Like a Dragon: Ishin! - Revelations

Revelations are like special skills/abilities that you unlock by repeating that action until you can trigger a heat action, and then you'll learn the revelation from the abilities upgrade screen in your menu. Each requires a book of revelation, and there are 8 (2 for each style).

0:00 - Scarecrow Chateau (Book of Revelations: Strike & Book of Revelations: Evasion)
0:45 - Komaki, Master of Brawler Style (Book of Revelations: Throw)
3:43 - Ginryu, Master of Swordsman and River Dancer (Book of Revelations: Flash & Book of Revelations: Frenzy)
10:20 - Book of Revelations: Smash
11:00 - William, Master of Gunman Style (Book of Revelations: Spree)
11:43 - Book of Revelations: Gust
- Brawler Heat Action: Essence of Reverse Throw Heat Action
12:37 - Brawler Heat Action: Essence of Grand Bruising
13:03 - Swordsman Heat Action: Gleaming Scythe
13:27 - Swordsman Heat Action: Essence of Mincemeat
14:07 - Gunman Heat Action: Essence of Oh-Be-Joyful
14:32 - Gunman Heat Action: Essence of Old Scratch
14:57 - Wild Dancer Heat Action: The Bloody Wheel
15:25 - Wild Dancer Heat Action: Dance of Mourning
15:50 - Break Style Cap Level

Brawler Revelations

Book of Revelations: Throw (Essence of Reverse Throw)

Earned from the final training session with Komaki. Parry attacks with L1 button when they're about to hit you, and use the heat action after you successfully pull a parry. It takes some time for heat action to appear, so keep on parrying.

Book of Revelations: Strike (Essence of Grand Bruising)

Earned from completing Scarecrow Chateau (Rakugai, northeast of the bridge to Mukurogai, talk to the guy in front), Advanced Room 10 for the first time. Now that you have the book, you can work on the Essence. Basically it's parry again, but keep attacking after the parry to attack in invulnerability mode. Eventually, after parry, heat action prompt will appear and you will unlock this one (it appears after the parry, not while you combo after parry).

Swordsman Revelations

Book of Revelations: Flash (Gleaming Scythe)

Earned from the final training session with Ginryu.

First, you need to unlock the ability "Splendid Skill: Fair Weather" (Swordsman tree). Guard with L1 and press and press the triangle button just when an enemy is about to hit you. That will push back the enemy, and evetually you will get a heat prompt after that happens.

Book of Revelations: Smash (Essence of Mincemeat)

Earned from defeating the 8th target in the Wanted Men missions (second floor in Mukurogai, one of the 2 buildings you can enter).

Break enemy guards with circle button when they guard against you. The heat action comes after breaking enemy's guard.


Book of Revelations: Spree (Essence of Oh-Be-Joyful)

Earned from the final training session with William.

First, unlock the ability "Jumping Shots" in the Gunmans Ability tree. I got this prompt when an enemy was on the floor, after shooting an enemy from the side. Try running towards them. During that attack you can get a heat prompt.

Book of Revelations: Gust (Essence of Old Scratch)

Unlocked from trading it from one of the men in William’s hideout.

Prepare 5 Carved Wooden Bears (Battle Dungeons, as a random enemy drop. You can also go to the Arena in Mukurogai and grind for it as well. Each Carved Wooden Bear is 5,000 points). First, unlock the Gunman ability "Texas Two-Step". That one comes from training with William. You need to dodge with X, but dodge forward, then attack with the square button so you tackle an enemy. When you do that, the heat action should appear eventually.

Wild Dancer Revelations

Book of Revelations: Frenzy (The Bloody Wheel)

Earned from the final training session with Ginryu.

Just keep attacking enemies with the circle combo, and the heat prompt will appear before the gun attack after the second sword hit.

Book of Revelations: Evasion (Dance of Mourning)

Earned from completing Scarecrow Chateau, Hell Room 10 for the first time.

Dodge enemy attacks with X button and heat prompt will appear after dodging.

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