trophy. You will need more for the Completion List, like beating different difficulties, but for this trophy it's not needed.
Place 5 bets on any chicken race at the Chicken Racing den in Rakugai. You will get to that part of the town in Chapter 2, so all you have to do is buy some tags, place a bet and watch the race for 5 times, no matter the outcome.
This is also one of the best ways to earn good amount of money soon, so if you want you can refer to the next topic for details:
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In the patch 1.03, the Chicken Racing glitch can still be done

Foggy commented, related to Trophy Guide Article
on March 12, 2023 at 14:55h
In the patch 1.03, the Chicken Racing glitch can still be done
Still works after patch 1.04 that was released today! Good news :)